path: root/src
diff options
authorHolger Weiss <holger@zedat.fu-berlin.de>2020-05-19 22:55:12 +0200
committerHolger Weiss <holger@zedat.fu-berlin.de>2020-05-19 22:55:12 +0200
commitf19b975e8deaf3c0d943894142d5981791f07219 (patch)
treee4259b8b5c879a91d04393243e4313e1c081f3ea /src
parentejabberd_stun: Support IPv6 for TURN (diff)
mod_stun_disco: Offer local IPv6 services
Also announce local STUN/TURN services listening on IPv6 sockets (unless the 'offer_local_services' option is set to 'false').
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 116 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/ejabberd_stun.erl b/src/ejabberd_stun.erl
index 68e74d861..46e7675c9 100644
--- a/src/ejabberd_stun.erl
+++ b/src/ejabberd_stun.erl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ prepare_turn_opts(Opts, _UseTurn = true) ->
NumberOfMyHosts = length(ejabberd_option:hosts()),
TurnIP = case proplists:get_value(turn_v4_ip, Opts) of
undefined ->
- MyIP = misc:get_my_ip(),
+ MyIP = misc:get_my_v4_ip(),
case MyIP of
{127, _, _, _} ->
?WARNING_MSG("Option 'turn_v4_ip' is undefined "
diff --git a/src/misc.erl b/src/misc.erl
index 9030be60c..bb9d39d87 100644
--- a/src/misc.erl
+++ b/src/misc.erl
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
read_css/1, read_img/1, read_js/1, read_lua/1, try_url/1,
intersection/2, format_val/1, cancel_timer/1, unique_timestamp/0,
is_mucsub_message/1, best_match/2, pmap/2, peach/2, format_exception/4,
- get_my_ip/0, parse_ip_mask/1, match_ip_mask/3, format_hosts_list/1,
- format_cycle/1, delete_dir/1]).
+ get_my_v4_ip/0, get_my_v6_ip/0, parse_ip_mask/1, match_ip_mask/3,
+ format_hosts_list/1, format_cycle/1, delete_dir/1]).
%% Deprecated functions
-export([decode_base64/1, encode_base64/1]).
@@ -509,14 +509,22 @@ format_exception(Level, Class, Reason, Stacktrace) ->
--spec get_my_ip() -> inet:ip_address().
-get_my_ip() ->
+-spec get_my_v4_ip() -> inet:ip4_address().
+get_my_v4_ip() ->
{ok, MyHostName} = inet:gethostname(),
case inet:getaddr(MyHostName, inet) of
{ok, Addr} -> Addr;
{error, _} -> {127, 0, 0, 1}
+-spec get_my_v6_ip() -> inet:ip6_address().
+get_my_v6_ip() ->
+ {ok, MyHostName} = inet:gethostname(),
+ case inet:getaddr(MyHostName, inet6) of
+ {ok, Addr} -> Addr;
+ {error, _} -> {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
+ end.
-spec parse_ip_mask(binary()) -> {ok, {inet:ip4_address(), 0..32}} |
{ok, {inet:ip6_address(), 0..128}} |
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65_service.erl b/src/mod_proxy65_service.erl
index 5dcb79944..ae2a09273 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65_service.erl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65_service.erl
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ get_streamhost(Host, ServerHost) ->
get_endpoint(Host) ->
Port = mod_proxy65_opt:port(Host),
IP = case mod_proxy65_opt:ip(Host) of
- undefined -> misc:get_my_ip();
+ undefined -> misc:get_my_v4_ip();
Addr -> Addr
{Port, IP, tcp}.
