path: root/src/xmpp_stream_out.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/xmpp_stream_out.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1321 deletions
diff --git a/src/xmpp_stream_out.erl b/src/xmpp_stream_out.erl
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index 171eef033..000000000
--- a/src/xmpp_stream_out.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1321 +0,0 @@
-%%% Created : 14 Dec 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
-%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne
-%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
-%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%%% General Public License for more details.
-%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
--define(GEN_SERVER, p1_server).
--protocol({rfc, 6120}).
--protocol({xep, 114, '1.6'}).
--protocol({xep, 368, '1.0.0'}).
-%% API
--export([start/3, start_link/3, call/3, cast/2, reply/2, connect/1,
- stop/1, send/2, close/1, close/2, bind/2, establish/1, format_error/1,
- set_timeout/2, get_transport/1, change_shaper/2]).
-%% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-%%-define(DBGFSM, true).
--define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]).
--define(FSMOPTS, []).
--define(TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT, 15000).
--type state() :: map().
--type noreply() :: {noreply, state(), timeout()}.
--type host_port() :: {inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), boolean()} | ip_port().
--type ip_port() :: {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number(), boolean()}.
--type h_addr_list() :: {{integer(), integer(), inet:port_number(), string()}, boolean()}.
--type network_error() :: {error, inet:posix() | inet_res:res_error()}.
--type tls_error_reason() :: inet:posix() | atom() | binary().
--type socket_error_reason() :: inet:posix() | atom().
--type stop_reason() :: {idna, bad_string} |
- {dns, inet:posix() | inet_res:res_error()} |
- {stream, reset | {in | out, stream_error()}} |
- {tls, tls_error_reason()} |
- {pkix, binary()} |
- {auth, atom() | binary() | string()} |
- {bind, stanza_error()} |
- {socket, socket_error_reason()} |
- internal_failure.
--export_type([state/0, stop_reason/0]).
--callback init(list()) -> {ok, state()} | {error, term()} | ignore.
--callback handle_cast(term(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_call(term(), term(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_info(term(), state()) -> state().
--callback terminate(term(), state()) -> any().
--callback code_change(term(), state(), term()) -> {ok, state()} | {error, term()}.
--callback handle_stream_start(stream_start(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_stream_established(state()) -> state().
--callback handle_stream_downgraded(stream_start(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_stream_end(stop_reason(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_cdata(binary(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_send(xmpp_element(), ok | {error, inet:posix()}, state()) -> state().
--callback handle_recv(fxml:xmlel(), xmpp_element() | {error, term()}, state()) -> state().
--callback handle_timeout(state()) -> state().
--callback handle_authenticated_features(stream_features(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_unauthenticated_features(stream_features(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_auth_success(cyrsasl:mechanism(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_auth_failure(cyrsasl:mechanism(), binary(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_bind_success(state()) -> state().
--callback handle_bind_failure(stanza_error(), state()) -> state().
--callback handle_packet(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state().
--callback tls_options(state()) -> [proplists:property()].
--callback tls_required(state()) -> boolean().
--callback tls_verify(state()) -> boolean().
--callback tls_enabled(state()) -> boolean().
--callback resolve(string(), state()) -> [host_port()].
--callback sasl_mechanisms(state()) -> [binary()].
--callback dns_timeout(state()) -> timeout().
--callback dns_retries(state()) -> non_neg_integer().
--callback default_port(state()) -> inet:port_number().
--callback connect_options(inet:ip_address(), list(), state()) -> list().
--callback address_families(state()) -> [inet:address_family()].
--callback connect_timeout(state()) -> timeout().
- handle_cast/2,
- handle_call/3,
- handle_info/2,
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3,
- handle_stream_start/2,
- handle_stream_established/1,
- handle_stream_downgraded/2,
- handle_stream_end/2,
- handle_cdata/2,
- handle_send/3,
- handle_recv/3,
- handle_timeout/1,
- handle_authenticated_features/2,
- handle_unauthenticated_features/2,
- handle_auth_success/2,
- handle_auth_failure/3,
- handle_bind_success/1,
- handle_bind_failure/2,
- handle_packet/2,
- tls_options/1,
- tls_required/1,
- tls_verify/1,
- tls_enabled/1,
- resolve/2,
- sasl_mechanisms/1,
- dns_timeout/1,
- dns_retries/1,
- default_port/1,
- connect_options/3,
- address_families/1,
- connect_timeout/1]).
-%%% API
-start({local, Mod}, Args, Opts) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:start({local, Mod}, ?MODULE, [Mod|Args], Opts ++ ?FSMOPTS);
-start(Mod, Args, Opts) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:start(?MODULE, [Mod|Args], Opts ++ ?FSMOPTS).
-start_link({local, Mod}, Args, Opts) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:start_link({local, Mod}, ?MODULE, [Mod|Args], Opts ++ ?FSMOPTS);
-start_link(Mod, Args, Opts) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:start_link(?MODULE, [Mod|Args], Opts ++ ?FSMOPTS).
-call(Ref, Msg, Timeout) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:call(Ref, Msg, Timeout).
-cast(Ref, Msg) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:cast(Ref, Msg).
-reply(Ref, Reply) ->
- ?GEN_SERVER:reply(Ref, Reply).
--spec connect(pid()) -> ok.
-connect(Ref) ->
- cast(Ref, connect).
--spec stop(pid()) -> ok;
- (state()) -> no_return().
-stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- cast(Pid, stop);
-stop(#{owner := Owner} = State) when Owner == self() ->
- terminate(normal, State),
- exit(normal);
-stop(_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
--spec send(pid(), xmpp_element()) -> ok;
- (state(), xmpp_element()) -> state().
