%%% ==================================================================== %%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %%% %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %%% under the License. %%% %%% @author Brian Cully %%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time} %%% @end %%% ==================================================================== -module(nodetree_dag). -author('bjc@kublai.com'). %% API -export([init/3, terminate/2, options/0, set_node/1, get_node/3, get_node/2, get_node/1, get_nodes/2, get_nodes/1, get_parentnodes/3, get_parentnodes_tree/3, get_subnodes/3, get_subnodes_tree/3, create_node/6, delete_node/2]). -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -behaviour(gen_pubsub_nodetree). -define(DEFAULT_NODETYPE, leaf). -define(DEFAULT_PARENTS, []). -define(DEFAULT_CHILDREN, []). -compile(export_all). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== init(Host, ServerHost, Opts) -> nodetree_tree:init(Host, ServerHost, Opts). terminate(Host, ServerHost) -> nodetree_tree:terminate(Host, ServerHost). -spec(create_node/6 :: ( Key :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeID :: mod_pubsub:nodeId(), Type :: binary(), Owner :: jid(), Options :: mod_pubsub:nodeOptions(), Parents :: [mod_pubsub:nodeId()]) -> {ok, NodeIdx::mod_pubsub:nodeIdx()} | {error, xmlel()} ). create_node(Key, NodeID, Type, Owner, Options, Parents) -> OwnerJID = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(Owner)), case find_node(Key, NodeID) of false -> NodeIdx = pubsub_index:new(node), N = #pubsub_node{nodeid = oid(Key, NodeID), id = NodeIdx, type = Type, parents = Parents, owners = [OwnerJID], options = Options}, case set_node(N) of ok -> {ok, NodeIdx}; Other -> Other end; _ -> {error, ?ERR_CONFLICT} end. -spec(set_node/1 :: ( PubsubNode::mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()) -> ok %%% | {error, xmlel()} ). set_node(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Key, _}, owners = Owners, options = Options} = Node) -> Parents = find_opt(collection, ?DEFAULT_PARENTS, Options), case validate_parentage(Key, Owners, Parents) of true -> mnesia:write(Node#pubsub_node{parents = Parents}); Other -> Other end. -spec(delete_node/2 :: ( Key :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeID :: mod_pubsub:nodeId()) -> [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode(),...] %%% | {error, xmlel()} ). delete_node(Key, NodeID) -> case find_node(Key, NodeID) of false -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}; Node -> lists:foreach(fun (#pubsub_node{options = Opts} = Child) -> NewOpts = remove_config_parent(NodeID, Opts), Parents = find_opt(collection, ?DEFAULT_PARENTS, NewOpts), ok = mnesia:write(pubsub_node, Child#pubsub_node{parents = Parents, options = NewOpts}, write) end, get_subnodes(Key, NodeID)), pubsub_index:free(node, Node#pubsub_node.id), mnesia:delete_object(pubsub_node, Node, write), [Node] end. options() -> nodetree_tree:options(). get_node(Host, NodeID, _From) -> get_node(Host, NodeID). -spec(get_node/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeID :: mod_pubsub:nodeId()) -> mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %%% | {error, xmlel} ). get_node(Host, NodeID) -> case find_node(Host, NodeID) of false -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}; Node -> Node end. -spec(get_node/1 :: ( NodeIdx::mod_pubsub:nodeIdx()) -> mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() | {error, xmlel()} ). get_node(NodeId) -> nodetree_tree:get_node(NodeId). get_nodes(Key, From) -> nodetree_tree:get_nodes(Key, From). -spec(get_nodes/1 :: ( Host::mod_pubsub:host()) -> [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()] ). get_nodes(Key) -> nodetree_tree:get_nodes(Key). -spec(get_parentnodes/3 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeID :: mod_pubsub:nodeId(), _From :: _) -> [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()] %%% | {error, xmlel()} ). get_parentnodes(Host, NodeID, _From) -> case find_node(Host, NodeID) of false -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}; #pubsub_node{parents = Parents} -> Q = qlc:q([N || #pubsub_node{nodeid = {NHost, NNode}} = N <- mnesia:table(pubsub_node), Parent <- Parents, Host == NHost, Parent == NNode]), qlc:e(Q) end. get_parentnodes_tree(Host, NodeID, _From) -> Pred = fun (NID, #pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, NNodeID}}) -> NID == NNodeID end, Tr = fun (#pubsub_node{parents = Parents}) -> Parents end, traversal_helper(Pred, Tr, Host, [NodeID]). get_subnodes(Host, NodeID, _From) -> get_subnodes(Host, NodeID). -spec(get_subnodes/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeId :: mod_pubsub:nodeId()) -> [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()] ). get_subnodes(Host, <<>>) -> get_subnodes_helper(Host, <<>>); get_subnodes(Host, NodeID) -> case find_node(Host, NodeID) of false -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}; _ -> get_subnodes_helper(Host, NodeID) end. -spec(get_subnodes_helper/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeID :: mod_pubsub:nodeId()) -> [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()] ). get_subnodes_helper(Host, NodeID) -> Q = qlc:q([Node || #pubsub_node{nodeid = {NHost, _}, parents = Parents} = Node <- mnesia:table(pubsub_node), Host == NHost, lists:member(NodeID, Parents)]), qlc:e(Q). get_subnodes_tree(Host, NodeID, From) -> Pred = fun (NID, #pubsub_node{parents = Parents}) -> lists:member(NID, Parents) end, Tr = fun (#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, N}}) -> [N] end, traversal_helper(Pred, Tr, 1, Host, [NodeID], [{0, [get_node(Host, NodeID, From)]}]). %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== oid(Key, Name) -> {Key, Name}. %% Key = jlib:jid() | host() %% NodeID = string() -spec(find_node/2 :: ( Key :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeID :: mod_pubsub:nodeId()) -> mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() | false ). find_node(Key, NodeID) -> case mnesia:read(pubsub_node, oid(Key, NodeID), read) of [] -> false; [Node] -> Node end. %% Key = jlib:jid() | host() %% Default = term() %% Options = [{Key = atom(), Value = term()}] find_opt(Key, Default, Options) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of {value, {Key, Val}} -> Val; _ -> Default end. -spec(traversal_helper/4 :: ( Pred :: fun(), Tr :: fun(), Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), NodeId :: [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode(),...]) -> [{Depth::non_neg_integer(), Nodes::[mod_pubsub:pubsubNode(),...]}] ). traversal_helper(Pred, Tr, Host, NodeIDs) -> traversal_helper(Pred, Tr, 0, Host, NodeIDs, []). traversal_helper(_Pred, _Tr, _Depth, _Host, [], Acc) -> Acc; traversal_helper(Pred, Tr, Depth, Host, NodeIDs, Acc) -> Q = qlc:q([Node || #pubsub_node{nodeid = {NHost, _}} = Node <- mnesia:table(pubsub_node), NodeID <- NodeIDs, Host == NHost, Pred(NodeID, Node)]), Nodes = qlc:e(Q), IDs = lists:flatmap(Tr, Nodes), traversal_helper(Pred, Tr, Depth + 1, Host, IDs, [{Depth, Nodes} | Acc]). remove_config_parent(NodeID, Options) -> remove_config_parent(NodeID, Options, []). remove_config_parent(_NodeID, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); remove_config_parent(NodeID, [{collection, Parents} | T], Acc) -> remove_config_parent(NodeID, T, [{collection, lists:delete(NodeID, Parents)} | Acc]); remove_config_parent(NodeID, [H | T], Acc) -> remove_config_parent(NodeID, T, [H | Acc]). -spec(validate_parentage/3 :: ( Key :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), Owners :: [ljid(),...], Parent_NodeIds :: [mod_pubsub:nodeId()]) -> true %%% | {error, xmlel()} ). validate_parentage(_Key, _Owners, []) -> true; validate_parentage(Key, Owners, [[] | T]) -> validate_parentage(Key, Owners, T); validate_parentage(Key, Owners, [<<>> | T]) -> validate_parentage(Key, Owners, T); validate_parentage(Key, Owners, [ParentID | T]) -> case find_node(Key, ParentID) of false -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND}; #pubsub_node{owners = POwners, options = POptions} -> NodeType = find_opt(node_type, ?DEFAULT_NODETYPE, POptions), MutualOwners = [O || O <- Owners, PO <- POwners, O == PO], case {MutualOwners, NodeType} of {[], _} -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; {_, collection} -> validate_parentage(Key, Owners, T); {_, _} -> {error, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED} end end. %% @spec (Host) -> jid() %% Host = host() %% @doc

Generate pubsub service JID.

service_jid(Host) -> case Host of {U, S, _} -> jlib:make_jid(U, S, <<>>); _ -> jlib:make_jid(<<>>, Host, <<>>) end.