diff options
authorEvgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>2019-04-23 21:05:21 +0300
committerEvgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>2019-04-23 21:05:21 +0300
commitcbf3fec2c8fe2f45242b166e12cbb27218d46dc1 (patch)
parentAdd WebSockets support to mod_mqtt (diff)
Don't call to mod_register when it's not loaded
Fixes #2828
2 files changed, 104 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/src/ejabberd_admin.erl b/src/ejabberd_admin.erl
index c3192d5f9..82c35e40e 100644
--- a/src/ejabberd_admin.erl
+++ b/src/ejabberd_admin.erl
@@ -478,16 +478,23 @@ update_module(ModuleNameString) ->
register(User, Host, Password) ->
- {ok, IPRaw} = inet_parse:address(binary_to_list(<<"::ffff:">>)),
- case mod_register:try_register(User, Host, Password, IPRaw, <<"en">>) of
+ Ret = case gen_mod:is_loaded(Host, mod_register) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, IPRaw} = inet_parse:address("::ffff:"),
+ mod_register:try_register(User, Host, Password, IPRaw);
+ false ->
+ ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Host, Password)
+ end,
+ case Ret of
ok ->
{ok, io_lib:format("User ~s@~s successfully registered", [User, Host])};
{error, exists} ->
Msg = io_lib:format("User ~s@~s already registered", [User, Host]),
{error, conflict, 10090, Msg};
{error, Reason} ->
- String = io_lib:format("Can't register user ~s@~s at node ~p: ~p",
- [User, Host, node(), Reason]),
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't register user ~s@~s at node ~p: ~s",
+ [User, Host, node(),
+ mod_register:format_error(Reason)]),
{error, cannot_register, 10001, String}
diff --git a/src/mod_register.erl b/src/mod_register.erl
index 594800b15..8ab242316 100644
--- a/src/mod_register.erl
+++ b/src/mod_register.erl
@@ -34,13 +34,15 @@
-export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, stream_feature_register/2,
- c2s_unauthenticated_packet/2, try_register/5,
+ c2s_unauthenticated_packet/2, try_register/4,
process_iq/1, send_registration_notifications/3,
transform_options/1, transform_module_options/1,
- mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, opt_type/1, depends/2]).
+ mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, opt_type/1, depends/2,
+ format_error/1]).
start(Host, _Opts) ->
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host,
@@ -306,75 +308,92 @@ try_set_password(User, Server, Password, #iq{lang = Lang, meta = M} = IQ) ->
xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang))
-try_register(User, Server, Password, SourceRaw, Lang) ->
+try_register(User, Server, Password, SourceRaw) ->
case jid:is_nodename(User) of
- false -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(<<"Malformed username">>, Lang)};
- _ ->
- JID = jid:make(User, Server),
- Access = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Server, ?MODULE, access),
- IPAccess = get_ip_access(Server),
- case {acl:match_rule(Server, Access, JID),
- check_ip_access(SourceRaw, IPAccess)}
- of
- {deny, _} -> {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(<<"Access denied by service policy">>, Lang)};
- {_, deny} -> {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(<<"Access denied by service policy">>, Lang)};
- {allow, allow} ->
- Source = may_remove_resource(SourceRaw),
- case check_timeout(Source) of
- true ->
- case is_strong_password(Server, Password) of
+ false ->
+ {error, invalid_jid};
+ true ->
+ case check_access(User, Server, SourceRaw) of
+ deny ->
+ {error, eaccess};
+ allow ->
+ Source = may_remove_resource(SourceRaw),
+ case check_timeout(Source) of
true ->
- case ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Server,
- Password)
- of
- ok ->
- ?INFO_MSG("The account ~s was registered "
- "from IP address ~s",
- [jid:encode({User, Server, <<"">>}),
- ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(
- ip_to_string(Source))]),
- send_welcome_message(JID),
- send_registration_notifications(
- ?MODULE, JID, Source),
- ok;
- Error ->
- remove_timeout(Source),
- case Error of
- {error, exists} ->
- Txt = <<"User already exists">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_conflict(Txt, Lang)};
- {error, invalid_jid} ->
- {error, xmpp:err_jid_malformed()};
- {error, invalid_password} ->
- Txt = <<"Incorrect password">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)};
- {error, not_allowed} ->
- {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed()};
- {error, _} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("failed to register user "
- "~s@~s: ~p",
- [User, Server, Error]),
- {error, xmpp:err_internal_server_error()}
- end
+ case is_strong_password(Server, Password) of
+ true ->
+ case ejabberd_auth:try_register(
+ User, Server, Password) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ remove_timeout(Source),
+ Err
+ end;
+ false ->
+ remove_timeout(Source),
+ {error, weak_password};
+ _ ->
+ remove_timeout(Source),
+ {error, invalid_password}
- error_preparing_password ->
- remove_timeout(Source),
- ErrText = <<"The password contains unacceptable characters">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang)};
false ->
- remove_timeout(Source),
- ErrText = <<"The password is too weak">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang)}
- end;
- false ->
- ErrText =
- <<"Users are not allowed to register accounts "
- "so quickly">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(ErrText, Lang)}
- end
- end
+ {error, wait}
+ end
+ end
+try_register(User, Server, Password, SourceRaw, Lang) ->
+ case try_register(User, Server, Password, SourceRaw) of
+ ok ->
+ JID = jid:make(User, Server),
+ Source = may_remove_resource(SourceRaw),
+ ?INFO_MSG("The account ~s was registered from IP address ~s",
+ [jid:encode({User, Server, <<"">>}),
+ ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(ip_to_string(Source))]),
+ send_welcome_message(JID),
+ send_registration_notifications(?MODULE, JID, Source);
+ {error, invalid_jid = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_jid_malformed(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, eaccess = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, wait = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, weak_password = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, invalid_password = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, not_allowed = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, exists = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_conflict(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, db_failure = Why} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(format_error(Why), Lang)};
+ {error, Why} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to register user ~s@~s: ~s",
+ [User, Server, format_error(Why)]),
+ {error, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(format_error(Why), Lang)}
+ end.
+format_error(invalid_jid) ->
+ ?T("Malformed username");
+format_error(eaccess) ->
+ ?T("Access denied by service policy");
+format_error(wait) ->
+ ?T("Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly");
+format_error(weak_password) ->
+ ?T("The password is too weak");
+format_error(invalid_password) ->
+ ?T("The password contains unacceptable characters");
+format_error(not_allowed) ->
+ ?T("Not allowed");
+format_error(exists) ->
+ ?T("User already exists");
+format_error(db_failure) ->
+ ?T("Database failure");
+format_error(Unexpected) ->
+ list_to_binary(io_lib:format(?T("Unexpected error condition: ~p"), [Unexpected])).
send_welcome_message(JID) ->
Host = JID#jid.lserver,
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, welcome_message) of
@@ -597,6 +616,15 @@ check_ip_access(undefined, _IPAccess) ->
check_ip_access(IPAddress, IPAccess) ->
acl:match_rule(global, IPAccess, IPAddress).
+check_access(User, Server, Source) ->
+ JID = jid:make(User, Server),
+ Access = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Server, ?MODULE, access),
+ IPAccess = get_ip_access(Server),
+ case acl:match_rule(Server, Access, JID) of
+ allow -> check_ip_access(Source, IPAccess);
+ deny -> deny
+ end.
mod_opt_type(access) -> fun acl:access_rules_validator/1;
mod_opt_type(access_from) -> fun acl:access_rules_validator/1;
mod_opt_type(access_remove) -> fun acl:access_rules_validator/1;