-send(Pid, Pkt) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- cast(Pid, {send, Pkt});
-send(#{owner := Owner} = State, Pkt) when Owner == self() ->
- send_pkt(State, Pkt);
-send(_, _) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
--spec close(pid()) -> ok;
- (state()) -> state().
-close(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- close(Pid, closed);
-close(#{owner := Owner} = State) when Owner == self() ->
- close_socket(State);
-close(_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
--spec close(pid(), atom()) -> ok.
-close(Pid, Reason) ->
- cast(Pid, {close, Reason}).
--spec bind(state(), stream_features()) -> state().
-bind(#{stream_authenticated := true} = State, StreamFeatures) ->
- process_bind(StreamFeatures, State).
--spec establish(state()) -> state().
-establish(State) ->
- process_stream_established(State).
--spec set_timeout(state(), timeout()) -> state().
-set_timeout(#{owner := Owner} = State, Timeout) when Owner == self() ->
- case Timeout of
- infinity -> State#{stream_timeout => infinity};
- _ ->
- Time = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
- State#{stream_timeout => {Timeout, Time}}
- end;
-set_timeout(_, _) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
-get_transport(#{socket := Socket, owner := Owner})
- when Owner == self() ->
- xmpp_socket:get_transport(Socket);
-get_transport(_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
--spec change_shaper(state(), ejabberd_shaper:shaper()) -> state().
-change_shaper(#{socket := Socket, owner := Owner} = State, Shaper)
- when Owner == self() ->
- Socket1 = xmpp_socket:change_shaper(Socket, Shaper),
- State#{socket => Socket1};
-change_shaper(_, _) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
--spec format_error(stop_reason()) -> binary().
-format_error({idna, _}) ->
- <<"Remote domain is not an IDN hostname">>;
-format_error({dns, Reason}) ->
- format("DNS lookup failed: ~s", [format_inet_error(Reason)]);
-format_error({socket, Reason}) ->
- format("Connection failed: ~s", [format_inet_error(Reason)]);
-format_error({pkix, Reason}) ->
- {_, ErrTxt} = xmpp_stream_pkix:format_error(Reason),
- format("Peer certificate rejected: ~s", [ErrTxt]);
-format_error({stream, reset}) ->
- <<"Stream reset by peer">>;
-format_error({stream, {in, #stream_error{} = Err}}) ->
- format("Stream closed by peer: ~s", [xmpp:format_stream_error(Err)]);
-format_error({stream, {out, #stream_error{} = Err}}) ->
- format("Stream closed by us: ~s", [xmpp:format_stream_error(Err)]);
-format_error({bind, #stanza_error{} = Err}) ->
- format("Resource binding failure: ~s", [xmpp:format_stanza_error(Err)]);
-format_error({tls, Reason}) ->
- format("TLS failed: ~s", [format_tls_error(Reason)]);
-format_error({auth, Reason}) ->
- format("Authentication failed: ~s", [Reason]);
-format_error(internal_failure) ->
- <<"Internal server error">>;
-format_error(Err) ->
- format("Unrecognized error: ~w", [Err]).
-%%% gen_server callbacks
--spec init(list()) -> {ok, state(), timeout()} | {stop, term()} | ignore.
-init([Mod, From, To, Opts]) ->
- Time = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
- State = #{owner => self(),
- mod => Mod,
- server => From,
- user => <<"">>,
- resource => <<"">>,
- password => <<"">>,
- lang => <<"">>,
- remote_server => To,
- xmlns => ?NS_SERVER,
- codec_options => [ignore_els],
- stream_direction => out,
- stream_timeout => {timer:seconds(30), Time},
- stream_id => new_id(),
- stream_encrypted => false,
- stream_verified => false,
- stream_authenticated => false,
- stream_restarted => false,
- stream_state => connecting},
- case try Mod:init([State, Opts])
- catch _:undef -> {ok, State}
- end of
- {ok, State1} ->
- {_, State2, Timeout} = noreply(State1),
- {ok, State2, Timeout};
- {error, Reason} ->
- {stop, Reason};
- ignore ->
- ignore
- end.
--spec handle_call(term(), term(), state()) -> noreply().
-handle_call(Call, From, State) ->
- noreply(try callback(handle_call, Call, From, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end).
--spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> noreply().
-handle_cast(connect, #{remote_server := RemoteServer,
- stream_state := connecting} = State) ->
- noreply(
- case idna_to_ascii(RemoteServer) of
- false ->
- process_stream_end({idna, bad_string}, State);
- ASCIIName ->
- case resolve(binary_to_list(ASCIIName), State) of
- {ok, AddrPorts} ->
- case connect(AddrPorts, State) of
- {ok, Socket, {Addr, Port, Encrypted}} ->
- SocketMonitor = xmpp_socket:monitor(Socket),
- State1 = State#{ip => {Addr, Port},
- socket => Socket,
- stream_encrypted => Encrypted,
- socket_monitor => SocketMonitor},
- State2 = State1#{stream_state => wait_for_stream},
- send_header(State2);
- {error, {Class, Why}} ->
- process_stream_end({Class, Why}, State)
- end;
- {error, Why} ->
- process_stream_end({dns, Why}, State)
- end
- end);
-handle_cast(connect, #{stream_state := disconnected} = State) ->
- State1 = reset_state(State),
- handle_cast(connect, State1);
-handle_cast(connect, State) ->
- %% Ignoring connection attempts in other states
- noreply(State);
-handle_cast({send, Pkt}, State) ->
- noreply(send_pkt(State, Pkt));
-handle_cast(stop, State) ->
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_cast({close, Reason}, State) ->
- State1 = close_socket(State),
- noreply(
- case is_disconnected(State) of
- true -> State1;
- false -> process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State)
- end);
-handle_cast(Cast, State) ->
- noreply(try callback(handle_cast, Cast, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end).
--spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> noreply().
-handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamstart, Name, Attrs}},
- #{stream_state := wait_for_stream,
- xmlns := XMLNS, lang := MyLang} = State) ->
- El = #xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs},
- noreply(
- try xmpp:decode(El, XMLNS, []) of
- #stream_start{} = Pkt ->
- process_stream(Pkt, State);
- _ ->
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml())
- catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
- Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why),
- Lang = select_lang(MyLang, xmpp:get_lang(El)),
- Err = xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang),
- send_pkt(State, Err)
- end);
-handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamerror, Reason}}, #{lang := Lang}= State) ->
- State1 = send_header(State),
- noreply(
- case is_disconnected(State1) of
- true -> State1;
- false ->
- Err = case Reason of
- <<"XML stanza is too big">> ->
- xmpp:serr_policy_violation(Reason, Lang);
- {_, Txt} ->
- xmpp:serr_not_well_formed(Txt, Lang)
- end,
- send_pkt(State1, Err)
- end);
-handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamelement, El}},
- #{xmlns := NS, codec_options := Opts} = State) ->
- noreply(
- try xmpp:decode(El, NS, Opts) of
- Pkt ->
- State1 = try callback(handle_recv, El, Pkt, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end,
- case is_disconnected(State1) of
- true -> State1;
- false -> process_element(Pkt, State1)
- end
- catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
- State1 = try callback(handle_recv, El, {error, Why}, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end,
- case is_disconnected(State1) of
- true -> State1;
- false -> process_invalid_xml(State1, El, Why)
- end
- end);
-handle_info({'$gen_all_state_event', {xmlstreamcdata, Data}}, State) ->
- noreply(try callback(handle_cdata, Data, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end);
-handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamend, _}}, State) ->
- noreply(process_stream_end({stream, reset}, State));
-handle_info({'$gen_event', closed}, State) ->
- noreply(process_stream_end({socket, closed}, State));
-handle_info(timeout, #{lang := Lang} = State) ->
- Disconnected = is_disconnected(State),
- noreply(try callback(handle_timeout, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} when not Disconnected ->
- Txt = <<"Idle connection">>,
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_connection_timeout(Txt, Lang));
- _:{?MODULE, undef} ->
- stop(State)
- end);
-handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, _Type, _Object, _Info},
- #{socket_monitor := MRef} = State) ->
- noreply(process_stream_end({socket, closed}, State));
-handle_info({tcp, _, Data}, #{socket := Socket} = State) ->
- noreply(
- case xmpp_socket:recv(Socket, Data) of
- {ok, NewSocket} ->
- State#{socket => NewSocket};
- {error, Reason} when is_atom(Reason) ->
- process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State);
- {error, Reason} ->
- %% TODO: make fast_tls return atoms
- process_stream_end({tls, Reason}, State)
- end);
-handle_info({tcp_closed, _}, State) ->
- handle_info({'$gen_event', closed}, State);
-handle_info({tcp_error, _, Reason}, State) ->
- noreply(process_stream_end({socket, Reason}, State));
-handle_info({'EXIT', _, Reason}, State) ->
- {stop, Reason, State};
-handle_info(Info, State) ->
- noreply(try callback(handle_info, Info, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end).
--spec terminate(term(), state()) -> any().
-terminate(Reason, State) ->
- case get(already_terminated) of
- true ->
- State;
- _ ->
- put(already_terminated, true),
- try callback(terminate, Reason, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> ok
- end,
- send_trailer(State)
- end.
-code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) ->
- callback(code_change, OldVsn, State, Extra).
-%%% Internal functions
--spec noreply(state()) -> noreply().
-noreply(#{stream_timeout := infinity} = State) ->
- {noreply, State, infinity};
-noreply(#{stream_timeout := {MSecs, OldTime}} = State) ->
- NewTime = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
- Timeout = max(0, MSecs - NewTime + OldTime),
- {noreply, State, Timeout}.
--spec new_id() -> binary().
-new_id() ->
- p1_rand:get_string().
--spec is_disconnected(state()) -> boolean().
-is_disconnected(#{stream_state := StreamState}) ->
- StreamState == disconnected.
--spec process_invalid_xml(state(), fxml:xmlel(), term()) -> state().
-process_invalid_xml(#{lang := MyLang} = State, El, Reason) ->
- case xmpp:is_stanza(El) of
- true ->
- Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Reason),
- Lang = select_lang(MyLang, xmpp:get_lang(El)),
- send_error(State, El, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang));
- false ->
- State
- end.
--spec process_stream_end(stop_reason(), state()) -> state().
-process_stream_end(_, #{stream_state := disconnected} = State) ->
- State;
-process_stream_end(Reason, State) ->
- State1 = send_trailer(State),
- try callback(handle_stream_end, Reason, State1)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> stop(State1)
- end.
--spec process_stream(stream_start(), state()) -> state().
-process_stream(#stream_start{xmlns = XML_NS,
- stream_xmlns = STREAM_NS},
- #{xmlns := NS} = State)
- when XML_NS /= NS; STREAM_NS /= ?NS_STREAM ->
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_invalid_namespace());
-process_stream(#stream_start{version = {N, _}}, State) when N > 1 ->
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_unsupported_version());
-process_stream(#stream_start{lang = Lang, id = ID,
- version = Version} = StreamStart,
- State) ->
- State1 = State#{stream_remote_id => ID, lang => Lang},
- State2 = try callback(handle_stream_start, StreamStart, State1)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State1
- end,
- case is_disconnected(State2) of
- true -> State2;
- false ->
- case Version of
- {1, _} ->
- State2#{stream_state => wait_for_features};
- _ ->
- process_stream_downgrade(StreamStart, State2)
- end
- end.
--spec process_element(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state().
