path: root/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ejabberd-1.1.2/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 882 deletions
diff --git a/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl b/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5113f1afe..000000000
--- a/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl
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@@ -1,882 +0,0 @@
-%%% File : ejabberd_http.erl
-%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Purpose :
-%%% Created : 27 Feb 2004 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Id : $Id$
--vsn('$Revision$ ').
-%% External exports
- start_link/2,
- become_controller/1,
- receive_headers/1,
- url_encode/1]).
--record(state, {sockmod,
- socket,
- request_method,
- request_version,
- request_path,
- request_auth,
- request_keepalive,
- request_content_length,
- request_lang = "en",
- use_http_poll = false,
- use_web_admin = false,
- end_of_request = false,
- trail = ""
- }).
- "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
- "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" "
- "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n").
- "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" "
- "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n").
-start(SockData, Opts) ->
- supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_http_sup, [SockData, Opts]).
-start_link({SockMod, Socket}, Opts) ->
- TLSEnabled = lists:member(tls, Opts),
- TLSOpts = lists:filter(fun({certfile, _}) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end, Opts),
- {SockMod1, Socket1} =
- if
- TLSEnabled ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{recbuf, 8192}]),
- {ok, TLSSocket} = tls:tcp_to_tls(Socket, TLSOpts),
- {tls, TLSSocket};
- true ->
- {SockMod, Socket}
- end,
- case SockMod1 of
- gen_tcp ->
- inet:setopts(Socket1, [{packet, http}, {recbuf, 8192}]);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- UseHTTPPoll = lists:member(http_poll, Opts),
- UseWebAdmin = lists:member(web_admin, Opts),
- ?DEBUG("S: ~p~n", [{UseHTTPPoll, UseWebAdmin}]),
- ?INFO_MSG("started: ~p", [{SockMod1, Socket1}]),
- {ok, proc_lib:spawn_link(ejabberd_http,
- receive_headers,
- [#state{sockmod = SockMod1,
- socket = Socket1,
- use_http_poll = UseHTTPPoll,
- use_web_admin = UseWebAdmin}])}.
-become_controller(_Pid) ->
- ok.
-send_text(State, Text) ->
- (State#state.sockmod):send(State#state.socket, Text).
-receive_headers(State) ->
- SockMod = State#state.sockmod,
- Socket = State#state.socket,
- Data = SockMod:recv(Socket, 0, 300000),
- case State#state.sockmod of
- gen_tcp ->
- NewState = process_header(State, Data),
- case NewState#state.end_of_request of
- true ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- receive_headers(NewState)
- end;
- _ ->
- case Data of
- {ok, Binary} ->
- {Request, Trail} = parse_request(
- State,
- State#state.trail ++ binary_to_list(Binary)),
- State1 = State#state{trail = Trail},
- NewState = lists:foldl(
- fun(D, S) ->
- case S#state.end_of_request of
- true ->
- S;
- _ ->
- process_header(S, D)
- end
- end, State1, Request),
- case NewState#state.end_of_request of
- true ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- receive_headers(NewState)
- end;
- _ ->
- ok
- end
- end.
