path: root/apps/dreki/src/dreki_world.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/dreki/src/dreki_world.erl')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/dreki/src/dreki_world.erl b/apps/dreki/src/dreki_world.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437b6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dreki/src/dreki_world.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+-export([ensure_consistency/0, index/2]).
+-export([get_path/1, get_path/2, paths/0, put_path/3]).
+-export([get_region_from_dns_name/1, get_region/1, get_region/2, get_region/3, create_region/1, put_region/3]).
+-export([node/0, nodes/0, get_node_from_dns_name/1, get_node/1, create_node_from_dns_name/2, create_node/2, put_node/3]).
+-export([refresh_index/2, get/2, get/3, maybe_put_index/5]).
+-export([to_map/0, root_domain/0, internal_domain/0, domain/0, hierarchy/0, parent/0, me/0, path/0, root_path/0, strip_root_path/1, put_root_path/1, read_uri/1, domain_to_path/1]).
+ensure_consistency() ->
+ Dns = dreki_world_dns:as_map(),
+ Vertices = maps:get(vertices, Dns),
+ ensure_consistency(Vertices, []).
+ensure_consistency([#{type := root, name := Root} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ Acc = case get_region_from_dns_name(Root) of
+ {error, {not_found, _}} ->
+ ok = create_region_from_dns_name(Root),
+ put_region(Root, root, true),
+ [{root, Root} | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end,
+ Res = [Log || Kind <- [tasks], Log = {create, _} <- [ensure_global_root_stores(Root, Kind)]],
+ ensure_consistency(Rest, Res ++ Acc);
+ensure_consistency([#{type := region, name := Region} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ case get_region_from_dns_name(Region) of
+ {error, {not_found, _}} ->
+ ensure_consistency(Rest, [{Region, create_region_from_dns_name(Region)} | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ ensure_consistency(Rest, Acc)
+ end;
+ensure_consistency([_ | Rest], Acc) ->
+ ensure_consistency(Rest, Acc);
+ensure_consistency([], Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+ensure_global_root_stores(Root, Kind) ->
+ {ok, Region} = get_region_from_dns_name(Root),
+ RegionUri = maps:get(uri, Region),
+ KindB = atom_to_binary(Kind),
+ StoreUri = <<RegionUri/binary, "::", KindB/binary, ":global">>,
+ case dreki_store:get_store(StoreUri) of
+ {ok, _store} -> ok;
+ _ -> {create, {Root,Kind,dreki_store:create_store(StoreUri, dreki_world_store, #{}, #{})}}
+ end.
+put_index(IdxKey, IdxValue, Uri, Data) ->
+ plum_db:put({IdxKey, IdxValue}, Uri, Data).
+maybe_put_index(Kind, IdxKey, IdxValue, Uri, Data) ->
+ case lists:member(IdxKey, index_fields(Kind)) of
+ true -> put_index(index_key(IdxKey), IdxValue, Uri, Data);
+ false -> ok
+ end.
+index_key(roles) -> 'idx:roles';
+index_key(tags) -> 'idx:tags'.
+index(Key, Value) ->
+ Idx = index_key(Key),
+ plum_db:fold(fun
+ ({_, ['$deleted']}, Acc) -> Acc;
+ ({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
+ [{Key, Val} | Acc]
+ end, [], {Idx, Value}).
+index_fields(node) -> [roles, tags];
+index_fields(region) -> [roles, tags];
+index_fields(_) -> [roles, tags].
+refresh_index(Kind, Map) when is_atom(Kind) ->
+ refresh_index(index_fields(Kind), Kind, Map).
+refresh_index([Field | Rest], Kind, Map = #{uri := URI}) ->
+ Values = case maps:get(Field, Map, undefined) of
+ undefined -> [];
+ V when is_list(V) -> V;
+ V -> [V]
+ end,
+ [maybe_put_index(Kind, Field, V, URI, undefined) || V <- Values],
+ refresh_index(Rest, Kind, Map);
+refresh_index([], _, _) ->
+ ok.
+clean_path(Path) ->
+ Len = byte_size(Path) - 1,
+ case Path of
+ <<P:Len/binary, ":">> -> P;
+ P -> P
+ end.
+put_path(Path0, Kind, Uri) ->
+ Path = clean_path(Path0),
+ {ok, Links} = get({paths, Path}, Path, [{default, #{}}]),
+ case maps:find(Kind, Links) of
+ {ok, _} -> {error, {exists, {Path, Kind}}};
+ error ->
+ ok = plum_db:put({paths, Path}, Path, Links#{Kind => Uri}),
+ ok
+ end.
