path: root/src/mod_admin_extra.erl
blob: 9834acf0160c253e7381dd0456942a2d6a7f5331 (plain) (tree)













































































































































































































































































































%%% File    : mod_admin_extra.erl
%%% Author  : Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
%%% Purpose : Contributed administrative functions and commands
%%% Created : 10 Aug 2008 by Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2021   ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.




-export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, mod_options/1,
	 get_commands_spec/0, depends/2, mod_doc/0]).

% Commands API
	 % Adminsys
	 compile/1, get_cookie/0,

	 % Sessions
	 num_resources/2, resource_num/3,
	 kick_session/4, status_num/2, status_num/1,
	 status_list/2, status_list/1, connected_users_info/0,
	 connected_users_vhost/1, set_presence/7,
	 get_presence/2, user_sessions_info/2, get_last/2, set_last/4,

	 % Accounts
	 set_password/3, check_password_hash/4, delete_old_users/1,
	 delete_old_users_vhost/2, ban_account/3, check_password/3,

	 % vCard
	 set_nickname/3, get_vcard/3,
	 get_vcard/4, get_vcard_multi/4, set_vcard/4,

	 % Roster
	 add_rosteritem/7, delete_rosteritem/4,
	 get_roster/2, push_roster/3,
	 push_roster_all/1, push_alltoall/2,
	 push_roster_item/5, build_roster_item/3,

	 % Private storage
	 private_get/4, private_set/3,

	 % Shared roster
	 srg_delete/2, srg_list/1, srg_get_info/2,
	 srg_get_members/2, srg_user_add/4, srg_user_del/4,

	 % Send message
	 send_message/5, send_stanza/3, send_stanza_c2s/4,

	 % Privacy list

	 % Stats
	 stats/1, stats/2


%%% gen_mod

start(_Host, _Opts) ->
    ejabberd_commands:register_commands(?MODULE, get_commands_spec()).

stop(Host) ->
    case gen_mod:is_loaded_elsewhere(Host, ?MODULE) of
	false ->
	true ->

reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) ->

depends(_Host, _Opts) ->

%%% Register commands

get_commands_spec() ->
    Vcard1FieldsString = "Some vcard field names in get/set_vcard are:\n\n"
	"* FN           - Full Name\n"
	"* NICKNAME     - Nickname\n"
	"* BDAY         - Birthday\n"
	"* TITLE        - Work: Position\n"
	"* ROLE         - Work: Role\n",

    Vcard2FieldsString = "Some vcard field names and subnames in get/set_vcard2 are:\n\n"
	"* N FAMILY     - Family name\n"
	"* N GIVEN      - Given name\n"
	"* N MIDDLE     - Middle name\n"
	"* ADR CTRY     - Address: Country\n"
	"* ADR LOCALITY - Address: City\n"
	"* TEL HOME     - Telephone: Home\n"
	"* TEL CELL     - Telephone: Cellphone\n"
	"* TEL WORK     - Telephone: Work\n"
	"* TEL VOICE    - Telephone: Voice\n"
	"* EMAIL USERID - E-Mail Address\n"
	"* ORG ORGNAME  - Work: Company\n"
	"* ORG ORGUNIT  - Work: Department\n",

    VcardXEP = "For a full list of vCard fields check XEP-0054: vcard-temp at "

     #ejabberd_commands{name = compile, tags = [erlang],
			desc = "Recompile and reload Erlang source code file",
			module = ?MODULE, function = compile,
			args = [{file, string}],
			args_example = ["/home/me/srcs/ejabberd/mod_example.erl"],
			args_desc = ["Filename of erlang source file to compile"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_cookie, tags = [erlang],
			desc = "Get the Erlang cookie of this node",
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_cookie,
			args = [],
			result = {cookie, string},
			result_example = "MWTAVMODFELNLSMYXPPD",
			result_desc = "Erlang cookie used for authentication by ejabberd"},
    #ejabberd_commands{name = restart_module, tags = [erlang],
			desc = "Stop an ejabberd module, reload code and start",
			module = ?MODULE, function = restart_module,
			args = [{host, binary}, {module, binary}],
			args_example = ["myserver.com","mod_admin_extra"],
			args_desc = ["Server name", "Module to restart"],
			result = {res, integer},
			result_example = 0,
			result_desc = "Returns integer code:\n"
				      " - 0: code reloaded, module restarted\n"
				      " - 1: error: module not loaded\n"
				      " - 2: code not reloaded, but module restarted"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_old_users, tags = [accounts, purge],
			desc = "Delete users that didn't log in last days, or that never logged",
			longdesc = "To protect admin accounts, configure this for example:\n"
			    "  protect_old_users:\n"
			    "    - allow: admin\n"
			    "    - deny: all\n",
			module = ?MODULE, function = delete_old_users,
			args = [{days, integer}],
			args_example = [30],
			args_desc = ["Last login age in days of accounts that should be removed"],
			result = {res, restuple},
			result_example = {ok, <<"Deleted 2 users: [\"oldman@myserver.com\", \"test@myserver.com\"]">>},
			result_desc = "Result tuple"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_old_users_vhost, tags = [accounts, purge],
			desc = "Delete users that didn't log in last days in vhost, or that never logged",
			longdesc = "To protect admin accounts, configure this for example:\n"
			    "  delete_old_users:\n"
			    "    - deny: admin\n"
			    "    - allow: all\n",
			module = ?MODULE, function = delete_old_users_vhost,
			args = [{host, binary}, {days, integer}],
			args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>, 30],
			args_desc = ["Server name",
				     "Last login age in days of accounts that should be removed"],
			result = {res, restuple},
			result_example = {ok, <<"Deleted 2 users: [\"oldman@myserver.com\", \"test@myserver.com\"]">>},
			result_desc = "Result tuple"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = check_account, tags = [accounts],
			desc = "Check if an account exists or not",
			module = ejabberd_auth, function = user_exists,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name to check", "Server to check"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = check_password, tags = [accounts],
			desc = "Check if a password is correct",
			module = ?MODULE, function = check_password,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {password, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"secret">>],
			args_desc = ["User name to check", "Server to check", "Password to check"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = check_password_hash, tags = [accounts],
			desc = "Check if the password hash is correct",
			longdesc = "Allows hash methods from crypto application",
			module = ?MODULE, function = check_password_hash,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {passwordhash, binary},
				{hashmethod, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>,
					<<"5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69">>, <<"md5">>],
			args_desc = ["User name to check", "Server to check",
				     "Password's hash value", "Name of hash method"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = change_password, tags = [accounts],
			desc = "Change the password of an account",
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_password,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {newpass, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"blank">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name",
				     "New password for user"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = ban_account, tags = [accounts],
			desc = "Ban an account: kick sessions and set random password",
			module = ?MODULE, function = ban_account,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {reason, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"attacker">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"Spaming other users">>],
			args_desc = ["User name to ban", "Server name",
				     "Reason for banning user"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = num_resources, tags = [session],
			desc = "Get the number of resources of a user",
			module = ?MODULE, function = num_resources,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name"],
			result = {resources, integer},
			result_example = 5,
			result_desc = "Number of active resources for a user"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = resource_num, tags = [session],
			desc = "Resource string of a session number",
			module = ?MODULE, function = resource_num,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {num, integer}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>, 2],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "ID of resource to return"],
			result = {resource, string},
			result_example = <<"Psi">>,
			result_desc = "Name of user resource"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = kick_session, tags = [session],
			desc = "Kick a user session",
			module = ?MODULE, function = kick_session,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {resource, binary}, {reason, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"Psi">>,
					<<"Stuck connection">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "User's resource",
				     "Reason for closing session"],
			result = {res, rescode},
			result_example = ok,
			result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_num_host, tags = [session, statistics],
			desc = "Number of logged users with this status in host",
			policy = admin,
			module = ?MODULE, function = status_num,
			args = [{host, binary}, {status, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>, <<"dnd">>],
			args_desc = ["Server name", "Status type to check"],
			result = {users, integer},
			result_example = 23,
			result_desc = "Number of connected sessions with given status type"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_num, tags = [session, statistics],
			desc = "Number of logged users with this status",
			policy = admin,
			module = ?MODULE, function = status_num,
			args = [{status, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"dnd">>],
			args_desc = ["Status type to check"],
			result = {users, integer},
			result_example = 23,
			result_desc = "Number of connected sessions with given status type"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_list_host, tags = [session],
			desc = "List of users logged in host with their statuses",
			module = ?MODULE, function = status_list,
			args = [{host, binary}, {status, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>, <<"dnd">>],
			args_desc = ["Server name", "Status type to check"],
			result_example = [{<<"peter">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"tka">>,6,<<"Busy">>}],
			result = {users, {list,
					  {userstatus, {tuple, [
								{user, string},
								{host, string},
								{resource, string},
								{priority, integer},
								{status, string}
     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_list, tags = [session],
			desc = "List of logged users with this status",
			module = ?MODULE, function = status_list,
			args = [{status, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"dnd">>],
			args_desc = ["Status type to check"],
			result_example = [{<<"peter">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"tka">>,6,<<"Busy">>}],
			result = {users, {list,
					  {userstatus, {tuple, [
								{user, string},
								{host, string},
								{resource, string},
								{priority, integer},
								{status, string}
     #ejabberd_commands{name = connected_users_info,
			tags = [session],
			desc = "List all established sessions and their information",
			module = ?MODULE, function = connected_users_info,
			args = [],
			result_example = [{"user1@myserver.com/tka",
					    "c2s", "", 42656,8, "ejabberd@localhost",
                                           231, <<"dnd">>, <<"tka">>, <<>>}],
			result = {connected_users_info,
				   {session, {tuple,
					      [{jid, string},
					       {connection, string},
					       {ip, string},
					       {port, integer},
					       {priority, integer},
					       {node, string},
					       {uptime, integer},
					       {status, string},
					       {resource, string},
					       {statustext, string}

