diff options
20 files changed, 1140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail/Makefile b/mail/Makefile
index e76ffa93dcd3..9e3686e7dccb 100644
--- a/mail/Makefile
+++ b/mail/Makefile
@@ -415,6 +415,7 @@
SUBDIR += qmail-smtp_auth+tls
SUBDIR += qmail-spamcontrol
SUBDIR += qmail-tls
+ SUBDIR += qmail-vida
SUBDIR += qmailadmin
SUBDIR += qmailadmin-devel
SUBDIR += qmailanalog
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/Makefile b/mail/qmail-vida/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bde50a9d6240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: qmail-vida
+# Date created: 22 Aug 2005
+# Whom: FURUTATE,Mikihiko<>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= qmail-vida
+ ${MASTER_SITE_QMAIL:S/$/:qmail/} \
+ \
+COMMENT= SMTP_AUTH/APOP support for qmail
+DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz:vida \
+ ${DISTNAME_QMAIL}.tar.gz:qmail \
+ ${DISTNAME_CHECKPASSWORD}.tar.gz:checkpassword \
+ ${DISTNAME_TCPSERVER}.tar.gz:tcpserver
+DIST_SUBDIR= qmail-vida
+CONFLICTS= qmail-[0-9]* qmail-mysql-[0-9]* qmail-ldap-[0-9]* \
+ qmail-smtp_auth+tls-[0-9]* qmail-spamcontrol-[0-9]* \
+ qmail-tls-[0-9]* checkpassword-[0-9]* ucspi-tcp-[0-9]* \
+ daemontools-[0-9]*
+DISTNAME_QMAIL= qmail-1.03
+DISTNAME_CHECKPASSWORD= checkpassword-0.90
+DISTNAME_TCPSERVER= ucspi-tcp-0.88
+PKGINSTALL?= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
+CSH?= /bin/csh
+PREFIX?= /var/qmail
+NO_PACKAGE= "djb\'s packaging license does not allow non-standard qmail binary distributions"
+ALL_TARGET_QMAIL= default dot-qmail.5 qmail-control.5 qmail-getpw.8 \
+ qmail-limits.7 qmail-newmrh.8 qmail-newu.8 qmail-pw2u.8 \
+ qmail-send.8 qmail-start.8 qmail-users.5
+ALL_TARGET_TCPSERVER= prog install instcheck
+PLIST_SUB+= README_AUTH="@comment "
+PLIST_SUB+= LDAP="@comment " NOT_LDAP=""
+PLIST_SUB+= SMTP_AUTH_TLS="@comment "
+PLIST_SUB+= TLS="@comment "
+SUB_FILES+= pkg-message${PKGMESSAGE_SUFFIX} mailer.conf.sample \
+ bootfiles.sed enable-qmail
+PKGINSTALL?= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
+ ${WRKDIR}/mailer.conf.sample \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/TEST.receive ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/REMOVE.sendmail \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/REMOVE.binmail ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.local2alias \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.local2ext ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.local2local \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.local2rem ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.local2virt \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.nullclient ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.relaybad \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.relaygood ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/PIC.rem2local
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/dnsip ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/ipmeprint ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/dnsptr
+BOOTFILES= home home+df proc proc+df binm1 binm1+df \
+ binm2 binm2+df binm3 binm3+df maildir maildir+vida
+TCPSERVER_DB_DIR= ${PREFIX}/cdb/tcp.smtp.cdb
+.if (${PREFIX} != ${LOCALBASE})
+NO_MTREE= yes
+OPTIONS+= BIG_CONCURRENCY_PATCH "use a concurrency greater than 240" off
+OPTIONS+= OUTGOINGIP_PATCH "set the IP address to send messages" off
+OPTIONS+= LOCALTIME_PATCH "emit dates in the local timezone" off
+OPTIONS+= MAILDIRQUOTA_PATCH "Maildir++ support" off
+OPTIONS+= BLOCKEXEC_PATCH "block many windows viruses/worms" off
+OPTIONS+= DISCBOUNCES_PATCH "discard double-bounces" off
+OPTIONS+= RELAY_REJECT_PATCH "generated by so-called anti-spammers" off
+OPTIONS+= RCDLINK "create rc.d/" on
+OPTIONS+= TCPSERVER_MAN "install tcpserver man pages" on
+.include <>
+MAN1_QMAIL= forward.1 condredirect.1 bouncesaying.1 except.1 maildirmake.1 \
+ maildir2mbox.1 maildirwatch.1 mailsubj.1 qreceipt.1 qbiff.1 preline.1 \
+ tcp-env.1
+MAN5_QMAIL= addresses.5 envelopes.5 maildir.5 mbox.5 dot-qmail.5 qmail-control.5 \
+ qmail-header.5 qmail-log.5 qmail-users.5 tcp-environ.5
+MAN7_QMAIL= forgeries.7 qmail-limits.7 qmail.7
+MAN8_QMAIL= qmail-local.8 qmail-lspawn.8 qmail-getpw.8 qmail-remote.8 \
+ qmail-rspawn.8 qmail-clean.8 qmail-send.8 qmail-start.8 splogger.8 \
