path: root/src/econf.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/econf.erl')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/econf.erl b/src/econf.erl
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+++ b/src/econf.erl
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+%%% File : econf.erl
+%%% Purpose : Validator for ejabberd configuration options
+%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2019 ProcessOne
+%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+%% API
+-export([parse/3, validate/2, fail/1, format_error/2, replace_macros/1]).
+%% Simple types
+-export([pos_int/0, pos_int/1, non_neg_int/0, non_neg_int/1]).
+-export([int/0, int/2, number/1, octal/0]).
+-export([binary/0, binary/1]).
+-export([string/0, string/1]).
+-export([enum/1, bool/0, atom/0, any/0]).
+%% Complex types
+-export([url/0, url/1]).
+-export([file/0, file/1]).
+-export([directory/0, directory/1]).
+-export([ip/0, ipv4/0, ipv6/0, ip_mask/0, port/0]).
+-export([re/0, glob/0]).
+-export([path/0, binary_sep/1]).
+-export([beam/0, beam/1]).
+-export([timeout/1, timeout/2]).
+%% Composite types
+-export([list/1, list/2]).
+-export([list_or_single/1, list_or_single/2]).
+-export([map/2, map/3]).
+-export([either/2, and_then/2, non_empty/1]).
+-export([options/1, options/2]).
+%% Custom types
+-export([acl/0, shaper/0, url_or_file/0, lang/0]).
+-export([pem/0, queue_type/0]).
+-export([jid/0, user/0, domain/0, resource/0]).
+-export([db_type/1, ldap_filter/0, well_known/2]).
+-type error_reason() :: term().
+-type error_return() :: {error, error_reason(), yconf:ctx()}.
+-type validator() :: yconf:validator().
+-type validator(T) :: yconf:validator(T).
+-type validators() :: yconf:validators().
+-export_type([validator/0, validator/1, validators/0]).
+-export_type([error_reason/0, error_return/0]).
+%%% API
+parse(File, Validators, Options) ->
+ try yconf:parse(File, Validators, Options)
+ catch _:{?MODULE, Reason, Ctx} ->
+ {error, Reason, Ctx}
+ end.
+validate(Validator, Y) ->
+ try yconf:validate(Validator, Y)
+ catch _:{?MODULE, Reason, Ctx} ->
+ {error, Reason, Ctx}
+ end.
+replace_macros(Y) ->
+ yconf:replace_macros(Y).
+-spec fail(error_reason()) -> no_return().
+fail(Reason) ->
+ yconf:fail(?MODULE, Reason).
+format_error({bad_module, Mod}, Ctx)
+ when Ctx == [listen, module];
+ Ctx == [listen, request_handlers] ->
+ Mods = ejabberd_config:beams(all),
+ format("~s: unknown ~s: ~s. Did you mean ~s?",
+ [yconf:format_ctx(Ctx),
+ format_module_type(Ctx), Mod,
+ misc:best_match(Mod, Mods)]);
+format_error({bad_module, Mod}, Ctx)
+ when Ctx == [modules] ->
+ Mods = lists:filter(
+ fun(M) ->
+ case atom_to_list(M) of
+ "mod_" ++ _ -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end, ejabberd_config:beams(all)),
+ format("~s: unknown ~s: ~s. Did you mean ~s?",
+ [yconf:format_ctx(Ctx),
+ format_module_type(Ctx), Mod,
+ misc:best_match(Mod, Mods)]);
+format_error({bad_export, {F, A}, Mod}, Ctx)
+ when Ctx == [listen, module];
+ Ctx == [listen, request_handlers];
+ Ctx == [modules] ->
+ Type = format_module_type(Ctx),
+ Slogan = yconf:format_ctx(Ctx),
+ case lists:member(Mod, ejabberd_config:beams(local)) of
+ true ->
+ format("~s: '~s' is not a ~s", [Slogan, Mod, Type]);
+ false ->
+ case lists:member(Mod, ejabberd_config:beams(external)) of
+ true ->
+ format("~s: third-party ~s '~s' doesn't export "
+ "function ~s/~B. If it's really a ~s, "
+ "consider to upgrade it",
+ [Slogan, Type, Mod, F, A, Type]);
+ false ->
+ format("~s: '~s' doesn't match any known ~s",
+ [Slogan, Mod, Type])
+ end
+ end;
+format_error({unknown_option, [], _} = Why, Ctx) ->
+ format("~s. There are no available options",
+ [yconf:format_error(Why, Ctx)]);
+format_error({unknown_option, Known, Opt} = Why, Ctx) ->
+ format("~s. Did you mean ~s? ~s",
+ [yconf:format_error(Why, Ctx),
+ misc:best_match(Opt, Known),
+ format_known("Available options", Known)]);
+format_error({bad_enum, Known, Bad} = Why, Ctx) ->
+ format("~s. Did you mean ~s? ~s",
+ [yconf:format_error(Why, Ctx),
+ misc:best_match(Bad, Known),
+ format_known("Possible values", Known)]);
+format_error({bad_yaml, _, _} = Why, _) ->
+ format_error(Why);
+format_error(Reason, Ctx) ->
+ [H|T] = format_error(Reason),
+ yconf:format_ctx(Ctx) ++ ": " ++ [string:to_lower(H)|T].