     #ejabberd_commands{name = connected_users_vhost,
			tags = [session],
			desc = "Get the list of established sessions in a vhost",
			module = ?MODULE, function = connected_users_vhost,
			args_example = [<<"myexample.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Server name"],
			result_example = [<<"user1@myserver.com/tka">>, <<"user2@localhost/tka">>],
			args = [{host, binary}],
			result = {connected_users_vhost, {list, {sessions, string}}}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = user_sessions_info,
			tags = [session],
			desc = "Get information about all sessions of a user",
			module = ?MODULE, function = user_sessions_info,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name"],
			result_example = [{"c2s", "", 42656,8, "ejabberd@localhost",
                                           231, <<"dnd">>, <<"tka">>, <<>>}],
			result = {sessions_info,
				   {session, {tuple,
					      [{connection, string},
					       {ip, string},
					       {port, integer},
					       {priority, integer},
					       {node, string},
					       {uptime, integer},
					       {status, string},
					       {resource, string},
					       {statustext, string}

     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_presence, tags = [session],
			desc =
			    "Retrieve the resource with highest priority, "
			    "and its presence (show and status message) "
			    "for a given user.",
			longdesc =
			    "The 'jid' value contains the user jid "
			    "with resource.\nThe 'show' value contains "
			    "the user presence flag. It can take "
			    "limited values:\n - available\n - chat "
			    "(Free for chat)\n - away\n - dnd (Do "
			    "not disturb)\n - xa (Not available, "
			    "extended away)\n - unavailable (Not "
			    "connected)\n\n'status' is a free text "
			    "defined by the user client.",
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_presence,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_rename = [{server, host}],
			args_example = [<<"peter">>, <<"myexample.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name"],
			result_example = {<<"user1@myserver.com/tka">>, <<"dnd">>, <<"Busy">>},
			result =
			      [{jid, string}, {show, string},
			       {status, string}]}}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_presence,
			tags = [session],
			desc = "Set presence of a session",
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_presence,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary},
				{resource, binary}, {type, binary},
				{show, binary}, {status, binary},
				{priority, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"tka1">>,
					<<"available">>,<<"away">>,<<"BB">>, <<"7">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Resource",
					"Type: available, error, probe...",
					"Show: away, chat, dnd, xa.", "Status text",
					"Priority, provide this value as an integer"],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_nickname, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Set nickname in a user's vCard",
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_nickname,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {nickname, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"User 1">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Nickname"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_vcard, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Get content from a vCard field",
			longdesc = Vcard1FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_vcard,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {name, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"NICKNAME">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Field name"],
			result_example = "User 1",
			result_desc = "Field content",
			result = {content, string}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_vcard2, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Get content from a vCard subfield",
			longdesc = Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_vcard,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {name, binary}, {subname, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"N">>, <<"FAMILY">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Field name", "Subfield name"],
			result_example = "Schubert",
			result_desc = "Field content",
			result = {content, string}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_vcard2_multi, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Get multiple contents from a vCard field",
			longdesc = Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_vcard_multi,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {name, binary}, {subname, binary}],
			result = {contents, {list, {value, string}}}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_vcard, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Set content in a vCard field",
			longdesc = Vcard1FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_vcard,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {name, binary}, {content, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>, <<"URL">>, <<"www.example.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Field name", "Value"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_vcard2, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Set content in a vCard subfield",
			longdesc = Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_vcard,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {name, binary}, {subname, binary}, {content, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"TEL">>, <<"NUMBER">>, <<"123456">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Field name", "Subfield name", "Value"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_vcard2_multi, tags = [vcard],
			desc = "Set multiple contents in a vCard subfield",
			longdesc = Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_vcard,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {name, binary}, {subname, binary}, {contents, {list, {value, binary}}}],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = add_rosteritem, tags = [roster],
			desc = "Add an item to a user's roster (supports ODBC)",
			longdesc = "Group can be several groups separated by ; for example: \"g1;g2;g3\"",
			module = ?MODULE, function = add_rosteritem,
			args = [{localuser, binary}, {localhost, binary},
				{user, binary}, {host, binary},
				{nick, binary}, {group, binary},
				{subs, binary}],
			args_rename = [{localserver, localhost}, {server, host}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"user2">>, <<"myserver.com">>,
				<<"User 2">>, <<"Friends">>, <<"both">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Contact user name", "Contact server name",
				"Nickname", "Group", "Subscription"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     %%{"", "subs= none, from, to or both"},
     %%{"", "example: add-roster peter localhost mike server.com MiKe Employees both"},
     %%{"", "will add mike@server.com to peter@localhost roster"},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_rosteritem, tags = [roster],
			desc = "Delete an item from a user's roster (supports ODBC)",
			module = ?MODULE, function = delete_rosteritem,
			args = [{localuser, binary}, {localhost, binary},
				{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_rename = [{localserver, localhost}, {server, host}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"user2">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Contact user name", "Contact server name"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = process_rosteritems, tags = [roster],
			desc = "List/delete rosteritems that match filter",
			longdesc = "Explanation of each argument:\n"
			" - action: what to do with each rosteritem that "
			"matches all the filtering options\n"
			" - subs: subscription type\n"
			" - asks: pending subscription\n"
			" - users: the JIDs of the local user\n"
			" - contacts: the JIDs of the contact in the roster\n"
			" *** Mnesia: \n"
			"Allowed values in the arguments:\n"
			"  ACTION = list | delete\n"
			"  SUBS = SUB[:SUB]* | any\n"
			"  SUB = none | from | to | both\n"
			"  ASKS = ASK[:ASK]* | any\n"
			"  ASK = none | out | in\n"
			"  USERS = JID[:JID]* | any\n"
			"  CONTACTS = JID[:JID]* | any\n"
			"  JID = characters valid in a JID, and can use the "
			"globs: *, ?, ! and [...]\n"
			"This example will list roster items with subscription "
			"'none', 'from' or 'to' that have any ask property, of "
			"local users which JID is in the virtual host "
			"'example.org' and that the contact JID is either a "
			"bare server name (without user part) or that has a "
			"user part and the server part contains the word 'icq'"
			":\n  list none:from:to any *@example.org *:*@*icq*"
			" *** SQL:\n"
			"Allowed values in the arguments:\n"
			"  ACTION = list | delete\n"
			"  SUBS = any | none | from | to | both\n"
			"  ASKS = any | none | out | in\n"
			"  USERS = JID\n"
			"  CONTACTS = JID\n"
			"  JID = characters valid in a JID, and can use the "
			"globs: _ and %\n"
			"This example will list roster items with subscription "
			"'to' that have any ask property, of "
			"local users which JID is in the virtual host "
			"'example.org' and that the contact JID's "
			"server part contains the word 'icq'"
			":\n  list to any %@example.org %@%icq%",
			module = mod_roster, function = process_rosteritems,
			args = [{action, string}, {subs, string},
				{asks, string}, {users, string},
				{contacts, string}],
			result = {response,
				   {pairs, {tuple,
					       [{user, string},
						{contact, string}
     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_roster, tags = [roster],
			desc = "Get roster of a local user",
                        policy = user,
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_roster,
			args = [],
			args_rename = [{server, host}],
			result = {contacts, {list, {contact, {tuple, [
								      {jid, string},
								      {nick, string},
								      {subscription, string},
								      {ask, string},
								      {group, string}
     #ejabberd_commands{name = push_roster, tags = [roster],
