path: root/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
diff options
authorEvgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>2019-09-20 12:36:31 +0300
committerEvgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>2019-09-20 12:36:31 +0300
commite227940b855debd33b6c9523664e57e00c301988 (patch)
treecafb33b6d39042e72a7bb18b6ab06c43ac37457d /src/ejabberd_acme.erl
parentJWT-only authentication for some users (#3012) (diff)
Improve ACME implementation
Fixes #2487, fixes #2590, fixes #2638
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ejabberd_acme.erl')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 1094 deletions
diff --git a/src/ejabberd_acme.erl b/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
index b080474d8..bedf7b792 100644
--- a/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
+++ b/src/ejabberd_acme.erl
@@ -1,1161 +1,616 @@
--module (ejabberd_acme).
+%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2019 ProcessOne
+%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-%% ejabberdctl commands
- get_certificates/1,
- renew_certificates/0,
- list_certificates/1,
- revoke_certificate/1]).
-%% Command Options Validity
- is_valid_verbose_opt/1,
- is_valid_domain_opt/1,
- is_valid_revoke_cert/1]).
-%% Key Related
--export([generate_key/0, to_public/1]).
+%% API
+%% Hooks
+-export([ejabberd_started/0, register_certfiles/0, cert_expired/2]).
+%% ejabberd commands
+-export([request_certificate/1, revoke_certificate/1, list_certificates/0]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([start_link/0, register_certfiles/0]).
+ terminate/2, code_change/3, format_status/2]).
--define(DEFAULT_CONFIG_CONTACT, <<"mailto:example-admin@example.com">>).
--define(DEFAULT_CONFIG_CA_URL, "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org").
+-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, timer:minutes(10)).
-record(state, {}).
+-type state() :: #state{}.
+-type priv_key() :: public_key:private_key().
+-type cert() :: #'OTPCertificate'{}.
+-type cert_type() :: ec | rsa.
+-type io_error() :: file:posix().
+-type issue_result() :: ok | acme:issue_return() | {error, {file, io_error()}}.
+%%% API
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+-spec register_certfiles() -> ok.
+register_certfiles() ->
+ lists:foreach(fun ejabberd_pkix:add_certfile/1,
+ list_certfiles()).
+-spec process([binary()], _) -> {integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()}.
+process([Token], _) ->
+ ?DEBUG("Received ACME challenge request for token: ~s", [Token]),
+ try ets:lookup_element(acme_challenge, Token, 2) of
+ Key -> {200, [{<<"Content-Type">>,
+ <<"application/octet-stream">>}],
+ Key}
+ catch _:_ ->
+ {404, [], <<>>}
+ end;
+process(_, _) ->
+ {404, [], <<>>}.
+-spec cert_expired(_, pkix:cert_info()) -> ok | stop.
+cert_expired(_, #{domains := Domains, files := Files}) ->
+ CertFiles = list_certfiles(),
+ case lists:any(
+ fun({File, _}) ->
+ lists:member(File, CertFiles)
+ end, Files) of
+ true ->
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {request, Domains}),
+ stop;
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+-spec ejabberd_started() -> ok.
+ejabberd_started() ->
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, ejabberd_started).
+default_directory_url() ->
+ <<"https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory">>.
%%% gen_server callbacks
init([]) ->
- case filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(acme_certs_dir(), "foo")) of
+ ets:new(acme_challenge, [named_table, public]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ejabberd:start_app(acme),
+ case ensure_dir(account_file()) of
ok ->
+ delete_obsolete_data(),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(cert_expired, ?MODULE, cert_expired, 60),
ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, register_certfiles, 40),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 110),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 110),
{ok, #state{}};
{error, Why} ->
- ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to create directory ~s: ~s",
- [acme_certs_dir(), file:format_error(Why)]),
{stop, Why}
+handle_call({request, [_|_] = Domains}, _From, State) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Requesting new certificate for ~s from ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains), directory_url()]),
+ {Ret, State1} = issue_request(State, Domains),
+ {reply, Ret, State1};
+handle_call({revoke, Cert, Key, Path}, _From, State) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Revoking certificate from file ~s", [Path]),
+ {Ret, State1} = revoke_request(State, Cert, Key, Path),
+ {reply, Ret, State1};
handle_call(Request, From, State) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]),
{noreply, State}.
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
- ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [_Msg]),
+handle_cast(ejabberd_started, State) ->
+ case request_on_start() of
+ {true, Domains} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Requesting new certificate for ~s from ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains), directory_url()]),
+ {_, State1} = issue_request(State, Domains),
+ {noreply, State1};
+ false ->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+handle_cast({request, [_|_] = Domains}, State) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Requesting renewal of certificate for ~s from ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains), directory_url()]),
+ {_, State1} = issue_request(State, Domains),
+ {noreply, State1};
+handle_cast(Request, State) ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Request]),
{noreply, State}.
-handle_info(_Info, State) ->
- ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [_Info]),
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(cert_expired, ?MODULE, cert_expired, 60),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, register_certfiles, 40),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 110),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 110),
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
-%% Command Functions
-%% Check Validity of command options
--spec is_valid_account_opt(string()) -> boolean().
-is_valid_account_opt("old-account") -> true;
-is_valid_account_opt("new-account") -> true;
-is_valid_account_opt(_) -> false.
+format_status(_Opt, Status) ->
+ Status.
--spec is_valid_verbose_opt(string()) -> boolean().
-is_valid_verbose_opt("plain") -> true;
-is_valid_verbose_opt("verbose") -> true;
-is_valid_verbose_opt(_) -> false.
-%% TODO: Make this check more complicated
--spec is_valid_domain_opt(string()) -> boolean().
-is_valid_domain_opt("all") -> true;
-is_valid_domain_opt(DomainString) ->
- case parse_domain_string(DomainString) of
- [] ->
- false;
- _SeparatedDomains ->
- true
- end.
--spec is_valid_revoke_cert(string()) -> boolean().
-is_valid_revoke_cert(DomainOrFile) ->
- lists:prefix("file:", DomainOrFile) orelse
- lists:prefix("domain:", DomainOrFile).
+%%% Internal functions
+%%% Challenge callback
+-spec register_challenge(acme:challenge_data(), reference()) -> true.
+register_challenge(Auth, Ref) ->
+ ?DEBUG("Registering ACME challenge ~p -> ~p", [Ref, Auth]),
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(acme_challenge, [{start, Auth, Ref}]),
+ ets:insert(
+ acme_challenge,
+ lists:map(
+ fun(#{token := Token, key := Key}) ->
+ {Token, Key, Ref}
+ end, Auth)).
+-spec unregister_challenge(reference()) -> non_neg_integer().
+unregister_challenge(Ref) ->
+ ?DEBUG("Unregistering ACME challenge ~p", [Ref]),
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(acme_challenge, [{stop, Ref}]),
+ ets:select_delete(
+ acme_challenge,
+ ets:fun2ms(
+ fun({_, _, Ref1}) ->
+ Ref1 == Ref
+ end)).