-process_element(Pkt, #{stream_state := StateName} = State) ->
- case Pkt of
- #stream_features{} when StateName == wait_for_features ->
- process_features(Pkt, State);
- #starttls_proceed{} when StateName == wait_for_starttls_response ->
- process_starttls(State);
- #sasl_success{} when StateName == wait_for_sasl_response ->
- process_sasl_success(State);
- #sasl_failure{} when StateName == wait_for_sasl_response ->
- process_sasl_failure(Pkt, State);
- #stream_error{} ->
- process_stream_end({stream, {in, Pkt}}, State);
- _ when is_record(Pkt, stream_features);
- is_record(Pkt, starttls_proceed);
- is_record(Pkt, starttls);
- is_record(Pkt, sasl_auth);
- is_record(Pkt, sasl_success);
- is_record(Pkt, sasl_failure);
- is_record(Pkt, sasl_response);
- is_record(Pkt, sasl_abort);
- is_record(Pkt, compress);
- is_record(Pkt, handshake) ->
- %% Do not pass this crap upstream
- State;
- _ when StateName == wait_for_bind_response ->
- process_bind_response(Pkt, State);
- _ ->
- process_packet(Pkt, State)
- end.
--spec process_features(stream_features(), state()) -> state().
- #{stream_authenticated := true} = State) ->
- try callback(handle_authenticated_features, StreamFeatures, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> process_bind(StreamFeatures, State)
- end;
- #{stream_encrypted := Encrypted, lang := Lang} = State) ->
- State1 = try callback(handle_unauthenticated_features, StreamFeatures, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end,
- case is_disconnected(State1) of
- true -> State1;
- false ->
- TLSRequired = is_starttls_required(State1),
- TLSAvailable = is_starttls_available(State1),
- try xmpp:try_subtag(StreamFeatures, #starttls{}) of
- false when TLSRequired and not Encrypted ->
- Txt = <<"Use of STARTTLS required">>,
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_policy_violation(Txt, Lang));
- #starttls{required = true} when not TLSAvailable and not Encrypted ->
- Txt = <<"Use of STARTTLS forbidden">>,
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_unsupported_feature(Txt, Lang));
- #starttls{} when TLSAvailable and not Encrypted ->
- State2 = State1#{stream_state => wait_for_starttls_response},
- send_pkt(State2, #starttls{});
- _ ->
- State2 = process_cert_verification(State1),
- case is_disconnected(State2) of
- true -> State2;
- false -> process_sasl_mechanisms(StreamFeatures, State2)
- end
- catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
- Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why),
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang))
- end
- end.
--spec process_stream_established(state()) -> state().
-process_stream_established(#{stream_state := StateName} = State)
- when StateName == disconnected; StateName == established ->
- State;
-process_stream_established(State) ->
- State1 = State#{stream_authenticated := true,
- stream_state => established,
- stream_timeout => infinity},
- try callback(handle_stream_established, State1)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State1
- end.
--spec process_sasl_mechanisms(stream_features(), state()) -> state().
-process_sasl_mechanisms(StreamFeatures, State) ->
- AvailMechs = sasl_mechanisms(State),
- State1 = State#{sasl_mechs_available => AvailMechs},
- try xmpp:try_subtag(StreamFeatures, #sasl_mechanisms{}) of
- #sasl_mechanisms{list = ProvidedMechs} ->
- process_sasl_auth(State1#{sasl_mechs_provided => ProvidedMechs});
- false ->
- process_sasl_auth(State1#{sasl_mechs_provided => []})
- catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
- Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why),
- Lang = maps:get(lang, State),
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang))
- end.
-process_sasl_auth(#{stream_encrypted := false, xmlns := ?NS_SERVER} = State) ->
- State1 = State#{sasl_mechs_available => []},
- Txt = case is_starttls_available(State) of
- true -> <<"Peer doesn't support STARTTLS">>;
- false -> <<"STARTTLS is disabled in local configuration">>
- end,
- process_sasl_failure(Txt, State1);
-process_sasl_auth(#{sasl_mechs_provided := [],
- stream_encrypted := Encrypted} = State) ->
- State1 = State#{sasl_mechs_available => []},
- Hint = case Encrypted of
- true -> <<"; most likely it doesn't accept our certificate">>;
- false -> <<"">>
- end,
- Txt = <<"Peer provided no SASL mechanisms", Hint/binary>>,
- process_sasl_failure(Txt, State1);
-process_sasl_auth(#{sasl_mechs_available := []} = State) ->
- Err = maps:get(sasl_error, State,
- <<"No mutually supported SASL mechanisms found">>),
- process_sasl_failure(Err, State);
-process_sasl_auth(#{sasl_mechs_available := [Mech|AvailMechs],
- sasl_mechs_provided := ProvidedMechs} = State) ->
- State1 = State#{sasl_mechs_available => AvailMechs},
- if Mech == <<"EXTERNAL">> orelse Mech == <<"PLAIN">> ->
- case lists:member(Mech, ProvidedMechs) of
- true ->
- Text = make_sasl_authzid(Mech, State1),
- State2 = State1#{sasl_mech => Mech,
- stream_state => wait_for_sasl_response},
- send(State2, #sasl_auth{mechanism = Mech, text = Text});
- false ->
- process_sasl_auth(State1)
- end;
- true ->
- process_sasl_auth(State1)
- end.
--spec process_starttls(state()) -> state().
-process_starttls(#{socket := Socket} = State) ->
- case starttls(Socket, State) of
- {ok, TLSSocket} ->
- State1 = State#{socket => TLSSocket,
- stream_id => new_id(),
- stream_restarted => true,
- stream_state => wait_for_stream,
- stream_encrypted => true},
- send_header(State1);
- {error, Why} ->
- process_stream_end({tls, Why}, State)
- end.