			desc = "Push template roster from file to a user",
			longdesc = "The text file must contain an erlang term: a list "
			    "of tuples with username, servername, group and nick. Example:\n"
			    "[{<<\"user1\">>, <<\"localhost\">>, <<\"Workers\">>, <<\"User 1\">>},\n"
			    " {<<\"user2\">>, <<\"localhost\">>, <<\"Workers\">>, <<\"User 2\">>}].\n"
			    "When using UTF8 character encoding add /utf8 to certain string. Example:\n"
			    "[{<<\"user2\">>, <<\"localhost\">>, <<\"Workers\"/utf8>>, <<\"User 2\"/utf8>>}].",
			module = ?MODULE, function = push_roster,
			args = [{file, binary}, {user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"/home/ejabberd/roster.txt">>, <<"user1">>, <<"localhost">>],
			args_desc = ["File path", "User name", "Server name"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = push_roster_all, tags = [roster],
			desc = "Push template roster from file to all those users",
			longdesc = "The text file must contain an erlang term: a list "
			    "of tuples with username, servername, group and nick. Example:\n"
			    "[{\"user1\", \"localhost\", \"Workers\", \"User 1\"},\n"
			    " {\"user2\", \"localhost\", \"Workers\", \"User 2\"}].",
			module = ?MODULE, function = push_roster_all,
			args = [{file, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"/home/ejabberd/roster.txt">>],
			args_desc = ["File path"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = push_alltoall, tags = [roster],
			desc = "Add all the users to all the users of Host in Group",
			module = ?MODULE, function = push_alltoall,
			args = [{host, binary}, {group, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>,<<"Everybody">>],
			args_desc = ["Server name", "Group name"],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_last, tags = [last],
			desc = "Get last activity information",
			longdesc = "Timestamp is UTC and XEP-0082 format, for example: "
			    "2017-02-23T22:25:28.063062Z     ONLINE",
			module = ?MODULE, function = get_last,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name"],
			result_example = {<<"2017-06-30T14:32:16.060684Z">>, "ONLINE"},
			result_desc = "Last activity timestamp and status",
			result = {last_activity,
				  {tuple, [{timestamp, string},
					   {status, string}
     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_last, tags = [last],
			desc = "Set last activity information",
			longdesc = "Timestamp is the seconds since "
			"1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, for example: date +%s",
			module = ?MODULE, function = set_last,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {timestamp, integer}, {status, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>, 1500045311, <<"GoSleeping">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Number of seconds since epoch", "Status message"],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = private_get, tags = [private],
			desc = "Get some information from a user private storage",
			module = ?MODULE, function = private_get,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {element, binary}, {ns, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,<<"storage">>, <<"storage:rosternotes">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "Element name", "Namespace"],
			result = {res, string}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = private_set, tags = [private],
			desc = "Set to the user private storage",
			module = ?MODULE, function = private_set,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {element, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>,<<"myserver.com">>,
                            <<"<storage xmlns='storage:rosternotes'/>">>],
			args_desc = ["User name", "Server name", "XML storage element"],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_create, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "Create a Shared Roster Group",
			longdesc = "If you want to specify several group "
			"identifiers in the Display argument,\n"
			"put  \\ \" around the argument and\nseparate the "
			"identifiers with \\ \\ n\n"
			"For example:\n"
			"  ejabberdctl srg_create group3 myserver.com "
			"name desc \\\"group1\\\\ngroup2\\\"",
			note = "changed in 21.07",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_create,
			args = [{group, binary}, {host, binary},
				{label, binary}, {description, binary}, {display, binary}],
			args_rename = [{name, label}],
			args_example = [<<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"Group3">>,
				<<"Third group">>, <<"group1\\\\ngroup2">>],
			args_desc = ["Group identifier", "Group server name", "Group name",
				"Group description", "Groups to display"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_delete, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "Delete a Shared Roster Group",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_delete,
			args = [{group, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Group identifier", "Group server name"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_list, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "List the Shared Roster Groups in Host",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_list,
			args = [{host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Server name"],
			result_example = [<<"group1">>, <<"group2">>],
			result_desc = "List of group identifiers",
			result = {groups, {list, {id, string}}}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_get_info, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "Get info of a Shared Roster Group",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_get_info,
			args = [{group, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Group identifier", "Group server name"],
			result_example = [{<<"name">>, "Group 3"}, {<<"displayed_groups">>, "group1"}],
			result_desc = "List of group informations, as key and value",
			result = {informations, {list, {information, {tuple, [{key, string}, {value, string}]}}}}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_get_members, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "Get members of a Shared Roster Group",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_get_members,
			args = [{group, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Group identifier", "Group server name"],
			result_example = [<<"user1@localhost">>, <<"user2@localhost">>],
			result_desc = "List of group identifiers",
			result = {members, {list, {member, string}}}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_user_add, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "Add the JID user@host to the Shared Roster Group",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_user_add,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {group, binary}, {grouphost, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Username", "User server name", "Group identifier", "Group server name"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_user_del, tags = [shared_roster_group],
			desc = "Delete this JID user@host from the Shared Roster Group",
			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_user_del,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {group, binary}, {grouphost, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"group3">>, <<"myserver.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Username", "User server name", "Group identifier", "Group server name"],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_offline_count,
			tags = [offline],
			desc = "Get the number of unread offline messages",
			policy = user,
			module = mod_offline, function = count_offline_messages,
			args = [],
			args_rename = [{server, host}],
			result_example = 5,
			result_desc = "Number",
			result = {value, integer}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = send_message, tags = [stanza],
			desc = "Send a message to a local or remote bare of full JID",
			longdesc = "When sending a groupchat message to a MUC room, "
			"FROM must be the full JID of a room occupant, "
			"or the bare JID of a MUC service admin, "
			"or the bare JID of a MUC/Sub subscribed user.",
			module = ?MODULE, function = send_message,
			args = [{type, binary}, {from, binary}, {to, binary},
				{subject, binary}, {body, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"headline">>, <<"admin@localhost">>, <<"user1@localhost">>,
				<<"Restart">>, <<"In 5 minutes">>],
			args_desc = ["Message type: normal, chat, headline, groupchat", "Sender JID",
				"Receiver JID", "Subject, or empty string", "Body"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = send_stanza_c2s, tags = [stanza],
			desc = "Send a stanza from an existing C2S session",
			longdesc = "USER@HOST/RESOURCE must be an existing C2S session."
			" As an alternative, use send_stanza instead.",
			module = ?MODULE, function = send_stanza_c2s,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {resource, binary}, {stanza, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"admin">>, <<"myserver.com">>, <<"bot">>,
				<<"<message to='user1@localhost'><ext attr='value'/></message>">>],
			args_desc = ["Username", "Server name", "Resource", "Stanza"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = send_stanza, tags = [stanza],
			desc = "Send a stanza; provide From JID and valid To JID",
			module = ?MODULE, function = send_stanza,
			args = [{from, binary}, {to, binary}, {stanza, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"admin@localhost">>, <<"user1@localhost">>,
				<<"<message><ext attr='value'/></message>">>],
			args_desc = ["Sender JID", "Destination JID", "Stanza"],
			result = {res, rescode}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = privacy_set, tags = [stanza],
			desc = "Send a IQ set privacy stanza for a local account",
			module = ?MODULE, function = privacy_set,
			args = [{user, binary}, {host, binary}, {xmlquery, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"user1">>, <<"myserver.com">>,
				<<"<query xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy'>...">>],
			args_desc = ["Username", "Server name", "Query XML element"],
			result = {res, rescode}},

