%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_bosh.erl %%% Author : Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% Purpose : This module acts as a bridge to ejabberd_bosh which implements %%% the real stuff, this is to handle the new pluggable architecture %%% for extending ejabberd's http service. %%% Created : 20 Jul 2011 by Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2022 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_bosh). -author('steve@zeank.in-berlin.de'). %%-define(ejabberd_debug, true). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start_link/0]). -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, process/2, open_session/2, close_session/1, find_session/1, clean_cache/1]). -export([depends/2, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, mod_doc/0]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("bosh.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -callback init() -> any(). -callback open_session(binary(), pid()) -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback close_session(binary()) -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback find_session(binary()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. -callback use_cache() -> boolean(). -callback cache_nodes() -> [node()]. -optional_callbacks([use_cache/0, cache_nodes/0]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). process([], #request{method = 'POST', data = <<>>}) -> ?DEBUG("Bad Request: no data", []), {400, ?HEADER(?CT_XML), #xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, <<"400 Bad Request">>}]}}; process([], #request{method = 'POST', data = Data, ip = IP, headers = Hdrs}) -> ?DEBUG("Incoming data: ~p", [Data]), Type = get_type(Hdrs), ejabberd_bosh:process_request(Data, IP, Type); process([], #request{method = 'GET', data = <<>>}) -> {200, ?HEADER(?CT_XML), get_human_html_xmlel()}; process([], #request{method = 'OPTIONS', data = <<>>}) -> {200, ?OPTIONS_HEADER, []}; process(_Path, _Request) -> ?DEBUG("Bad Request: ~p", [_Request]), {400, ?HEADER(?CT_XML), #xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, <<"400 Bad Request">>}]}}. -spec open_session(binary(), pid()) -> ok | {error, any()}. open_session(SID, Pid) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(global, ?MODULE), case Mod:open_session(SID, Pid) of ok -> delete_cache(Mod, SID); {error, _} = Err -> Err end. -spec close_session(binary()) -> ok. close_session(SID) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(global, ?MODULE), Mod:close_session(SID), delete_cache(Mod, SID). -spec find_session(binary()) -> {ok, pid()} | error. find_session(SID) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(global, ?MODULE), case use_cache(Mod) of true -> ets_cache:lookup( ?BOSH_CACHE, SID, fun() -> case Mod:find_session(SID) of {ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid}; {error, _} -> error end end); false -> case Mod:find_session(SID) of {ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid}; {error, _} -> error end end. start(Host, _Opts) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(Host, ?MODULE), init_cache(Host, Mod), Mod:init(), clean_cache(), TmpSup = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE), TmpSupSpec = {TmpSup, {ejabberd_tmp_sup, start_link, [TmpSup, ejabberd_bosh]}, permanent, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, TmpSupSpec). stop(Host) -> TmpSup = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE), supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, TmpSup), supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, TmpSup). reload(Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(global, ?MODULE), init_cache(Host, Mod), Mod:init(), ok. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== get_type(Hdrs) -> try {_, S} = lists:keyfind('Content-Type', 1, Hdrs), [T|_] = str:tokens(S, <<";">>), [_, <<"json">>] = str:tokens(T, <<"/">>), json catch _:_ -> xml end. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. mod_opt_type(json) -> econf:and_then( econf:bool(), fun(false) -> false; (true) -> ejabberd:start_app(jiffy), true end); mod_opt_type(max_concat) -> econf:pos_int(unlimited); mod_opt_type(max_inactivity) -> econf:timeout(second); mod_opt_type(max_pause) -> econf:timeout(second); mod_opt_type(prebind) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(queue_type) -> econf:queue_type(); mod_opt_type(ram_db_type) -> econf:db_type(?MODULE); mod_opt_type(use_cache) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_size) -> econf:pos_int(infinity); mod_opt_type(cache_missed) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_life_time) -> econf:timeout(second, infinity). -spec