-%% Commands
-get_commands_spec() ->
- [#ejabberd_commands{name = get_certificates, tags = [acme],
- desc = "Gets certificates for all or the specified "
- "domains {all|domain1;domain2;...}.",
- module = ?MODULE, function = get_certificates,
- args_desc = ["Domains for which to acquire a certificate"],
- args_example = ["all | www.example.com;www.example1.net"],
- args = [{domains, string}],
- result = {certificates, string}},
- #ejabberd_commands{name = renew_certificates, tags = [acme],
- desc = "Renews all certificates that are close to expiring",
- module = ?MODULE, function = renew_certificates,
- args = [],
- result = {certificates, string}},
- #ejabberd_commands{name = list_certificates, tags = [acme],
- desc = "Lists all currently handled certificates and "
- "their respective domains in {plain|verbose} format",
- module = ?MODULE, function = list_certificates,
- args_desc = ["Whether to print the whole certificate "
- "or just some metadata. "
- "Possible values: plain | verbose"],
- args = [{option, string}],
- result = {certificates, {list, {certificate, string}}}},
- #ejabberd_commands{name = revoke_certificate, tags = [acme],
- desc = "Revokes the selected certificate",
- module = ?MODULE, function = revoke_certificate,
- args_desc = ["The domain or file (in pem format) of "
- "the certificate in question "
- "{domain:Domain | file:File}"],
- args = [{domain_or_file, string}],
- result = {res, restuple}}].
+%%% Issuance
+-spec issue_request(state(), [binary(),...]) -> {issue_result(), state()}.
+issue_request(State, Domains) ->
+ case read_account_key() of
+ {ok, AccKey} ->
+ Config = ejabberd_option:acme(),
+ DirURL = maps:get(ca_url, Config, default_directory_url()),
+ Contact = maps:get(contact, Config, []),
+ CertType = maps:get(cert_type, Config, rsa),
+ issue_request(State, DirURL, Domains, AccKey, CertType, Contact);
+ {error, Reason} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to request certificate for ~s: ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains),
+ format_error(Reason)]),
+ {Err, State}
+ end.
+-spec issue_request(state(), binary(), [binary(),...], priv_key(),
+ cert_type(), [binary()]) -> {issue_result(), state()}.
+issue_request(State, DirURL, Domains, AccKey, CertType, Contact) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ ChallengeFun = fun(Auth) -> register_challenge(Auth, Ref) end,
+ Ret = case acme:issue(DirURL, Domains, AccKey,
+ [{cert_type, CertType},
+ {contact, Contact},
+ {debug_fun, debug_fun()},
+ {challenge_fun, ChallengeFun}]) of
+ {ok, #{cert_key := CertKey,
+ cert_chain := Certs}} ->
+ case store_cert(CertKey, Certs, CertType, Domains) of
+ {ok, Path} ->
+ ejabberd_pkix:add_certfile(Path),
+ ejabberd_pkix:commit(),
+ ?INFO_MSG("Certificate for ~s has been received, "
+ "stored and loaded successfully",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains)]),
+ {ok, State};
+ {error, Reason} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to store certificate for ~s: ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains),
+ format_error(Reason)]),
+ {Err, State}
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to request certificate for ~s: ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains),
+ format_error(Reason)]),
+ {Err, State}
+ end,
+ unregister_challenge(Ref),
+ Ret.
-%% Get Certificate
--spec get_certificates(domains_opt()) -> string() | {'error', _}.
-get_certificates(Domains) ->
- case is_valid_domain_opt(Domains) of
- true ->
- try
- CAUrl = get_config_ca_url(),
- get_certificates0(CAUrl, Domains)
- catch
- throw:Throw ->
- Throw;
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- {error, get_certificates}
+%%% Revocation
+revoke_request(State, Cert, Key, Path) ->
+ case acme:revoke(directory_url(), Cert, Key,
+ [{debug_fun, debug_fun()}]) of
+ ok ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Certificate from file ~s has been "
+ "revoked successfully", [Path]),
+ case delete_file(Path) of
+ ok ->
+ ejabberd_pkix:del_certfile(Path),
+ ejabberd_pkix:commit(),
+ {ok, State};
+ Err ->
+ {Err, State}
- false ->
- io_lib:format("Invalid domains: ~p", [Domains])
- end.
--spec get_certificates0(url(), domains_opt()) -> string().
-get_certificates0(CAUrl, Domains) ->
- %% Check if an account exists or create another one
- {ok, _AccId, PrivateKey} = retrieve_or_create_account(CAUrl),
- get_certificates1(CAUrl, Domains, PrivateKey).
--spec retrieve_or_create_account(url()) -> {'ok', string(), jose_jwk:key()}.
-retrieve_or_create_account(CAUrl) ->
- case read_account_persistent() of
- none ->
- create_save_new_account(CAUrl);
- {ok, AccId, CAUrl, PrivateKey} ->
- {ok, AccId, PrivateKey};
- {ok, _AccId, _, _PrivateKey} ->
- create_save_new_account(CAUrl)
- end.
--spec get_certificates1(url(), domains_opt(), jose_jwk:key()) -> string().
-get_certificates1(CAUrl, "all", PrivateKey) ->
- Hosts = get_config_hosts(),
- get_certificates2(CAUrl, PrivateKey, Hosts);
-get_certificates1(CAUrl, DomainString, PrivateKey) ->
- Domains = parse_domain_string(DomainString),
- Hosts = [list_to_bitstring(D) || D <- Domains],
- get_certificates2(CAUrl, PrivateKey, Hosts).
--spec get_certificates2(url(), jose_jwk:key(), [binary()]) -> string().
-get_certificates2(CAUrl, PrivateKey, Hosts) ->
- %% Get a certificate for each host
- PemCertKeys = [get_certificate(CAUrl, Host, PrivateKey) || Host <- Hosts],
- %% Save Certificates
- SavedCerts = [save_certificate(Cert) || Cert <- PemCertKeys],
- %% Format the result to send back to ejabberdctl
- format_get_certificates_result(SavedCerts).
--spec format_get_certificates_result([{'ok', binary(), _} |
- {'error', binary(), _}]) ->
- string().
-format_get_certificates_result(Certs) ->
- Cond = lists:all(fun(Cert) ->
- not is_error(Cert)
- end, Certs),
- %% FormattedCerts = string:join([format_get_certificate(C) || C <- Certs], "\n"),
- FormattedCerts = str:join([format_get_certificate(C) || C <- Certs], $\n),
- case Cond of
- true ->
- Result = io_lib:format("Success:~n~s", [FormattedCerts]),
- lists:flatten(Result);
- _ ->
- Result = io_lib:format("Error with one or more certificates~n~s", [FormattedCerts]),
- lists:flatten(Result)
- end.
--spec format_get_certificate({'ok', binary(), _} |
- {'error', binary(), _}) ->
- string().
-format_get_certificate({ok, Domain, saved}) ->
- io_lib:format(" Certificate for domain: \"~s\" acquired and saved", [Domain]);
-format_get_certificate({error, Domain, not_found}) ->
- io_lib:format(" Certificate for domain: \"~s\" not found, so it was not renewed", [Domain]);
-format_get_certificate({ok, Domain, no_expire}) ->
- io_lib:format(" Certificate for domain: \"~s\" is not close to expiring", [Domain]);
-format_get_certificate({error, Domain, Reason}) ->
- io_lib:format(" Error for domain: \"~s\", with reason: \'~s\'", [Domain, Reason]).