+format_error({bad_db_type, _, Atom}) ->
+ format("unsupported database: ~s", [Atom]);
+format_error({bad_lang, Lang}) ->
+ format("Invalid language tag: ~s", [Lang]);
+format_error({bad_pem, Why, Path}) ->
+ format("Failed to read PEM file '~s': ~s",
+ [Path, pkix:format_error(Why)]);
+format_error({bad_cert, Why, Path}) ->
+ format_error({bad_pem, Why, Path});
+format_error({bad_jid, Bad}) ->
+ format("Invalid XMPP address: ~s", [Bad]);
+format_error({bad_user, Bad}) ->
+ format("Invalid user part: ~s", [Bad]);
+format_error({bad_domain, Bad}) ->
+ format("Invalid domain: ~s", [Bad]);
+format_error({bad_resource, Bad}) ->
+ format("Invalid resource part: ~s", [Bad]);
+format_error({bad_ldap_filter, Bad}) ->
+ format("Invalid LDAP filter: ~s", [Bad]);
+format_error({bad_sip_uri, Bad}) ->
+ format("Invalid SIP URI: ~s", [Bad]);
+format_error({route_conflict, R}) ->
+ format("Failed to reuse route '~s' because it's "
+ "already registered on a virtual host",
+ [R]);
+format_error({listener_dup, AddrPort}) ->
+ format("Overlapping listeners found at ~s",
+ [format_addr_port(AddrPort)]);
+format_error({listener_conflict, AddrPort1, AddrPort2}) ->
+ format("Overlapping listeners found at ~s and ~s",
+ [format_addr_port(AddrPort1),
+ format_addr_port(AddrPort2)]);
+format_error({invalid_syntax, Reason}) ->
+ format("~s", [Reason]);
+format_error({missing_module_dep, Mod, DepMod}) ->
+ format("module ~s depends on module ~s, "
+ "which is not found in the config",
+ [Mod, DepMod]);
+format_error(eimp_error) ->
+ format("ejabberd is built without image converter support", []);
+format_error({mqtt_codec, Reason}) ->
+ mqtt_codec:format_error(Reason);
+format_error(Reason) ->
+ yconf:format_error(Reason).
+format_module_type([listen, module]) ->
+ "listening module";
+format_module_type([listen, request_handlers]) ->
+ "HTTP request handler";
+format_module_type([modules]) ->
+ "ejabberd module".
+format_known(_, Known) when length(Known) > 20 ->
+ "";
+format_known(Prefix, Known) ->
+ [Prefix, " are: ", format_join(Known)].
+format_join([]) ->
+ "(empty)";
+format_join([H|_] = L) when is_atom(H) ->
+ format_join([atom_to_binary(A, utf8) || A <- L]);
+format_join(L) ->
+ str:join(lists:sort(L), <<", ">>).
+%%% Validators from yconf
+pos_int() ->
+ yconf:pos_int().
+pos_int(Inf) ->
+ yconf:pos_int(Inf).
+non_neg_int() ->
+ yconf:non_neg_int().
+non_neg_int(Inf) ->
+ yconf:non_neg_int(Inf).
+int() ->
+ yconf:int().
+int(Min, Max) ->
+ yconf:int(Min, Max).
+number(Min) ->
+ yconf:number(Min).
+octal() ->
+ yconf:octal().
+binary() ->
+ yconf:binary().
+binary(Re) ->
+ yconf:binary(Re).
+enum(L) ->
+ yconf:enum(L).
+bool() ->
+ yconf:bool().
+atom() ->
+ yconf:atom().
+string() ->
+ yconf:string().
+string(Re) ->
+ yconf:string(Re).
+any() ->
+ yconf:any().
+url() ->
+ yconf:url().
+url(Schemes) ->
+ yconf:url(Schemes).
+file() ->
+ yconf:file().
+file(Type) ->
+ yconf:file(Type).
+directory() ->
+ yconf:directory().
+directory(Type) ->
+ yconf:directory(Type).
+ip() ->
+ yconf:ip().
+ipv4() ->
+ yconf:ipv4().
+ipv6() ->
+ yconf:ipv6().
+ip_mask() ->
+ yconf:ip_mask().
+port() ->
+ yconf:port().
+re() ->
+ yconf:re().
+glob() ->
+ yconf:glob().
+path() ->
+ yconf:path().
+binary_sep(Sep) ->
+ yconf:binary_sep(Sep).
+beam() ->
+ yconf:beam().
+beam(Exports) ->
+ yconf:beam(Exports).
+timeout(Units) ->
+ yconf:timeout(Units).
+timeout(Units, Inf) ->
+ yconf:timeout(Units, Inf).
+non_empty(F) ->
+ yconf:non_empty(F).
+list(F) ->
+ yconf:list(F).
+list(F, Opts) ->
+ yconf:list(F, Opts).
+list_or_single(F) ->
+ yconf:list_or_single(F).
+list_or_single(F, Opts) ->
+ yconf:list_or_single(F, Opts).