+ qmail-queue.8 qmail-inject.8 qmail-showctl.8 qmail-newmrh.8 \
+ qmail-newu.8 qmail-pw2u.8 qmail-qread.8 qmail-qstat.8 qmail-tcpok.8 \
+ qmail-tcpto.8 qmail-pop3d.8 qmail-popup.8 qmail-qmqpc.8 qmail-qmqpd.8 \
+ qmail-qmtpd.8 qmail-smtpd.8 qmail-command.8
+.for i in 1 5 7 8
+PATCHFILES+= qmail-103.patch:dns
+PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR+= lioux/:dns
+PATCHFILES+= qmailqueue-patch
+PATCHFILES+= big-concurrency.patch
+PATCHFILES+= outgoingip.patch
+PATCHFILES+= qmail-date-localtime.patch:localtime
+PATCHFILES+= qmail-maildir++.patch:quota
+PATCHFILES+= qmail-block-executables.patch:blockexec
+PATCHFILES+= qmail-discard-double-bounces.patch:doublebounce
+PATCHFILES+= qmail-smtpd-relay-reject:reject
+.if defined(WITH_RCDLINK)
+PLIST_SUB+= RCDLINK="@comment "
+.if defined(WITH_TCPSERVER_MAN)
+MAN1_TCPSERVER=addcr.1 argv0.1 date@.1 delcr.1 finger@.1 fixcrio.1 \
+ http@.1 mconnect.1 rblsmtpd.1 recordio.1 tcpcat.1 \
+ tcpclient.1 tcprules.1 tcprulescheck.1 tcpserver.1 who@.1
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "You may use the following build options:"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} " set this to a value reasonable for"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} " your system if you use the patch"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && make patch
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's!/var/qmail!${PREFIX}!; \
+ s!/usr/local/!${LOCALBASE}/!' \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/Makefile
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's!nofiles!qnofiles!g' \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/conf-groups
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} '/"man"/d; /man\/man/d; /man\/cat/d; \
+ /"doc"/d; /"boot","/d' \
+ ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/hier.c
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && make copy
+ @${SED} -e 's,%%RCDLINK%%,${RCDLINK},g; s,%%LOCALBASE%%,${LOCALBASE},g' \
+ ${FILESDIR}/ > ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "${CC} ${CFLAGS}" > ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/conf-cc
+ @${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX} > ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/conf-qmail
+ > ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/conf-spawn ; \
+ fi
+ @${ECHO_CMD} 'qnofiles' > ${WRKSRC_CHECKPASSWORD}/conf-groups
+ @${ECHO_CMD} 'cc -s -lcrypt' > ${WRKSRC_CHECKPASSWORD}/conf-ld
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "${CC} ${CFLAGS}" > ${WRKSRC}/src/vida/conf-cc
+ @${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX} > ${WRKSRC}/src/vida/conf-home
+ @${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX} > ${WRKSRC}/src/vida/conf-qmailhome
+ @${ECHO_CMD} ${PREFIX} > ${WRKSRC_TCPSERVER}/conf-home
+ @${ECHO_CMD} ${CC} ${CFLAGS} > ${WRKSRC_TCPSERVER}/conf-cc
+ @${ECHO_CMD} ${CC} -s > ${WRKSRC_TCPSERVER}/conf-ld
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "=>Building" ${DISTNAME_QMAIL}
+.for target in ${ALL_TARGET_QMAIL}
+ @cd ${WRKSRC_QMAIL} && make ${target}
+ @cd ${WRKSRC_CHECKPASSWORD} && make ${target}
+.for target in ${ALL_TARGET_TCPSERVER}
+ @cd ${WRKSRC_TCPSERVER} && make ${target}
+.for i in ${BOOTFILES}
+ @if [ -f ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/${i}.sh ] ; then \
+ ${SED} -f ${WRKDIR}/bootfiles.sed ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/$ > ${WRKDIR}/${i} ; \
+ elif [ -f ${FILESDIR}/${i}.in ] ; then \
+ ${SED} -e 's,%%PREFIX%%,${PREFIX},g ; s,%%TCPSERVERDB%%,${TCPSERVER_DB_DIR},g' ${FILESDIR}/$ > ${WRKDIR}/${i} ; \
+ elif [ -f ${FILESDIR}/${i} ] ; then \
+ ${SED} -f ${WRKDIR}/bootfiles.sed ${FILESDIR}/$i > ${WRKDIR}/${i} ; \
+ fi
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/configure
+ @cd ${WRKSRC_QMAIL} ; ./install
+.for i in ${BOOTFILES}
+.for i in 1 5 7 8
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/man/man$i
+.for j in ${MAN${i}_QMAIL}
+ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC_QMAIL}/$j ${PREFIX}/man/man${i}
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+. if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "FreeBSD Binary package qmail installation" \
+. else
+ @cd ${WRKSRC_QMAIL} && ${CAT} `${CAT} SYSDEPS` \
+. endif
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/scripts