--spec get_certificate(url(), binary(), jose_jwk:key()) ->
- {'ok', binary(), pem()} |
- {'error', binary(), _}.
-get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) ->
- try
- AllSubDomains = find_all_sub_domains(DomainName),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(Domain) ->
- {ok, _Authz} = create_new_authorization(CAUrl, Domain, PrivateKey)
- end, [DomainName|AllSubDomains]),
- create_new_certificate(CAUrl, {DomainName, AllSubDomains}, PrivateKey)
- catch
- throw:Throw ->
- Throw;
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- {error, DomainName, get_certificate}
- end.
--spec create_save_new_account(url()) -> {'ok', string(), jose_jwk:key()} | no_return().
-create_save_new_account(CAUrl) ->
- %% Get contact from configuration file
- Contact = get_config_contact(),
- %% Generate a Key
- PrivateKey = generate_key(),
- %% Create a new account
- {ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey),
- %% Write Persistent Data
- ok = write_account_persistent({Id, CAUrl, PrivateKey}),
- {ok, Id, PrivateKey}.
-%% TODO:
-%% Find a way to ask the user if he accepts the TOS
--spec create_new_account(url(), binary(), jose_jwk:key()) -> {'ok', string()} |
- no_return().
-create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
- try
- {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
- Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [Contact]}],
- {ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} =
- ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
- {<<"id">>, AccIdInt} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, Account),
- AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt),
- Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
- {ok, _Account2, _Nonce2} =
- ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1),
- {ok, AccId}
- catch
- E:R ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p creating an account for contact: ~p",
- [{E,R}, Contact]),
- throw({error,create_new_account})
+ {error, Reason} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to revoke certificate from file ~s: ~s",
+ [Path, format_error(Reason)]),
+ {Err, State}
--spec create_new_authorization(url(), binary(), jose_jwk:key()) ->
- {'ok', proplist()} | no_return().
-create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) ->
- acme_challenge:register_hooks(DomainName),
- try
- {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
- Req0 = [{<<"identifier">>,
- {[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>},
- {<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
- {<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}],
- {ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce1} =
- ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
- {ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl),
- Challenges = get_challenges(Authz),
- {ok, ChallengeUrl, KeyAuthz} =
- acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, PrivateKey),
- {ok, ChallengeId} = location_to_id(ChallengeUrl),
- Req3 = [{<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>},{<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz}],
- {ok, _SolvedChallenge, _Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge(
- {CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce1),
- {ok, AuthzValid, _Nonce} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
- {ok, AuthzValid}
- catch
- E:R ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n",
- [{E,R}, DomainName]),
- throw({error, DomainName, authorization})
- after
- acme_challenge:unregister_hooks(DomainName)
- end.
--spec create_new_certificate(url(), {binary(), [binary()]}, jose_jwk:key()) ->
- {ok, binary(), pem()}.
-create_new_certificate(CAUrl, {DomainName, AllSubDomains}, PrivateKey) ->
- try
- {ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
- CSRSubject = [{?'id-at-commonName', bitstring_to_list(DomainName)}],
- SANs = [{dNSName, SAN} || SAN <- AllSubDomains],
- {CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject, SANs),
- {NotBefore, NotAfter} = not_before_not_after(),
- Req =
- [{<<"csr">>, CSR},
- {<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore},
- {<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter}
- ],
- {ok, {IssuerCertLink, Certificate}, _Nonce1} =
- ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce0),
- DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate), plain),
- PemEntryCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedCert),
- {ok, IssuerCert, _Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_issuer_cert(IssuerCertLink),
- DecodedIssuerCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(IssuerCert), plain),
- PemEntryIssuerCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedIssuerCert),
- {_, CSRKeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(CSRKey),
- PemEntryKey = public_key:pem_entry_encode('ECPrivateKey', CSRKeyKey),
- PemCertKey = public_key:pem_encode([PemEntryKey, PemEntryCert, PemEntryIssuerCert]),
- {ok, DomainName, PemCertKey}
- catch
- E:R ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n",
- [{E,R}, DomainName]),
- throw({error, DomainName, certificate})
- end.
--spec ensure_account_exists(url()) -> {ok, string(), jose_jwk:key()}.
-ensure_account_exists(CAUrl) ->
- case read_account_persistent() of
- none ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("No existing account", []),
- throw({error, no_old_account});
- {ok, AccId, CAUrl, PrivateKey} ->
- {ok, AccId, PrivateKey};
- {ok, _AccId, OtherCAUrl, _PrivateKey} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Account is connected to another CA: ~s", [OtherCAUrl]),
- throw({error, account_in_other_CA})
- end.
-%% Renew Certificates
--spec renew_certificates() -> string() | {'error', _}.
-renew_certificates() ->
- try
- CAUrl = get_config_ca_url(),
- renew_certificates0(CAUrl)
- catch
- throw:Throw ->
- Throw;
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- {error, get_certificates}
- end.
--spec renew_certificates0(url()) -> string().
-renew_certificates0(CAUrl) ->
- %% Get the current account
- {ok, _AccId, PrivateKey} = ensure_account_exists(CAUrl),
- %% Find all hosts that we have certificates for
- Certs = read_certificates_persistent(),
- %% Get a certificate for each host
- PemCertKeys = [renew_certificate(CAUrl, Cert, PrivateKey) || Cert <- Certs],
- %% Save Certificates
- SavedCerts = [save_renewed_certificate(Cert) || Cert <- PemCertKeys],
- %% Format the result to send back to ejabberdctl
- format_get_certificates_result(SavedCerts).
--spec renew_certificate(url(), {binary(), data_cert()}, jose_jwk:key()) ->
- {'ok', binary(), _} |
- {'error', binary(), _}.
-renew_certificate(CAUrl, {DomainName, _} = Cert, PrivateKey) ->
- case cert_to_expire(Cert) of
- true ->
- get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey);
- false ->
- {ok, DomainName, no_expire}
- end.
--spec cert_to_expire({binary(), data_cert()}) -> boolean().
-cert_to_expire({_DomainName, #data_cert{pem = Pem}}) ->
- Certificate = pem_to_certificate(Pem),
- Validity = get_utc_validity(Certificate),
- %% 30 days before expiration
- close_to_expire(Validity, 30).
--spec close_to_expire(string(), integer()) -> boolean().
-close_to_expire(Validity, Days) ->
- {ValidDate, _ValidTime} = utc_string_to_datetime(Validity),
- ValidDays = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(ValidDate),
- {CurrentDate, _CurrentTime} = calendar:universal_time(),
- CurrentDays = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(CurrentDate),
- CurrentDays > ValidDays - Days.
-%% List Certificates
--spec list_certificates(verbose_opt()) -> [string()] | [any()] | {error, _}.
-list_certificates(Verbose) ->
- case is_valid_verbose_opt(Verbose) of
- true ->
- try
- list_certificates0(Verbose)
- catch
- throw:Throw ->
- Throw;
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- {error, list_certificates}
+%%% File management
+-spec acme_dir() -> file:filename_all().
