path: root/src/scram.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/scram.erl')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/scram.erl b/src/scram.erl
index cfb86e5b0..94b3324fd 100644
--- a/src/scram.erl
+++ b/src/scram.erl
@@ -25,58 +25,63 @@
%% External exports
- stored_key/1,
- server_key/1,
- server_signature/2,
- client_signature/2,
- client_key/1,
- client_key/2
- ]).
%% ejabberd doesn't implement SASLPREP, so we use the similar RESOURCEPREP instead
+-export([salted_password/3, stored_key/1, server_key/1,
+ server_signature/2, client_signature/2, client_key/1,
+ client_key/2]).
+-spec salted_password(binary(), binary(), non_neg_integer()) -> binary().
salted_password(Password, Salt, IterationCount) ->
- hi(jlib:resourceprep(Password), Salt, IterationCount).
+ hi(jlib:resourceprep(Password), Salt, IterationCount).
+-spec client_key(binary()) -> binary().
client_key(SaltedPassword) ->
- crypto:sha_mac(SaltedPassword, "Client Key").
+ crypto:sha_mac(SaltedPassword, <<"Client Key">>).
-stored_key(ClientKey) ->
- crypto:sha(ClientKey).
+-spec stored_key(binary()) -> binary().
+stored_key(ClientKey) -> crypto:sha(ClientKey).
+-spec server_key(binary()) -> binary().
server_key(SaltedPassword) ->
- crypto:sha_mac(SaltedPassword, "Server Key").
+ crypto:sha_mac(SaltedPassword, <<"Server Key">>).
+-spec client_signature(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
client_signature(StoredKey, AuthMessage) ->
- crypto:sha_mac(StoredKey, AuthMessage).
+ crypto:sha_mac(StoredKey, AuthMessage).
+-spec client_key(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
client_key(ClientProof, ClientSignature) ->
- list_to_binary(lists:zipwith(fun(X, Y) ->
- X bxor Y
- end,
- binary_to_list(ClientProof),
- binary_to_list(ClientSignature))).
+ list_to_binary(lists:zipwith(fun (X, Y) -> X bxor Y end,
+ binary_to_list(ClientProof),
+ binary_to_list(ClientSignature))).
+-spec server_signature(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
server_signature(ServerKey, AuthMessage) ->
- crypto:sha_mac(ServerKey, AuthMessage).
+ crypto:sha_mac(ServerKey, AuthMessage).
hi(Password, Salt, IterationCount) ->
- U1 = crypto:sha_mac(Password, string:concat(binary_to_list(Salt), [0,0,0,1])),
- list_to_binary(lists:zipwith(fun(X, Y) ->
- X bxor Y
- end,
- binary_to_list(U1),
- binary_to_list(hi_round(Password, U1, IterationCount-1)))).
+ U1 = crypto:sha_mac(Password, <<Salt/binary, 0, 0, 0, 1>>),
+ list_to_binary(lists:zipwith(fun (X, Y) -> X bxor Y end,
+ binary_to_list(U1),
+ binary_to_list(hi_round(Password, U1,
+ IterationCount - 1)))).
hi_round(Password, UPrev, 1) ->
- crypto:sha_mac(Password, UPrev);
+ crypto:sha_mac(Password, UPrev);
hi_round(Password, UPrev, IterationCount) ->
- U = crypto:sha_mac(Password, UPrev),
- list_to_binary(lists:zipwith(fun(X, Y) ->
- X bxor Y
- end,
- binary_to_list(U),
- binary_to_list(hi_round(Password, U, IterationCount-1)))).
+ U = crypto:sha_mac(Password, UPrev),
+ list_to_binary(lists:zipwith(fun (X, Y) -> X bxor Y end,
+ binary_to_list(U),
+ binary_to_list(hi_round(Password, U,
+ IterationCount - 1)))).