diff --git a/src/mod_stun_disco.erl b/src/mod_stun_disco.erl
index 32b0cae98..ed6526aa8 100644
--- a/src/mod_stun_disco.erl
+++ b/src/mod_stun_disco.erl
@@ -233,6 +233,30 @@ mod_doc() ->
" transport: tcp",
" restricted: true",
" -",
+ " host: 2001:db8::3",
+ " port: 3478",
+ " type: stun",
+ " transport: udp",
+ " restricted: false",
+ " -",
+ " host: 2001:db8::3",
+ " port: 3478",
+ " type: turn",
+ " transport: udp",
+ " restricted: true",
+ " -",
+ " host: 2001:db8::3",
+ " port: 3478",
+ " type: stun",
+ " transport: tcp",
+ " restricted: false",
+ " -",
+ " host: 2001:db8::3",
+ " port: 3478",
+ " type: turn",
+ " transport: tcp",
+ " restricted: true",
+ " -",
" host: server.example.com",
" port: 5349",
" type: stuns",
@@ -599,76 +623,87 @@ parse_listener({_EndPoint, ?STUN_MODULE, #{tls := true}}) ->
?DEBUG("Ignoring TLS-enabled STUN/TURN listener", []),
[]; % Avoid certificate hostname issues.
parse_listener({{Port, _Addr, Transport}, ?STUN_MODULE, Opts}) ->
- case get_listener_ip(Opts) of
- {127, _, _, _} = Addr ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Won't auto-announce STUN/TURN service with loopback "
- "address: ~s:~B (~s), please specify a public "
- "'turn_v4_ip'", [misc:ip_to_list(Addr), Port, Transport]),
+ case get_listener_ips(Opts) of
+ {undefined, undefined} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Won't auto-announce STUN/TURN service on port ~B (~s) "
+ "without public address, please specify 'turn_v4_ip' and "
+ "optionally 'turn_v6_ip'", [Port, Transport]),
- Addr ->
- Host = maybe_resolve(Addr),
- StunService = #service{host = Host,
- port = Port,
- transport = Transport,
- restricted = false,
- type = stun},
- case Opts of
- #{use_turn := true} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Going to offer STUN/TURN listener: ~s:~B (~s)",
- [misc:ip_to_list(Addr), Port, Transport]),
- [StunService, #service{host = Host,
- port = Port,
- transport = Transport,
- restricted = is_restricted(Opts),
- type = turn}];
- #{use_turn := false} ->
- ?INFO_MSG("Going to offer STUN listener: ~s:~B (~s)",
- [misc:ip_to_list(Addr), Port, Transport]),
- [StunService]
- end
+ {IPv4Addr, IPv6Addr} ->
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun(undefined) ->
+ [];
+ (Addr) ->
+ StunService = #service{host = Addr,
+ port = Port,
+ transport = Transport,
+ restricted = false,
+ type = stun},
+ case Opts of
+ #{use_turn := true} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Going to offer STUN/TURN service: "
+ "~s (~s)",
+ [addr_to_str(Addr, Port), Transport]),
+ [StunService,
+ #service{host = Addr,
+ port = Port,
+ transport = Transport,
+ restricted = is_restricted(Opts),
+ type = turn}];
+ #{use_turn := false} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Going to offer STUN service: "
+ "~s (~s)",
+ [addr_to_str(Addr, Port), Transport]),
+ [StunService]
+ end
+ end, [IPv4Addr, IPv6Addr])
parse_listener({_EndPoint, Module, _Opts}) ->
?DEBUG("Ignoring ~s listener", [Module]),
--spec get_listener_ip(map()) -> inet:ip_address().
-get_listener_ip(#{ip := { 0, 0, 0, 0}} = Opts) -> get_turn_v4_ip(Opts);
-get_listener_ip(#{ip := {127, _, _, _}} = Opts) -> get_turn_v4_ip(Opts);
-get_listener_ip(#{ip := { 10, _, _, _}} = Opts) -> get_turn_v4_ip(Opts);
-get_listener_ip(#{ip := {172, 16, _, _}} = Opts) -> get_turn_v4_ip(Opts);
-get_listener_ip(#{ip := {192, 168, _, _}} = Opts) -> get_turn_v4_ip(Opts);
-get_listener_ip(#{ip := IP}) -> IP.
--spec get_turn_v4_ip(map()) -> inet:ip_address().