+acme_dir() ->
+ MnesiaDir = mnesia:system_info(directory),
+ filename:join(MnesiaDir, "acme").
+-spec acme_certs_dir(atom()) -> file:filename_all().
+acme_certs_dir(Tag) ->
+ filename:join(acme_dir(), Tag).
+-spec account_file() -> file:filename_all().
+account_file() ->
+ filename:join(acme_dir(), "account.key").
+-spec cert_file(cert_type(), [binary()]) -> file:filename_all().
+cert_file(CertType, Domains) ->
+ L = [erlang:atom_to_binary(CertType, latin1)|Domains],
+ Hash = str:sha(str:join(L, <<0>>)),
+ filename:join(acme_certs_dir(live), Hash).
+-spec prep_path(file:filename_all()) -> binary().
+prep_path(Path) ->
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(Path).
+-spec list_certfiles() -> [binary()].
+list_certfiles() ->
+ filelib:fold_files(
+ acme_certs_dir(live), "^[0-9a-f]{40}$", false,
+ fun(F, Fs) -> [prep_path(F)|Fs] end, []).
+-spec read_account_key() -> {ok, #'ECPrivateKey'{}} | {error, {file, io_error()}}.
+read_account_key() ->
+ Path = account_file(),
+ case pkix:read_file(Path) of
+ {ok, _, KeyMap} ->
+ case maps:keys(KeyMap) of
+ [#'ECPrivateKey'{} = Key|_] -> {ok, Key};
+ _ ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("File ~s doesn't contain ACME account key. "
+ "Trying to create a new one...",
+ [prep_path(Path)]),
+ create_account_key()
- false ->
- String = io_lib:format("Invalid verbose option: ~p", [Verbose]),
- {invalid_option, String}
- end.
--spec list_certificates0(verbose_opt()) -> [string()] | [any()].
-list_certificates0(Verbose) ->
- Certs = read_certificates_persistent(),
- [format_certificate(DataCert, Verbose) || {_Key, DataCert} <- Certs].
-%% TODO: Make this cleaner and more robust
--spec format_certificate(data_cert(), verbose_opt()) -> string().
-format_certificate(DataCert, Verbose) ->
- #data_cert{
- domain = DomainName,
- pem = PemCert,
- path = Path
- } = DataCert,
- try
- Certificate = pem_to_certificate(PemCert),
- %% Find the commonName
- _CommonName = get_commonName(Certificate),
- %% Find the notAfter date
- NotAfter = get_notAfter(Certificate),
- %% Find the subjectAltNames
- SANs = get_subjectAltNames(Certificate),
- case Verbose of
- "plain" ->
- format_certificate_plain(DomainName, SANs, NotAfter, Path);
- "verbose" ->
- format_certificate_verbose(DomainName, SANs, NotAfter, PemCert)
- end
- catch
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- fail_format_certificate(DomainName)
- end.
--spec format_certificate_plain(binary(), [string()], {expired | ok, string()}, string())
- -> string().
-format_certificate_plain(DomainName, SANs, NotAfter, Path) ->
- Result = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(
- " Domain: ~s~n"
- "~s"
- " ~s~n"
- " Path: ~s",
- [DomainName,
- lists:flatten([io_lib:format(" SAN: ~s~n", [SAN]) || SAN <- SANs]),
- format_validity(NotAfter), Path])),
- Result.
--spec format_certificate_verbose(binary(), [string()], {expired | ok, string()}, binary())
- -> string().
-format_certificate_verbose(DomainName, SANs, NotAfter, PemCert) ->
- Result = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(
- " Domain: ~s~n"
- "~s"
- " ~s~n"
- " Certificate In PEM format: ~n~s",
- [DomainName,
- lists:flatten([io_lib:format(" SAN: ~s~n", [SAN]) || SAN <- SANs]),
- format_validity(NotAfter), PemCert])),
- Result.
--spec format_validity({'expired' | 'ok', string()}) -> string().
-format_validity({expired, NotAfter}) ->
- io_lib:format("Expired at: ~s UTC", [NotAfter]);
-format_validity({ok, NotAfter}) ->
- io_lib:format("Valid until: ~s UTC", [NotAfter]).
--spec fail_format_certificate(binary()) -> string().
-fail_format_certificate(DomainName) ->
- Result = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(
- " Domain: ~s~n"
- " Failed to format Certificate",
- [DomainName])),
- Result.
--spec get_commonName(#'Certificate'{}) -> string().
-get_commonName(#'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCertificate}) ->
- #'TBSCertificate'{
- subject = {rdnSequence, SubjectList}
- } = TbsCertificate,
- %% TODO: Not the best way to find the commonName
- ShallowSubjectList = [Attribute || [Attribute] <- SubjectList],
- {_, _, CommonName} = lists:keyfind(?'id-at-commonName', 2, ShallowSubjectList),
- %% TODO: Remove the length-encoding from the commonName before returning it
- CommonName.
--spec get_notAfter(#'Certificate'{}) -> {expired | ok, string()}.
-get_notAfter(Certificate) ->
- UtcTime = get_utc_validity(Certificate),
- %% TODO: Find a library function to decode utc time
- [Y1,Y2,MO1,MO2,D1,D2,H1,H2,MI1,MI2,S1,S2,$Z] = UtcTime,
- YEAR = case list_to_integer([Y1,Y2]) >= 50 of
- true -> "19" ++ [Y1,Y2];
- _ -> "20" ++ [Y1,Y2]
- end,
- NotAfter = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s-~s-~s ~s:~s:~s",
- [YEAR, [MO1,MO2], [D1,D2],
- [H1,H2], [MI1,MI2], [S1,S2]])),
- case close_to_expire(UtcTime, 0) of
- true ->
- {expired, NotAfter};
- false ->
- {ok, NotAfter}
- end.
--spec get_subjectAltNames(#'Certificate'{}) -> [string()].
-get_subjectAltNames(#'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCertificate}) ->
- #'TBSCertificate'{
- extensions = Exts
- } = TbsCertificate,
- EncodedSANs = [Val || #'Extension'{extnID = Oid, extnValue = Val} <- Exts,
- Oid == ?'id-ce-subjectAltName'],
- lists:flatmap(
- fun(EncSAN) ->
- SANs0 = public_key:der_decode('SubjectAltName', EncSAN),
- [Name || {dNSName, Name} <- SANs0]
- end, EncodedSANs).
--spec get_utc_validity(#'Certificate'{}) -> string().
-get_utc_validity(#'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCertificate}) ->
- #'TBSCertificate'{
- validity = Validity
- } = TbsCertificate,
- #'Validity'{notAfter = {utcTime, UtcTime}} = Validity,
- UtcTime.
-%% Revoke Certificate
-revoke_certificate(DomainOrFile) ->
- case is_valid_revoke_cert(DomainOrFile) of
- true ->
- revoke_certificates(DomainOrFile);
- false ->
- String = io_lib:format("Bad argument: ~s", [DomainOrFile]),
- {invalid_argument, String}
- end.
--spec revoke_certificates(string()) -> {ok, deleted} | {error, _}.