     #ejabberd_commands{name = stats, tags = [statistics],
			desc = "Get statistical value: registeredusers onlineusers onlineusersnode uptimeseconds processes",
			policy = admin,
			module = ?MODULE, function = stats,
			args = [{name, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"registeredusers">>],
			args_desc = ["Statistic name"],
			result_example = 6,
			result_desc = "Integer statistic value",
			result = {stat, integer}},
     #ejabberd_commands{name = stats_host, tags = [statistics],
			desc = "Get statistical value for this host: registeredusers onlineusers",
			policy = admin,
			module = ?MODULE, function = stats,
			args = [{name, binary}, {host, binary}],
			args_example = [<<"registeredusers">>, <<"example.com">>],
			args_desc = ["Statistic name", "Server JID"],
			result_example = 6,
			result_desc = "Integer statistic value",
			result = {stat, integer}}

%%% Adminsys

compile(File) ->
    Ebin = filename:join(code:lib_dir(ejabberd), "ebin"),
    case ext_mod:compile_erlang_file(Ebin, File) of
	{ok, Module} ->
	_ ->

get_cookie() ->

restart_module(Host, Module) when is_binary(Module) ->
    restart_module(Host, misc:binary_to_atom(Module));
restart_module(Host, Module) when is_atom(Module) ->
    case gen_mod:is_loaded(Host, Module) of
	false ->
	    % not a running module, force code reload anyway
	true ->
	    gen_mod:stop_module(Host, Module),
	    case code:soft_purge(Module) of
		true ->
		    gen_mod:start_module(Host, Module),
		false ->
		    gen_mod:start_module(Host, Module),

%%% Accounts

set_password(User, Host, Password) ->
    Fun = fun () -> ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Host, Password) end,
    user_action(User, Host, Fun, ok).

check_password(User, Host, Password) ->
    ejabberd_auth:check_password(User, <<>>, Host, Password).

%% Copied some code from ejabberd_commands.erl
check_password_hash(User, Host, PasswordHash, HashMethod) ->
    AccountPass = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Host),
    Methods = lists:map(fun(A) -> atom_to_binary(A, latin1) end,
                   proplists:get_value(hashs, crypto:supports())),
    MethodAllowed = lists:member(HashMethod, Methods),
    AccountPassHash = case {AccountPass, MethodAllowed} of
			  {A, _} when is_tuple(A) -> scrammed;
			  {_, true} -> get_hash(AccountPass, HashMethod);
			  {_, false} ->
			      ?ERROR_MSG("Check_password_hash called "
					 "with hash method: ~p", [HashMethod]),
    case AccountPassHash of
	scrammed ->
	    ?ERROR_MSG("Passwords are scrammed, and check_password_hash cannot work.", []),
	undefined -> throw(unkown_hash_method);
	PasswordHash -> ok;
	_ -> false

get_hash(AccountPass, Method) ->
    iolist_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0B", [X])
          || X <- binary_to_list(
              crypto:hash(binary_to_atom(Method, latin1), AccountPass))]).

delete_old_users(Days) ->
    %% Get the list of registered users
    Users = ejabberd_auth:get_users(),

    {removed, N, UR} = delete_old_users(Days, Users),
    {ok, io_lib:format("Deleted ~p users: ~p", [N, UR])}.