-get_turn_v4_ip(#{turn_v4_ip := {_, _, _, _} = TurnIP}) -> TurnIP;
-get_turn_v4_ip(#{turn_v4_ip := undefined}) -> misc:get_my_ip().
+-spec get_listener_ips(map()) -> {inet:ip4_address() | undefined,
+ inet:ip6_address() | undefined}.
+get_listener_ips(#{ip := {0, 0, 0, 0}} = Opts) ->
+ {get_turn_v4_ip(Opts), undefined};
+get_listener_ips(#{ip := {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} = Opts) ->
+ {get_turn_v4_ip(Opts), get_turn_v6_ip(Opts)}; % Assume dual-stack socket.
+get_listener_ips(#{ip := {127, _, _, _}} = Opts) ->
+ {get_turn_v4_ip(Opts), undefined};
+get_listener_ips(#{ip := {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}} = Opts) ->
+ {undefined, get_turn_v6_ip(Opts)};
+get_listener_ips(#{ip := {_, _, _, _} = IP}) ->
+ {IP, undefined};
+get_listener_ips(#{ip := {_, _, _, _, _,_, _, _, _} = IP}) ->
+ {undefined, IP}.
+-spec get_turn_v4_ip(map()) -> inet:ip4_address() | undefined.
+get_turn_v4_ip(#{turn_v4_ip := {_, _, _, _} = TurnIP}) ->
+ TurnIP;
+get_turn_v4_ip(#{turn_v4_ip := undefined}) ->
+ case misc:get_my_v4_ip() of
+ {127, _, _, _} ->
+ undefined;
+ IP ->
+ IP
+ end.
--spec is_restricted(map()) -> boolean().
-is_restricted(#{auth_type := user}) -> true;
-is_restricted(#{auth_type := anonymous}) -> false.
--spec maybe_resolve(inet:ip_address()) -> binary() | inet:ip_address().
-maybe_resolve(Addr) ->
- case lookup(Addr, ptr) of
- [Name] when is_list(Name) ->
- case {lookup(Name, a), lookup(Name, aaaa)} of
- {[Addr], []} ->
- ?DEBUG("Resolved address ~s to hostname ~s",
- [misc:ip_to_list(Addr), Name]),
- list_to_binary(Name);
- {_, _} ->
- ?DEBUG("Won't resolve address ~s to hostname ~s",
- [misc:ip_to_list(Addr), Name]),
- Addr
- end;
- _ ->
- ?DEBUG("Cannot resolve address: ~s", [misc:ip_to_list(Addr)]),
- Addr
+-spec get_turn_v6_ip(map()) -> inet:ip6_address() | undefined.
+get_turn_v6_ip(#{turn_v6_ip := {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} = TurnIP}) ->
+ TurnIP;
+get_turn_v6_ip(#{turn_v6_ip := undefined}) ->
+ case misc:get_my_v6_ip() of
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1} ->
+ undefined;
+ IP ->
+ IP
--spec lookup(string() | inet:ip_address(), a | aaaa | ptr) -> [any()].
-lookup(Name, Type) ->
- inet_res:lookup(Name, in, Type, [], timer:seconds(3)).
+-spec is_restricted(map()) -> boolean().
+is_restricted(#{auth_type := user}) ->
+ true;
+is_restricted(#{auth_type := anonymous}) ->
+ false.
-spec call(host_or_hash(), term()) -> term().
call(Host, Request) ->
@@ -697,3 +732,9 @@ dedup([H | T]) -> [H | [E || E <- dedup(T), E /= H]].
-spec seconds_to_timestamp(non_neg_integer()) -> erlang:timestamp().
seconds_to_timestamp(Seconds) ->
{Seconds div 1000000, Seconds rem 1000000, 0}.
+-spec addr_to_str(inet:ip_address(), 0..65535) -> string().
+addr_to_str({_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} = Addr, Port) ->
+ [$[, inet_parse:ntoa(Addr), $], $:, integer_to_list(Port)];
+addr_to_str({_, _, _, _} = Addr, Port) ->
+ [inet_parse:ntoa(Addr), $:, integer_to_list(Port)].