-revoke_certificates(DomainOrFile) ->
- try
- CAUrl = get_config_ca_url(),
- revoke_certificate0(CAUrl, DomainOrFile)
- catch
- throw:Throw ->
- Throw;
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- {error, revoke_certificate}
- end.
--spec revoke_certificate0(url(), string()) -> {ok, deleted}.
-revoke_certificate0(CAUrl, DomainOrFile) ->
- ParsedCert = parse_revoke_cert_argument(DomainOrFile),
- revoke_certificate1(CAUrl, ParsedCert).
--spec revoke_certificate1(url(), {domain, binary()} | {file, file:filename()}) ->
- {ok, deleted}.
-revoke_certificate1(CAUrl, {domain, Domain}) ->
- case domain_certificate_exists(Domain) of
- {Domain, Cert = #data_cert{pem=PemCert}} ->
- ok = revoke_certificate2(CAUrl, PemCert),
- ok = remove_certificate_persistent(Cert),
- {ok, deleted};
- false ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Certificate for domain: ~p not found", [Domain]),
- throw({error, not_found})
- end;
-revoke_certificate1(CAUrl, {file, File}) ->
- case file:read_file(File) of
- {ok, Pem} ->
- ok = revoke_certificate2(CAUrl, Pem),
- {ok, deleted};
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p reading pem certificate-key file: ~p", [Reason, File]),
- throw({error, Reason})
- end.
--spec revoke_certificate2(url(), pem()) -> ok.
-revoke_certificate2(CAUrl, PemEncodedCert) ->
- {Certificate, CertPrivateKey} = prepare_certificate_revoke(PemEncodedCert),
- {ok, Dirs, Nonce} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
- Req = [{<<"certificate">>, Certificate}],
- {ok, [], _Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:revoke_cert(Dirs, CertPrivateKey, Req, Nonce),
- ok.
--spec parse_revoke_cert_argument(string()) -> {domain, binary()} | {file, file:filename()}.
-parse_revoke_cert_argument([$f, $i, $l, $e, $:|File]) ->
- {file, File};
-parse_revoke_cert_argument([$d, $o, $m, $a, $i, $n, $: | Domain]) ->
- {domain, list_to_bitstring(Domain)}.
--spec prepare_certificate_revoke(pem()) -> {binary(), jose_jwk:key()}.
-prepare_certificate_revoke(PemEncodedCert) ->
- PemList = public_key:pem_decode(PemEncodedCert),
- PemCertEnc = lists:keyfind('Certificate', 1, PemList),
- PemCert = public_key:pem_entry_decode(PemCertEnc),
- DerCert = public_key:der_encode('Certificate', PemCert),
- Base64Cert = base64url:encode(DerCert),
- {ok, Key} = find_private_key_in_pem(PemEncodedCert),
- {Base64Cert, Key}.
--spec domain_certificate_exists(binary()) -> {binary(), data_cert()} | false.
-domain_certificate_exists(Domain) ->
- Certs = read_certificates_persistent(),
- lists:keyfind(Domain, 1, Certs).
-%% Certificate Request Functions
-%% For now we accept only generating a key of
-%% specific type for signing the csr
--spec make_csr(proplist(), [{dNSName, binary()}])
- -> {binary(), jose_jwk:key()}.
-make_csr(Attributes, SANs) ->
- Key = generate_key(),
- {_, KeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(Key),
- KeyPub = to_public(Key),
- try
- SubPKInfoAlgo = subject_pk_info_algo(KeyPub),
- {ok, RawBinPubKey} = raw_binary_public_key(KeyPub),
- SubPKInfo = subject_pk_info(SubPKInfoAlgo, RawBinPubKey),
- Subject = attributes_from_list(Attributes),
- ExtensionRequest = extension_request(SANs),
- CRI = certificate_request_info(SubPKInfo, Subject, ExtensionRequest),
- {ok, EncodedCRI} = der_encode(
- 'CertificationRequestInfo',
- CRI),
- SignedCRI = public_key:sign(EncodedCRI, 'sha256', KeyKey),
- SignatureAlgo = signature_algo(Key, 'sha256'),
- CSR = certification_request(CRI, SignatureAlgo, SignedCRI),
- {ok, DerCSR} = der_encode(
- 'CertificationRequest',
- CSR),
- Result = base64url:encode(DerCSR),
- {Result, Key}
- catch
- _:{badmatch, {error, bad_public_key}} ->
- {error, bad_public_key};
- _:{badmatch, {error, bad_attributes}} ->
- {error, bad_public_key};
- _:{badmatch, {error, der_encode}} ->
- {error, der_encode}
- end.
-subject_pk_info_algo(_KeyPub) ->
- #'SubjectPublicKeyInfoAlgorithm'{
- algorithm = ?'id-ecPublicKey',
- parameters = {asn1_OPENTYPE,<<6,8,42,134,72,206,61,3,1,7>>}
- }.
-subject_pk_info(Algo, RawBinPubKey) ->
- #'SubjectPublicKeyInfo-PKCS-10'{
- algorithm = Algo,
- subjectPublicKey = RawBinPubKey
- }.
-extension(SANs) ->
- #'Extension'{
- extnID = ?'id-ce-subjectAltName',
- critical = false,
- extnValue = public_key:der_encode('SubjectAltName', SANs)}.
-extension_request(SANs) ->
- #'AttributePKCS-10'{
- type = ?'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest',
- values = [{'asn1_OPENTYPE',
- public_key:der_encode(
- 'ExtensionRequest',
- [extension(SANs)])}]
- }.
-certificate_request_info(SubPKInfo, Subject, ExtensionRequest) ->
- #'CertificationRequestInfo'{
- version = 0,
- subject = Subject,
- subjectPKInfo = SubPKInfo,
- attributes = [ExtensionRequest]
- }.
-signature_algo(_Key, _Hash) ->
- #'CertificationRequest_signatureAlgorithm'{
- algorithm = ?'ecdsa-with-SHA256',
- parameters = asn1_NOVALUE
- }.
-certification_request(CRI, SignatureAlgo, SignedCRI) ->
- #'CertificationRequest'{
- certificationRequestInfo = CRI,
- signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgo,
- signature = SignedCRI
- }.
-raw_binary_public_key(KeyPub) ->
- try
- {_, RawPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(KeyPub),
- {{_, RawBinPubKey}, _} = RawPubKey,
- {ok, RawBinPubKey}
- catch
- _:_ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Bad public key: ~p~n", [KeyPub]),
- {error, bad_public_key}
- end.
-der_encode(Type, Term) ->
- try
- {ok, public_key:der_encode(Type, Term)}
- catch
- _:_ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Cannot DER encode: ~p, with asn1type: ~p", [Term, Type]),
- {error, der_encode}
- end.
-attributes_from_list(Attrs) ->
- {rdnSequence,
- [[#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{
- type = AttrName,
- value = public_key:der_encode('X520CommonName', {printableString, AttrVal})
- }] || {AttrName, AttrVal} <- Attrs]}.
-%% Useful funs
--spec location_to_id(url()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, not_found}.
-location_to_id(Url0) ->
- Url = string:strip(Url0, right, $/),
- case string:rchr(Url, $/) of
- 0 ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Couldn't find id in url: ~p~n", [Url]),
- {error, not_found};
- Ind ->
- {ok, string:sub_string(Url, Ind+1)}
- end.
