path: root/Tools/portbuild/scripts/packagebuild
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/portbuild/scripts/packagebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/packagebuild b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/packagebuild
deleted file mode 100755
index 9beeeb151d57..000000000000
--- a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/packagebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Improved build scheduler. We try to build leaf packages (those
-# which can be built immediately without requiring additional
-# dependencies to be built) in the order such that the ones required
-# by the longest dependency chains are built first.
-# This has the effect of favouring deep parts of the package tree and
-# evening out the depth over time, hopefully avoiding the situation
-# where the entire cluster waits for a deep part of the tree to
-# build on a small number of machines
-# Other advantages are that this system is easily customizable and
-# will let us customize things like the matching policy of jobs to
-# machines.
-# TODO:
-# * External queue manager
-# * Mark completed packages instead of deleting them
-# * check mtime for package staleness (cf make)
-# * Check for parent mtimes after finishing child
-import os, sys, threading, time, subprocess, fcntl, operator
-#from itertools import ifilter, imap
-from random import choice
-def parseindex(indexfile):
- tmp={}
- pkghash={}
- for i in file(indexfile):
- line=i.rstrip().split("|")
- pkg = line[0]
- tmp[pkg] = line[1:]
- # XXX hash category names too
- # Trick python into storing package names by reference instead of copying strings and wasting 60MB
- pkghash[pkg] = pkg
- index=dict.fromkeys(tmp.keys())
- for pkg in tmp.iterkeys():
- line = tmp[pkg]
- data={'name': pkg, 'path':line[0],
- #'prefix':line[1],
- #'comment':line[2],
- #'descr':line[3],
- #'maintainer':line[4],
- 'categories':line[5], # XXX duplicates strings
- 'bdep':[pkghash[i] for i in line[6].split(None)],
- 'rdep':[pkghash[i] for i in line[7].split(None)],
- #'www':line[8],
- 'edep':[pkghash[i] for i in line[9].split(None)],
- 'pdep':[pkghash[i] for i in line[10].split(None)],
- 'fdep':[pkghash[i] for i in line[11].split(None)],
- 'height':None}
- if index[pkg] is None:
- index[pkg] = data
- else:
- index[pkg].update(data)
- if not index[pkg].has_key('parents'):
- index[pkg]['parents'] = []
- # XXX iter?
- deps=set()
- for j in ['bdep','rdep','edep','fdep','pdep']:
- deps.update(set(index[pkg][j]))
- index[pkg]['deps'] = [pkghash[i] for i in deps]
- for j in deps:
- # This grossness is needed to avoid a second pass through
- # the index, because we might be about to refer to
- # packages that have not yet been processed
- if index[j] is not None:
- if index[j].has_key('parents'):
- index[j]['parents'].append(pkghash[pkg])
- else:
- index[j]['parents'] = [pkghash[pkg]]
- else:
- index[j] = {'parents':[pkghash[pkg]]}
- return index
-def gettargets(index, targets):
- """ split command line arguments into list of packages to build. Returns set or iterable """
- # XXX make this return the full recursive list and use this later for processing wqueue
- plist = set()
- if len(targets) == 0:
- targets = ["all"]
- for i in targets:
- if i == "all":
- plist = index.iterkeys()
- break
- if i.endswith("-all"):
- cat = i.rpartition("-")[0]
- plist.update(j for j in index.iterkeys() if cat in index[j]['categories'])
- elif i.rstrip(".tbz") in index.iterkeys():
- plist.update([i.rstrip(".tbz")])
- return plist
-def heightindex(index, targets):
- """ Initial population of height tree """
- for i in targets:
- heightdown(index, i)
-def heightdown(index, pkgname):
- """
- Recursively populate the height tree down from a given package,
- assuming empty values on entries not yet visited
- """
- pkg=index[pkgname]
- if pkg['height'] is None:
- if len(pkg['deps']) > 0:
- max = 0
- for i in pkg['deps']:
- w = heightdown(index, i)
- if w > max:
- max = w
- pkg['height'] = max + 1
- else:
- pkg['height'] = 1
- return pkg['height']
-def heightup(index, pkgname):
- """ Recalculate the height tree going upwards from a package """
- if not index.has_key(pkgname):
- raise KeyError
- parents=set(index[pkgname]['parents'])
- while len(parents) > 0:
- # XXX use a deque?
- pkgname = parents.pop()
- if not index.has_key(pkgname):
- # XXX can this happen?
- continue
- pkg=index[pkgname]
- oldheight=pkg['height']
- if oldheight is None:
- # Parent is in our build target list
- continue
- if len(pkg['deps']) == 0:
- newheight = 1
- else:
- newheight=max(index[j]['height'] for j in pkg['deps']) + 1
- if newheight > oldheight:
- print "%s height increasing: %d -> %d", pkg, oldheight, newheight
- assert(False)
- if newheight != oldheight:
- pkg['height'] = newheight
- parents.update(pkg['parents'])
-def deleteup(index, pkgname):
- if not index.has_key(pkgname):
- raise KeyError
- parents=set([pkgname])
- children=[]
- removed=[]
- while len(parents) > 0:
- pkgname = parents.pop()
- if not index.has_key(pkgname):
- # Parent was already deleted via another path
- # XXX can happen?