delete_old_users_vhost(Host, Days) ->
    %% Get the list of registered users
    Users = ejabberd_auth:get_users(Host),

    {removed, N, UR} = delete_old_users(Days, Users),
    {ok, io_lib:format("Deleted ~p users: ~p", [N, UR])}.

delete_old_users(Days, Users) ->
    SecOlder = Days*24*60*60,
    TimeStamp_now = erlang:system_time(second),
    TimeStamp_oldest = TimeStamp_now - SecOlder,
    F = fun({LUser, LServer}) ->
	    case catch delete_or_not(LUser, LServer, TimeStamp_oldest) of
		true ->
		    ejabberd_auth:remove_user(LUser, LServer),
		_ ->
    Users_removed = lists:filter(F, Users),
    {removed, length(Users_removed), Users_removed}.

delete_or_not(LUser, LServer, TimeStamp_oldest) ->
    deny = acl:match_rule(LServer, protect_old_users, jid:make(LUser, LServer)),
    [] = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer),
    case mod_last:get_last_info(LUser, LServer) of
        {ok, TimeStamp, _Status} ->
	    if TimeStamp_oldest < TimeStamp ->
		true ->
	not_found ->

%% Ban account

ban_account(User, Host, ReasonText) ->
    Reason = prepare_reason(ReasonText),
    kick_sessions(User, Host, Reason),
    set_random_password(User, Host, Reason),

kick_sessions(User, Server, Reason) ->
      fun(Resource) ->
	      kick_this_session(User, Server, Resource, Reason)
      ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server)).

set_random_password(User, Server, Reason) ->
    NewPass = build_random_password(Reason),
    set_password_auth(User, Server, NewPass).

build_random_password(Reason) ->
    {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} = calendar:universal_time(),
    Date = str:format("~4..0B~2..0B~2..0BT~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0B",
		      [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second]),
    RandomString = p1_rand:get_string(),
    <<"BANNED_ACCOUNT--", Date/binary, "--", RandomString/binary, "--", Reason/binary>>.

set_password_auth(User, Server, Password) ->
    ok = ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Server, Password).

prepare_reason([]) ->
    <<"Kicked by administrator">>;
prepare_reason([Reason]) ->
prepare_reason(Reason) when is_binary(Reason) ->

%%% Sessions

num_resources(User, Host) ->
    length(ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Host)).

resource_num(User, Host, Num) ->
    Resources = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Host),
    case (0<Num) and (Num=<length(Resources)) of
	true ->
	    lists:nth(Num, Resources);
	false ->
                   lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Wrong resource number: ~p", [Num]))})

kick_session(User, Server, Resource, ReasonText) ->
    kick_this_session(User, Server, Resource, prepare_reason(ReasonText)),

kick_this_session(User, Server, Resource, Reason) ->
    ejabberd_sm:route(jid:make(User, Server, Resource),
                      {exit, Reason}).

status_num(Host, Status) ->
    length(get_status_list(Host, Status)).
status_num(Status) ->
    status_num(<<"all">>, Status).
status_list(Host, Status) ->
    Res = get_status_list(Host, Status),
    [{U, S, R, num_prio(P), St} || {U, S, R, P, St} <- Res].
status_list(Status) ->
    status_list(<<"all">>, Status).

get_status_list(Host, Status_required) ->
    %% Get list of all logged users
    Sessions = ejabberd_sm:dirty_get_my_sessions_list(),
    %% Reformat the list
    Sessions2 = [ {Session#session.usr, Session#session.sid, Session#session.priority} || Session <- Sessions],
    Fhost = case Host of
		<<"all">> ->
		    %% All hosts are requested, so don't filter at all
		    fun(_, _) -> true end;
		_ ->
		    %% Filter the list, only Host is interesting
		    fun(A, B) -> A == B end
    Sessions3 = [ {Pid, Server, Priority} || {{_User, Server, _Resource}, {_, Pid}, Priority} <- Sessions2, apply(Fhost, [Server, Host])],
    %% For each Pid, get its presence
    Sessions4 = [ {catch get_presence(Pid), Server, Priority} || {Pid, Server, Priority} <- Sessions3],
    %% Filter by status
    Fstatus = case Status_required of
		  <<"all">> ->
		      fun(_, _) -> true end;
		  _ ->
		      fun(A, B) -> A == B end
    [{User, Server, Resource, num_prio(Priority), stringize(Status_text)}
     || {{User, Resource, Status, Status_text}, Server, Priority} <- Sessions4,
	apply(Fstatus, [Status, Status_required])].

connected_users_info() ->
      fun({U, S, R}) ->
	    case user_session_info(U, S, R) of
		offline ->
		Info ->
		    Jid = jid:encode(jid:make(U, S, R)),
		    {true, erlang:insert_element(1, Info, Jid)}

connected_users_vhost(Host) ->
    USRs = ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host),
    [ jid:encode(jid:make(USR)) || USR <- USRs].

%% Make string more print-friendly
stringize(String) ->
    %% Replace newline characters with other code
    ejabberd_regexp:greplace(String, <<"\n">>, <<"\\n">>).

get_presence(Pid) ->
    try get_presence2(Pid) of
	{_, _, _, _} = Res ->
	_:_ -> {<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"offline">>, <<"">>}
get_presence2(Pid) ->
    Pres = #presence{from = From} = ejabberd_c2s:get_presence(Pid),
    Show = case Pres of
	       #presence{type = unavailable} -> <<"unavailable">>;
	       #presence{show = undefined} -> <<"available">>;
	       #presence{show = S} -> atom_to_binary(S, utf8)
    Status = xmpp:get_text(Pres#presence.status),
    {From#jid.user, From#jid.resource, Show, Status}.

get_presence(U, S) ->
    Pids = [ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(U, S, R)
	    || R <- ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(U, S)],
    OnlinePids = [Pid || Pid <- Pids, Pid=/=none],
    case OnlinePids of
	[] ->
	    {jid:encode({U, S, <<>>}), <<"unavailable">>, <<"">>};
	[SessionPid|_] ->
	    {_User, Resource, Show, Status} = get_presence(SessionPid),
	    FullJID = jid:encode({U, S, Resource}),
	    {FullJID, Show, Status}

set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority)
        when is_integer(Priority) ->
    BPriority = integer_to_binary(Priority),
    set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, BPriority);
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority0) ->
    Priority = if is_integer(Priority0) -> Priority0;
		  true -> binary_to_integer(Priority0)
    Pres = #presence{
        from = jid:make(User, Host, Resource),
        to = jid:make(User, Host),
        type = misc:binary_to_atom(Type),
        status = xmpp:mk_text(Status),
        show = misc:binary_to_atom(Show),
        priority = Priority,
        sub_els = []},
    Ref = ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(User, Host, Resource),
    ejabberd_c2s:set_presence(Ref, Pres).

user_sessions_info(User, Host) ->
    lists:filtermap(fun(Resource) ->
			    case user_session_info(User, Host, Resource) of
				offline -> false;
				Info -> {true, Info}
		    end, ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Host)).