--spec get_challenges(proplist()) -> [{proplist()}].
-get_challenges(Body) ->
- {<<"challenges">>, Challenges} = proplists:lookup(<<"challenges">>, Body),
- Challenges.
--spec not_before_not_after() -> {binary(), binary()}.
-not_before_not_after() ->
- {Date, Time} = calendar:universal_time(),
- NotBefore = encode_calendar_datetime({Date, Time}),
- %% The certificate will be valid for 90 Days after today
- AfterDate = add_days_to_date(90, Date),
- NotAfter = encode_calendar_datetime({AfterDate, Time}),
- {NotBefore, NotAfter}.
--spec to_public(jose_jwk:key()) -> jose_jwk:key().
-to_public(PrivateKey) ->
- jose_jwk:to_public(PrivateKey).
--spec pem_to_certificate(pem()) -> #'Certificate'{}.
-pem_to_certificate(Pem) ->
- PemList = public_key:pem_decode(Pem),
- PemEntryCert = lists:keyfind('Certificate', 1, PemList),
- Certificate = public_key:pem_entry_decode(PemEntryCert),
- Certificate.
--spec add_days_to_date(integer(), calendar:date()) -> calendar:date().
-add_days_to_date(Days, Date) ->
- Date1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date),
- calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(Date1 + Days).
--spec encode_calendar_datetime(calendar:datetime()) -> binary().
-encode_calendar_datetime({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}) ->
- list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~4..0B-~2..0B-~2..0BT"
- "~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0BZ",
- [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second])).
-%% TODO: Find a better and more robust way to parse the utc string
--spec utc_string_to_datetime(string()) -> calendar:datetime().
-utc_string_to_datetime(UtcString) ->
- try
- [Y1,Y2,MO1,MO2,D1,D2,H1,H2,MI1,MI2,S1,S2,$Z] = UtcString,
- Year = list_to_integer("20" ++ [Y1,Y2]),
- Month = list_to_integer([MO1, MO2]),
- Day = list_to_integer([D1,D2]),
- Hour = list_to_integer([H1,H2]),
- Minute = list_to_integer([MI1,MI2]),
- Second = list_to_integer([S1,S2]),
- {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}
- catch
- _:_ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unable to parse UTC string", []),
- throw({error, utc_string_to_datetime})
- end.
--spec find_private_key_in_pem(pem()) -> {ok, jose_jwk:key()} | false.
-find_private_key_in_pem(Pem) ->
- PemList = public_key:pem_decode(Pem),
- case find_private_key_in_pem1(private_key_types(), PemList) of
- false ->
- false;
- PemKey ->
- Key = public_key:pem_entry_decode(PemKey),
- JoseKey = jose_jwk:from_key(Key),
- {ok, JoseKey}
- end.
--spec find_private_key_in_pem1([public_key:pki_asn1_type()],
- [public_key:pem_entry()]) ->
- public_key:pem_entry() | false.
-find_private_key_in_pem1([], _PemList) ->
- false;
-find_private_key_in_pem1([Type|Types], PemList) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Type, 1, PemList) of
- false ->
- find_private_key_in_pem1(Types, PemList);
- Key ->
- Key
- end.
--spec parse_domain_string(string()) -> [string()].
-parse_domain_string(DomainString) ->
- string:tokens(DomainString, ";").
--spec private_key_types() -> [public_key:pki_asn1_type()].
-private_key_types() ->
- ['RSAPrivateKey',
- 'DSAPrivateKey',
- 'ECPrivateKey'].
--spec find_all_sub_domains(binary()) -> [binary()].
-find_all_sub_domains(DomainName) ->
- AllRoutes = ejabberd_router:get_all_routes(),
- DomainLen = size(DomainName),
- [Route || Route <- AllRoutes,
- binary:longest_common_suffix([DomainName, Route])
- =:= DomainLen].
--spec is_error(_) -> boolean().
-is_error({error, _}) -> true;
-is_error({error, _, _}) -> true;
-is_error(_) -> false.
-%% Handle the persistent data structure
--spec data_empty() -> [].
-data_empty() ->
- [].
-%% Account
--spec data_get_account(acme_data()) -> {ok, list(), url(), jose_jwk:key()} | none.
-data_get_account(Data) ->
- case lists:keyfind(account, 1, Data) of
- {account, #data_acc{id = AccId, ca_url = CAUrl, key = PrivateKey}} ->
- {ok, AccId, CAUrl, PrivateKey};
- false ->
- none
- end.
--spec data_set_account(acme_data(), {list(), url(), jose_jwk:key()}) -> acme_data().
-data_set_account(Data, {AccId, CAUrl, PrivateKey}) ->
- NewAcc = {account, #data_acc{id = AccId, ca_url = CAUrl, key = PrivateKey}},
- lists:keystore(account, 1, Data, NewAcc).
-%% Certificates
--spec data_get_certificates(acme_data()) -> data_certs().
-data_get_certificates(Data) ->
- case lists:keyfind(certs, 1, Data) of
- {certs, Certs} ->
- Certs;
- false ->
- []
- end.
--spec data_set_certificates(acme_data(), data_certs()) -> acme_data().
-data_set_certificates(Data, NewCerts) ->
- lists:keystore(certs, 1, Data, {certs, NewCerts}).
-%% ATM we preserve one certificate for each domain
--spec data_add_certificate(acme_data(), data_cert()) -> acme_data().
-data_add_certificate(Data, DataCert = #data_cert{domain=Domain}) ->
- Certs = data_get_certificates(Data),
- NewCerts = lists:keystore(Domain, 1, Certs, {Domain, DataCert}),
- data_set_certificates(Data, NewCerts).
--spec data_remove_certificate(acme_data(), data_cert()) -> acme_data().
-data_remove_certificate(Data, _DataCert = #data_cert{domain=Domain}) ->
- Certs = data_get_certificates(Data),
- NewCerts = lists:keydelete(Domain, 1, Certs),
- data_set_certificates(Data, NewCerts).
-%% Handle Config and Persistence Files
--spec persistent_file() -> file:filename().
-persistent_file() ->
- AcmeDir = acme_certs_dir(),
- filename:join(AcmeDir, "acme.DAT").
-%% The persistent file should be read and written only by its owner
--spec file_mode() -> 384.
-file_mode() ->
- 8#600.
--spec read_persistent() -> {ok, acme_data()} | no_return().
-read_persistent() ->
- case file:read_file(persistent_file()) of
- {ok, Binary} ->
- {ok, binary_to_term(Binary)};
{error, enoent} ->
- create_persistent(),
- {ok, data_empty()};
+ create_account_key();
+ {error, {bad_cert, _, _} = Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("ACME account key from '~s' is corrupted: ~s. "
+ "Trying to create a new one...",
+ [prep_path(Path), pkix:format_error(Reason)]),
+ create_account_key();
{error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p reading acme data file", [Reason]),
- throw({error, Reason})
- end.
--spec write_persistent(acme_data()) -> ok | no_return().