- print "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY %s deleted" % pkgname
- continue
- if index[pkgname]['height'] is None:
- # parent is not in our list of build targets
- continue
- pkg=index[pkgname]
- children.extend(pkg['deps'])
- parents.update(pkg['parents'])
- removed.append(pkgname)
- del index[pkgname]
- removed = set(removed)
- children = set(children)
-# print "Removed %d packages, touching %d children" % (len(removed), len(children))
- for i in children.difference(removed):
- par=index[i]['parents']
- index[i]['parents'] = list(set(par).difference(removed))
-# XXX return an iter
-def selectheights(index, level):
- return [i for i in index.iterkeys() if index[i]['height'] == level]
-def rank(index, ready, sortd, max = None):
- """ rank the list of ready packages according to those listed as
- dependencies in successive entries of the sorted list """
- input=set(ready)
- output = []
- count = 0
- print "Working on depth ",
- for i in sortd:
- deps = set(index[i]['deps'])
- both = deps.intersection(input)
- if len(both) > 0:
- print "%d " % index[i]['height'],
- input.difference_update(both)
- output.extend(list(both))
- if len(input) == 0:
- break
- if max:
- count+=len(both)
- if count > max:
- return output
- print
- output.extend(list(input))
- return output
-def jobsuccess(index, job):
- pkg = index[job]
- # Build succeeded
- for i in pkg['parents']:
- index[i]['deps'].remove(job)
- # deps/parents tree now partially inconsistent but this is
- # what we need to avoid counting the height of the entry
- # we are about to remove (which would make it a NOP)
- heightup(index, job)
- del index[job]
-def jobfailure(index, job):
- # Build failed
- deleteup(index, job)
-class worker(threading.Thread):
- lock = threading.Lock()
- # List of running threads
- tlist = []
- # List of running jobs
- running = []
- # Used to signal dispatcher when we finish a job
- event = threading.Event()
- def __init__(self, mach, job, queue, arch, branch):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.job = job
- self.mach = mach
- self.queue = queue
- self.arch = arch
- self.branch = branch
- def run(self):
- global index
- pkg = index[self.job]
- if len(pkg['deps']) != 0:
- print "Running job with non-empty deps: %s" % pkg
- assert(False)
- print "Running job %s" % (self.job)
- while True:
- retcode =["/usr/bin/env", "FD=%s" % " ".join(["%s.tbz" % i for i in pkg['fdep']]), "ED=%s" % " ".join(["%s.tbz" % i for i in pkg['edep']]), "PD=%s" % " ".join(["%s.tbz" % i for i in pkg['pdep']]), "BD=%s" % " ".join(["%s.tbz" % i for i in pkg['bdep']]), "RD=%s" % " ".join(["%s.tbz" % i for i in pkg['rdep']]), "/var/portbuild/scripts/pdispatch2", self.mach, self.arch, self.branch, "/var/portbuild/scripts/portbuild", "%s.tbz" % self.job, pkg['path']])
- self.queue.release(self.mach)
- if retcode != 254:
- break
- # Failed to obtain job slot
- time.sleep(15)
- (self.mach, dummy) = self.queue.pick()
- print "Retrying on %s" % self.mach
- print "Finished job %s" % self.job,
- if retcode == 0:
- status = True
- print
- else:
- status = False
- print " with status %d" % retcode
- worker.lock.acquire()
- worker.running.remove(self.job)
- worker.tlist.remove(self)
- if status == True:
- jobsuccess(index, self.job)
- else:
- jobfailure(index, self.job)
- # Wake up dispatcher in case it was blocked
- worker.event.set()
- worker.event.clear()
- worker.lock.release()
- @staticmethod
- def dispatch(mach, job, queue, arch, branch):
- worker.lock.acquire()
- wrk = worker(mach, job, queue, arch, branch)
- worker.tlist.append(wrk)
- worker.lock.release()
- wrk.start()
-class machqueue(object):
- path = '';
- fd = -1;
- # fcntl locks are per-process, so the fcntl lock acquisition will
- # succeed if another thread already holds it. We need the fcntl
- # lock for external visibility between processes but also need an
- # internal lock for protecting against out own threads.