user_session_info(User, Host, Resource) ->
    CurrentSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({date(), time()}),
    case ejabberd_sm:get_user_info(User, Host, Resource) of
	offline ->
	Info ->
	    Now = proplists:get_value(ts, Info),
	    Pid = proplists:get_value(pid, Info),
	    {_U, _Resource, Status, StatusText} = get_presence(Pid),
	    Priority = proplists:get_value(priority, Info),
	    Conn = proplists:get_value(conn, Info),
	    {Ip, Port} = proplists:get_value(ip, Info),
	    IPS = inet_parse:ntoa(Ip),
	    NodeS = atom_to_list(node(Pid)),
	    Uptime = CurrentSec - calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
	    {atom_to_list(Conn), IPS, Port, num_prio(Priority), NodeS, Uptime, Status, Resource, StatusText}

%%% Vcard

set_nickname(User, Host, Nickname) ->
    VCard = xmpp:encode(#vcard_temp{nickname = Nickname}),
    case mod_vcard:set_vcard(User, jid:nameprep(Host), VCard) of
	{error, badarg} ->
	ok ->

get_vcard(User, Host, Name) ->
    [Res | _] = get_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name]),

get_vcard(User, Host, Name, Subname) ->
    [Res | _] = get_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name, Subname]),

get_vcard_multi(User, Host, Name, Subname) ->
    get_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name, Subname]).

set_vcard(User, Host, Name, SomeContent) ->
    set_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name], SomeContent).

set_vcard(User, Host, Name, Subname, SomeContent) ->
    set_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name, Subname], SomeContent).

%% Internal vcard

get_vcard_content(User, Server, Data) ->
    case mod_vcard:get_vcard(jid:nodeprep(User), jid:nameprep(Server)) of
	[El|_] ->
	    case get_vcard(Data, El) of
		[false] -> throw(error_no_value_found_in_vcard);
		ElemList -> ?DEBUG("ELS ~p", [ElemList]), [fxml:get_tag_cdata(Elem) || Elem <- ElemList]
	[] ->
	error ->

get_vcard([<<"TEL">>, TelType], {_, _, _, OldEls}) ->
    {TakenEl, _NewEls} = take_vcard_tel(TelType, OldEls, [], not_found),

get_vcard([Data1, Data2], A1) ->
    case get_subtag(A1, Data1) of
	[false] -> [false];
	A2List ->
	    lists:flatten([get_vcard([Data2], A2) || A2 <- A2List])

get_vcard([Data], A1) ->
    get_subtag(A1, Data).

get_subtag(Xmlelement, Name) ->
    [fxml:get_subtag(Xmlelement, Name)].

set_vcard_content(User, Server, Data, SomeContent) ->
    ContentList = case SomeContent of
	[Bin | _] when is_binary(Bin) -> SomeContent;
	Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> [SomeContent]
    %% Get old vcard
    A4 = case mod_vcard:get_vcard(jid:nodeprep(User), jid:nameprep(Server)) of
	     [A1] ->
		 {_, _, _, A2} = A1,
		 update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, A2);
	     [] ->
		 update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, []);
	     error ->
    %% Build new vcard
    SubEl = {xmlel, <<"vCard">>, [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"vcard-temp">>}], A4},
    mod_vcard:set_vcard(User, jid:nameprep(Server), SubEl).

take_vcard_tel(TelType, [{xmlel, <<"TEL">>, _, SubEls}=OldEl | OldEls], NewEls, Taken) ->
    {Taken2, NewEls2} = case lists:keymember(TelType, 2, SubEls) of
	true -> {fxml:get_subtag(OldEl, <<"NUMBER">>), NewEls};
	false -> {Taken, [OldEl | NewEls]}
    take_vcard_tel(TelType, OldEls, NewEls2, Taken2);
take_vcard_tel(TelType, [OldEl | OldEls], NewEls, Taken) ->
    take_vcard_tel(TelType, OldEls, [OldEl | NewEls], Taken);
take_vcard_tel(_TelType, [], NewEls, Taken) ->
    {Taken, NewEls}.

update_vcard_els([<<"TEL">>, TelType], [TelValue], OldEls) ->
    {_, NewEls} = take_vcard_tel(TelType, OldEls, [], not_found),
    NewEl = {xmlel,<<"TEL">>,[],
    [NewEl | NewEls];

update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, Els1) ->
    Els2 = lists:keysort(2, Els1),
    [Data1 | Data2] = Data,
    NewEls = case Data2 of
		[] ->
		    [{xmlel, Data1, [], [{xmlcdata,Content}]} || Content <- ContentList];
		[D2] ->
		    OldEl = case lists:keysearch(Data1, 2, Els2) of
				{value, A} -> A;
				false -> {xmlel, Data1, [], []}
		    {xmlel, _, _, ContentOld1} = OldEl,
		    Content2 = [{xmlel, D2, [], [{xmlcdata,Content}]} || Content <- ContentList],
		    ContentOld2 = [A || {_, X, _, _} = A <- ContentOld1, X/=D2],
		    ContentOld3 = lists:keysort(2, ContentOld2),
		    ContentNew = lists:keymerge(2, Content2, ContentOld3),
		    [{xmlel, Data1, [], ContentNew}]
    Els3 = lists:keydelete(Data1, 2, Els2),
    lists:keymerge(2, NewEls, Els3).

%%% Roster

add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subs) ->
    case {jid:make(LocalUser, LocalServer), jid:make(User, Server)} of
	{error, _} ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'localuser'/'localserver'"});
	{_, error} ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'user'/'server'"});
	{Jid, _Jid2} ->
	    RosterItem = build_roster_item(User, Server, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}),
	    case mod_roster:set_item_and_notify_clients(Jid, RosterItem, true) of
		ok -> ok;
		_ -> error

subscribe(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, _Xattrs) ->
    case {jid:make(LU, LS), jid:make(User, Server)} of
	{error, _} ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'localuser'/'localserver'"});
	{_, error} ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'user'/'server'"});
	{_Jid, _Jid2} ->
	    ItemEl = build_roster_item(User, Server, {add, Nick, Subscription, Group}),
	    mod_roster:set_items(LU, LS, #roster_query{items = [ItemEl]})

delete_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) ->
    case {jid:make(LocalUser, LocalServer), jid:make(User, Server)} of
	{error, _} ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'localuser'/'localserver'"});
	{_, error} ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'user'/'server'"});
	{Jid, _Jid2} ->
	    RosterItem = build_roster_item(User, Server, remove),
	    case mod_roster:set_item_and_notify_clients(Jid, RosterItem, true) of
		ok -> ok;
		_ -> error

%% -----------------------------
%% Get Roster
%% -----------------------------

get_roster(User, Server) ->
    case jid:make(User, Server) of
	error ->
	    throw({error, "Invalid 'user'/'server'"});
	#jid{luser = U, lserver = S} ->
	    Items = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_get, S, [], [{U, S}]),