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/mkaliasdir ${PREFIX}/scripts
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/enable-qmail ${PREFIX}/scripts
+.for script in ${SCRIPTS}
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/scripts/${script} ${PREFIX}/scripts
+ @${ECHO_CMD}
+ @${ECHO_CMD}
+ @cd ${WRKSRC_CHECKPASSWORD} && make setup
+.for file_name in addcr argv0 delcr fixcrio mconnect-io rblsmtpd recordio tcpclient tcprules tcprulescheck tcpserver
+.for file_name in date@ finger@ http@ mconnect who@ tcpcat
+.if defined(WITH_TCPSERVER_MAN)
+.for j in ${MAN1_TCPSERVER}
+ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC_TCPSERVER}-man/${j} ${PREFIX}/man/man1/
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/src/vida && make setup
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && make install-doc
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+ @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/checkpassword
+. endfor
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/src/vida && make check
+.include <>
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/distinfo b/mail/qmail-vida/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d7973b894329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-1.03.tar.gz) = 622f65f982e380dbe86e6574f3abcb7c
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-1.03.tar.gz) = 220668
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-103.patch) = 9140ad2b03017145cd7963c84bb24f16
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-103.patch) = 2104
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-date-localtime.patch) = d566e8bd99b33efee0194e855b8d6995
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-date-localtime.patch) = 2603
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-vida-0.53.tar.gz) = b86912b63e2538351f021db7624ba199
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-vida-0.53.tar.gz) = 73484
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-smtpd-relay-reject) = 24fc1a33089faf12e00b127cd659f317
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-smtpd-relay-reject) = 1230
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmailqueue-patch) = 5a8d7a5863b0c56236af945dedd45754
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmailqueue-patch) = 2510
+MD5 (qmail-vida/checkpassword-0.90.tar.gz) = e75842e908f96571ae56c3da499ba1fc
+SIZE (qmail-vida/checkpassword-0.90.tar.gz) = 15631
+MD5 (qmail-vida/ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz) = 39b619147db54687c4a583a7a94c9163
+SIZE (qmail-vida/ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz) = 53019
+MD5 (qmail-vida/ucspi-tcp-0.88-man.tar.gz) = d33160cbd43bccbc0963d0499dfcebdb
+SIZE (qmail-vida/ucspi-tcp-0.88-man.tar.gz) = 7562
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-maildir++.patch) = fd92b624ac1129a656eb1e567d1f0409
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-maildir++.patch) = 38088
+MD5 (qmail-vida/big-concurrency.patch) = 2ff58c3570870a8ff9a1d9eb9aec05a6
+SIZE (qmail-vida/big-concurrency.patch) = 9331
+MD5 (qmail-vida/outgoingip.patch) = 3c9277dcf5f9b4b6d3a270fb3abf7994
+SIZE (qmail-vida/outgoingip.patch) = 6839
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-block-executables.patch) = e425b420e5251b4882fc699f7822f7a0
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-block-executables.patch) = 5070
+MD5 (qmail-vida/qmail-discard-double-bounces.patch) = 55d45bb8d2c3822a0e3544058aa5a3a3
+SIZE (qmail-vida/qmail-discard-double-bounces.patch) = 1305
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/PORT_NOTES b/mail/qmail-vida/files/PORT_NOTES
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07844f9cf5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/PORT_NOTES
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+This text was originally taken from the qmail INSTALL file that you
+will find in /var/qmail/doc/. In addition to INSTALL, there are many
+other potentially important qmail documents there.
+As with all ports, the ports maintainer (me!) makes NO WARRANTIES of
+any kind: expressed, implied, or other; about the reliability or
+security of this package. Any damage or problems derived from its
+usage or related to it are neither my responsibility nor the software
+author's. This package is provided AS IS.