- ilock = threading.Lock()
- def __init__(self, path):
- super(machqueue, self).__init__()
- self.path = path
- self.fd ="%s.lock" % self.path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
-# print "Initializing with %s %d" % (self.path, self.fd)
- def lock(self):
- print "Locking...",
-# ret = fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
- self.ilock.acquire()
- print "success"
- def unlock(self):
- print "Unlocking fd"
- self.ilock.release()
-# ret = fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
- def poll(self):
- """ Return currently available machines """
- mfile = file(self.path + "../mlist", "r")
- mlist = mfile.readlines()
- mfile.close()
- mlist = [i.rstrip() for i in mlist] # Chop \n
- list = os.listdir(self.path)
- special = []
- machines = []
- for i in list:
- if i.startswith('.'):
- special.append(i)
- else:
- if i in mlist:
- machines.append(i)
- else:
- os.unlink(self.path + i)
- print "Found machines %s" % machines
- return (machines, special)
- def pick(self):
- """ Choose a random machine from the queue """
- min = 999
- while min == 999:
- while True:
- self.lock()
- (machines, special) = self.poll()
- if len(machines):
- break
- else:
- self.unlock()
- time.sleep(15)
- # XXX Use kqueue to monitor for changes
- list = []
- # XXX Choose as fraction of capacity
- for i in machines:
- f = file(self.path + i, "r")
- out = f.readline().rstrip()
- try:
- load = int(out)
- except ValueError:
- print "Bad value for %s: %s" % (i, out)
- load = 999
- f.close()
- if load < min:
- min = load
- list=[]
- if load == min:
- list.append(i)
- print "(%s, %d)" % (list, load)
- if min == 999:
- print "Bad queue length for %s" % list
- self.unlock()
- machine = choice(list)
- # XXX hook up config files
- if min == 2:
- # Queue full
- os.unlink(self.path + machine)
- else:
- f = file(self.path + machine, "w")
- f.write("%d\n" % (min + 1))
- f.flush()
- f.close()
- self.unlock()
- return (machine, special)
- def release(self, mach):
- self.lock()
- print "Releasing %s" % mach,
- if os.path.exists(self.path + mach):
- f = file(self.path + mach, "r+")
- out = f.readline().rstrip()
- try:
- load = int(out)
- except ValueError:
- print "Queue error on release of %s: %s" % (mach, out)
- load = 3 #XXX
- else:
- f = file(self.path + mach, "w")
- load = 3 #XXX
-# f.truncate(0)
- f.write("%d\n" % (load - 1))
- print " %d" % (load - 1)
- f.flush()
- f.close()
- self.unlock()
-def main(arch, branch, args):
- global index
- basedir="/var/portbuild/"+arch+"/"+branch
- portsdir=basedir+"/ports"
- indexfile=portsdir+"/INDEX-"+branch
- indexfile="/var/portbuild/i386/7-exp/ports/INDEX-7"
- qlen = 100
- q = machqueue("/var/portbuild/%s/queue/" % arch)
- print "parseindex..."
- index=parseindex(indexfile)
- print "length = %s" % len(index)
- targets = gettargets(index, args)
- print "heightindex..."
- heightindex(index, targets)
- sortd = sorted(((key, val["height"]) for (key, val) in index.iteritems() if val["height"] is not None), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
- wqueue = rank(index, selectheights(index, 1), (i[0] for i in sortd), qlen)
- # Main work loop
- while len(sortd) > 0:
- worker.lock.acquire()
- print "Remaining %s" % len(sortd)
- while len(wqueue) > 0:
- job = wqueue.pop(0)
- if os.path.exists("/var/portbuild/%s/%s/packages/All/%s.tbz" % (arch, branch, job)):
- print "Skipping %s since it already exists" % job
- jobsuccess(index, job)
- else:
- worker.running.append(job) # Protect against a queue
- # rebalance adding this
- # back during build
- worker.lock.release()
- (machine, specials) = q.pick()
- worker.dispatch(machine, job, q, arch, branch)
- worker.lock.acquire()
- if len(wqueue) == 0:
- if len(sortd) == 0:
- # All jobs in progress, wait for children to exit
- break
- print "Rebalancing queue...",
- sortd = sorted(((key, val["height"]) for (key, val) in index.iteritems() if val["height"] is not None), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
- if len(sortd) == 0:
- break
- print sortd[0:3]
- if sortd[0][0] == 1:
- # Everything left is depth 1, no need to waste time rebalancing further
- qlen = len(index)
- # Don't add too many deps at once (e.g. after we build a
- # package like gmake), or we will switch to buildinglots
- # of shallow packages
- ready = [i for i in selectheights(index, 1) if i not in worker.running]
- wqueue = rank(index, ready, (i[0] for i in sortd), qlen)[:2*qlen]
- print "now %s (%s ready)" % (wqueue, len(ready))
- worker.lock.release()
- if len(wqueue) == 0:
- # Ran out of work, wait for workers to free up some more
- print "No work to do, sleeping on workers"
- worker.event.wait()
- for i in worker.tlist:
- i.join()
- print "Finished"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-# from guppy import hpy; h = hpy()
- main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
-# index = parseindex("/var/portbuild/i386/7-exp/ports/INDEX-7")
-# print index['gmake-3.81_2']