--spec process_stream_downgrade(stream_start(), state()) -> state().
- #{lang := Lang,
- stream_encrypted := Encrypted} = State) ->
- TLSRequired = is_starttls_required(State),
- if not Encrypted and TLSRequired ->
- Txt = <<"Use of STARTTLS required">>,
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_policy_violation(Txt, Lang));
- true ->
- State1 = State#{stream_state => downgraded},
- try callback(handle_stream_downgraded, StreamStart, State1)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} ->
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_unsupported_version())
- end
- end.
--spec process_cert_verification(state()) -> state().
-process_cert_verification(#{stream_encrypted := true,
- stream_verified := false} = State) ->
- case try callback(tls_verify, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> true
- end of
- true ->
- case xmpp_stream_pkix:authenticate(State) of
- {ok, _} ->
- State#{stream_verified => true};
- {error, Why, _Peer} ->
- process_stream_end({pkix, Why}, State)
- end;
- false ->
- State#{stream_verified => true}
- end;
-process_cert_verification(State) ->
- State.
--spec process_sasl_success(state()) -> state().
-process_sasl_success(#{socket := Socket, sasl_mech := Mech} = State) ->
- Socket1 = xmpp_socket:reset_stream(Socket),
- State1 = State#{socket => Socket1},
- State2 = State1#{stream_id => new_id(),
- stream_restarted => true,
- stream_state => wait_for_stream,
- stream_authenticated => true},
- State3 = reset_sasl_state(State2),
- State4 = send_header(State3),
- case is_disconnected(State4) of
- true -> State4;
- false ->
- try callback(handle_auth_success, Mech, State4)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State4
- end
- end.
--spec process_sasl_failure(sasl_failure() | binary(), state()) -> state().
-process_sasl_failure(Failure, #{sasl_mechs_available := [_|_]} = State) ->
- process_sasl_auth(State#{sasl_failure => Failure});
-process_sasl_failure(#sasl_failure{} = Failure, State) ->
- Reason = format("Peer responded with error: ~s",
- [xmpp:format_sasl_error(Failure)]),
- process_sasl_failure(Reason, State);
-process_sasl_failure(Reason, State) ->
- Mech = case maps:get(sasl_mech, State, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- case sasl_mechanisms(State) of
- [] -> <<"EXTERNAL">>;
- [M|_] -> M
- end;
- M -> M
- end,
- State1 = reset_sasl_state(State),
- try callback(handle_auth_failure, Mech, {auth, Reason}, State1)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> process_stream_end({auth, Reason}, State1)
- end.
--spec process_bind(stream_features(), state()) -> state().
-process_bind(StreamFeatures, #{lang := Lang, xmlns := ?NS_CLIENT,
- resource := R,
- stream_state := StateName} = State)
- when StateName /= established, StateName /= disconnected ->
- case xmpp:has_subtag(StreamFeatures, #bind{}) of
- true ->
- ID = new_id(),
- Pkt = #iq{id = ID, type = set,
- sub_els = [#bind{resource = R}]},
- State1 = State#{stream_state => wait_for_bind_response,
- bind_id => ID},
- send_pkt(State1, Pkt);
- false ->
- Txt = <<"Missing resource binding feature">>,
- send_pkt(State, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang))
- end;
-process_bind(_, State) ->
- process_stream_established(State).
--spec process_bind_response(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state().
-process_bind_response(#iq{type = result, id = ID} = IQ,
- #{lang := Lang, bind_id := ID} = State) ->
- State1 = reset_bind_state(State),
- try xmpp:try_subtag(IQ, #bind{}) of
- #bind{jid = #jid{user = U, server = S, resource = R}} ->
- State2 = State1#{user => U, server => S, resource => R},
- State3 = try callback(handle_bind_success, State2)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State2
- end,
- process_stream_established(State3);
- #bind{} ->
- Txt = <<"Missing <jid/> element in resource binding response">>,
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang));
- false ->
- Txt = <<"Missing <bind/> element in resource binding response">>,
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang))
- catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
- Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why),
- send_pkt(State1, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang))
- end;
-process_bind_response(#iq{type = error, id = ID} = IQ,
- #{bind_id := ID} = State) ->
- Err = xmpp:get_error(IQ),
- State1 = reset_bind_state(State),
- try callback(handle_bind_failure, Err, State1)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> process_stream_end({bind, Err}, State1)
- end;
-process_bind_response(Pkt, State) ->
- process_packet(Pkt, State).
--spec process_packet(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state().
-process_packet(Pkt, State) ->
- Pkt1 = fix_from(Pkt, State),
- try callback(handle_packet, Pkt1, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end.
--spec is_starttls_required(state()) -> boolean().
-is_starttls_required(State) ->
- try callback(tls_required, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> false
- end.
--spec is_starttls_available(state()) -> boolean().
-is_starttls_available(State) ->
- try callback(tls_enabled, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> true
- end.
--spec sasl_mechanisms(state()) -> [binary()].
-sasl_mechanisms(#{stream_encrypted := Encrypted} = State) ->
- try callback(sasl_mechanisms, State) of
- Ms when Encrypted -> Ms;
- Ms -> lists:delete(<<"EXTERNAL">>, Ms)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} ->
- if Encrypted -> [<<"EXTERNAL">>];
- true -> []
- end
- end.
--spec send_header(state()) -> state().
-send_header(#{remote_server := RemoteServer,
- stream_encrypted := Encrypted,
- lang := Lang,
- xmlns := NS,
- user := User,
- resource := Resource,
- server := Server} = State) ->
- true -> <<"">>
- end,
- From = if Encrypted ->
- jid:make(User, Server, Resource);
- NS == ?NS_SERVER ->
- jid:make(Server);
- true ->
- undefined
- end,
- StreamStart = #stream_start{xmlns = NS,
- lang = Lang,
- stream_xmlns = ?NS_STREAM,
- db_xmlns = NS_DB,
- from = From,
- to = jid:make(RemoteServer),
- version = {1,0}},
- case socket_send(State, StreamStart) of
- ok -> State;
- {error, Why} -> process_stream_end({socket, Why}, State)
- end.