+Although I am probably sounding cold and harsh, believe me: qmail is
+one of the most reliable and easy-to-use softwares around. However,
+this also is NOT a WARRANTY. It is just an opinion. :)
+The qmail port will normally install into /var/qmail/. If you changed
+this to /usr/local/, then please note that the docs have been
+installed into /usr/local/share/doc/qmail/ (as opposed to
+If you wish to rerun the automatic configuration utility, do:
+# cd /var/qmail/configure ; ./config
+If you are upgrading from a previous version of qmail, you should read
+/var/qmail/doc/UPGRADE and follow all the steps after #6.
+[from /var/qmail/doc/INSTALL]
+SAVE COPIES OF YOUR OUTGOING MAIL! Like any other piece of software (and
+information generally), the qmail system comes with NO WARRANTY. It's
+much more secure and reliable than sendmail, but that's not saying much.
+[pre-build instructions elided]
+To create /var/qmail and configure qmail (won't interfere with sendmail):
+[#1 - #3 elided]
+ 4. Read INSTALL.ctl and FAQ. Minimal survival command:
+ # ./config
+[The "minimal" command has already been performed.]
+ 5. Read INSTALL.alias. Minimal survival command:
+ # (cd ~alias; touch .qmail-postmaster .qmail-mailer-daemon .qmail-root)
+ # chmod 644 ~alias/.qmail*
+[The "minimal" command has already been performed.]
+ 6. Read INSTALL.mbox and INSTALL.vsm.
+ 7. Read INSTALL.maildir.
+ 8. Copy /var/qmail/boot/home (or proc) to /var/qmail/rc.
+[When you do this, qmail will be started automatically the next time
+ you boot. This is because the command
+ ``ln -s /var/qmail/rc /usr/local/etc/rc.d'' has been executed. There
+ is a number of sample bootfiles provided. Not all of them will work.]
+To test qmail deliveries (won't interfere with sendmail):
+ 9. Enable deliveries of messages injected into qmail:
+ # csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
+10. Read TEST.deliver.
+To upgrade from sendmail to qmail:
+11. Read SENDMAIL. This is what your users will want to know about the
+ switch from sendmail to qmail.
+12. Read REMOVE.sendmail. You must remove sendmail before installing
+ qmail.
+[Do not disable sendmail as instructed in REMOVE.sendmail step #1.
+ Instead, change the sendmail_enable line in /etc/rc.conf to read
+ sendmail_enable="NO"
+ If you are running a FreeBSD 4.0-RELEASE or later, read
+ PORT_NOTES_FreeBSD_40-RELEASE before executing step 12.
+ ]
+13. Read REMOVE.binmail.
+14. Add
+ csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
+ to your boot scripts, so that the qmail daemons are restarted
+ whenever your system reboots. Make sure you include the &.
+[Do not do this. Unless you remove the symlink
+ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, the script /var/qmail/rc will be run
+ everytime you boot. See also "local_startup" in /etc/rc.conf.]
+15. Make qmail's ``sendmail'' wrapper available to MUAs:
+ # ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail
+ # ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
+ /usr/sbin might not exist on your system.
+16. Set up qmail-smtpd in /etc/inetd.conf (all on one line):
+ smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
+ tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
+[A freshly-updated /etc/inetd.conf will have a sample qmail entry that
+ you can simply uncomment.]
+17. Reboot. (Or kill -HUP your inetd and make sure the qmail daemons
+ are running.)
+18. Read TEST.receive.
+That's it! To report success:
+ % ( echo 'First M. Last'; cat /var/qmail/doc/SYSDEPS ) \
+ | mail
+Replace First M. Last with your name.
+[Note that "cat `cat SYSDEPS`" has changed to "cat /var/qmail/doc/SYSDEPS"]
+If you have questions about qmail, join the qmail mailing list; see
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/PORT_NOTES_FreeBSD_40-RELEASE b/mail/qmail-vida/files/PORT_NOTES_FreeBSD_40-RELEASE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25963439d603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/PORT_NOTES_FreeBSD_40-RELEASE
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+In addition to PORT_NOTES_FreeBSD_40-RELEASE, there are many
+other potentially important qmail documents there such as PORT_NOTES
+As with all ports, the ports maintainer (me!) makes NO WARRANTIES of
+any kind: expressed, implied, or other; about the reliability or
+security of this package. Any damage or problems derived from its
+usage or related to it are neither my responsibility nor the software
+author's. This package is provided AS IS.
+Although I am probably sounding cold and harsh, believe me: qmail is
+one of the most reliable and easy-to-use softwares around. However,
+this also is NOT a WARRANTY. It is just an opinion. :)
+The qmail port will normally install into /var/qmail/. If you changed
+this to /usr/local/, then please note that the docs have been
+installed into /usr/local/share/doc/qmail/ (as opposed to
+### Document starts here
+If you read PORT_NOTES, you may have noticed I mentioned step 12 should
+be changed for FreeBSD versions 4.0-Release and later.
