path: root/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web.erl')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web.erl b/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9e01e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dreki_web/src/dreki_web.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+-export([reply/5, reply_json/3, reply_json/4, temporary_redirect/2, req_param/2, identity_name/1]).
+-export([content_types_accepted/2, content_types_provided/2]).
+identity_name(#{identity := Identity}) ->
+ identity_name(Identity);
+identity_name(#{<<"identity">> := Identity}) ->
+ identity_name(Identity);
+identity_name(#{<<"traits">> := #{<<"name">> := #{<<"first">> := F, <<"last">> := L}}}) when is_binary(F), is_binary(L) ->
+ [F, " ", L];
+identity_name(#{<<"traits">> := #{<<"name">> := N}}) when is_binary(N) ->
+ N;
+identity_name(#{<<"traits">> := #{<<"username">> := U}}) when is_binary(U) ->
+ U;
+identity_name(#{<<"traits">> := #{<<"email">> := E}}) when is_binary(E) ->
+ E;
+identity_name(#{<<"id">> := Id}) ->
+ Id.
+reply(Req, Code, Json, Headers, json) ->
+ reply_json(Req, Code, Json, Headers);
+reply(Req, Code, Json, Headers, yaml) ->
+ reply_yaml(Req, Code, Json, Headers).
+reply_json(Req, Code, Json) ->
+ reply_json(Req, Code, Json, #{}).
+reply_json(Req, Code, Json, Headers0) when is_binary(Json) ->
+ Headers = maps:put(<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json">>, Headers0),
+ cowboy_req:reply(Code, Headers, Json, Req);
+reply_json(Req, Code, Json, Headers0) ->
+ reply_json(Req, Code, jsone:encode(Json), Headers0).
+reply_yaml(Req, Code, Yaml) ->
+ reply_yaml(Req, Code, Yaml, #{}).
+reply_yaml(Req, Code, Yaml, Headers0) when is_binary(Yaml) ->
+ Headers = maps:put(<<"content-type">>, <<"application/yaml">>, Headers0),
+ cowboy_req:reply(Code, Headers, Yaml, Req);
+reply_yaml(Req, Code, Yaml, Headers0) ->
+ reply_yaml(Req, Code, fast_yaml:encode(Yaml), Headers0).
+temporary_redirect(Req0, Url) ->
+ cowboy_req:reply(307, #{<<"location">> => Url}, Req0).
+req_param(Req, Param) ->
+ Qs = cowboy_req:parse_qs(Req),
+ case lists:keyfind(Param, 1, Qs) of
+ {_, Value} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ _ ->
+ {error, {missing_param, Param}}
+ end.
+content_types_accepted(Req, State) ->
+ {[
+ {{ <<"application">>, <<"json">>, '*'}, from_json},
+ {{ <<"application">>, <<"yaml">>, '*'}, from_yaml},
+ {{ <<"multipart">>, <<"form-data">>, '*'}, from_form}
+ ], Req, State}.
+content_types_provided(Req, State) ->
+ {[{{ <<"application">>, <<"json">>, '*'}, to_json}], Req, State}.
+detect_web_mimetype(Path) when is_binary(Path) ->
+ detect_web_mimetype(lists:reverse(binary_to_list(Path)), Path).
+detect_web_mimetype([$m, $s, $a, $w, $. | _], _) ->
+ {<<"application">>, <<"wasm">>, []};
+detect_web_mimetype(P, Path) ->
+ cow_mimetypes:web(Path).