path: root/src/tls/tls.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tls/tls.erl')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tls/tls.erl b/src/tls/tls.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d444bb7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tls/tls.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+%%% File : tls.erl
+%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
+%%% Purpose : Interface to openssl
+%%% Created : 24 Jul 2004 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
+%%% Id : $Id$
+-vsn('$Revision$ ').
+-export([start/0, start_link/0, convert/3, test/0]).
+%% Internal exports, call-back functions.
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3,
+ terminate/2]).
+-define(DECRYPTED_INPUT, 1).
+-define(ENCRYPTED_OUTPUT, 2).
+start() ->
+ gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+init([]) ->
+ ok = erl_ddll:load_driver(ejabberd:get_so_path(), tls_drv),
+ Port = open_port({spawn, tls_drv}, [binary]),
+ Res = port_control(Port, ?SET_CERTIFICATE_FILE, "./ssl.pem" ++ [0]),
+ case Res of
+ [0] ->
+ %ets:new(iconv_table, [set, public, named_table]),
+ %ets:insert(iconv_table, {port, Port}),
+ {ok, Port};
+ [1 | Error] ->
+ {error, Error}
+ end.
+%%% --------------------------------------------------------
+%%% The call-back functions.
+%%% --------------------------------------------------------
+handle_call(_, _, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_cast(_, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, Port) ->
+ {noreply, Port};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Port, Reason}, Port) ->
+ {stop, {port_died, Reason}, Port};
+handle_info(_, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, Port) ->
+ Port ! {self, close},
+ ok.
+convert(From, To, String) ->
+ [{port, Port} | _] = ets:lookup(iconv_table, port),
+ Bin = term_to_binary({From, To, String}),
+ BRes = port_control(Port, 1, Bin),
+ binary_to_list(BRes).
+test() ->
+ ok = erl_ddll:load_driver(ejabberd:get_so_path(), tls_drv),
+ Port = open_port({spawn, tls_drv}, [binary]),
+ io:format("open_port: ~p~n", [Port]),
+ PCRes = port_control(Port, ?SET_CERTIFICATE_FILE, "./ssl.pem" ++ [0]),
+ io:format("port_control: ~p~n", [PCRes]),
+ {ok, ListenSocket} = gen_tcp:listen(1234, [binary,
+ {packet, 0},
+ {active, true},
+ {reuseaddr, true},
+ {nodelay, true}]),
+ io:format("listen: ~p~n", [ListenSocket]),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
+ io:format("accept: ~p~n", [Socket]),
+ loop(Port, Socket).
+loop(Port, Socket) ->
+ receive
+ {tcp, Socket, Data} ->
+ %io:format("read: ~p~n", [Data]),
+ Res = port_control(Port, ?SET_ENCRYPTED_INPUT, Data),
+ %io:format("SET_ENCRYPTED_INPUT: ~p~n", [Res]),
+ DIRes = port_control(Port, ?GET_DECRYPTED_INPUT, Data),
+ %io:format("GET_DECRYPTED_INPUT: ~p~n", [DIRes]),
+ case DIRes of
+ [0 | In] ->
+ io:format("input: ~s~n", [In]);
+ [1 | DIError] ->
+ io:format("GET_DECRYPTED_INPUT error: ~p~n", [DIError])
+ end,
+ EORes = port_control(Port, ?GET_ENCRYPTED_OUTPUT, Data),
+ %io:format("GET_ENCRYPTED_OUTPUT: ~p~n", [EORes]),
+ case EORes of
+ [0 | Out] ->
+ gen_tcp:send(Socket, Out);
+ [1 | EOError] ->
+ io:format("GET_ENCRYPTED_OUTPUT error: ~p~n", [EOError])
+ end,
+ loop(Port, Socket);
+ Msg ->
+ io:format("receive: ~p~n", [Msg]),
+ loop(Port, Socket)
+ end.