path: root/src/mod_http_fileserver.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mod_http_fileserver.erl')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_http_fileserver.erl b/src/mod_http_fileserver.erl
index f7d1b15ca..ed1444cc5 100644
--- a/src/mod_http_fileserver.erl
+++ b/src/mod_http_fileserver.erl
@@ -43,11 +43,12 @@
%% utility for other http modules
--export([reopen_log/0, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, depends/2]).
+-export([reopen_log/0, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, depends/2, mod_doc/0]).
{host, docroot, accesslog, accesslogfd,
@@ -498,3 +499,87 @@ mod_options(_) ->
{must_authenticate_with, []},
%% Required option
+mod_doc() ->
+ #{desc =>
+ ?T("This simple module serves files from the local disk over HTTP."),
+ opts =>
+ [{accesslog,
+ #{value => ?T("Path"),
+ desc =>
+ ?T("File to log accesses using an Apache-like format. "
+ "No log will be recorded if this option is not specified.")}},
+ {docroot,
+ #{value => ?T("Path"),
+ desc =>
+ ?T("Directory to serve the files from. "
+ "This is a mandatory option.")}},
+ {content_types,
+ #{value => "{Extension: Type}",
+ desc =>
+ ?T("Specify mappings of extension to content type. "
+ "There are several content types already defined. "
+ "With this option you can add new definitions "
+ "or modify existing ones."),
+ example =>
+ [{?T("The default value is shown in the example below:"),
+ ["content_types:"|
+ [" " ++ binary_to_list(E) ++ ": " ++ binary_to_list(T)
+ || {E, T} <- ?DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPES]]}]}},
+ {default_content_type,
+ #{value => ?T("Type"),
+ desc =>
+ ?T("Specify the content type to use for unknown extensions. "
+ "The default value is 'application/octet-stream'.")}},
+ {custom_headers,
+ #{value => "{Name: Value}",
+ desc =>
+ ?T("Indicate custom HTTP headers to be included in all responses. "
+ "There are no custom headers by default.")}},
+ {directory_indices,
+ #{value => "[Index, ...]",
+ desc =>
+ ?T("Indicate one or more directory index files, "
+ "similarly to Apache's 'DirectoryIndex' variable. "
+ "When an HTTP request hits a directory instead of a "
+ "regular file, those directory indices are looked in order, "
+ "and the first one found is returned. "
+ "The default value is an empty list.")}},
+ {must_authenticate_with,
+ #{value => ?T("[{Username, Hostname}, ...]"),
+ desc =>
+ ?T("List of accounts that are allowed to use this service. "
+ "Default value: '[]'.")}}],
+ example =>
+ [{?T("This example configuration will serve the files from the "
+ "local directory '/var/www' in the address "
+ "'http://example.org:5280/pub/archive/'. In this example a new "
+ "content type 'ogg' is defined, 'png' is redefined, and 'jpg' "
+ "definition is deleted:"),
+ ["listen:",
+ " ...",
+ " -",
+ " port: 5280",
+ " module: ejabberd_http",
+ " request_handlers:",
+ " ...",
+ " /pub/archive: mod_http_fileserver",
+ " ...",
+ " ...",
+ "",
+ "modules:",
+ " ...",
+ " mod_http_fileserver:",
+ " docroot: /var/www",
+ " accesslog: /var/log/ejabberd/access.log",
+ " directory_indices:",
+ " - index.html",
+ " - main.htm",
+ " custom_headers:",
+ " X-Powered-By: Erlang/OTP",
+ " X-Fry: \"It's a widely-believed fact!\"",
+ " content_types:",
+ " .ogg: audio/ogg",
+ " .png: image/png",
+ " default_content_type: text/html",
+ " ..."]}]}.