+get_path(Path0) ->
+ Path = clean_path(Path0),
+ case get({paths, Path}, Path) of
+ not_found -> {error, {not_found, {path, Path}}};
+ {ok, Data} -> {ok, Data}
+ end.
+get_path(Path, Kind) ->
+ case get_path(Path) of
+ {ok, Map} ->
+ case maps:get(Kind, Map, undefined) of
+ undefined -> {error, {not_found, {Path, Kind}}};
+ Value -> {ok, Value}
+ end;
+ Error = {error, _} -> Error
+ end.
+paths() ->
+ plum_db:fold(fun
+ ({_, ['$deleted']}, Acc) -> Acc;
+ ({Path, Value}, Acc) ->
+ maps:put(Path, Value, Acc)
+ end, #{}, {paths, '_'}).
+get(Prefix, Key) ->
+ get(Prefix, Key, []).
+get(Prefix, Key, Opts) ->
+ case plum_db:get(Prefix, Key, Opts) of
+ undefined -> not_found;
+ ['$deleted'] -> not_found;
+ Val -> {ok, Val}
+ end.
+region_uri_from_dns_name(Name) ->
+ Root = internal_domain(),
+ if
+ Root =:= Name -> root_path();
+ true -> domain_to_path(Name)
+ end.
+get_region_from_dns_name(Name) ->
+ get_region(region_uri_from_dns_name(Name)).
+get_region(Path) ->
+ case get_path(Path, region) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ Region = plum_db:fold(fun
+ ({_, ['$deleted']}, M) -> M;
+ ({{_, K}, V}, M) -> maps:put(K, V, M)
+ end, #{uri => Path}, {regions, Path}),
+ {ok, Region};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+get_region(Path, Key) ->
+ get_region(Path, Key, undefined).
+get_region(Path, Key, GetOpts) ->
+ case get_path(Path, region) of
+ {ok, _} -> get({regions, Path}, {Path, Key}, GetOpts);
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+create_region_from_dns_name(Name) ->
+ create_region(region_uri_from_dns_name(Name)).
+create_region(Path) ->
+ case get_region(Path) of
+ {ok, _} -> {error, {exists, {region, Path}}};
+ {error, {not_found, _}} ->
+ ok = put_path(Path, region, Path),
+ ok = put_region(Path, region, Path),
+ {ok, R} = get_region(Path),
+ ok = refresh_index(region, R),
+ ok
+ end.
+put_region(Path, Key, Value) ->
+ case get_path(Path, region) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok = plum_db:put({regions, Path}, {Path, Key}, Value),
+ ok = maybe_put_index(region, Key, Value, Path, undefined);
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+nodes() ->
+ lists:foldr(fun (Domain, Acc) ->
+ case get_node_from_dns_name(Domain) of
+ {ok, Node} -> [Node | Acc];
+ _ -> Acc
+ end
+ end, [], dreki_world_dns:nodes()).
+node() ->
+ dreki_world:domain_to_path(dreki_world:domain()).
+get_node_from_dns_name(Name) ->
+ get_node(domain_to_path(Name)).
+get_node(Path) ->
+ case get_path(Path, node) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ Node = plum_db:fold(fun
+ ({_, ['$deleted']}, M) -> M;
+ ({{_, K}, [V]}, M) -> maps:put(K, V, M)
+ end, #{uri => Path}, {nodes, Path}),
+ {ok, Node};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+create_node_from_dns_name(Name, Params) ->
+ create_node(domain_to_path(Name), Params).
+create_node(Path, Params) ->
+ case get_path(Path, node) of
+ {ok, _} -> {error, {exists, {node, Path}}};
+ {error, {not_found, _}} ->
+ ok = put_path(Path, node, Path),
+ ok = put_node(Path, node, Path),
+ [ok = put_node(Path, Key, Value) || {Key, Value} <- maps:to_list(Params)],
+ ok
+ end.
+put_node(Path, Key, Value) ->
+ case get_path(Path, node) of
+ {ok, _} -> plum_db:put({nodes, Path}, {Path, Key}, Value);
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+domain_to_path(Domain) ->
+ Clean = strip_domain(Domain, internal_domain()),
+ Parts = binary:split(Clean, <<".">>, [global]),
+ Components = [<<"dreki">>, root_domain(), internal_subdomain()] ++ lists:reverse(Parts),
+ join(<<":">>, Components).
+path_to_domain(<<"dreki:", Rest/binary>>) ->
+ [Location | _] = binary:split(Rest, <<"::">>),
+ Components = binary:split(Location, <<":">>, [global]),
+ join(<<".">>, lists:reverse(Components)).
