path: root/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 68e91d2a9f2d..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# Ports collection makefile for: misc/tinderbox
-# Whom: Edwin Groothuis <>
-# Date created: 31 december 2005
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= tinderbox
-PORTREVISION= 2 # cvs snapshot from 2008-05-19 14:00
-CATEGORIES= ports-mgmt
-DIST_SUBDIR= tinderbox
-COMMENT= Port build tinderbox system
-OPTIONS= PGSQL "With pgsql" Off \
- MYSQL "With mysql" On \
- CSUP "Use csup for updates" On \
- CVSUP "Use cvsup for updates" Off \
- WEB "Install web interface" Off \
- WEB_EXP "Install the new web interface" On \
- APACHE "Use Apache for web interface" On \
- LIGHTTPD "Use LightHTTPD for web interface" Off
-NO_BUILD= yes
-SUB_FILES= pkg-message
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
-MAN1= tc-configCcache.1 tc-configDistfile.1 tc-configGet.1 \
- tc-configJail.1 tc-configTinderd.1 tc-init.1
-.include <>
-.if !defined(WITH_PGSQL) && defined(WITHOUT_MYSQL)
-IGNORE= is useless without a database. Please (re)run 'make config' and choose one of PGSQL and MYSQL
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/share/pear/DB.php:${PORTSDIR}/databases/pear-DB
-USE_PHP= session
- favicon.ico tb242_template_paefchen_v2.tbz
-.if defined(WITH_WEB)
-PLIST_SUB+= WEB="@comment "
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
-PLIST_SUB+= WEB_EXP="@comment "
-.if defined(WITH_PGSQL)
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
-USE_PHP+= pgsql
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_MYSQL)
-.if defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
-USE_PHP+= mysql
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/DBD/${PORTSDIR}/databases/p5-DBD-mysql${MYSQL_VER:S/323//}
-.if ! (${OSVERSION} > 700014 || ( ${OSVERSION} >= 601101 && ${OSVERSION} < 700000 ))
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_CSUP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= csup:${PORTSDIR}/net/csup
-.if defined(WITH_CVSUP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= cvsup:${PORTSDIR}/net/cvsup-without-gui
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) && (defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
-.elif defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD) && (defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
-RUN_DEPENDS+= lighttpd:${PORTSDIR}/www/lighttpd
-.if (!defined(WITHOUT_APACHE) || defined(WITH_LIGHTTPD)) && !(defined(WITH_WEB) || !defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP))
- @${ECHO_CMD} "It doesn't make sense to depend on Apache or LightHTTPD if not using either web interface."
- @${FALSE}
-.if !defined(WITH_WEB)
- @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/www
- @${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/favicon.ico ${WRKSRC}/www
-.if defined(WITHOUT_WEB_EXP)
- @${RM} -R ${WRKSRC}/www-exp
- @${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/favicon.ico ${WRKSRC}/www-exp
- @${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/templates -xf ${_DISTDIR}/tb242_template_paefchen_v2.tbz
- @${CHOWN} -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/templates/paefchen
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's|/templates/default|/templates/paefchen|' ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php.dist
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php.dist.bak
-.if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
- -e 's,DB_MAN_PREREQS=.*,DB_MAN_PREREQS="databases/p5-DBD-mysql${MYSQL_VER} databases/mysql${MYSQL_VER}-client",' \
- ${WRKSRC}/lib/
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/lib/
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/tinderbox/scripts
- ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${PREFIX}/tinderbox/scripts
- cd ${WRKSRC}/man/man1 && ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN1} ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1
-.include <>
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index b1fdceea3117..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.2-2.tar.gz) = 2d3125d1305eb06a7aaff345430dbaf6
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.2-2.tar.gz) = 288b1cbab0b253b05ccff785605ececcf8eb2a6a5e83b0ccd4783a5b2b360358
-SIZE (tinderbox/tinderbox-2.4.2-2.tar.gz) = 140732
-MD5 (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 1d2e9e267ca81f0ef5bc7b9c391aaced
-SHA256 (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 842f1e23dcfcee24d4d7578381256256cda994347751fb332b6eb2182eae216e
-SIZE (tinderbox/favicon.ico) = 4710
-MD5 (tinderbox/tb242_template_paefchen_v2.tbz) = 80557c9012ad4ca66dcf94e04747dc44
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tb242_template_paefchen_v2.tbz) = f875dc4edf69f357a6cfba54c4a9a9f21d251127d4146280cb761aa44dd7ec41
-SIZE (tinderbox/tb242_template_paefchen_v2.tbz) = 7923
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ae33f0698c..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-ports-mgmt/tinderbox is now installed, but it requires some additional setup.
-Additional info: %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README
-The following walkthrough is for PostgreSQL databases:
-- First, run the setup program:
- %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/
- Enter database driver (mysql pgsql): pgsql
- If the database is running on the same server as you're on now,
- and you have administrator access to it, answer this question
- with yes:
- "Does this host have access to connect to the Tinderbox database as a database administrator?"
