path: root/converters/p5-Convert-UU/pkg-descr
blob: 5a2eabc5e1b510234903472b8b76f8963c87c023 (plain) (tree)

         use Convert::UU qw(uudecode uuencode);
         $encoded_string = uuencode($string,[$filename],[$mode]);
         ($string,$filename,$mode) = uudecode($string);
         $string = uudecode($string); # in scalar context

       uuencode() takes as the first argument a scalar that is to
       be uuencoded. Alternatively a filehandle may be passed
       that must be opened for reading. It returns the uuencoded
       string including begin and end. Second and third argument
       are optional and specify filename and mode. If unspecified
       these default to "uuencode.uu" and 644.

       uudecode() takes a string as argument which will be
       uudecoded. If the argument is a filehandle this will be
       read instead. Leading and trailing garbage will be
       ignored. The function returns the uudecoded string for the
       first begin/end pair. In array context it returns an array
       whose first element is the uudecoded string, the second is
       the filename and the third is the mode.