-process_header(State, Data) ->
- SockMod = State#state.sockmod,
- Socket = State#state.socket,
- case Data of
- {ok, {http_request, Method, Uri, Version}} ->
- KeepAlive = case Version of
- {1, 1} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end,
- Path = case Uri of
- {absoluteURI, _Scheme, _Host, _Port, P} -> {abs_path, P};
- _ -> Uri
- end,
- State#state{request_method = Method,
- request_version = Version,
- request_path = Path,
- request_keepalive = KeepAlive};
- {ok, {http_header, _, 'Connection', _, Conn}} ->
- KeepAlive1 = case jlib:tolower(Conn) of
- "keep-alive" ->
- true;
- "close" ->
- false;
- _ ->
- State#state.request_keepalive
- end,
- State#state{request_keepalive = KeepAlive1};
- {ok, {http_header, _, 'Authorization', _, Auth}} ->
- State#state{request_auth = parse_auth(Auth)};
- {ok, {http_header, _, 'Content-Length', _, SLen}} ->
- case catch list_to_integer(SLen) of
- Len when is_integer(Len) ->
- State#state{request_content_length = Len};
- _ ->
- State
- end;
- {ok, {http_header, _, 'Accept-Language', _, Langs}} ->
- State#state{request_lang = parse_lang(Langs)};
- {ok, {http_header, _, _, _, _}} ->
- State;
- {ok, http_eoh} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("(~w) http query: ~w ~s~n",
- [State#state.socket,
- State#state.request_method,
- element(2, State#state.request_path)]),
- Out = process_request(State),
- send_text(State, Out),
- case State#state.request_keepalive of
- true ->
- case SockMod of
- gen_tcp ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, http}]);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- #state{sockmod = SockMod,
- socket = Socket,
- use_http_poll = State#state.use_http_poll,
- use_web_admin = State#state.use_web_admin};
- _ ->
- #state{end_of_request = true}
- end;
- {error, _Reason} ->
- #state{end_of_request = true};
- _ ->
- #state{end_of_request = true}
- end.
-process_request(#state{request_method = 'GET',
- request_path = {abs_path, Path},
- request_auth = Auth,
- request_lang = Lang,
- use_http_poll = UseHTTPPoll,
- use_web_admin = UseWebAdmin} = State) ->
- case (catch url_decode_q_split(Path)) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- process_request(false);
- {NPath, Query} ->
- LQuery = case (catch parse_urlencoded(Query)) of
- {'EXIT', _Reason} ->
- [];
- LQ ->
- LQ
- end,
- LPath = string:tokens(NPath, "/"),
- Request = #request{method = 'GET',
- path = LPath,
- q = LQuery,
- auth = Auth,
- lang = Lang},
- case ejabberd_web:process_get({UseHTTPPoll, UseWebAdmin},
- Request) of
- El when element(1, El) == xmlelement ->
- make_xhtml_output(State, 200, [], El);
- {Status, Headers, El} when
- element(1, El) == xmlelement ->
- make_xhtml_output(State, Status, Headers, El);
- Text when is_list(Text) ->
- make_text_output(State, 200, [], Text);
- {Status, Headers, Text} when
- is_list(Text) ->
- make_text_output(State, Status, Headers, Text)
- end
- end;
-process_request(#state{request_method = 'POST',
- request_path = {abs_path, Path},
- request_auth = Auth,
- request_content_length = Len,
- request_lang = Lang,
- sockmod = SockMod,
- socket = Socket,
- use_http_poll = UseHTTPPoll,
- use_web_admin = UseWebAdmin} = State)
- when is_integer(Len) ->
- case SockMod of
- gen_tcp ->
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, 0}]);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- Data = recv_data(State, Len),
- ?DEBUG("client data: ~p~n", [Data]),
- case (catch url_decode_q_split(Path)) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- process_request(false);
- {NPath, Query} ->
- LPath = string:tokens(NPath, "/"),
- LQuery = case (catch parse_urlencoded(Data)) of
- {'EXIT', _Reason} ->
- [];
- LQ ->
- LQ
- end,
- Request = #request{method = 'POST',
- path = LPath,
- q = LQuery,
- auth = Auth,
- data = Data,
- lang = Lang},
- case ejabberd_web:process_get({UseHTTPPoll, UseWebAdmin},
- Request) of
- El when element(1, El) == xmlelement ->
- make_xhtml_output(State, 200, [], El);
- {Status, Headers, El} when
- element(1, El) == xmlelement ->
- make_xhtml_output(State, Status, Headers, El);
- Text when is_list(Text) ->
- make_text_output(State, 200, [], Text);
- {Status, Headers, Text} when is_list(Text) ->
- make_text_output(State, Status, Headers, Text)
- end
- end;
-process_request(State) ->
- make_xhtml_output(State,
- 400,
- [],
- ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([{xmlelement, "h1", [],
- [{xmlcdata, "400 Bad Request"}]}])).
