path: root/lang/icc7/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lang/icc7/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/lang/icc7/Makefile b/lang/icc7/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c5bc0050cd64..000000000000
--- a/lang/icc7/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: icc
-# Date created: 24.Jan.2002
-# Whom:
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= lang linux devel
-COMMENT= Intels C/C++ compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD binaries
-BUILD_DEPENDS= rpm2cpio:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/rpm2cpio
-RESTRICTED= Intel forbids any redistribution
-CONFLICTS= linux_devtools* ifc*
-COMPILERDIR= compiler70
-MAN1= icc.1
-.include <>
-ICCCFGVAL!= ${UNAME} -r | ${SED} -e 's/\..*//'
-CPIO?= /usr/bin/cpio
-OBJCOPY?= /usr/bin/objcopy
-IGNORE= "Please manually download ${DISTFILES} from ${ICC_SITE}, ${ICC_SITE}clin/noncom.htm or \(whichever has the file\; to access you have to register at\; LOOK AT ALL 3 LOCATIONS, not every version is everywhere, but has always the newest version\). With a little bit of luck it may also be available from Put it into ${DISTDIR} and run make again"
-.if exists(${LINUXBASE}/boot/kernel.h) || \
- exists(${PREFIX}/intel/compiler60/bin/ifc) || \
- exists(${PREFIX}/intel/compiler70/bin/ifc)
-BROKEN= Cannot coexist with linux_devtools or ifc
- @${SED} 's:%%COMPILERDIR%%:${COMPILERDIR}:' ${FILESDIR}/cpio-exclude \
- >${WRKDIR}/cpio-exclude
-.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${FILESDIR}/cpio-exclude_noportdocs >>${WRKDIR}/cpio-exclude
-.for i in \
- intel-icc7-7.1-29.i386.rpm
-# intel-iidb7-7.2.2-61.i386.rpm \
-# intel-isubh7-7.1-29.i386.rpm \
-# intel-ecc7-7.1-29.ia64.rpm \
-# intel-eidb7-7.2.2-61.ia64.rpm \
-# intel-esubh7-7.1-29.ia64.rpm
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && rpm2cpio 2>/dev/null ${i} | \
- ${CPIO} -idfuE ${WRKDIR}/cpio-exclude --quiet
-# Allow everyone to use it
- @${CHMOD} a+rx ${WRKSRC}/opt
-# Remove unneeded/unsafe access rights
-.for i in docs ia32/include ia32/lib
- @${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/${i} -type f -print0 | \
- xargs -0 ${CHMOD} a-x,g-w
- @${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/opt -type d -print0 | xargs -0 ${CHMOD} go-w
- @${CHMOD} a-x ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/Errormatch.txt
-# Use the Linux ABI for the binaries
-.for i in iccbin iccfilt icid icpcbin icpi mcpcom profmerge proforder xiar xild
- @brandelf -t Linux ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/${i}
-# Correct some paths and patch some files
-.for i in ia32/bin/icc ia32/bin/iccvars.csh ia32/bin/ ia32/bin/icpc
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -i "" -e 's:@@PREFIX@@:${PREFIX}:g; s@\<INSTALLDIR\>@${PREFIX}/intel@g; s@man -w@manpath -q@g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/${i}
- @${CHMOD} 755 ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/${i}
- ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/docs/csupport
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/include/*.orig
-.for i in icc.orig icpc.orig
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/${i}
-# Provide a more FreeBSD'ish compile environment
-.for i in icc.cfg icpc.cfg
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -i "" -e 's:-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker <INSTALLDIR>/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/lib::g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/${i}
- @${ECHO} -e "-Qlocation,ld,${PREFIX}/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/ldwrapper\n\n-Ulinux\n-U__linux__\n-U__linux\n-U__gnu_linux__\n\n-D__FreeBSD__=${ICCCFGVAL}\n-D__ELF__=1\n" >>${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/${i}
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 500039
- @${ECHO} -e "-D__wchar_t=__ct_rune_t\n" >>${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/${i}
- @${CHMOD} a-x,g-w ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/${i}
-# C++ hack for icpc
- @${ECHO} -e "\n-I${PREFIX}/include/stlport\n-Qoption,ld,-CPLUSPLUS\n" >>${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/icpc.cfg
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/ && ${LN} -s icc.cfg iccbin.cfg && ${LN} -s icpc.cfg icpcbin.cfg
-# Hack while there's no support for icc in the stdarg.h of FreeBSD.