+FreeBSD 4.0-Release and later come with a program named mailwrapper (8)
+which eases the replacement of sendmail. No binaries need to be touched,
+"chmod"ed, erased, deleted or, otherwise, modified.
+Whenever you call /usr/sbin/sendmail, /usr/bin/mail, or /usr/bin/newaliases;
+in fact, you are calling a symbolic link to mailwrapper. Mailwrapper
+then calls the appropriate binary according to its configuration file.
+An excerpt from the mailwrapper manual:
+"The mailwrapper program is designed to replace /usr/sbin/sendmail and to
+ invoke an appropriate MTA instead of sendmail(8) based on configuration
+ information placed in /etc/mail/mailer.conf. This permits the administra-
+ tor to configure which MTA is to be invoked on the system at run time."
+Configuration for mailwrapper is kept in /etc/mail/mailer.conf.
+Here follows my personal /etc/mail/mailer.conf
+sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
+send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
+mailq /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
+newaliases /var/qmail/bin/newaliases
+There is a sample mailer.conf in this directory, please install
+over the /etc/mail/mailer.conf to unfold qmail as your default MTA.
+Please donīt forget to backup /etc/mail/mailer.conf before doing
+so. Better safe then sorry.
+So, whenever you call sendmail, in fact, you are using the appropriate
+You should notice, though, that the programs do not behave exactly as
+their sendmail counterparts. Therefore, reading the appropriate
+/var/qmail/doc files and man pages is highly advisable.
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d2b10a7122b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+s!^\(exec\)!case "\$1" in\
+\ \1!
+\ exit 0\
+\ ;;\
+\ exec killall qmail-send\
+\ ;;\
+\ %%ECHO_CMD%% "Usage: `basename \$0` {start|stop}" >\&2\
+\ exit 64\
+\ ;;\
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a864dd93c97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+disable_sendmail() {
+ echo "===> I hope you know what you are doing:"
+ echo "===> You just told your system to not"
+ echo "===> automaticaly start sendmail on your"
+ echo "===> next startup."
+ echo "===> (i.e., added sendmail_enable=\"NONE\" to rc.conf)"
+ if [ -f ${RC_CONF_FILE} ]; then
+ echo sendmail_enable=\"NONE\" >> ${RC_CONF_FILE}
+ fi
+enable_qmail() {
+ if [ -f ${MAILER_CONF_FILE} ]; then
+ cp %%DOCSDIR%%/mailer.conf.sample ${MAILER_CONF_FILE}
+ else
+ echo "===> FIX this and try again"
+ echo "===> or, run \"$0 --force\" if you are sure"
+ echo "===> you want this port replacing some binaries"
+ echo "===> IF THIS FEELS UNEASY, read %%DOCSDIR%%/REMOVE.sendmail and do it manually"
+ echo ""
+ echo "=======> VERY IMPORTANT <======="
+ echo "===> One side issue is that if you do replace them,"
+ echo "===> you really should consider ADDING \"NO_SENDMAIL=true\""
+ echo "===> to your /etc/make.conf if you do \"make world\"."
+ echo "===> Otherwise, \"make world\" will \"fix\" your sendmail"
+ echo "===> installation breaking your qmail one."
+ echo "===> Read the FreeBSD Handbook section on \"make world\""
+ echo "===> if you do not know what I am talking about."
+ echo "===> Check for the most"
+ echo "===> updated copy of the Handbook."