-recv_data(State, Len) ->
- recv_data(State, Len, []).
-recv_data(State, 0, Acc) ->
- binary_to_list(list_to_binary(Acc));
-recv_data(State, Len, Acc) ->
- case State#state.trail of
- [] ->
- case (State#state.sockmod):recv(State#state.socket, Len, 300000) of
- {ok, Data} ->
- recv_data(State, Len - size(Data), [Acc | Data]);
- _ ->
- ""
- end;
- _ ->
- Trail = State#state.trail,
- recv_data(State#state{trail = ""}, Len - length(Trail), [Acc | Trail])
- end.
-make_xhtml_output(State, Status, Headers, XHTML) ->
- Data = case lists:member(html, Headers) of
- true ->
- list_to_binary([?HTML_DOCTYPE,
- xml:element_to_string(XHTML)]);
- _ ->
- list_to_binary([?XHTML_DOCTYPE,
- xml:element_to_string(XHTML)])
- end,
- Headers1 = case lists:keysearch("Content-Type", 1, Headers) of
- {value, _} ->
- [{"Content-Length", integer_to_list(size(Data))} |
- Headers];
- _ ->
- [{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
- {"Content-Length", integer_to_list(size(Data))} |
- Headers]
- end,
- HeadersOut = case {State#state.request_version,
- State#state.request_keepalive} of
- {{1, 1}, true} -> Headers1;
- {_, true} ->
- [{"Connection", "keep-alive"} | Headers1];
- {_, false} ->
- % not required for http versions < 1.1
- % but would make no harm
- [{"Connection", "close"} | Headers1]
- end,
- Version = case State#state.request_version of
- {1, 1} -> "HTTP/1.1 ";
- _ -> "HTTP/1.0 "
- end,
- H = lists:map(fun({Attr, Val}) ->
- [Attr, ": ", Val, "\r\n"];
- (_) ->
- []
- end, HeadersOut),
- SL = [Version, integer_to_list(Status), " ",
- code_to_phrase(Status), "\r\n"],
- [SL, H, "\r\n", Data].
-make_text_output(State, Status, Headers, Text) ->
- Data = list_to_binary(Text),
- Headers1 = case lists:keysearch("Content-Type", 1, Headers) of
- {value, _} ->
- [{"Content-Length", integer_to_list(size(Data))} |
- Headers];
- _ ->
- [{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
- {"Content-Length", integer_to_list(size(Data))} |
- Headers]
- end,
- HeadersOut = case {State#state.request_version,
- State#state.request_keepalive} of
- {{1, 1}, true} -> Headers1;
- {_, true} ->
- [{"Connection", "keep-alive"} | Headers1];
- {_, false} ->
- % not required for http versions < 1.1
- % but would make no harm
- [{"Connection", "close"} | Headers1]
- end,
- Version = case State#state.request_version of
- {1, 1} -> "HTTP/1.1 ";
- _ -> "HTTP/1.0 "
- end,
- H = lists:map(fun({Attr, Val}) ->
- [Attr, ": ", Val, "\r\n"]
- end, HeadersOut),
- SL = [Version, integer_to_list(Status), " ",
- code_to_phrase(Status), "\r\n"],
- [SL, H, "\r\n", Data].
-parse_lang(Langs) ->
- case string:tokens(Langs, ",; ") of
- [First | _] ->
- First;
- [] ->
- "en"
- end.
-% Code below is taken (with some modifications) from the yaws webserver, which
-% is distributed under the folowing license:
-% This software (the yaws webserver) is free software.
-% Parts of this software is Copyright (c) Claes Wikstrom <klacke@hyber.org>
-% Any use or misuse of the source code is hereby freely allowed.
-% 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-% notice as well as this list of conditions.
