path: root/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web_ui_stores.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web_ui_stores.erl')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web_ui_stores.erl b/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web_ui_stores.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d39e571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web_ui_stores.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+init(Req, action) ->
+ with_location(Req#{action => cowboy_req:binding(action, Req)}, cowboy_req:binding(location, Req, undefined));
+init(Req, Action) ->
+ with_location(Req#{action => Action}, cowboy_req:binding(location, Req, undefined)).
+with_location(Req, undefined) ->
+ with_namespace(Req#{urn => dreki_world:root_path()});
+with_location(Req, <<"-">>) ->
+ with_namespace(Req#{urn => dreki_world:root_path()});
+with_location(Req0, Location) ->
+ Root = dreki_world:root_path(),
+ {ok, XUrn} = dreki_urn:expand(<<Root/binary, ":", Location/binary>>),
+ Req = Req0#{urn => maps:get(urn, XUrn)},
+ with_namespace(Req).
+with_namespace(Req) ->
+ with_namespace(Req, cowboy_req:binding(namespace, Req)).
+with_namespace(Req, undefined) ->
+ request(Req);
+with_namespace(Req = #{urn := Urn0}, Namespace) ->
+ Urn = <<Urn0/binary, "::", Namespace/binary>>,
+ with_directory(Req#{urn => Urn}).
+with_directory(Req) ->
+ with_directory(Req, cowboy_req:binding(directory, Req)).
+with_directory(Req, undefined) ->
+ request(Req);
+with_directory(Req = #{urn := Urn0}, Directory) ->
+ Urn = <<Urn0/binary, ":", Directory/binary>>,
+ with_id(Req#{urn => Urn}).
+with_id(Req) ->
+ with_id(Req, cowboy_req:binding(id, Req)).
+with_id(Req, undefined) ->
+ request(Req);
+with_id(Req = #{urn := Urn0}, Id) ->
+ Urn = <<Urn0/binary, ":", Id/binary>>,
+ request(Req#{urn => Urn}).
+request(Req = #{action := Action, method := Method, urn := Urn}) ->
+ logger:debug("Faked Urn ~p", [Urn]),
+ case dreki_urn:expand(Urn) of
+ {ok, XUrn} -> request(Method, Action, XUrn, Req);
+ {error, EMap=#{}} -> dreki_web_error:init(Req, EMap);
+ {error, _Error} -> dreki_web_error:init(Req, #{code => 404, status => "Not Found"})
+ end.
+%% Stores list
+request(<<"GET">>, undefined, #{resource := #{namespace := NS}}, Req) ->
+ {ok, Stores0} = dreki_store:stores(NS),
+ Stores = lists:map(fun (Store) ->
+ S = dreki_store:store_as_map(Store),
+ S#{href => urn_to_path(maps:get(urn, S))}
+ end, Stores0),
+ Html = dreki_web_ui:render(Req, namespace_dtl, [{namespace, NS}, {stores, Stores}]),
+ {ok, dreki_web_ui:reply_html(Req, 200, Html), undefined};
+%% List
+request(<<"GET">>, undefined, Urn = #{location := Loc, resource := #{directory := #{directory := Dir, namespace := NS}}}, Req) ->
+ {ok, Result} = dreki_store:list(Urn),
+ Results = lists:map(fun(Result) ->
+ Result#{href => urn_to_path(maps:get('@id', Result))}
+ end, maps:get(data, Result)),
+ Html = dreki_web_ui:render(Req, store_list_dtl, [
+ {location, Loc}, {namespace, NS}, {directory, Dir}, {results, Results},
+ {new, href(Req, <<"_/new">>)}
+ ]),
+ {ok, dreki_web_ui:reply_html(Req, 200, Html), undefined};
+%% New
+request(<<"GET">>, <<"new">>, #{urn := Urn, location := Loc, resource := #{directory := #{directory := Dir, namespace := NS}}}, Req) ->
+ logger:debug("Actual Urn: ~p", [Urn]),
+ {ok, Schemas} = dreki_store:list(<<Urn/binary, "::", "schemas">>),
+ {ok, Schema} = dreki_store:get(<<Urn/binary, "::", "schemas::">>),
+ Form = dreki_web_ui_json_form:render_html(Schema, #{}),
+ Html = dreki_web_ui:render(Req, store_new_dtl, [
+ {location, Loc}, {namespace, NS}, {directory, Dir},
+ {schema, Schema}, {schemas, Schemas},
+ {target, urn_to_path(Urn)}, {method, <<"POST">>},
+ {form, Form}
+ ]),
+ {ok, dreki_web_ui:reply_html(Req, 200, Html), undefined};
+%% Show
+request(<<"GET">>, undefined, Urn = #{location := Loc, resource := #{resource := #{id := Id, directory := Dir, namespace := NS}}}, Req) ->
+ {ok, Result0} = dreki_store:get(Urn),
+ Result = Result0#{'@href' => urn_to_path(Urn)},
+ Html = dreki_web_ui:render(Req, store_show_dtl, [{location, Loc}, {id, Id}, {directory, Dir}, {namespace, NS}, {result, Result}]),
+ {ok, dreki_web_ui:reply_html(Req, 200, Html), undefined}.
+derpinit(Req, _) ->
+ Json = #{<<"error">> => false, <<"service">> => <<"dreki">>},
+ logger:debug("REQ: ~p", [Req]),
+ {ok, dreki_web:reply_json(Req, 200, Json), undefined}.
+bad_request(Req) ->
+ dreki_web_error:init(Req, #{code => 400, status => "Bad request"}).
+href(Req = #{path := Path}, Append) ->
+ <<Path/binary, "/", Append/binary>>.
+location_to_path(Location) ->
+ Root = dreki_world:root_path(),
+ case Location =:= Root of
+ true -> <<"/admin/-">>;
+ false -> binary:replace(Location, <<Root/binary, ":">>, <<"/admin/">>)
+ end.
+urn_to_path(Urn) when is_binary(Urn) ->
+ {ok, XUrn} = dreki_urn:expand(Urn),
+ urn_to_path(XUrn);
+urn_to_path(#{location := Location, resource := #{namespace := NS}}) ->
+ LP = location_to_path(Location),
+ <<LP/binary, "/", NS/binary>>;
+urn_to_path(#{location := Location, resource := #{directory := #{directory := Dir, namespace := NS}}}) ->
+ LP = location_to_path(Location),
+ <<LP/binary, "/", NS/binary, "/", Dir/binary>>;
+urn_to_path(#{location := Location, resource := #{resource := #{id := Id, directory := Dir, namespace := NS}}}) ->
+ LP = location_to_path(Location),
+ <<LP/binary, "/", NS/binary, "/", Dir/binary, "/", Id/binary>>.