path: root/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/acl.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'ejabberd-1.1.2/src/acl.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/acl.erl b/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/acl.erl
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index a4417a59d..000000000
--- a/ejabberd-1.1.2/src/acl.erl
+++ /dev/null
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-%%% File : acl.erl
-%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Purpose : ACL support
-%%% Created : 18 Jan 2003 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Id : $Id$
--vsn('$Revision$ ').
- to_record/3,
- add/3,
- add_list/3,
- match_rule/3,
- % for debugging only
- match_acl/3]).
--record(acl, {aclname, aclspec}).
-start() ->
- mnesia:create_table(acl,
- [{disc_copies, [node()]},
- {type, bag},
- {attributes, record_info(fields, acl)}]),
- mnesia:add_table_copy(acl, node(), ram_copies),
- ok.
-to_record(Host, ACLName, ACLSpec) ->
- #acl{aclname = {ACLName, Host}, aclspec = ACLSpec}.
-add(Host, ACLName, ACLSpec) ->
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:write(#acl{aclname = {ACLName, Host},
- aclspec = ACLSpec})
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F).
-add_list(Host, ACLs, Clear) ->
- F = fun() ->
- if
- Clear ->
- Ks = mnesia:select(
- acl, [{{acl, {'$1', Host}, '$2'}, [], ['$1']}]),
- lists:foreach(fun(K) ->
- mnesia:delete({acl, {K, Host}})
- end, Ks);
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- lists:foreach(fun(ACL) ->
- case ACL of
- #acl{aclname = ACLName,
- aclspec = ACLSpec} ->
- mnesia:write(
- #acl{aclname = {ACLName, Host},
- aclspec = ACLSpec})
- end
- end, ACLs)
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {atomic, _} ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-match_rule(global, Rule, JID) ->
- case Rule of
- all -> allow;
- none -> deny;
- _ ->
- case ejabberd_config:get_global_option({access, Rule, global}) of
- undefined ->
- deny;
- GACLs ->
- match_acls(GACLs, JID, global)
- end
- end;
-match_rule(Host, Rule, JID) ->
- case Rule of
- all -> allow;
- none -> deny;
- _ ->
- case ejabberd_config:get_global_option({access, Rule, global}) of
- undefined ->
- case ejabberd_config:get_global_option({access, Rule, Host}) of
- undefined ->
- deny;
- ACLs ->
- match_acls(ACLs, JID, Host)
- end;
- GACLs ->
- case ejabberd_config:get_global_option({access, Rule, Host}) of
- undefined ->
- match_acls(GACLs, JID, Host);
- ACLs ->
- case lists:reverse(GACLs) of
- [{allow, all} | Rest] ->
- match_acls(
- lists:reverse(Rest) ++ ACLs ++
- [{allow, all}],
- JID, Host);
- _ ->
- match_acls(GACLs ++ ACLs, JID, Host)
- end
- end
- end
- end.
-match_acls([], _, Host) ->
- deny;
-match_acls([{Access, ACL} | ACLs], JID, Host) ->
- case match_acl(ACL, JID, Host) of
- true ->
- Access;
- _ ->
- match_acls(ACLs, JID, Host)
- end.
-match_acl(ACL, JID, Host) ->
- case ACL of
- all -> true;
- none -> false;
- _ ->
- {User, Server, Resource} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID),
- lists:any(fun(#acl{aclspec = Spec}) ->
- case Spec of
- all ->
- true;
- {user, U} ->
- (U == User)
- andalso
- ((Host == Server) orelse
- ((Host == global) andalso
- lists:member(Server, ?MYHOSTS)));
- {user, U, S} ->
- (U == User) andalso (S == Server);
- {server, S} ->
- S == Server;
- {user_regexp, UR} ->
- ((Host == Server) orelse
- ((Host == global) andalso
- lists:member(Server, ?MYHOSTS)))
- andalso is_regexp_match(User, UR);
- {user_regexp, UR, S} ->
- (S == Server) andalso
- is_regexp_match(User, UR);
- {server_regexp, SR} ->
- is_regexp_match(Server, SR);
- {node_regexp, UR, SR} ->
- is_regexp_match(Server, SR) andalso
- is_regexp_match(User, UR);
- {user_glob, UR} ->
- ((Host == Server) orelse
- ((Host == global) andalso
- lists:member(Server, ?MYHOSTS)))
- andalso
- is_glob_match(User, UR);
- {user_glob, UR, S} ->
- (S == Server) andalso
- is_glob_match(User, UR);
- {server_glob, SR} ->
- is_glob_match(Server, SR);
- {node_glob, UR, SR} ->
- is_glob_match(Server, SR) andalso
- is_glob_match(User, UR);
- WrongSpec ->
- "Wrong ACL expression: ~p~n"
- "Check your config file and reload it with the override_acls option enabled",
- [WrongSpec]),
- false
- end
- end,
- ets:lookup(acl, {ACL, global}) ++
- ets:lookup(acl, {ACL, Host}))
- end.
-is_regexp_match(String, RegExp) ->
- case regexp:first_match(String, RegExp) of
- nomatch ->
- false;
- {match, _, _} ->
- true;
- {error, ErrDesc} ->
- "Wrong regexp ~p in ACL: ~p",
- [RegExp, lists:flatten(regexp:format_error(ErrDesc))]),
- false
- end.
-is_glob_match(String, Glob) ->
- is_regexp_match(String, regexp:sh_to_awk(Glob)).