-% 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-% notice as well as this list of conditions.
-%% url decode the path and return {Path, QueryPart}
-url_decode_q_split(Path) ->
- url_decode_q_split(Path, []).
-url_decode_q_split([$%, $C, $2, $%, Hi, Lo | Tail], Ack) ->
- Hex = hex_to_integer([Hi, Lo]),
- url_decode_q_split(Tail, [Hex|Ack]);
-url_decode_q_split([$%, $C, $3, $%, Hi, Lo | Tail], Ack) when Hi > $9 ->
- Hex = hex_to_integer([Hi+4, Lo]),
- url_decode_q_split(Tail, [Hex|Ack]);
-url_decode_q_split([$%, $C, $3, $%, Hi, Lo | Tail], Ack) when Hi < $A ->
- Hex = hex_to_integer([Hi+4+7, Lo]),
- url_decode_q_split(Tail, [Hex|Ack]);
-url_decode_q_split([$%, Hi, Lo | Tail], Ack) ->
- Hex = hex_to_integer([Hi, Lo]),
- url_decode_q_split(Tail, [Hex|Ack]);
-url_decode_q_split([$?|T], Ack) ->
- %% Don't decode the query string here, that is parsed separately.
- {path_norm_reverse(Ack), T};
-url_decode_q_split([H|T], Ack) ->
- url_decode_q_split(T, [H|Ack]);
-url_decode_q_split([], Ack) ->
- {path_norm_reverse(Ack), []}.
-path_norm_reverse("/" ++ T) -> start_dir(0, "/", T);
-path_norm_reverse( T) -> start_dir(0, "", T).
-start_dir(N, Path, ".." ) -> rest_dir(N, Path, "");
-start_dir(N, Path, "/" ++ T ) -> start_dir(N , Path, T);
-start_dir(N, Path, "./" ++ T ) -> start_dir(N , Path, T);
-start_dir(N, Path, "../" ++ T ) -> start_dir(N + 1, Path, T);
-start_dir(N, Path, T ) -> rest_dir (N , Path, T).
-rest_dir (_N, Path, [] ) -> case Path of
- [] -> "/";
- _ -> Path
- end;
-rest_dir (0, Path, [ $/ | T ] ) -> start_dir(0 , [ $/ | Path ], T);
-rest_dir (N, Path, [ $/ | T ] ) -> start_dir(N - 1, Path , T);
-rest_dir (0, Path, [ H | T ] ) -> rest_dir (0 , [ H | Path ], T);
-rest_dir (N, Path, [ _H | T ] ) -> rest_dir (N , Path , T).
-%% hex_to_integer
-hex_to_integer(Hex) ->
- case catch erlang:list_to_integer(Hex, 16) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- old_hex_to_integer(Hex);
- X ->
- X
- end.
-old_hex_to_integer(Hex) ->
- DEHEX = fun (H) when H >= $a, H =< $f -> H - $a + 10;
- (H) when H >= $A, H =< $F -> H - $A + 10;
- (H) when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> H - $0
- end,
- lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> Acc*16+DEHEX(E) end, 0, Hex).