--spec send_pkt(state(), xmpp_element() | xmlel()) -> state().
-send_pkt(State, Pkt) ->
- Result = socket_send(State, Pkt),
- State1 = try callback(handle_send, Pkt, Result, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> State
- end,
- case Result of
- _ when is_record(Pkt, stream_error) ->
- process_stream_end({stream, {out, Pkt}}, State1);
- ok ->
- State1;
- {error, Why} ->
- process_stream_end({socket, Why}, State1)
- end.
--spec send_error(state(), xmpp_element() | xmlel(), stanza_error()) -> state().
-send_error(State, Pkt, Err) ->
- case xmpp:is_stanza(Pkt) of
- true ->
- case xmpp:get_type(Pkt) of
- result -> State;
- error -> State;
- <<"result">> -> State;
- <<"error">> -> State;
- _ ->
- ErrPkt = xmpp:make_error(Pkt, Err),
- send_pkt(State, ErrPkt)
- end;
- false ->
- State
- end.
--spec socket_send(state(), xmpp_element() | xmlel() | trailer) -> ok | {error, inet:posix()}.
-socket_send(#{socket := Socket, xmlns := NS,
- stream_state := StateName}, Pkt) ->
- case Pkt of
- trailer ->
- xmpp_socket:send_trailer(Socket);
- #stream_start{} when StateName /= disconnected ->
- xmpp_socket:send_header(Socket, xmpp:encode(Pkt));
- _ when StateName /= disconnected ->
- xmpp_socket:send_element(Socket, xmpp:encode(Pkt, NS));
- _ ->
- {error, closed}
- end;
-socket_send(_, _) ->
- {error, closed}.
--spec send_trailer(state()) -> state().
-send_trailer(State) ->
- socket_send(State, trailer),
- close_socket(State).
--spec close_socket(state()) -> state().
-close_socket(State) ->
- case State of
- #{socket := Socket} ->
- xmpp_socket:close(Socket);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- State#{stream_timeout => infinity,
- stream_state => disconnected}.
--spec starttls(term(), state()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, tls_error_reason()}.
-starttls(Socket, #{xmlns := NS,
- remote_server := RemoteServer} = State) ->
- TLSOpts = try callback(tls_options, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> []
- end,
- SNI = idna_to_ascii(RemoteServer),
- ALPN = case NS of
- ?NS_SERVER -> <<"xmpp-server">>;
- ?NS_CLIENT -> <<"xmpp-client">>
- end,
- xmpp_socket:starttls(Socket, [connect, {sni, SNI}, {alpn, [ALPN]}|TLSOpts]).
--spec select_lang(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
-select_lang(Lang, <<"">>) -> Lang;
-select_lang(_, Lang) -> Lang.
--spec format_inet_error(atom()) -> string().
-format_inet_error(closed) ->
- "connection closed";
-format_inet_error(Reason) ->
- case inet:format_error(Reason) of
- "unknown POSIX error" -> atom_to_list(Reason);
- Txt -> Txt
- end.
--spec format_tls_error(atom() | binary()) -> list().
-format_tls_error(Reason) when is_atom(Reason) ->
- format_inet_error(Reason);
-format_tls_error(Reason) ->
- binary_to_list(Reason).
--spec format(io:format(), list()) -> binary().
-format(Fmt, Args) ->
- iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)).
--spec make_sasl_authzid(binary(), state()) -> binary().
-make_sasl_authzid(Mech, #{user := User, server := Server,
- password := Password}) ->
- case Mech of
- <<"EXTERNAL">> ->
- jid:encode(jid:make(User, Server));
- <<"PLAIN">> ->
- JID = jid:encode(jid:make(User, Server)),
- <<JID/binary, 0, User/binary, 0, Password/binary>>
- end.
--spec fix_from(xmpp_element(), state()) -> xmpp_element().
-fix_from(Pkt, #{xmlns := ?NS_CLIENT} = State) ->
- case xmpp:is_stanza(Pkt) of
- true ->
- case xmpp:get_from(Pkt) of
- undefined ->
- #{user := U, server := S, resource := R} = State,
- From = jid:make(U, S, R),
- xmpp:set_from(Pkt, From);
- _ ->
- Pkt
- end;
- false ->
- Pkt
- end;
-fix_from(Pkt, _State) ->
- Pkt.
-%%% State resets
--spec reset_sasl_state(state()) -> state().
-reset_sasl_state(State) ->
- State1 = maps:remove(sasl_mech, State),
- State2 = maps:remove(sasl_failure, State1),
- State3 = maps:remove(sasl_mechs_provided, State2),
- maps:remove(sasl_mechs_available, State3).
--spec reset_connection_state(state()) -> state().
-reset_connection_state(State) ->
- State1 = maps:remove(ip, State),
- State2 = maps:remove(socket, State1),
- maps:remove(socket_monitor, State2).
--spec reset_stream_state(state()) -> state().
-reset_stream_state(State) ->
- State1 = State#{stream_id => new_id(),
- stream_encrypted => false,
- stream_verified => false,
- stream_authenticated => false,
- stream_restarted => false,
- stream_state => connecting},
- maps:remove(stream_remote_id, State1).
--spec reset_bind_state(state()) -> state().
-reset_bind_state(State) ->
- maps:remove(bind_id, State).
--spec reset_state(state()) -> state().
-reset_state(State) ->
- State1 = reset_bind_state(State),
- State2 = reset_sasl_state(State1),
- State3 = reset_connection_state(State2),
- reset_stream_state(State3).