+root_domain() ->
+ get_env(root_domain).
+internal_domain() ->
+ get_env(internal_domain).
+domain() ->
+ get_env(domain).
+read_uri(U = <<"dreki:", _/binary>>) ->
+ read_uri(U, root_path());
+read_uri(Invalid) ->
+ {error, {bad_type, Invalid}}.
+%% Remove root
+%%read_uri(U, Root) ->
+%% read_uri(U, Root, Rest).
+%%read_uri(U, Root) ->
+%% {error, #{message => <<"URI outside of domain">>, uri => U, domain => Root}}.
+%% Extract hierarchy
+read_uri(U, Root) ->
+ {Hier, Res} = case binary:split(U, <<"::">>) of
+ [H, R] -> {H, R};
+ [H] -> {H, undefined}
+ end,
+ case get_path(H) of
+ {ok, Thing} -> read_uri_(U, Root, H, Res, Thing);
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+read_uri_(U, Root, Path, ResPath, Thing) ->
+ Kind = case maps:keys(Thing) of
+ [K] -> K;
+ Ks -> Ks
+ end,
+ RegionStoreHint = case {maps:get(region, Thing, false), maps:get(node, Thing, false)} of
+ {false, _} -> global;
+ {_, false} -> global;
+ {_, _} -> local
+ end,
+ StoreHints = lists:foldr(fun
+ (node, Acc) -> maps:put(node, local, Acc);
+ (region, Acc) -> maps:put(region, RegionStoreHint, Acc)
+ end, #{}, maps:keys(Thing)),
+ Uri = #{domain => Root, path => Path, kind => Kind, store_hints => StoreHints, uri => U},
+ case read_resource_uri(ResPath, Uri) of
+ {ok, Resource} ->
+ {ok, Uri#{resource => Resource}};
+ {error, invalid_resource} ->
+ {error, #{message => <<"Invalid resource">>, uri => U, resource => ResPath}};
+ {error, invalid_namespace, NS} ->
+ {error, #{message => <<"Invalid namespace">>, uri => U, namespace => NS}}
+ end.
+read_resource_uri(undefined, _) ->
+ {ok, undefined};
+read_resource_uri(Path, Uri) ->
+ {NS, Rest} = case binary:split(Path, <<":">>) of
+ [NS, R] -> {NS, R};
+ [NS] -> {NS, undefined}
+ end,
+ case namespace_to_module(NS) of
+ {ok, Mod} -> Mod:read_uri(Rest, Uri);
+ error -> {error, invalid_namespace, NS}
+ end.
+namespace_to_module(<<"tasks">>) -> namespace_to_module(tasks);
+namespace_to_module(<<"names">>) -> namespace_to_module(names);
+namespace_to_module(tasks) -> {ok, dreki_tasks};
+namespace_to_module(names) -> {ok, dreki_names};
+namespace_to_module(_) -> error.
+internal_subdomain() ->
+ strip_domain(internal_domain(), root_domain()).
+root_path() ->
+ join(<<":">>, [<<"dreki">>, root_domain(), internal_subdomain()]).
+strip_root_path(Path) ->
+ Root = root_path(),
+ binary:replace(Path, <<Root/binary>>, <<"">>).
+put_root_path(Path) ->
+ join(<<":">>, [root_path(), Path]).
+path() ->
+ HierJ = lists:reverse(hierarchy()),
+ Components = [<<"dreki">>, root_domain(), internal_subdomain()] ++ HierJ,
+ join(<<":">>, Components).
+hierarchy() ->
+ binary:split(strip_domain(domain(), internal_domain()), <<".">>, [global]).
+parent() ->
+ case hierarchy() of
+ [_, Parent | _] -> Parent;
+ [Parent] -> Parent
+ end.
+me() ->
+ [Me | _] = hierarchy(),
+ Me.
+get_env(Key) ->
+ {ok, Val} = application:get_env(dreki, Key),
+ Val.
+to_map() ->
+ #{domain => #{root => root_domain(), internal => internal_domain(), self => domain()},
+ path => path(),
+ root_path => root_path(),
+ hiearchy => lists:reverse(hierarchy()),
+ parent => parent(),
+ me => me()}.
+strip_domain(FQDN, Parent) ->
+ binary:replace(FQDN, <<".", Parent/binary>>, <<"">>).
+join(_Separator, []) ->
+ <<>>;
+join(Separator, [H|T]) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (Value, Acc) -> <<Acc/binary, Separator/binary, Value/binary>> end, H, T).