+ fi
+ echo "===> Do not forget to choose an appropriate qmail startup"
+ echo "===> script. Go through %%PREFIX%%/boot, choose one"
+ echo "===> and copy the chosen script as %%PREFIX%%/rc"
+ echo "===> For example, \"cp %%PREFIX%%/boot/proc+df %%PREFIX%%/rc\""
+# taken from mail/postfix idea
+force_enable_qmail() {
+ echo "===> Replacing sendmail"
+ if [ -e ${SENDMAIL} ]; then
+ mv -f ${SENDMAIL} ${SENDMAIL}.OFF && \
+ chmod 0 ${SENDMAIL}.OFF
+ fi
+ if [ -e %%PREFIX%%/bin/sendmail ]; then
+ ln -sf %%PREFIX%%/bin/sendmail ${SENDMAIL}
+ fi
+ echo "===> Replacing mailq"
+ if [ -e ${MAILQ} ]; then
+ mv -f ${MAILQ} ${MAILQ}.OFF && \
+ chmod 0 ${MAILQ}.OFF
+ fi
+ if [ -e %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-qread ]; then
+ ln -sf %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-qread ${MAILQ}
+ fi
+ echo "===> Replacing newaliases"
+ if [ -e ${NEWALIASES} ]; then
+ chmod 0 ${NEWALIASES}.OFF
+ fi
+ if [ -e %%PREFIX%%/bin/newaliases ]; then
+ ln -sf %%PREFIX%%/bin/newaliases ${NEWALIASES}
+ fi
+# main
+if [ "$1" = "--force" ]; then
+ force_enable_qmail
+ enable_qmail
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/maildir b/mail/qmail-vida/files/maildir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a11543bcdf7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/maildir
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
+# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to Maildir format by default
+exec env - PATH="QMAIL/bin:$PATH" \
+qmail-start ./Maildir/ \
+splogger qmail
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..caedd26c9989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
+# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to Maildir format by default
+# Using tcpserver and checkpassword
+exec env - PATH="%%PREFIX%%/bin:$PATH" \
+qmail-start ./Maildir/ \
+splogger qmail &
+exec env - PATH="%%PREFIX%%/bin:$PATH" \
+tcpserver -vHR -x %%TCPSERVERDB%% -c 40 0 \
+smtp qmail-smtpup $HOST checkpassword qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | \
+%%PREFIX%%/bin/splogger smtpd 4 &
+exec env - PATH="%%PREFIX%%/bin:$PATH" \
+tcpserver -vHR -x %%TCPSERVERDB%% 0 \
+pop3 qmail-popup $HOST checkpassword qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1 | \
+%%PREFIX%%/bin/splogger pop3d 4 &
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..08a3ceb57ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Configuration for mailwrapper is kept in /etc/mail/mailer.conf.
+# Replace that file with this one to enable qmail under a sendmail
+# disguise. Very useful.
+sendmail %%PREFIX%%/bin/sendmail
+send-mail %%PREFIX%%/bin/sendmail
+mailq %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-qread
+newaliases %%PREFIX%%/bin/newaliases
+hoststat %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-tcpto
+purgestat %%PREFIX%%/bin/qmail-tcpok
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/mkaliasdir b/mail/qmail-vida/files/mkaliasdir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fab410af6370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/mkaliasdir
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Script to populate a Qmail ~alias directory with entries from
+# an [SZ]mail{er} or sendmail-like aliases file
+# $FreeBSD: /tmp/pcvs/ports/mail/qmail-vida/files/Attic/mkaliasdir,v 1.1 2005-08-30 14:44:26 garga Exp $
+# Dan Cross <>
+require '';
+$ALIASES = "/etc/aliases";
+die "$0 must be run as root!\n" if ($< != 0);
+do Getopts('vf:');
+$verbose = 0 unless ($verbose = $opt_v);
+$aliases = $ALIASES unless ($aliases = $opt_f);
+if (($aliasdir = (getpwnam("qalias"))[7]) eq "")
+ die "User qalias does not exist, bailing!\n";
+if (($qmaildir = (getpwnam("qmaild"))[7]) eq "")
+ die "User qmaild does not exist, bailing!\n";
+$ME = "$qmaildir/control/me";
+die "Error opening $ME: $!\n" unless open(ME, "$ME");
+chop($me = <ME>);
+close (ME);
+die "Error opening $aliases: $!\n" unless open(ALIASES, "$aliases");
+while (<ALIASES>)
+ chop;
+ $mode = ">";
+ s/#.*$//;
+ ($target, $data) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
+ $data =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $data =~ s/\s+$//;
+ next if (/^$/);
+ if ($data =~ /^$/)
+ {
+ while (chop($data = <ALIASES>))
+ {
+ $data =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $data =~ s/\s+$//;
+ last if ($data !~ /^$/);
+ }
+ }
+ $f = "$aliasdir/.qmail-$target";
+ @data = split(/\,/, $data);
+ $datum = $data[0];
+ if ($datum =~ /^:include:/i)
+ {
+ $datum =~ s/^:include://i;
+ $verbose && print "Symlinking $f to $datum...\n";
+ symlink($datum, $f);
+ shift(@data);
+ $f = $datum;
+ $mode = ">>";
+ }
+ open(ALIAS, "$mode$f") || die "Error creating $f: $!\n";
+ $verbose && print "Creating $f...\n";
+ foreach $datum (@data)
+ {
+ $datum =~ s/"$// if ($datum =~ s/^"// ||
+ $datum =~ s/^\|[ \t]*"/|/);
+ if ($datum =~ /^[|\/]/)
+ {
+ print ALIAS $datum, "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $datum = "&" . $datum;
+ $datum .= "\@$me" unless ($datum =~ /\@/);
+ print ALIAS "$datum\n";
+ }
