path: root/src/mod_sm.erl
diff options
authorEvgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>2016-12-31 13:48:55 +0300
committerEvgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>2016-12-31 13:48:55 +0300
commitcf87c5664f3abb9be035b92d762e6380985684cf (patch)
tree49ae41d020767a8158224fbb9d79b8929c4685c5 /src/mod_sm.erl
parentImprove return values in cyrsasl API (diff)
Reflect cyrsasl API changes in remaining code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mod_sm.erl')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_sm.erl b/src/mod_sm.erl
index 703234419..7e64e6a00 100644
--- a/src/mod_sm.erl
+++ b/src/mod_sm.erl
@@ -179,16 +179,14 @@ c2s_handle_recv(#{lang := Lang} = State, El, {error, Why}) ->
c2s_handle_recv(State, _, _) ->
-c2s_handle_send(#{mgmt_state := MgmtState} = State, Pkt, Result)
+c2s_handle_send(#{mgmt_state := MgmtState} = State, Pkt, _Result)
when MgmtState == pending; MgmtState == active ->
State1 = mgmt_queue_add(State, Pkt),
- case Result of
- ok when ?is_stanza(Pkt) ->
+ case xmpp:is_stanza(Pkt) of
+ true ->
- ok ->
- State1;
- {error, _} ->
- transition_to_pending(State1)
+ false ->
+ State1
c2s_handle_send(State, _Pkt, _Result) ->
@@ -210,8 +208,9 @@ c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_ack_timer := TRef, jid := JID} = State,
{timeout, TRef, ack_timeout}) ->
?DEBUG("Timed out waiting for stream management acknowledgement of ~s",
- State1 = ejabberd_c2s:close(State, _SendTrailer = false),
- {stop, transition_to_pending(State1)};
+ State1 = State#{stop_reason => {socket, timeout}},
+ State2 = ejabberd_c2s:close(State1, _SendTrailer = false),
+ {stop, transition_to_pending(State2)};
c2s_handle_info(#{mgmt_state := pending, jid := JID} = State,
{timeout, _, pending_timeout}) ->
?DEBUG("Timed out waiting for resumption of stream for ~s",
@@ -222,8 +221,8 @@ c2s_handle_info(State, _) ->
c2s_closed(State, {stream, _}) ->
-c2s_closed(#{mgmt_state := active} = State, Reason) ->
- {stop, transition_to_pending(State#{stop_reason => Reason})};
+c2s_closed(#{mgmt_state := active} = State, _Reason) ->
+ {stop, transition_to_pending(State)};
c2s_closed(State, _Reason) ->
@@ -368,10 +367,9 @@ transition_to_pending(#{mgmt_state := active, jid := JID,
lserver := LServer, mgmt_timeout := Timeout} = State) ->
State1 = cancel_ack_timer(State),
?INFO_MSG("Waiting for resumption of stream for ~s", [jid:to_string(JID)]),
- State2 = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(c2s_session_pending, LServer, State1, []),
- State3 = ejabberd_c2s:close(State2, _SendTrailer = false),
erlang:start_timer(timer:seconds(Timeout), self(), pending_timeout),
- State3#{mgmt_state => pending};
+ State2 = State1#{mgmt_state => pending},
+ ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(c2s_session_pending, LServer, State2, []);
transition_to_pending(State) ->
@@ -405,8 +403,8 @@ update_num_stanzas_in(State, _El) ->
send_rack(#{mgmt_ack_timer := _} = State) ->
send_rack(#{mgmt_xmlns := Xmlns,
- mgmt_stanzas_out := NumStanzasOut,
- mgmt_ack_timeout := AckTimeout} = State) ->
+ mgmt_stanzas_out := NumStanzasOut,
+ mgmt_ack_timeout := AckTimeout} = State) ->
State1 = send(State, #sm_r{xmlns = Xmlns}),
TRef = erlang:start_timer(AckTimeout, self(), ack_timeout),
State1#{mgmt_ack_timer => TRef, mgmt_stanzas_req => NumStanzasOut}.
@@ -425,16 +423,19 @@ resend_rack(State) ->
-spec mgmt_queue_add(state(), xmpp_element()) -> state().
mgmt_queue_add(#{mgmt_stanzas_out := NumStanzasOut,
- mgmt_queue := Queue} = State, Stanza) when ?is_stanza(Stanza) ->
- NewNum = case NumStanzasOut of
- 4294967295 -> 0;
- Num -> Num + 1
- end,
- Queue1 = queue_in({NewNum, p1_time_compat:timestamp(), Stanza}, Queue),
- State1 = State#{mgmt_queue => Queue1, mgmt_stanzas_out => NewNum},
- check_queue_length(State1);
-mgmt_queue_add(State, _Nonza) ->
- State.
+ mgmt_queue := Queue} = State, Pkt) ->
+ case xmpp:is_stanza(Pkt) of
+ true ->
+ NewNum = case NumStanzasOut of
+ 4294967295 -> 0;
+ Num -> Num + 1
+ end,
+ Queue1 = queue_in({NewNum, p1_time_compat:timestamp(), Pkt}, Queue),
+ State1 = State#{mgmt_queue => Queue1, mgmt_stanzas_out => NewNum},
+ check_queue_length(State1);
+ false ->
+ State
+ end.
-spec mgmt_queue_drop(state(), non_neg_integer()) -> state().
mgmt_queue_drop(#{mgmt_queue := Queue} = State, NumHandled) ->