-code_to_phrase(100) -> "Continue";
-code_to_phrase(101) -> "Switching Protocols ";
-code_to_phrase(200) -> "OK";
-code_to_phrase(201) -> "Created";
-code_to_phrase(202) -> "Accepted";
-code_to_phrase(203) -> "Non-Authoritative Information";
-code_to_phrase(204) -> "No Content";
-code_to_phrase(205) -> "Reset Content";
-code_to_phrase(206) -> "Partial Content";
-code_to_phrase(300) -> "Multiple Choices";
-code_to_phrase(301) -> "Moved Permanently";
-code_to_phrase(302) -> "Found";
-code_to_phrase(303) -> "See Other";
-code_to_phrase(304) -> "Not Modified";
-code_to_phrase(305) -> "Use Proxy";
-code_to_phrase(306) -> "(Unused)";
-code_to_phrase(307) -> "Temporary Redirect";
-code_to_phrase(400) -> "Bad Request";
-code_to_phrase(401) -> "Unauthorized";
-code_to_phrase(402) -> "Payment Required";
-code_to_phrase(403) -> "Forbidden";
-code_to_phrase(404) -> "Not Found";
-code_to_phrase(405) -> "Method Not Allowed";
-code_to_phrase(406) -> "Not Acceptable";
-code_to_phrase(407) -> "Proxy Authentication Required";
-code_to_phrase(408) -> "Request Timeout";
-code_to_phrase(409) -> "Conflict";
-code_to_phrase(410) -> "Gone";
-code_to_phrase(411) -> "Length Required";
-code_to_phrase(412) -> "Precondition Failed";
-code_to_phrase(413) -> "Request Entity Too Large";
-code_to_phrase(414) -> "Request-URI Too Long";
-code_to_phrase(415) -> "Unsupported Media Type";
-code_to_phrase(416) -> "Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
-code_to_phrase(417) -> "Expectation Failed";
-code_to_phrase(500) -> "Internal Server Error";
-code_to_phrase(501) -> "Not Implemented";
-code_to_phrase(502) -> "Bad Gateway";
-code_to_phrase(503) -> "Service Unavailable";
-code_to_phrase(504) -> "Gateway Timeout";
-code_to_phrase(505) -> "HTTP Version Not Supported".
-parse_auth(Orig = "Basic " ++ Auth64) ->
- case decode_base64(Auth64) of
- {error, _Err} ->
- undefined;
- Auth ->
- case string:tokens(Auth, ":") of
- [User, Pass] ->
- {User, Pass};
- _ ->
- undefined
- end
- end;
-parse_auth(_) ->
- undefined.
-decode_base64([]) ->
- [];
-decode_base64([Sextet1,Sextet2,$=,$=|Rest]) ->
- Bits2x6=
- (d(Sextet1) bsl 18) bor
- (d(Sextet2) bsl 12),
- Octet1=Bits2x6 bsr 16,
- [Octet1|decode_base64(Rest)];
-decode_base64([Sextet1,Sextet2,Sextet3,$=|Rest]) ->
- Bits3x6=
- (d(Sextet1) bsl 18) bor
- (d(Sextet2) bsl 12) bor
- (d(Sextet3) bsl 6),
- Octet1=Bits3x6 bsr 16,
- Octet2=(Bits3x6 bsr 8) band 16#ff,
- [Octet1,Octet2|decode_base64(Rest)];
-decode_base64([Sextet1,Sextet2,Sextet3,Sextet4|Rest]) ->
- Bits4x6=
- (d(Sextet1) bsl 18) bor
- (d(Sextet2) bsl 12) bor
- (d(Sextet3) bsl 6) bor
- d(Sextet4),
- Octet1=Bits4x6 bsr 16,
- Octet2=(Bits4x6 bsr 8) band 16#ff,
- Octet3=Bits4x6 band 16#ff,
- [Octet1,Octet2,Octet3|decode_base64(Rest)];
-decode_base64(_CatchAll) ->
- {error, bad_base64}.
-d(X) when X >= $A, X =<$Z ->
- X-65;
-d(X) when X >= $a, X =<$z ->
- X-71;
-d(X) when X >= $0, X =<$9 ->
- X+4;
-d($+) -> 62;
-d($/) -> 63;
-d(_) -> 63.
-parse_urlencoded(S) ->
- parse_urlencoded(S, nokey, [], key).