+ $verbose && print "\tPopulating $f with $datum...\n";
+ }
+ close(ALIAS);
+exit 0;
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/patch-install.c b/mail/qmail-vida/files/patch-install.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..97780f9f61fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/patch-install.c
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- install.c.orig Mon Jun 15 07:53:16 1998
++++ install.c Fri May 6 09:30:15 2005
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #define FATAL "install: fatal: "
+ int fdsourcedir = -1;
++noc; /* hack for bin package install -- see port pkg/INSTALL */
+ void h(home,uid,gid,mode)
+ char *home;
+@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@
+ int gid;
+ int mode;
+ {
++ if (!noc) {
+ int fdin;
+ int fdout;
+@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@
+ strerr_die6sys(111,FATAL,"unable to chown .../",subdir,"/",file,": ");
+ if (chmod(file,mode) == -1)
+ strerr_die6sys(111,FATAL,"unable to chmod .../",subdir,"/",file,": ");
++ }
+ }
+ void z(home,file,len,uid,gid,mode)
+@@ -152,8 +155,9 @@
+ strerr_die6sys(111,FATAL,"unable to chmod ",home,"/",file,": ");
+ }
+-void main()
++void main(argc, argv)
+ {
++ noc=--argc;
+ fdsourcedir = open_read(".");
+ if (fdsourcedir == -1)
+ strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to open current directory: ");
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/patch-qmail-local.c b/mail/qmail-vida/files/patch-qmail-local.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee0709db5b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/patch-qmail-local.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- qmail-local.c.orig Sun Nov 23 18:30:43 2003
++++ qmail-local.c Sun Nov 23 18:31:31 2003
+@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
+ {
+ cmds.s[j] = 0;
+ k = j;
+- while ((k > i) && (cmds.s[k - 1] == ' ') || (cmds.s[k - 1] == '\t'))
++ while ((k > i) && ((cmds.s[k - 1] == ' ') || (cmds.s[k - 1] == '\t')))
+ cmds.s[--k] = 0;
+ switch(cmds.s[i])
+ {
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7c09c48855c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# $FreeBSD: /tmp/pcvs/ports/mail/qmail-vida/files/Attic/,v 1.1 2005-08-30 14:44:26 garga Exp $
+# Author : Marcos Tischer Vallim
+# E-Mail :
+# Date : Tue Mar 22 00:40:45 BRT 2005
+set path = ( /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin )
+if ($uid != 0) then
+ echo "It is necessary to add missing qmail users/groups at";
+ echo "this stage. Please either add them manually or retry";
+ echo "as root.";
+ exit 1;
+if (! -x `which pw`) then
+ echo "This system looks like a pre-2.2 version of FreeBSD. We see that it";
+ echo "is missing the "pw" utility. We need this utility. Please get and";
+ echo "install it, and try again. You can get the source from:";
+ echo "";
+ echo "";
+ echo "";
+ echo "No pw";
+ exit 1;
+switch ($argv[2])
+case "PRE-INSTALL":
+ set groups = (vida qmail qnofiles);
+ set gids = (83 82 81);
+ set users = (alias qmaild qmaill qmailp qmailq qmailr qmails qmailu authdb);
+ set users_g = (qnofiles qnofiles qnofiles qnofiles qmail qmail qmail vida vida);
+ set uids = (81 82 83 84 85 86 87 90 91);
+ set k = 1;
+ foreach group ($groups)
+ pw groupshow $group >& /dev/null;
+ if ($status) then
+ pw groupadd $group -g $gids[$k];
+ if ($status) then
+ echo "Failed to add group '$group' as gid '$gids[$k]'";
+ exit 1;
+ endif
+ endif
+ set chkgid = (`pw groupshow $group | sed -e "s,:, ,g"`);
+ if ($chkgid[3] != $gids[$k]) then
+ echo "Group '$group' should have gid '$gids[$k]'";
+ exit 1;
+ endif
+ @ k++;
+ end
+ set k = 1;
+ foreach user ($users)
+ pw usershow $user >& /dev/null;
+ if ($status) then
+ if ($user == "alias") then
+ set home = ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias;
+ else
+ set home = ${PKG_PREFIX};
+ endif
+ pw useradd $user -g $users_g[$k] -d $home -s /nonexistent -u $uids[$k];
+ if ($status) then
+ echo "Failed to add user '$user' as uid '$uids[$k]'";
+ exit 1;
+ endif
+ endif
+ set chkuid = (`pw usershow $user | sed -e "s,:, ,g"`);
+ if ($chkuid[3] != $uids[$k]) then
+ echo "User '$user' should have uid '$uids[$k]'";
+ exit 1;
+ endif
+ @ k++;
+ end
+ breaksw;
+ ${PKG_PREFIX}/configure/install x;
+ if ( ! `filetest -e ${PKG_PREFIX}/control/me` ) then
+ cd ${PKG_PREFIX}/configure && ./config;
+ endif
+ %%RCDLINK%%ln -s ${PKG_PREFIX}/rc %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/rc.d/;
+ touch ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-{postmaster,root,mailer-daemon};
+ if ($status) then
+ echo "Failed to create files :";
+ echo " ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-postmaster";
+ echo " ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-root";
+ echo " ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon";
+ exit 1;
+ endif
+ breaksw;
+exit 0;
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56272ff24640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Please make sure that you read %%PREFIX%%/doc/PORT_NOTES.