%% Note: if a contact is in several groups, the contact is returned
%% several times, each one in a different group.
make_roster_xmlrpc(Roster) ->
      fun(Item, Res) ->
	      JIDS = jid:encode(Item#roster.jid),
	      Nick = Item#roster.name,
	      Subs = atom_to_list(Item#roster.subscription),
	      Ask = atom_to_list(Item#roster.ask),
	      Groups = case Item#roster.groups of
			   [] -> [<<>>];
			   Gs -> Gs
	      ItemsX = [{JIDS, Nick, Subs, Ask, Group} || Group <- Groups],
	      ItemsX ++ Res

%% Push Roster from file

push_roster(File, User, Server) ->
    {ok, [Roster]} = file:consult(File),
    subscribe_roster({User, Server, <<>>, User}, Roster).

push_roster_all(File) ->
    {ok, [Roster]} = file:consult(File),

subscribe_all(Roster) ->
    subscribe_all(Roster, Roster).
subscribe_all([], _) ->
subscribe_all([User1 | Users], Roster) ->
    subscribe_roster(User1, Roster),
    subscribe_all(Users, Roster).

subscribe_roster(_, []) ->
%% Do not subscribe a user to itself
subscribe_roster({Name, Server, Group, Nick}, [{Name, Server, _, _} | Roster]) ->
    subscribe_roster({Name, Server, Group, Nick}, Roster);
%% Subscribe Name2 to Name1
subscribe_roster({Name1, Server1, Group1, Nick1}, [{Name2, Server2, Group2, Nick2} | Roster]) ->
    subscribe(iolist_to_binary(Name1), iolist_to_binary(Server1), iolist_to_binary(Name2), iolist_to_binary(Server2),
	iolist_to_binary(Nick2), iolist_to_binary(Group2), <<"both">>, []),
    subscribe_roster({Name1, Server1, Group1, Nick1}, Roster).

push_alltoall(S, G) ->
    Users = ejabberd_auth:get_users(S),
    Users2 = build_list_users(G, Users, []),

build_list_users(_Group, [], Res) ->
build_list_users(Group, [{User, Server}|Users], Res) ->
    build_list_users(Group, Users, [{User, Server, Group, User}|Res]).

%% @spec(LU, LS, U, S, Action) -> ok
%%       Action = {add, Nick, Subs, Group} | remove
%% @doc Push to the roster of account LU@LS the contact U@S.
%% The specific action to perform is defined in Action.
push_roster_item(LU, LS, U, S, Action) ->
    lists:foreach(fun(R) ->
			  push_roster_item(LU, LS, R, U, S, Action)
		  end, ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LU, LS)).

push_roster_item(LU, LS, R, U, S, Action) ->
    LJID = jid:make(LU, LS, R),
    BroadcastEl = build_broadcast(U, S, Action),
    ejabberd_sm:route(LJID, BroadcastEl),
    Item = build_roster_item(U, S, Action),
    ResIQ = build_iq_roster_push(Item),
      xmpp:set_from_to(ResIQ, jid:remove_resource(LJID), LJID)).

build_roster_item(U, S, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}) ->
    Groups = binary:split(Group,<<";">>, [global]),
    #roster_item{jid = jid:make(U, S),
		 name = Nick,
		 subscription = misc:binary_to_atom(Subs),
		 groups = Groups};
build_roster_item(U, S, remove) ->
    #roster_item{jid = jid:make(U, S), subscription = remove}.

build_iq_roster_push(Item) ->
    #iq{type = set, id = <<"push">>,
	sub_els = [#roster_query{items = [Item]}]}.

build_broadcast(U, S, {add, _Nick, Subs, _Group}) ->
    build_broadcast(U, S, list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Subs)));
build_broadcast(U, S, remove) ->
    build_broadcast(U, S, none);
%% @spec (U::binary(), S::binary(), Subs::atom()) -> any()
%% Subs = both | from | to | none
build_broadcast(U, S, SubsAtom) when is_atom(SubsAtom) ->
    {item, {U, S, <<>>}, SubsAtom}.

%%% Last Activity

get_last(User, Server) ->
    {Now, Status} = case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server) of
        [] ->
            case mod_last:get_last_info(User, Server) of
                not_found ->
		    {erlang:timestamp(), "NOT FOUND"};
                {ok, Shift, Status1} ->
                    {{Shift div 1000000, Shift rem 1000000, 0}, Status1}
        _ ->
	    {erlang:timestamp(), "ONLINE"}
    {xmpp_util:encode_timestamp(Now), Status}.

set_last(User, Server, Timestamp, Status) ->
    case mod_last:store_last_info(User, Server, Timestamp, Status) of
        {ok, _} -> ok;
	Error -> Error

%%% Private Storage

%% Example usage:
%% $ ejabberdctl private_set badlop localhost "\<aa\ xmlns=\'bb\'\>Cluth\</aa\>"
%% $ ejabberdctl private_get badlop localhost aa bb
%% <aa xmlns='bb'>Cluth</aa>

private_get(Username, Host, Element, Ns) ->
    ElementXml = #xmlel{name = Element, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, Ns}]},
    Els = mod_private:get_data(jid:nodeprep(Username), jid:nameprep(Host),
			       [{Ns, ElementXml}]),
    binary_to_list(fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(#private{sub_els = Els}))).

private_set(Username, Host, ElementString) ->
    case fxml_stream:parse_element(ElementString) of
	{error, Error} ->
	    io:format("Error found parsing the element:~n  ~p~nError: ~p~n",
		      [ElementString, Error]),
	Xml ->
	    private_set2(Username, Host, Xml)

private_set2(Username, Host, Xml) ->
    NS = fxml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Xml),
    JID = jid:make(Username, Host),
    mod_private:set_data(JID, [{NS, Xml}]).

%%% Shared Roster Groups

srg_create(Group, Host, Label, Description, Display) ->
    DisplayList = case Display of
	<<>> -> [];
	_ -> ejabberd_regexp:split(Display, <<"\\\\n">>)
    Opts = [{label, Label},
	    {displayed_groups, DisplayList},
	    {description, Description}],
    {atomic, _} = mod_shared_roster:create_group(Host, Group, Opts),

srg_delete(Group, Host) ->
    {atomic, _} = mod_shared_roster:delete_group(Host, Group),

srg_list(Host) ->

srg_get_info(Group, Host) ->
    Opts = case mod_shared_roster:get_group_opts(Host,Group) of
	Os when is_list(Os) -> Os;
	error -> []
    [{misc:atom_to_binary(Title), to_list(Value)} || {Title, Value} <- Opts].

to_list([]) -> [];
to_list([H|T]) -> [to_list(H)|to_list(T)];
to_list(E) when is_atom(E) -> atom_to_list(E);
to_list(E) -> binary_to_list(E).

srg_get_members(Group, Host) ->
    Members = mod_shared_roster:get_group_explicit_users(Host,Group),
    [jid:encode(jid:make(MUser, MServer))
     || {MUser, MServer} <- Members].

srg_user_add(User, Host, Group, GroupHost) ->
    mod_shared_roster:add_user_to_group(GroupHost, {User, Host}, Group),

srg_user_del(User, Host, Group, GroupHost) ->
    mod_shared_roster:remove_user_from_group(GroupHost, {User, Host}, Group),