-parse_urlencoded([$%, Hi, Lo | Tail], Last, Cur, State) ->
- Hex = hex_to_integer([Hi, Lo]),
- parse_urlencoded(Tail, Last, [Hex | Cur], State);
-parse_urlencoded([$& | Tail], _Last, Cur, key) ->
- [{lists:reverse(Cur), ""} |
- parse_urlencoded(Tail, nokey, [], key)]; %% cont keymode
-parse_urlencoded([$& | Tail], Last, Cur, value) ->
- V = {Last, lists:reverse(Cur)},
- [V | parse_urlencoded(Tail, nokey, [], key)];
-parse_urlencoded([$+ | Tail], Last, Cur, State) ->
- parse_urlencoded(Tail, Last, [$\s | Cur], State);
-parse_urlencoded([$= | Tail], _Last, Cur, key) ->
- parse_urlencoded(Tail, lists:reverse(Cur), [], value); %% change mode
-parse_urlencoded([H | Tail], Last, Cur, State) ->
- parse_urlencoded(Tail, Last, [H|Cur], State);
-parse_urlencoded([], Last, Cur, _State) ->
- [{Last, lists:reverse(Cur)}];
-parse_urlencoded(undefined, _, _, _) ->
- [].
-url_encode([H|T]) ->
- if
- H >= $a, $z >= H ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- H >= $A, $Z >= H ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- H >= $0, $9 >= H ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- H == $_; H == $.; H == $-; H == $/; H == $: -> % FIXME: more..
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- true ->
- case integer_to_hex(H) of
- [X, Y] ->
- [$%, X, Y | url_encode(T)];
- [X] ->
- [$%, $0, X | url_encode(T)]
- end
- end;
-url_encode([]) ->
- [].
-integer_to_hex(I) ->
- case catch erlang:integer_to_list(I, 16) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- old_integer_to_hex(I);
- Int ->
- Int
- end.
-old_integer_to_hex(I) when I<10 ->
- integer_to_list(I);
-old_integer_to_hex(I) when I<16 ->
- [I-10+$A];
-old_integer_to_hex(I) when I>=16 ->
- N = trunc(I/16),
- old_integer_to_hex(N) ++ old_integer_to_hex(I rem 16).
-% The following code is mostly taken from yaws_ssl.erl
-parse_request(State, Data) ->
- case Data of
- [] ->
- {[], []};
- _ ->
- ?DEBUG("GOT ssl data ~p~n", [Data]),
- {R, Trail} = case State#state.request_method of
- undefined ->
- {R1, Trail1} = get_req(Data),
- ?DEBUG("Parsed request ~p~n", [R1]),
- {[R1], Trail1};
- _ ->
- {[], Data}
- end,
- {H, Trail2} = get_headers(Trail),
- {R ++ H, Trail2}
- end.
-get_req("\r\n\r\n" ++ _) ->
- bad_request;
-get_req("\r\n" ++ Data) ->
- get_req(Data);
-get_req(Data) ->
- {FirstLine, Trail} = lists:splitwith(fun not_eol/1, Data),
- R = parse_req(FirstLine),
- {R, Trail}.
- false;
-not_eol($\n) ->
- false;
-not_eol(_) ->
- true.
- {Word, T} = lists:splitwith(fun(X)-> X /= $\ end, Line),
- {Word, lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> X == $\ end, T)}.
-parse_req(Line) ->
- {MethodStr, L1} = get_word(Line),
- ?DEBUG("Method: ~p~n", [MethodStr]),
- case L1 of
- [] ->
- bad_request;
- _ ->
- {URI, L2} = get_word(L1),
- {VersionStr, L3} = get_word(L2),
- ?DEBUG("URI: ~p~nVersion: ~p~nL3: ~p~n",
- [URI, VersionStr, L3]),
- case L3 of
- [] ->
- Method = case MethodStr of
- "GET" -> 'GET';
- "POST" -> 'POST';
- "HEAD" -> 'HEAD';
- "TRACE" -> 'TRACE';
- "PUT" -> 'PUT';
- S -> S
- end,
- Path = case URI of
- "*" ->
- % Is this correct?