+It contains important information about testing and configuring
+qmail, and finally replacing sendmail with qmail.
+You should also add %%PREFIX%%/man to your MANPATH (see manpath(1)
+or login.conf(5)).
+Do not forget to read %%PREFIX%%/doc/QLDAPINSTALL. After all,
+this is NOT our old stock qmail. And, %%PREFIX%%/doc/ANTISPAM
+for some antispam control measures.
+The qmail.schema file was copied to %%DOCSDIR%%. Remember
+to copy it to ldap's schema directory
+You can enable qmail as your default mailer executing:
+> %%PREFIX%%/scripts/enable-qmail
+If you've built this port with TLS support (WITH_TLS=yes)
+==> You will need to provide a working certificate in %%PREFIX%%/control/cert.pem :
+# makes a self-signed certificate
+3) do "make certificate"
+# makes a certificate request
+4) do "make certificate-req"
+Now, you need to use it. Check a little FreeBSD specific how-to at
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b833bab4dd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Please make sure that you read %%PREFIX%%/doc/PORT_NOTES.
+It contains important information about testing and configuring
+qmail, and finally replacing sendmail with qmail.
+You should also add %%PREFIX%%/man to your MANPATH (see manpath(1)
+or login.conf(5)).
+Do not forget to read both %%PREFIX%%/doc/SMTP_AUTH+TLS.readme AND
+%%PREFIX%%/doc/README.auth. After all, this is NOT our old stock
+You can enable qmail as your default mailer executing:
+> %%PREFIX%%/scripts/enable-qmail
+==> As you need to provide a working certificate in %%PREFIX%%/control/cert.pem :
+# makes a self-signed certificate
+3) do "make certificate"
+# makes a certificate request
+4) do "make certificate-req"
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a13b66738e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Please make sure that you read %%PREFIX%%/doc/PORT_NOTES.
+It contains important information about testing and configuring
+qmail, and finally replacing sendmail with qmail.
+You should also add %%PREFIX%%/man to your MANPATH (see manpath(1)
+or login.conf(5)).
+Do not forget to read %%PREFIX%%/doc/TLS.readme. After all,
+this is NOT our old stock qmail.
+You can enable qmail as your default mailer executing:
+> %%PREFIX%%/scripts/enable-qmail
+==> As you need to provide a working certificate in %%PREFIX%%/control/cert.pem :
+# makes a self-signed certificate
+3) do "make certificate"
+# makes a certificate request
+4) do "make certificate-req"
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/files/ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f3736f9b333e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Please make sure that you read %%PREFIX%%/doc/PORT_NOTES.
+It contains important information about testing and configuring
+qmail, and finally replacing sendmail with qmail.
+You should also add %%PREFIX%%/man to your MANPATH (see manpath(1)
+or login.conf(5)).
+You can enable qmail as your default mailer executing:
+> %%PREFIX%%/scripts/enable-qmail
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/pkg-descr b/mail/qmail-vida/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9dccf7edbcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+qmail-vida : qmail Virtual Domain and Authentication
diff --git a/mail/qmail-vida/pkg-plist b/mail/qmail-vida/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00ca5d71a223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/qmail-vida/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+@comment $FreeBSD$
+%%RCDLINK%%@unexec rm -f %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/rc.d/
+@dirrm boot
+@dirrm bin
+@dirrm configure
+@dirrm man/man1
+@dirrm man/man5
+@dirrm man/man7
+@dirrm man/man8
+@dirrm man
+@dirrm scripts
+@dirrm users
+@unexec echo "1) If you are permanently removing qmail, you should also ``rm -Rf ${PKG_PREFIX}/alias ${PKG_PREFIX}/control ${PKG_PREFIX}/queue ${PKG_PREFIX}/users'' and remove the qmail and qmail-vida users/groups." | /usr/bin/fmt
+@unexec echo "2) Do not forget to reconfigure your /etc/mail/mailer.conf to use your older MTA, or reconfigure your old MTA binaries if you decided to replace them." | /usr/bin/fmt
+@unexec echo "3) Do not forget to enable sendmail as your default MTA if you have to. You can do it just executing 'echo sendmail_enable=\"YES\" >> /etc/rc.conf" | /usr/bin/fmt