path: root/math/linalg
diff options
authorRene Ladan <>2011-04-18 22:25:41 +0000
committerRene Ladan <>2011-04-18 22:25:41 +0000
commit48f1d8c469aeb67c4c7838bd2bdf17f28eacbc79 (patch)
tree5509f9ae2d797f02944d429c11a7b43a3c3d2cf3 /math/linalg
parentRepair pkg-plist to remove directories created by NLS option. (diff)
Remove most expired ports:
2011-04-17 cad/tclspice: has been broken for more than a year 2011-04-17 comms/hcfmdm: does not compile on 7.X or higher 2011-04-17 databases/mysqlcc: has been broken for almost a year 2011-04-17 devel/ruby-rjudy: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 devel/xfc: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 devel/lamson: has been broken for a half year 2011-04-17 devel/cocktail: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 devel/djgpp-gcc: has been broken for half a year 2011-04-17 devel/gauche-sdl: has been broken for a year 2011-04-17 devel/gdb53-act: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x and up 2011-04-17 editors/zed: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 games/aqbubble: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 graphics/libvisual-plugins: has been broken for 3 years 2011-04-17 japanese/roundcube: has been broken for almost a year 2011-04-17 japanese/tkstep80: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 lang/u++: has been broken for over a half year 2011-04-17 lang/pugs: has been broken for over a year 2011-04-17 lang/mozart: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 math/linalg: does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 math/R-cran-igraph: has been broken for over a half year 2011-04-17 misc/ftree: has been broken for over a half year 2011-04-17 multimedia/katchtv: has been broken for a half year 2011-04-17 multimedia/libomxil-bellagio: has been broken for almost a year 2011-04-17 multimedia/banshee-mirage: has been broken for over a half year 2011-04-17 net-p2p/trackerbt: has been broken for a half year 2011-04-17 net/cap: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 net/ggsd: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 net/b2bua: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 net/penguintv: has been broken for a half year 2011-04-17 news/openftd: has been broken for almost a year 2011-04-17 palm/romeo: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 science/pcp: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 science/elmer-fem: has been broken for over a year 2011-04-17 security/newpki-lib: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 security/newpki-server: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 security/xmlsec: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 security/f-protd: has been broken for over a year 2011-04-17 sysutils/xwlans: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x or newer 2011-04-17 www/bk_edit: does not compile on FreeBSD 7.x and newer 2011-04-17 www/bricolage: has been broken for a half year 2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/gauche-gtk: has been broken for a year 2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/gambas2-gb-qt: has been broken for over a year 2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/php-gtk2: has been broken for over a half year 2011-04-17 x11-toolkits/p5-Tcl-Tk: has been broken for 2 year 2011-04-17 x11/metisse: has been broken for over a half year
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=272897
Diffstat (limited to 'math/linalg')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/math/linalg/Makefile b/math/linalg/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a2cc86de2e..000000000000
--- a/math/linalg/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: LinAlg
-# Date created: August 25, 1999
-# Whom: Oleg Kiselyov <>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= linalg
-COMMENT= C++ Linear Algebra and Optimization classlib
-BROKEN= Does not compile with GCC 4.2
-DEPRECATED= does not build on FreeBSD 7.x or newer
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/libla.a ${PREFIX}/lib
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/LinAlg.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/LAStreams.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/builtin.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/math_num.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/minmax.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/myenv.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/std.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${WRKSRC}/svd.h ${PREFIX}/include/LinAlg
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/LinAlg
-.include <>
diff --git a/math/linalg/distinfo b/math/linalg/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index dda4280c750e..000000000000