-write_persistent(Data) ->
- Binary = term_to_binary(Data),
- case file:write_file(persistent_file(), Binary) of
- ok -> ok;
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read ACME account from ~s: ~s. "
+ "Try to fix permissions or delete the file completely",
+ [prep_path(Path), pkix:format_error(Reason)]),
+ {error, {file, Reason}}
+ end.
+-spec create_account_key() -> {ok, #'ECPrivateKey'{}} | {error, {file, io_error()}}.
+create_account_key() ->
+ Path = account_file(),
+ ?DEBUG("Creating ACME account key in ~s", [prep_path(Path)]),
+ Key = acme:generate_key(ec),
+ DER = public_key:der_encode(element(1, Key), Key),
+ PEM = public_key:pem_encode([{element(1, Key), DER, not_encrypted}]),
+ case write_file(Path, PEM) of
+ ok ->
+ ?DEBUG("ACME account key has been created successfully in ~s",
+ [prep_path(Path)]),
+ {ok, Key};
{error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p writing acme data file", [Reason]),
- throw({error, Reason})
- end.
--spec create_persistent() -> ok | no_return().
-create_persistent() ->
- Binary = term_to_binary(data_empty()),
- case file:write_file(persistent_file(), Binary) of
+ {error, {file, Reason}}
+ end.
+-spec store_cert(priv_key(), [cert()], cert_type(), [binary()]) -> {ok, file:filename_all()} |
+ {error, {file, io_error()}}.
+store_cert(Key, Chain, CertType, Domains) ->
+ DerKey = public_key:der_encode(element(1, Key), Key),
+ PemKey = [{element(1, Key), DerKey, not_encrypted}],
+ PemChain = lists:map(
+ fun(Cert) ->
+ DerCert = public_key:pkix_encode(
+ element(1, Cert), Cert, otp),
+ {'Certificate', DerCert, not_encrypted}
+ end, Chain),
+ PEM = public_key:pem_encode(PemChain ++ PemKey),
+ Path = cert_file(CertType, Domains),
+ ?DEBUG("Storing certificate for ~s in ~s",
+ [misc:format_hosts_list(Domains), prep_path(Path)]),
+ case write_file(Path, PEM) of
ok ->
- case file:change_mode(persistent_file(), file_mode()) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p changing acme data file mode", [Reason]),
- throw({error, Reason})
- end;
+ {ok, Path};
{error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p creating acme data file", [Reason]),
- throw({error, Reason})
- end.
--spec write_account_persistent({list(), url(), jose_jwk:key()}) -> ok | no_return().
-write_account_persistent({AccId, CAUrl, PrivateKey}) ->
- {ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
- NewData = data_set_account(Data, {AccId, CAUrl, PrivateKey}),
- ok = write_persistent(NewData).
--spec read_account_persistent() -> {ok, list(), url(), jose_jwk:key()} | none.
-read_account_persistent() ->
- {ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
- data_get_account(Data).
--spec read_certificates_persistent() -> data_certs().
-read_certificates_persistent() ->
- {ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
- data_get_certificates(Data).
--spec add_certificate_persistent(data_cert()) -> ok.
-add_certificate_persistent(DataCert) ->
- {ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
- NewData = data_add_certificate(Data, DataCert),
- ok = write_persistent(NewData).
--spec remove_certificate_persistent(data_cert()) -> ok.
-remove_certificate_persistent(DataCert) ->
- {ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
- NewData = data_remove_certificate(Data, DataCert),
- ok = write_persistent(NewData).
--spec save_certificate({ok, binary(), binary()} | {error, _, _}) ->
- {ok, binary(), saved} | {error, binary(), _}.
-save_certificate({error, _, _} = Error) ->
- Error;
-save_certificate({ok, DomainName, Cert}) ->
- try
- CertDir = acme_certs_dir(),
- DomainString = bitstring_to_list(DomainName),
- CertificateFile = filename:join([CertDir, DomainString ++ ".pem"]),
- %% TODO: At some point do the following using a Transaction so
- %% that there is no certificate saved if it cannot be added in
- %% certificate persistent storage
- write_cert(CertificateFile, Cert, DomainName),
- {ok, _} = ejabberd_pkix:add_certfile(CertificateFile),
- DataCert = #data_cert{
- domain = DomainName,
- pem = Cert,
- path = CertificateFile
- },
- add_certificate_persistent(DataCert),
- {ok, DomainName, saved}
- catch
- throw:Throw ->
- Throw;
- ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) ->
- StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p, ~p", [E, R, StackTrace]),
- {error, DomainName, saving}
+ {error, {file, Reason}}
+ end.
+-spec read_cert(file:filename_all()) -> {ok, [cert()], priv_key()} |
+ {error, {file, io_error()} |
+ {bad_cert, _, _} |
+ unexpected_certfile}.
+read_cert(Path) ->
+ ?DEBUG("Reading certificate from ~s", [prep_path(Path)]),
+ case pkix:read_file(Path) of
+ {ok, CertsMap, KeysMap} ->
+ case {maps:to_list(CertsMap), maps:keys(KeysMap)} of
+ {[_|_] = Certs, [CertKey]} ->
+ {ok, [Cert || {Cert, _} <- lists:keysort(2, Certs)], CertKey};
+ _ ->
+ {error, unexpected_certfile}
+ end;
+ {error, Why} when is_atom(Why) ->
+ {error, {file, Why}};
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err
--spec save_renewed_certificate({ok, binary(), _} | {error, _, _}) ->
- {ok, binary(), _} | {error, binary(), _}.
-save_renewed_certificate({error, _, _} = Error) ->
- Error;
-save_renewed_certificate({ok, _, no_expire} = Cert) ->
- Cert;
-save_renewed_certificate({ok, DomainName, Cert}) ->
- save_certificate({ok, DomainName, Cert}).
--spec register_certfiles() -> ok.
-register_certfiles() ->
- Dir = acme_certs_dir(),
- Paths = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir, "*.pem")),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(Path) ->
- ejabberd_pkix:add_certfile(Path)
- end, Paths).
--spec write_cert(file:filename(), binary(), binary()) -> ok.
-write_cert(CertificateFile, Cert, DomainName) ->
- case file:write_file(CertificateFile, Cert) of
+-spec write_file(file:filename_all(), iodata()) -> ok | {error, io_error()}.
+write_file(Path, Data) ->
+ case ensure_dir(Path) of
ok ->
- case file:change_mode(CertificateFile, file_mode()) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, Why} ->
- ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to change mode of file ~s: ~s",
- [CertificateFile, file:format_error(Why)])
+ case file:write_file(Path, Data) of
+ ok ->
+ case file:change_mode(Path, 8#600) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Why} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to change permissions of ~s: ~s",
+ [prep_path(Path), file:format_error(Why)])
+ end;
+ {error, Why} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to write file ~s: ~s",
+ [prep_path(Path), file:format_error(Why)]),
+ Err
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p saving certificate at file: ~p",
- [Reason, CertificateFile]),
- throw({error, DomainName, saving})
+ Err ->
+ Err
--spec get_config_contact() -> binary().
-get_config_contact() ->
- Acme = ejabberd_option:acme(),
- try maps:get(contact, Acme)
- catch _:{badkey, _} ->
- ?WARNING_MSG("No contact has been specified in configuration", []),
+-spec delete_file(file:filename_all()) -> ok | {error, io_error()}.