- Enter database admin user [root]: pgsql
- Enter the desired username for the Tinderbox database : tinderbox
- Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
- Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
- Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
- The other questions should just be entered through.
-The following walkthrough is for MySQL databases:
-- First, run the setup program:
- %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/
- Enter database driver (mysql pgsql): mysql
- If the database is running on the same server as you're on now,
- and you have administrator access to it, answer this question
- with yes:
- "Does this host have access to connect to the Tinderbox database as a database administrator?"
- Enter the desired username for the Tinderbox database : tinderbox
- The other questions should just be entered through.
-The following walkthrough is the tinderbox environment setup:
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/ (copy from
- - $BUILD_ROOT should be "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox"
- - $SUBJECT should be "My Tinderbox"
- - $SENDER should be your email address
- - $SMTP_HOST should be your SMTP server (localhost?)
- - $SERVER_HOST should be the name your machine is known as. If
- it is your own machine and your access it directory, try localhost
- here if nothing else sounds reasonable.
- - $TINDERBOX_URI should be "/tb".
- - Comment out the lines after "for www", and uncomment the lines "for www-exp".
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/inc_ds.php
- (copy from inc_ds.php-dist)
- - $DB_HOST should be localhost
- - $DB_DRIVER should be pgsql
- - $DB_USER should be tinderbox
-- Edit the file %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/inc_tinderbox.php
- (copy from inc_tinderbox.php-dist)
- - $rootdir should be %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox
- - $wwwrooturi should be /tb
- - $tinderbox_name should be "My Tinderbox"
- - $tinderbox_title should be "FreeBSD Packages"
-The following walkthrough is the initial tinderbox population setup
-and should be executed in %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts.
-- Create a jail. A jail is a chrooted version of the FreeBSD operating
- system, for example 6.0-RELEASE or 5.4-RELEASE:
- ./create Jail -j 5.4 -d "FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE" -t RELENG_5_4_0_RELEASE -u CVSUP
- You can have multiple jails on a single machine.
- This takes a while.
-- Create a ports tree:
- ./create PortsTree -p FreeBSD -d "FreeBSD ports tree" -w
- This takes a while.
-- And then link the two together in a build:
- ./create Build -b 5.4-FreeBSD -j 5.4 -p FreeBSD -d "5.4-RELEASE with FreeBSD ports tree"
-The following walkthrough is the webserver setup:
-- In your Apache configuration, add the following lines:
- Alias /tb/logs/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/logs/"
- Alias /tb/packages/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/packages/"
- Alias /tb/errors/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/errors/"
- Alias /tb/ "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/"
- <Directory "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/">
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
-- In your Lighttpd configuration:
-Turn on "mod_alias" and add the following lines:
-alias.url = ( "/tb/logs/" => "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/logs/",
- "/tb/packages/" => "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/packages/",
- "/tb/errors/" => "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/errors/",
- "/tb/" => "%%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/" )
-dir-listing.activate = "enable"
- Check your system by going to http://localhost/tb/
-The following walkthrough is the first run for a port in the
-tinderbox and should be executed in %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts.
-- See the documents %%PREFIX%%/tinderbox/scripts/README and the
- "Using Tinderbox" section for more information.
-- Add the port and its dependencies to the database:
- ./tc addPort -b 5.4-FreeBSD -d net/dhcpdump -r
-- On the website you see now five ports on the build page.
-- Start the build:
- ./tinderbuild -nullfs -b 5.4-FreeBSD dns/dnstracer
-- On the page "Current and latest builds in this build" you see the
- current being-built port and the last n ports built.
-- At a certain moment, when you refresh the page, you see that it
- has changed.
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index bfafcb10f8ca..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Tinderbox is a package building system for FreeBSD ports, based on
-official Portbuild scripts used on pointyhat building cluster.
-Tinderbox was written by Joe Marcus Clarke.
-You can define multiple jails (base system versions) and multiple
-portstrees. The combination of jail and portstree is called a build.
-A Tinderbox jail is not what is understood as a jail in FreeBSD,
-it is in fact a given world in a chroot. Tinderbox supports automatic
-tracking of dependencies and only rebuilds packages that changed
-since last run. Tinderbox has support for email notification of
-failed builds. Tinderbox also integrates well with ccache.
-Tinderbox is designed to easily provide package sets of ports you
-need, for platforms and architectures you need. Tinderbox is also
-excellent tool for testing new ports and port upgrades, especially
-for testing dependencies and packing lists. It's also useful for
-testing ports on various releases of FreeBSD, since you can run
-FreeBSD 4.X world as a jail on FreeBSD 5.X/6.X host.
-Author: Joe Marcus Clarke.
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index ed0ce52154f7..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/default
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/paefchen/images
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates/paefchen
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/templates
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/module
-%%WEB_EXP%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www-exp/core
-%%WEB%%@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/www
-@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/upgrade
-@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/man/man1
-@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/man
-@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/lib
-@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc/rc.d
-@dirrm tinderbox/scripts/etc
-@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts/www-exp
-@dirrmtry tinderbox/scripts
-@dirrmtry tinderbox