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/stdarg.h ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/include
-# Fix unresolved references
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c ${FILESDIR}/assert_fail.c \
- ${FILESDIR}/cxa_atexit.c ${FILESDIR}/cxa_finalize.c \
- ${FILESDIR}/errno_location.c ${FILESDIR}/mcount.S
-.if ( ${OSVERSION} < 470101 ) || \
- ( ${OSVERSION} >= 500000 && ${OSVERSION} < 500042 )
- @${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c -o ${WRKSRC}/stdin.o ${FILESDIR}/stdin.c
- @${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c -o ${WRKSRC}/stdout.o ${FILESDIR}/stdout.c
- @${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c -o ${WRKSRC}/stderr.o ${FILESDIR}/stderr.c
-.for i in libcxa.a libimf.a libirc.a libircmt.a libunwind.a
- @${OBJCOPY} --redefine-sym __sigsetjmp=sigsetjmp \
- --redefine-sym stdin=__stdinp \
- --redefine-sym stdout=__stdoutp \
- --redefine-sym stderr=__stderrp \
- ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/lib/${i}
- @${AR} q ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/lib/libcxa.a ${WRKSRC}/*.o
-# Some magic to be able to link
- @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/ldwrapper
- @${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o \
- ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/ldwrapper/ld \
- ${FILESDIR}/ld.c
- @${STRIP_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/ldwrapper/ld
- @${CHMOD} 755 ${WRKSRC}/opt/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin/ldwrapper/ld
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/opt && ${FIND} . -print | \
- ${CPIO} -pdu -R ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} --quiet ${PREFIX}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME} is now installed in ${PREFIX}/intel, to use it you have to"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "put your license into your \$${INTEL_FLEXLM_LICENSE} (default:"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "${PREFIX}/intel/licenses) directory and add"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "${PREFIX}/intel/${COMPILERDIR}/ia32/bin to your PATH."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "In order to be able to compile C++ source with icpc you have to install"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "devel/stlport-icc. (It is a good idea to run 'rehash' before or stlport-icc"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "probably won't find the compiler.)"
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "If you use icc on a Pentium 4 make sure you have 'options CPU_ENABLE_SSE'"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "in your kernel config (have a look at"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "if you do not know how to do this), else icc will hang forever."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "WARNING: If you use icc while having linux_devtools installed, icc will use"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "the wrong includes and therefore will generate bogus (not working) binaries!"
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "If you encounter further problems with icc please consult the errata at"
- @${ECHO_CMD} ""
- @${ECHO_CMD} "first."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Call for benchmarks:"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "Intel is interested to see some benchmark numbers which compare gcc with icc."
- @${ECHO_CMD} "If you have a CPU produced by Intel and are able to do benchmarks with"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "either your own source or with one of our major ports (e.g. with"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "a webserver, a mailserver, a database system, an important graphics"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "suite/program or some important math tool, ...) please try to spend some time"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "to do a benchmark and send me (${MAINTAINER}) the result. You should"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "include your system specs (CPU: speed/model, RAM: amount/speed, used disks"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "(if necessary), chipset/mainboard type, ...), the version of the used"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "software (OS, gcc, icc, ...), non default tuning options (kernel, sysctl) and"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "the used compiler switches. If you don't use some 'standard' benchmark"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "(e.g. the official MySQL benchmark, or the performance test suite of your"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "prefered scripting language), please include a description about the"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "benchmark too."
- @${ECHO_CMD}
- @${ECHO_CMD} "To read the entire post install message again, just run"
- @${ECHO_CMD} "'make post-install | less'."
-.include <>