-%%% Connection stuff
--spec idna_to_ascii(binary()) -> binary() | false.
-idna_to_ascii(<<$[, _/binary>> = Host) ->
- %% This is an IPv6 address in 'IP-literal' format (as per RFC7622)
- %% We remove brackets here
- case binary:last(Host) of
- $] ->
- IPv6 = binary:part(Host, {1, size(Host)-2}),
- case inet:parse_ipv6strict_address(binary_to_list(IPv6)) of
- {ok, _} -> IPv6;
- {error, _} -> false
- end;
- _ ->
- false
- end;
-idna_to_ascii(Host) ->
- case inet:parse_address(binary_to_list(Host)) of
- {ok, _} -> Host;
- {error, _} -> ejabberd_idna:domain_utf8_to_ascii(Host)
- end.
--spec resolve(string(), state()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error().
-resolve(Host, State) ->
- try callback(resolve, Host, State) of
- [] ->
- do_resolve(Host, State);
- HostPorts ->
- a_lookup(HostPorts, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} ->
- do_resolve(Host, State)
- end.
--spec do_resolve(string(), state()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error().
-do_resolve(Host, State) ->
- case srv_lookup(Host, State) of
- {error, _Reason} ->
- DefaultPort = get_default_port(State),
- a_lookup([{Host, DefaultPort, false}], State);
- {ok, HostPorts} ->
- a_lookup(HostPorts, State)
- end.
--spec srv_lookup(string(), state()) -> {ok, [host_port()]} | network_error().
-srv_lookup(_Host, #{xmlns := ?NS_COMPONENT}) ->
- %% Do not attempt to lookup SRV for component connections
- {error, nxdomain};
-srv_lookup(Host, State) ->
- %% Only perform SRV lookups for FQDN names
- case string:chr(Host, $.) of
- 0 ->
- {error, nxdomain};
- _ ->
- case inet:parse_address(Host) of
- {ok, _} ->
- {error, nxdomain};
- {error, _} ->
- Timeout = get_dns_timeout(State),
- Retries = get_dns_retries(State),
- case srv_lookup(Host, State, Timeout, Retries) of
- {ok, AddrList} ->
- h_addr_list_to_host_ports(AddrList);
- {error, _} = Err ->
- Err
- end
- end
- end.
-srv_lookup(Host, #{xmlns := NS} = State, Timeout, Retries) ->
- SRVType = case NS of
- ?NS_SERVER -> "-server._tcp.";
- ?NS_CLIENT -> "-client._tcp."
- end,
- TLSAddrs = case is_starttls_available(State) of
- true ->
- case srv_lookup("_xmpps" ++ SRVType ++ Host,
- Timeout, Retries) of
- {ok, HostEnt} ->
- [{A, true} || A <- HostEnt#hostent.h_addr_list];
- {error, _} ->
- []
- end;
- false ->
- []
- end,
- case srv_lookup("_xmpp" ++ SRVType ++ Host, Timeout, Retries) of
- {ok, HostEntry} ->
- Addrs = [{A, false} || A <- HostEntry#hostent.h_addr_list],
- {ok, TLSAddrs ++ Addrs};
- {error, _} when TLSAddrs /= [] ->
- {ok, TLSAddrs};
- {error, _} = Err ->
- Err
- end.
--spec srv_lookup(string(), timeout(), integer()) ->
- {ok, inet:hostent()} | network_error().
-srv_lookup(_SRVName, _Timeout, Retries) when Retries < 1 ->
- {error, timeout};
-srv_lookup(SRVName, Timeout, Retries) ->
- case inet_res:getbyname(SRVName, srv, Timeout) of
- {ok, HostEntry} ->
- {ok, HostEntry};
- {error, timeout} ->
- srv_lookup(SRVName, Timeout, Retries - 1);
- {error, _} = Err ->
- Err
- end.
--spec a_lookup([host_port()], state()) ->
- {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error().
-a_lookup(HostPorts, State) ->
- HostPortFamilies = [{Host, Port, TLS, Family}
- || {Host, Port, TLS} <- HostPorts,
- Family <- get_address_families(State)],
- a_lookup(HostPortFamilies, State, [], {error, nxdomain}).
--spec a_lookup([{inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number(),
- boolean(), inet:address_family()}],
- state(), [ip_port()], network_error()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error().
-a_lookup([{Addr, Port, TLS, Family}|HostPortFamilies], State, Acc, Err)
- when is_tuple(Addr) ->
- Acc1 = if tuple_size(Addr) == 4 andalso Family == inet ->
- [{Addr, Port, TLS}|Acc];
- tuple_size(Addr) == 8 andalso Family == inet6 ->
- [{Addr, Port, TLS}|Acc];
- true ->
- Acc
- end,
- a_lookup(HostPortFamilies, State, Acc1, Err);
-a_lookup([{Host, Port, TLS, Family}|HostPortFamilies], State, Acc, Err) ->
- Timeout = get_dns_timeout(State),
- Retries = get_dns_retries(State),
- case a_lookup(Host, Port, TLS, Family, Timeout, Retries) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- a_lookup(HostPortFamilies, State, Acc, {error, Reason});
- {ok, AddrPorts} ->
- a_lookup(HostPortFamilies, State, Acc ++ AddrPorts, Err)
- end;
-a_lookup([], _State, [], Err) ->
- Err;
-a_lookup([], _State, Acc, _) ->
- {ok, Acc}.
--spec a_lookup(inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), boolean(), inet:address_family(),
- timeout(), integer()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error().