--- a/math/linalg/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (linalg-4.4.tar.gz) = b3378ab0fedf2b4439461113c309345c5a21d4965eab0203f23fb6855c2c29e0
-SIZE (linalg-4.4.tar.gz) = 117173
diff --git a/math/linalg/files/patch-LinAlg.h b/math/linalg/files/patch-LinAlg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 306ea07ee01b..000000000000
--- a/math/linalg/files/patch-LinAlg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
---- LinAlg.h.orig Fri Oct 8 11:30:11 2004
-+++ LinAlg.h Fri Oct 8 11:43:29 2004
-@@ -393,8 +393,8 @@
- // with 2^n columns
- class haar_matrix : public LazyMatrix
- {
-- void fill_in(Matrix& m) const;
- public:
-+ void fill_in(Matrix& m) const;
- haar_matrix(const int n, const int no_cols=0);
- };
-@@ -505,7 +505,9 @@
- {
- friend class Reference;
- Matrix& m;
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
- ConstReference(const ConstReference&); // Not implemented and forbidden
- void operator = (const ConstReference&); // reference isn't transferable
- public:
- ConstReference(const Matrix& _m)
-@@ -831,7 +833,9 @@
- void operator=(const ElementWiseConst&);// is not implemented, ergo, is
- // not allowed
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
- ElementWiseConst(const ElementWiseConst&);// Cloning is not allowed, either
- // A private constructor, to make
- // sure the object can't be constructed
-@@ -1231,7 +1235,9 @@
- friend class LAStreamOut;
- const REAL * const col_ptr; // Pointer to the column under
- // consideration
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
- ConstMatrixColumn(const ConstMatrixColumn&); // Not implemented and forbidden:
- void operator = (const ConstMatrixColumn&);// no cloning/assignment allowed
- protected:
-@@ -1267,7 +1273,9 @@
- {
- friend class ElementWise;
- friend class LAStreamOut;
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
- MatrixColumn(const MatrixColumn&); // Not implemented and forbidden:
- void operator = (const MatrixColumn&);// no cloning/assignment allowed
- public: // Take a col of the matrix
- MatrixColumn(Matrix& m, const int col) :
-@@ -1295,7 +1303,9 @@
- // col after col, stride = nrows
- const REAL * const end_ptr; // Points after the end of the matrix
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
- ConstMatrixRow(const ConstMatrixRow&); // Not implemented and forbidden:
- void operator = (const ConstMatrixRow&); // no cloning/assignment allowed
- protected:
-@@ -1336,7 +1346,9 @@
- {
- friend class ElementWiseStride;
- friend class LAStrideStreamOut;
-+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
- MatrixRow(const MatrixRow&); // Not implemented and forbidden:
- void operator = (const MatrixRow&); // no cloning/assignment allowed
- public: // Take a col of the matrix
- MatrixRow(Matrix& m, const int row) :
diff --git a/math/linalg/pkg-descr b/math/linalg/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 211b16bf4958..000000000000
--- a/math/linalg/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- LinAlg -- C++ Linear Algebra and Optimization classlib
-- Matrix, Vector, subMatrices, and LAStreams over real domain;
-- Matrix inverse, norms, determinant, lazy matrices, Singular Value
- Decomposition (SVD) and applications, nested functions;
-- Brent's univariate optimization and root finding, Hooke-Jeeves
- multidimensional optimization of functors, Aitken-Lagrange interpolation;
-- LinAlg stresses Matrix streams, which provide a sequential
- view/access to a matrix or its parts. LABlockStreams may
- span over an arbitrary rectangular block of a matrix, including the
- whole matrix, a single matrix element, and all other block sizes in
- between. Matrix streams are seekable and subrange-able. A stream or
- a substream are always created in-line; they do not allocate any
- heap storage, and are safe.
-- Every feature is extensively tested in the validation code (included).
-Oleg Kiselyov <>
diff --git a/math/linalg/pkg-message b/math/linalg/pkg-message
deleted file mode 100644
index aed30a1da1fd..000000000000
--- a/math/linalg/pkg-message
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Don't forget to compile and run verification/validation code: gmake check-all
-or specifically, sub-targets
- vmatrix vvector vmatrix1 vmatrix2 vlastreams
- vali vhjmin vfminbr vzeroin
- vsvd vslesing sample_ult sample_adv
- sample_fill tslesing tpseudo-inv
-See comments in a LinAlg/Makefile for details, as well as NumMath.dr.
-The verification code checks to see that all the functions in this
-package have compiled and run well. The validation code can also serve
-as an illustration of how package's classes and functions may be
diff --git a/math/linalg/pkg-plist b/math/linalg/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f2d828f314a..000000000000
--- a/math/linalg/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm share/doc/LinAlg
-@dirrm include/LinAlg