path: root/src/mod_muc.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mod_muc.erl')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_muc.erl b/src/mod_muc.erl
index 6e69987dc..ec55e3c14 100644
--- a/src/mod_muc.erl
+++ b/src/mod_muc.erl
@@ -402,10 +402,10 @@ init([Host, Worker]) ->
{stop, normal, ok, state()}.
handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
{stop, normal, ok, State};
-handle_call({unhibernate, Room, Host}, _From,
+handle_call({unhibernate, Room, Host, ResetHibernationTime}, _From,
#{server_host := ServerHost} = State) ->
RMod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(ServerHost, ?MODULE),
- {reply, load_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room), State};
+ {reply, load_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room, ResetHibernationTime), State};
handle_call({create, Room, Host, Opts}, _From,
#{server_host := ServerHost} = State) ->
?DEBUG("MUC: create new room '~ts'~n", [Room]),
@@ -579,11 +579,15 @@ extract_password(#iq{} = IQ) ->
-spec unhibernate_room(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {ok, pid()} | error.
unhibernate_room(ServerHost, Host, Room) ->
+ unhibernate_room(ServerHost, Host, Room, true).
+-spec unhibernate_room(binary(), binary(), binary(), boolean()) -> {ok, pid()} | error.
+unhibernate_room(ServerHost, Host, Room, ResetHibernationTime) ->
RMod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(ServerHost, ?MODULE),
case RMod:find_online_room(ServerHost, Room, Host) of
error ->
Proc = procname(ServerHost, {Room, Host}),
- case ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, {unhibernate, Room, Host}, 20000) of
+ case ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, {unhibernate, Room, Host, ResetHibernationTime}, 20000) of
{ok, _} = R -> R;
_ -> error
@@ -605,7 +609,7 @@ route_to_room(Packet, ServerHost) ->
Err = xmpp:err_item_not_found(ErrText, Lang),
ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err);
StartType ->
- case load_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room) of
+ case load_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room, true) of
{error, notfound} when StartType == start ->
case check_create_room(ServerHost, Host, Room, From) of
true ->
@@ -849,28 +853,36 @@ load_permanent_rooms(Hosts, ServerHost, Opts) ->
fun(R) ->
{Room, _} = R#muc_room.name_host,
- unhibernate_room(ServerHost, Host, Room)
+ unhibernate_room(ServerHost, Host, Room, false)
end, get_rooms(ServerHost, Host))
end, Hosts);
false ->
--spec load_room(module(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {ok, pid()} |
- {error, notfound | term()}.
-load_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room) ->
+-spec load_room(module(), binary(), binary(), binary(), boolean()) ->
+ {ok, pid()} | {error, notfound | term()}.
+load_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room, ResetHibernationTime) ->
case restore_room(ServerHost, Host, Room) of
error ->
{error, notfound};
Opts0 ->
+ Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc),
case proplists:get_bool(persistent, Opts0) of
true ->
?DEBUG("Restore room: ~ts", [Room]),
- start_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room, Opts0);
+ Res2 = start_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room, Opts0),
+ case {Res2, ResetHibernationTime} of
+ {{ok, _}, true} ->
+ NewOpts = lists:keyreplace(hibernation_time, 1, Opts0, {hibernation_time, undefined}),
+ store_room(ServerHost, Host, Room, NewOpts, []);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ Res2;
_ ->
?DEBUG("Restore hibernated non-persistent room: ~ts", [Room]),
Res = start_room(RMod, Host, ServerHost, Room, Opts0),
- Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc),
case erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_subscribed_rooms, 3) of
true ->