-a_lookup(_Host, _Port, _TLS, _Family, _Timeout, Retries) when Retries < 1 ->
- {error, timeout};
-a_lookup(Host, Port, TLS, Family, Timeout, Retries) ->
- Start = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
- case inet:gethostbyname(Host, Family, Timeout) of
- {error, nxdomain} = Err ->
- %% inet:gethostbyname/3 doesn't return {error, timeout},
- %% so we should check if 'nxdomain' is in fact a result
- %% of a timeout.
- %% We also cannot use inet_res:gethostbyname/3 because
- %% it ignores DNS configuration settings (/etc/hosts, etc)
- End = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
- if (End - Start) >= Timeout ->
- a_lookup(Host, Port, TLS, Family, Timeout, Retries - 1);
- true ->
- Err
- end;
- {error, _} = Err ->
- Err;
- {ok, HostEntry} ->
- host_entry_to_addr_ports(HostEntry, Port, TLS)
- end.
--spec h_addr_list_to_host_ports(h_addr_list()) -> {ok, [host_port()]} |
- {error, nxdomain}.
-h_addr_list_to_host_ports(AddrList) ->
- PrioHostPorts = lists:flatmap(
- fun({{Priority, Weight, Port, Host}, TLS}) ->
- N = case Weight of
- 0 -> 0;
- _ -> (Weight + 1) * p1_rand:uniform()
- end,
- [{Priority * 65536 - N, Host, Port, TLS}];
- (_) ->
- []
- end, AddrList),
- HostPorts = [{Host, Port, TLS}
- || {_Priority, Host, Port, TLS} <- lists:usort(PrioHostPorts)],
- case HostPorts of
- [] -> {error, nxdomain};
- _ -> {ok, HostPorts}
- end.
--spec host_entry_to_addr_ports(inet:hostent(), inet:port_number(), boolean()) ->
- {ok, [ip_port()]} | {error, nxdomain}.
-host_entry_to_addr_ports(#hostent{h_addr_list = AddrList}, Port, TLS) ->
- AddrPorts = lists:flatmap(
- fun(Addr) ->
- try get_addr_type(Addr) of
- _ -> [{Addr, Port, TLS}]
- catch _:_ ->
- []
- end
- end, AddrList),
- case AddrPorts of
- [] -> {error, nxdomain};
- _ -> {ok, AddrPorts}
- end.
--spec connect([ip_port()], state()) -> {ok, term(), ip_port()} |
- {error, {socket, socket_error_reason()}} |
- {error, {tls, tls_error_reason()}}.
-connect(AddrPorts, State) ->
- Timeout = get_connect_timeout(State),
- case connect(AddrPorts, Timeout, State, {error, nxdomain}) of
- {ok, Socket, {Addr, Port, TLS = true}} ->
- case starttls(Socket, State) of
- {ok, TLSSocket} -> {ok, TLSSocket, {Addr, Port, TLS}};
- {error, Why} -> {error, {tls, Why}}
- end;
- {ok, Socket, {Addr, Port, TLS = false}} ->
- {ok, Socket, {Addr, Port, TLS}};
- {error, Why} ->
- {error, {socket, Why}}
- end.
--spec connect([ip_port()], timeout(), state(), network_error()) ->
- {ok, term(), ip_port()} | network_error().
-connect([{Addr, Port, TLS}|AddrPorts], Timeout, State, _) ->
- Type = get_addr_type(Addr),
- Opts = [binary, {packet, 0},
- {send_timeout, ?TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT},
- {send_timeout_close, true},
- {active, false}, Type],
- Opts1 = try callback(connect_options, Addr, Opts, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> Opts
- end,
- try xmpp_socket:connect(Addr, Port, Opts1, Timeout) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- {ok, Socket, {Addr, Port, TLS}};
- Err ->
- connect(AddrPorts, Timeout, State, Err)
- catch _:badarg ->
- connect(AddrPorts, Timeout, State, {error, einval})
- end;
-connect([], _Timeout, _State, Err) ->
- Err.
--spec get_addr_type(inet:ip_address()) -> inet:address_family().
-get_addr_type({_, _, _, _}) -> inet;
-get_addr_type({_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> inet6.
--spec get_dns_timeout(state()) -> timeout().
-get_dns_timeout(State) ->
- try callback(dns_timeout, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> timer:seconds(10)
- end.
--spec get_dns_retries(state()) -> non_neg_integer().
-get_dns_retries(State) ->
- try callback(dns_retries, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> 2
- end.
--spec get_default_port(state()) -> inet:port_number().
-get_default_port(#{xmlns := NS} = State) ->
- try callback(default_port, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} when NS == ?NS_SERVER -> 5269;
- _:{?MODULE, undef} when NS == ?NS_CLIENT -> 5222
- end.
--spec get_address_families(state()) -> [inet:address_family()].
-get_address_families(State) ->
- try callback(address_families, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> [inet, inet6]
- end.
--spec get_connect_timeout(state()) -> timeout().
-get_connect_timeout(State) ->
- try callback(connect_timeout, State)
- catch _:{?MODULE, undef} -> timer:seconds(10)
- end.
-%%% Callbacks
-callback(F, #{mod := Mod} = State) ->
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, F, 1) of
- true -> Mod:F(State);
- false -> erlang:error({?MODULE, undef})
- end.
-callback(F, Arg1, #{mod := Mod} = State) ->
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, F, 2) of
- true -> Mod:F(Arg1, State);
- false -> erlang:error({?MODULE, undef})
- end.
-callback(code_change, OldVsn, #{mod := Mod} = State, Extra) ->
- %% code_change/3 callback is a special snowflake
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, code_change, 3) of
- true -> Mod:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra);
- false -> {ok, State}
- end;
-callback(F, Arg1, Arg2, #{mod := Mod} = State) ->
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, F, 3) of
- true -> Mod:F(Arg1, Arg2, State);
- false -> erlang:error({?MODULE, undef})
- end.