%%% Stanza

%% @doc Send a message to an XMPP account.
%% @spec (Type::binary(), From::binary(), To::binary(), Subject::binary(), Body::binary()) -> ok
send_message(Type, From, To, Subject, Body) ->
    CodecOpts = ejabberd_config:codec_options(),
    try xmpp:decode(
          #xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
                 attrs = [{<<"to">>, To},
                          {<<"from">>, From},
                          {<<"type">>, Type},
                          {<<"id">>, p1_rand:get_string()}],
                 children =
                     [#xmlel{name = <<"subject">>,
                             children = [{xmlcdata, Subject}]},
                      #xmlel{name = <<"body">>,
                             children = [{xmlcdata, Body}]}]},
          ?NS_CLIENT, CodecOpts) of
        #message{from = JID, subject = SubjectEl, body = BodyEl} = Msg ->
            Msg2 = case {xmpp:get_text(SubjectEl), xmpp:get_text(BodyEl)} of
                       {Subject, <<>>} -> Msg;
                       {<<>>, Body} -> Msg#message{subject = []};
                       _ -> Msg
            State = #{jid => JID},
            ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(user_send_packet, JID#jid.lserver, {Msg2, State}, []),
    catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
            {error, xmpp:format_error(Why)}

send_stanza(FromString, ToString, Stanza) ->
	#xmlel{} = El = fxml_stream:parse_element(Stanza),
	From = jid:decode(FromString),
	To = jid:decode(ToString),
	CodecOpts = ejabberd_config:codec_options(),
	Pkt = xmpp:decode(El, ?NS_CLIENT, CodecOpts),
        Pkt2 = xmpp:set_from_to(Pkt, From, To),
        State = #{jid => From},
        ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(user_send_packet, From#jid.lserver,
                                {Pkt2, State}, []),
    catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
	    io:format("incorrect stanza: ~ts~n", [xmpp:format_error(Why)]),
	    {error, Why};
	  _:{badmatch, {error, {Code, Why}}} when is_integer(Code) ->
	    io:format("invalid xml: ~p~n", [Why]),
	    {error, Why};
	  _:{badmatch, {error, Why}} ->
	    io:format("invalid xml: ~p~n", [Why]),
	    {error, Why};
	  _:{bad_jid, S} ->
	    io:format("malformed JID: ~ts~n", [S]),
	    {error, "JID malformed"}

-spec send_stanza_c2s(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
send_stanza_c2s(Username, Host, Resource, Stanza) ->
	#xmlel{} = El = fxml_stream:parse_element(Stanza),
	CodecOpts = ejabberd_config:codec_options(),
	Pkt = xmpp:decode(El, ?NS_CLIENT, CodecOpts),
	case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(Username, Host, Resource) of
	    Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
		ejabberd_c2s:send(Pid, Pkt);
	    _ ->
		{error, no_session}
    catch _:{badmatch, {error, Why} = Err} ->
	    io:format("invalid xml: ~p~n", [Why]),
	  _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
	    io:format("incorrect stanza: ~ts~n", [xmpp:format_error(Why)]),
	    {error, Why}

privacy_set(Username, Host, QueryS) ->
    Jid = jid:make(Username, Host),
    QueryEl = fxml_stream:parse_element(QueryS),
    SubEl = xmpp:decode(QueryEl),
    IQ = #iq{type = set, id = <<"push">>, sub_els = [SubEl],
	     from = Jid, to = Jid},
    Result = mod_privacy:process_iq(IQ),
    Result#iq.type == result.

%%% Stats

stats(Name) ->
    case Name of
	<<"uptimeseconds">> -> trunc(element(1, erlang:statistics(wall_clock))/1000);
	<<"processes">> -> length(erlang:processes());
	<<"registeredusers">> -> lists:foldl(fun(Host, Sum) -> ejabberd_auth:count_users(Host) + Sum end, 0, ejabberd_option:hosts());
	<<"onlineusersnode">> -> length(ejabberd_sm:dirty_get_my_sessions_list());
	<<"onlineusers">> -> length(ejabberd_sm:dirty_get_sessions_list())

stats(Name, Host) ->
    case Name of
	<<"registeredusers">> -> ejabberd_auth:count_users(Host);
	<<"onlineusers">> -> length(ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host))

user_action(User, Server, Fun, OK) ->
    case ejabberd_auth:user_exists(User, Server) of
        true ->
            case catch Fun() of
                OK -> ok;
                {error, Error} -> throw(Error);
                Error ->
                    ?ERROR_MSG("Command returned: ~p", [Error]),
        false ->
            throw({not_found, "unknown_user"})

num_prio(Priority) when is_integer(Priority) ->
num_prio(_) ->

mod_options(_) -> [].

mod_doc() ->
    #{desc =>
          [?T("This module provides additional administrative commands."), "",
           ?T("Details for some commands:"), "",
           ?T("- 'ban-acount':"),
           ?T("This command kicks all the connected sessions of the account "
	      "from the server. It also changes their password to a randomly "
	      "generated one, so they can't login anymore unless a server "
	      "administrator changes their password again. It is possible to "
	      "define the reason of the ban. The new password also includes "
	      "the reason and the date and time of the ban. See an example below."),
           ?T("- 'pushroster': (and 'pushroster-all')"),
           ?T("The roster file must be placed, if using Windows, on the "
	      "directory where you installed ejabberd: "
	      "C:/Program Files/ejabberd or similar. If you use other "
	      "Operating System, place the file on the same directory where "
	      "the .beam files are installed. See below an example roster file."),
           ?T("- 'srg-create':"),
           ?T("If you want to put a group Name with blankspaces, use the "
	      "characters \"\' and \'\" to define when the Name starts and "
	      "ends. See an example below.")],
      example =>
	  [{?T("With this configuration, vCards can only be modified with "
	       "mod_admin_extra commands:"),
	     "  adminextraresource:",
	     "    - resource: \"modadminextraf8x,31ad\"",
	     "  vcard_set:",
	     "    - allow: adminextraresource",
	     "  mod_admin_extra: {}",
	     "  mod_vcard:",
	     "    access_set: vcard_set"]},
	   {?T("Content of roster file for 'pushroster' command:"),
	    ["[{<<\"bob\">>, <<\"example.org\">>, <<\"workers\">>, <<\"Bob\">>},",
	     "{<<\"mart\">>, <<\"example.org\">>, <<\"workers\">>, <<\"Mart\">>},",
	     "{<<\"Rich\">>, <<\"example.org\">>, <<\"bosses\">>, <<\"Rich\">>}]."]},
	   {?T("With this call, the sessions of the local account which JID is "
	      "boby@example.org will be kicked, and its password will be set "
	      "to something like "
	    ["ejabberdctl vhost example.org ban-account boby \"Spammed rooms\""]},
	   {?T("Call to srg-create using double-quotes and single-quotes:"),
	    ["ejabberdctl srg-create g1 example.org \"\'Group number 1\'\" this_is_g1 g1"]}]}.