+delete_file(Path) ->
+ case file:delete(Path) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Why} = Err ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to delete file ~s: ~s",
+ [prep_path(Path), file:format_error(Why)]),
+ Err
--spec get_config_ca_url() -> url().
-get_config_ca_url() ->
- Acme = ejabberd_option:acme(),
- try maps:get(ca_url, Acme)
- catch _:{badkey, _} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("No CA url has been specified in configuration", []),
+-spec ensure_dir(file:filename_all()) -> ok | {error, io_error()}.
+ensure_dir(Path) ->
+ case filelib:ensure_dir(Path) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, Why} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to create directory ~s: ~s",
+ [prep_path(filename:dirname(Path)),
+ file:format_error(Why)]),
+ Err
+ end.
+-spec delete_obsolete_data() -> ok.
+delete_obsolete_data() ->
+ Path = filename:join(ejabberd_pkix:certs_dir(), "acme"),
+ case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
+ true ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Deleting obsolete directory ~s", [prep_path(Path)]),
+ _ = misc:delete_dir(Path),
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ ok
--spec get_config_hosts() -> [binary()].
-get_config_hosts() ->
- ejabberd_option:hosts().
+%%% ejabberd commands
+get_commands_spec() ->
+ [#ejabberd_commands{name = request_certificate, tags = [acme],
+ desc = "Requests certificates for all or the specified "
+ "domains: all | domain1,domain2,...",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = request_certificate,
+ args_desc = ["Domains for which to acquire a certificate"],
+ args_example = ["all | www.example.com,www.example1.net"],
+ args = [{domains, string}],
+ result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = list_certificates, tags = [acme],
+ desc = "Lists all ACME certificates",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = list_certificates,
+ args = [],
+ result = {certificates,
+ {list, {certificate,
+ {tuple, [{domain, string},
+ {file, string},
+ {used, string}]}}}}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = revoke_certificate, tags = [acme],
+ desc = "Revokes the selected ACME certificate",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = revoke_certificate,
+ args_desc = ["Filename of the certificate"],
+ args = [{file, string}],
+ result = {res, restuple}}].
--spec acme_certs_dir() -> file:filename().
-acme_certs_dir() ->
- filename:join(ejabberd_pkix:certs_dir(), "acme").
+-spec request_certificate(iodata()) -> {ok | error, string()}.
+request_certificate(Arg) ->
+ Ret = case lists:filter(
+ fun(S) -> S /= <<>> end,
+ re:split(Arg, "[\\h,;]+", [{return, binary}])) of
+ [<<"all">>] ->
+ Domains = all_domains(),
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {request, Domains}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT);
+ [_|_] = Domains ->
+ case lists:dropwhile(
+ fun(D) ->
+ try ejabberd_router:is_my_route(D)
+ catch _:{invalid_domain, _} -> false
+ end
+ end, Domains) of
+ [Bad|_] ->
+ {error, {unknown_host, Bad}};
+ [] ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {request, Domains}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT)
+ end;
+ [] ->
+ {error, invalid_argument}
+ end,
+ case Ret of
+ ok -> {ok, ""};
+ {error, Why} -> {error, format_error(Why)}
+ end.
+-spec revoke_certificate(iodata()) -> {ok | error, string()}.
+revoke_certificate(Path0) ->
+ Path = prep_path(Path0),
+ Ret = case read_cert(Path) of
+ {ok, [Cert|_], Key} ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {revoke, Cert, Key, Path}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT);
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err
+ end,
+ case Ret of
+ ok -> {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, format_error(Reason)}
+ end.
+-spec list_certificates() -> [{binary(), binary(), boolean()}].
+list_certificates() ->
+ Known = lists:flatmap(
+ fun(Path) ->
+ try
+ {ok, [Cert|_], _} = read_cert(Path),
+ Domains = pkix:extract_domains(Cert),
+ [{Domain, Path} || Domain <- Domains]
+ catch _:{badmatch, _} ->
+ []
+ end
+ end, list_certfiles()),
+ Used = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Domain, S) ->
+ try
+ {ok, Path} = ejabberd_pkix:get_certfile_no_default(Domain),
+ {ok, [Cert|_], _} = read_cert(Path),
+ {ok, #{files := Files}} = pkix:get_cert_info(Cert),
+ lists:foldl(fun sets:add_element/2,
+ S, [{Domain, File} || {File, _} <- Files])
+ catch _:{badmatch, _} ->
+ []
+ end
+ end, sets:new(), all_domains()),
+ lists:sort(
+ lists:map(
+ fun({Domain, Path} = E) ->
+ {Domain, Path, sets:is_element(E, Used)}
+ end, Known)).
-generate_key() ->
- jose_jwk:generate_key({ec, secp256r1}).
+%%% Other stuff
+-spec all_domains() -> [binary(),...].
+all_domains() ->
+ ejabberd_option:hosts() ++ ejabberd_router:get_all_routes().
+-spec directory_url() -> binary().
+directory_url() ->
+ maps:get(ca_url, ejabberd_option:acme(), default_directory_url()).
+-spec debug_fun() -> fun((string(), list()) -> ok).
+debug_fun() ->
+ fun(Fmt, Args) -> ?DEBUG(Fmt, Args) end.
+-spec request_on_start() -> false | {true, [binary()]}.
+request_on_start() ->
+ Config = ejabberd_option:acme(),
+ case maps:get(auto, Config, true) of
+ false -> false;
+ true ->
+ case ejabberd_listener:tls_listeners() of
+ [] -> false;
+ _ ->
+ case lists:filter(
+ fun(Host) ->
+ not have_cert_for_domain(Host)
+ end, all_domains()) of
+ [] -> false;
+ Hosts ->
+ case have_acme_listener() of
+ true -> {true, Hosts};
+ false ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("No HTTP listeners for ACME challenges "
+ "are configured, automatic "
+ "certificate requests are aborted. Hint: "
+ "configure the listener and run "
+ "`ejabberdctl request-certificate all`",
+ []),
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+well_known() ->
+ [<<".well-known">>, <<"acme-challenge">>].
+-spec have_cert_for_domain(binary()) -> boolean().
+have_cert_for_domain(Host) ->
+ ejabberd_pkix:get_certfile_no_default(Host) /= error.
+-spec have_acme_listener() -> boolean().
+have_acme_listener() ->
+ lists:any(
+ fun({_, ejabberd_http, #{tls := false,
+ request_handlers := Handlers}}) ->
+ lists:keymember(well_known(), 1, Handlers);
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, ejabberd_option:listen()).
+-spec format_error(term()) -> string().
+format_error({file, Reason}) ->
+ "I/O error: " ++ file:format_error(Reason);
+format_error({unknown_host, Domain}) ->
+ "Unknown or invalid virtual host: " ++ binary_to_list(Domain);
+format_error(invalid_argument) ->
+ "Invalid argument";
+format_error(unexpected_certfile) ->
+ "The certificate file was not obtained using ACME";
+format_error({bad_cert, _, _} = Reason) ->
+ "Malformed certificate file: " ++ pkix:format_error(Reason);
+format_error(Reason) ->
+ acme:format_error(Reason).