path: root/mail/majordomo
diff options
authorAnders Nordby <>2002-02-08 01:56:26 +0000
committerAnders Nordby <>2002-02-08 01:56:26 +0000
commit7ee4337606eb27ea5df84bc77359facc43fc18eb (patch)
tree744b407acf40e96efc8d7b49d54031d784920375 /mail/majordomo
parentMAINTAINER resigns. (diff)
Add wrapper permissions dialog(1) to make it easier for users to have
their majordomo wrapper program executed from their MDA. Remove old instructions for how this could be done manually. This also fixes the new majordomo/mailnull issue. Correct typo in post-install-notes (spotted by Dan Pelleg). PR: 30170
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=54331
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/majordomo')
4 files changed, 71 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/Makefile b/mail/majordomo/Makefile
index d3a7913bc925..fece3f312c6f 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/Makefile
+++ b/mail/majordomo/Makefile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ MASTER_SITES= \
.if defined(WITH_SHA1_COOKIES)
RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}/${PERL_ARCH}/Digest/${PORTSDIR}/security/p5-Digest-SHA1
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ post-install:
@ ${CHMOD} 755 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/test-l-digest.archive
@ ${CHMOD} 660 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/*.passwd
.if !defined(BATCH)
+ @ ${SH} ${SCRIPTDIR}/adaptwrapper ${PREFIX}
@ /usr/bin/more -e ${FILESDIR}/post-install-notes
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes b/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes
index 286a06a54e70..4729dc9a085f 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes
@@ -26,23 +26,11 @@ manually:
or a line similar to the following to your m4 macros file :
- define(`ALIAS_FILE',/etc/aliases,/usr/local/majordomo/aliases.majordomo')
+ define(`ALIAS_FILE',`/etc/aliases,/usr/local/majordomo/aliases.majordomo')
- consider using ports/mail/tlb to process your deliveries if you
want to hide your outgoing aliases. This way you can prevent people
from evading restrictions for posting to your lists.
- - the user executing the commands of your local aliases must be added
- to your majordom group to be able to execute the setuid wrapper
- script. Sendmail does this as daemon by default, which is already
- added. The postfix port uses nobody by default, which should be
- changed to another user if your users can execute commands as user
- nobody (Apache/CGI comes to mind). Postfix does not do initgroups()
- properly, so you need to chgrp the wrapper script to the group of
- the default_privs user (this may apply for other MTAs as well) for
- it to work. It is important that you do this and not just make
- wrapper executable for all; you are increasing the chances of it
- getting exploited if you do.
Enjoy Majordomo!
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/scripts/adaptwrapper b/mail/majordomo/scripts/adaptwrapper
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c4d4fde4f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/majordomo/scripts/adaptwrapper
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#, 2002-02-08
+if [ -z "$1" ]
+ prefix=/usr/local/majordomo
+ prefix=$1/majordomo
+tempfile=`/usr/bin/mktemp -t radiolist`
+/usr/bin/dialog --title "Making the majordomo wrapper run" --clear --radiolist "We need to make the majordomo wrapper program executable by your Mail\nDelivery Agent, but do not want it executable for all users due\nto security reasons.\n\n(This script can be re-executed from\n/usr/ports/mail/majordomo/scripts/adaptwrapper.)\n\nAdapt to the MDA of:" -1 -1 5 \
+Sendmail "(add users daemon/mailnull to the majordom group)" ON \
+Postfix "(change group ownership of wrapper to nobody)" OFF \
+if [ "$?" = "1" ]
+ echo "Cancel pressed. You will need to make wrapper executable yourself."
+choice=`cat $tempfile`
+rm -f $tempfile
+if [ -z "$choice" ]
+ echo "Empty selection."
+ exit 1
+addmember() {
+# $1: group $2: user
+ if !(pw groupmod $1 -m $2 >/dev/null 2>&1)
+ then
+ echo "Error: Could not add user $2 to group $1."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+changegroup() {
+# $1: group
+ mywrapper=$prefix/wrapper
+ if !(chgrp $1 $mywrapper >/dev/null 2>&1)
+ then
+ echo "Error: Could not change group ownership of"
+ echo "$mywrapper"
+ echo "to group $1."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+case $choice in
+ addmember majordom daemon
+ if (pw usershow mailnull >/dev/null 2>&1)
+ then
+ addmember majordom mailnull
+ fi
+ ;;
+ changegroup nobody
+ ;;
+ echo "Fine. I see you want to make wrapper executable yourself."
+ ;;
+ echo "Unknown MTA specified."
+ ;;
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser b/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser
index ac9675afdbce..f755b0b04d92 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser
+++ b/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser
@@ -59,11 +59,3 @@ if( $result ) {
print "Failed to add/modify user majordom!\n";
exit 1;
-## Add daemon to majordom group, to allow sendmail to call wrapper
-## via direct pipes in /etc/mail/aliases
-$result = system( "pw groupmod majordom -m daemon" );
-if( $result ) {
- print "Failed to add/modify user majordom!\n";
- exit 1;