+map(F1, F2) ->
+ yconf:map(F1, F2).
+map(F1, F2, Opts) ->
+ yconf:map(F1, F2, Opts).
+either(F1, F2) ->
+ yconf:either(F1, F2).
+and_then(F1, F2) ->
+ yconf:and_then(F1, F2).
+options(V) ->
+ yconf:options(V).
+options(V, O) ->
+ yconf:options(V, O).
+%%% Custom validators
+acl() ->
+ either(
+ atom(),
+ acl:access_rules_validator()).
+shaper() ->
+ either(
+ atom(),
+ ejabberd_shaper:shaper_rules_validator()).
+-spec url_or_file() -> yconf:validator({file | url, binary()}).
+url_or_file() ->
+ either(
+ and_then(url(), fun(URL) -> {url, URL} end),
+ and_then(file(), fun(File) -> {file, File} end)).
+-spec lang() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+lang() ->
+ and_then(
+ binary(),
+ fun(Lang) ->
+ try xmpp_lang:check(Lang)
+ catch _:_ -> fail({bad_lang, Lang})
+ end
+ end).
+-spec pem() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+pem() ->
+ and_then(
+ path(),
+ fun(Path) ->
+ case pkix:is_pem_file(Path) of
+ true -> Path;
+ {false, Reason} ->
+ fail({bad_pem, Reason, Path})
+ end
+ end).
+-spec jid() -> yconf:validator(jid:jid()).
+jid() ->
+ and_then(
+ binary(),
+ fun(Val) ->
+ try jid:decode(Val)
+ catch _:{bad_jid, _} = Reason -> fail(Reason)
+ end
+ end).
+-spec user() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+user() ->
+ and_then(
+ binary(),
+ fun(Val) ->
+ case jid:nodeprep(Val) of
+ error -> fail({bad_user, Val});
+ U -> U
+ end
+ end).
+-spec domain() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+domain() ->
+ and_then(
+ non_empty(binary()),
+ fun(Val) ->
+ try jid:tolower(jid:decode(Val)) of
+ {<<"">>, Domain, <<"">>} -> Domain;
+ _ -> fail({bad_domain, Val})
+ catch _:{bad_jid, _} ->
+ fail({bad_domain, Val})
+ end
+ end).
+-spec resource() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+resource() ->
+ and_then(
+ binary(),
+ fun(Val) ->
+ case jid:resourceprep(Val) of
+ error -> fail({bad_resource, Val});
+ R -> R
+ end
+ end).
+-spec db_type(module()) -> yconf:validator(atom()).
+db_type(M) ->
+ and_then(
+ atom(),
+ fun(T) ->
+ case code:ensure_loaded(db_module(M, T)) of
+ {module, _} -> T;
+ {error, _} -> fail({bad_db_type, M, T})
+ end
+ end).
+-spec queue_type() -> yconf:validator(ram | file).
+queue_type() ->
+ enum([ram, file]).
+-spec ldap_filter() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+ldap_filter() ->
+ and_then(
+ binary(),
+ fun(Val) ->
+ case eldap_filter:parse(Val) of
+ {ok, _} -> Val;
+ _ -> fail({bad_ldap_filter, Val})
+ end
+ end).
+well_known(queue_type, _) ->
+ queue_type();
+well_known(db_type, M) ->
+ db_type(M);
+well_known(ram_db_type, M) ->
+ db_type(M);
+well_known(cache_life_time, _) ->
+ pos_int(infinity);
+well_known(cache_size, _) ->
+ pos_int(infinity);
+well_known(use_cache, _) ->
+ bool();
+well_known(cache_missed, _) ->
+ bool();
+well_known(host, _) ->
+ host();
+well_known(hosts, _) ->
+ list(host(), [unique]).
+sip_uri() ->
+ and_then(
+ binary(),
+ fun(Val) ->
+ case esip:decode_uri(Val) of
+ error -> fail({bad_sip_uri, Val});
+ URI -> URI
+ end
+ end).
+-spec host() -> yconf:validator(binary()).
+host() ->
+ fun(Domain) ->
+ Host = ejabberd_config:get_myname(),
+ Hosts = ejabberd_config:get_option(hosts),
+ Domain1 = (binary())(Domain),
+ Domain2 = misc:expand_keyword(<<"@HOST@">>, Domain1, Host),
+ Domain3 = (domain())(Domain2),
+ case lists:member(Domain3, Hosts) of
+ true -> fail({route_conflict, Domain3});
+ false -> Domain3
+ end
+ end.
+%%% Internal functions
+-spec db_module(module(), atom()) -> module().
+db_module(M, Type) ->
+ try list_to_atom(atom_to_list(M) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Type))
+ catch _:system_limit ->
+ fail({bad_length, 255})
+ end.
+format_addr_port({IP, Port}) ->
+ IPStr = case tuple_size(IP) of
+ 4 -> inet:ntoa(IP);
+ 8 -> "[" ++ inet:ntoa(IP) ++ "]"
+ end,
+ IPStr ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port).
+-spec format(iolist(), list()) -> string().
+format(Fmt, Args) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)).