- "*";
- _ ->
- case string:str(URI, "://") of
- 0 ->
- % Relative URI
- % ex: /index.html
- {abs_path, URI};
- N ->
- % Absolute URI
- % ex: http://localhost/index.html
- % Remove scheme
- % ex: URI2 = localhost/index.html
- URI2 = string:substr(URI, N + 3),
- % Look for the start of the path
- % (or the lack of a path thereof)
- case string:chr(URI2, $/) of
- 0 -> {abs_path, "/"};
- M -> {abs_path,
- string:substr(URI2, M + 1)}
- end
- end
- end,
- case VersionStr of
- [] ->
- {ok, {http_request, Method, Path, {0,9}}};
- "HTTP/1.0" ->
- {ok, {http_request, Method, Path, {1,0}}};
- "HTTP/1.1" ->
- {ok, {http_request, Method, Path, {1,1}}};
- _ ->
- bad_request
- end;
- _ ->
- bad_request
- end
- end.
-get_headers(Tail) ->
- get_headers([], Tail).
-get_headers(H, Tail) ->
- case get_line(Tail) of
- {incomplete, Tail2} ->
- {H, Tail2};
- {line, Line, Tail2} ->
- get_headers(H ++ parse_line(Line), Tail2);
- {lastline, Line, Tail2} ->
- {H ++ parse_line(Line) ++ [{ok, http_eoh}], Tail2}
- end.
-parse_line("Connection:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Connection', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Host:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Host', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Accept:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Accept', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("If-Modified-Since:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'If-Modified-Since', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("If-Match:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'If-Match', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("If-None-Match:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'If-None-Match', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("If-Range:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'If-Range', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("If-Unmodified-Since:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'If-Unmodified-Since', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Range:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Range', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("User-Agent:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'User-Agent', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Accept-Ranges:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Accept-Ranges', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Authorization:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Authorization', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Keep-Alive:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Keep-Alive', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Referer:" ++ Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Referer', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Content-type:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Content-Type', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Content-Type:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Content-Type', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Content-Length:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Content-Length', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Content-length:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Content-Length', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Cookie:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Cookie', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Accept-Language:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Accept-Language', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line("Accept-Encoding:"++Con) ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, 'Accept-Encoding', undefined, strip_spaces(Con)}}];
-parse_line(S) ->
- case lists:splitwith(fun(C)->C /= $: end, S) of
- {Name, [$:|Val]} ->
- [{ok, {http_header, undefined, Name, undefined, strip_spaces(Val)}}];
- _ ->
- []
- end.
-is_space($\s) ->
- true;
-is_space($\r) ->
- true;
-is_space($\n) ->
- true;
-is_space($\t) ->
- true;
-is_space(_) ->
- false.
-strip_spaces(String) ->
- strip_spaces(String, both).
-strip_spaces(String, left) ->
- drop_spaces(String);
-strip_spaces(String, right) ->
- lists:reverse(drop_spaces(lists:reverse(String)));
-strip_spaces(String, both) ->
- strip_spaces(drop_spaces(String), right).
-drop_spaces([]) ->
- [];
-drop_spaces(YS=[X|XS]) ->
- case is_space(X) of
- true ->
- drop_spaces(XS);
- false ->
- YS
- end.
-is_nb_space(X) ->
- lists:member(X, [$\s, $\t]).
-% ret: {line, Line, Trail} | {lastline, Line, Trail}
-get_line(L) ->
- get_line(L, []).
-get_line("\r\n\r\n" ++ Tail, Cur) ->
- {lastline, lists:reverse(Cur), Tail};
-get_line("\r\n" ++ Tail, Cur) ->
- case Tail of
- [] ->
- {incomplete, lists:reverse(Cur) ++ "\r\n"};
- _ ->
- case is_nb_space(hd(Tail)) of
- true -> %% multiline ... continue
- get_line(Tail, [$\n, $\r | Cur]);
- false ->
- {line, lists:reverse(Cur), Tail}
- end
- end;
-get_line([H|T], Cur) ->
- get_line(T, [H|Cur]).