mod_options(binary()) -> [{json, boolean()} | {atom(), term()}]. mod_options(Host) -> [{json, false}, {max_concat, unlimited}, {max_inactivity, timer:seconds(30)}, {max_pause, timer:seconds(120)}, {prebind, false}, {ram_db_type, ejabberd_config:default_ram_db(Host, ?MODULE)}, {queue_type, ejabberd_option:queue_type(Host)}, {use_cache, ejabberd_option:use_cache(Host)}, {cache_size, ejabberd_option:cache_size(Host)}, {cache_missed, ejabberd_option:cache_missed(Host)}, {cache_life_time, ejabberd_option:cache_life_time(Host)}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => ?T("This module implements XMPP over BOSH as defined in " "https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0124.html[XEP-0124] and " "https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0206.html[XEP-0206]. BOSH " "stands for Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP. " "It makes it possible to simulate long lived connections " "required by XMPP over the HTTP protocol. In practice, " "this module makes it possible to use XMPP in a browser without " "Websocket support and more generally to have a way to use " "XMPP while having to get through an HTTP proxy."), opts => [{json, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("This option has no effect.")}}, {max_concat, #{value => "pos_integer() | infinity", desc => ?T("This option limits the number of stanzas that the server " "will send in a single bosh request. " "The default value is 'unlimited'.")}}, {max_inactivity, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("The option defines the maximum inactivity period. " "The default value is '30' seconds.")}}, {max_pause, #{value => "pos_integer()", desc => ?T("Indicate the maximum length of a temporary session pause " "(in seconds) that a client can request. " "The default value is '120'.")}}, {prebind, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("If enabled, the client can create the session without " "going through authentication. Basically, it creates a " "new session with anonymous authentication. " "The default value is 'false'.")}}, {queue_type, #{value => "ram | file", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`queue_type`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {ram_db_type, #{value => "mnesia | sql | redis", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`default_ram_db`_ option, " "but applied to this module only.")}}, {use_cache, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`use_cache`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_size, #{value => "pos_integer() | infinity", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_size`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_missed, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_missed`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_life_time, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_life_time`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}], example => ["listen:", " -", " port: 5222", " module: ejabberd_c2s", " -", " port: 5443", " module: ejabberd_http", " request_handlers:", " /bosh: mod_bosh", "", "modules:", " mod_bosh: {}"]}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Cache stuff %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init_cache(binary(), module()) -> ok. init_cache(Host, Mod) -> case use_cache(Mod, Host) of true -> ets_cache:new(?BOSH_CACHE, cache_opts(Host)); false -> ets_cache:delete(?BOSH_CACHE) end. -spec use_cache(module()) -> boolean(). use_cache(Mod) -> use_cache(Mod, global). -spec use_cache(module(), global | binary()) -> boolean(). use_cache(Mod, Host) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, use_cache, 0) of true -> Mod:use_cache(); false -> mod_bosh_opt:use_cache(Host) end. -spec cache_nodes(module()) -> [node()]. cache_nodes(Mod) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, cache_nodes, 0) of true -> Mod:cache_nodes(); false -> ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes() end. -spec delete_cache(module(), binary()) -> ok. delete_cache(Mod, SID) -> case use_cache(Mod) of true -> ets_cache:delete(?BOSH_CACHE, SID, cache_nodes(Mod)); false -> ok end. -spec cache_opts(binary()) -> [proplists:property()]. cache_opts(Host) -> MaxSize = mod_bosh_opt:cache_size(Host), CacheMissed = mod_bosh_opt:cache_missed(Host), LifeTime = mod_bosh_opt:cache_life_time(Host), [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. -spec clean_cache(node()) -> non_neg_integer(). clean_cache(Node) -> ets_cache:filter( ?BOSH_CACHE, fun(_, error) -> false; (_, {ok, Pid}) -> node(Pid) /= Node end). -spec clean_cache() -> ok. clean_cache() -> ejabberd_cluster:eval_everywhere(?MODULE, clean_cache, [node()]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Help Web Page %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_human_html_xmlel() -> Heading = <<"ejabberd ", (iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(?MODULE)))/binary>>, #xmlel{name = <<"html">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"head">>, children = [#xmlel{name = <<"title">>, children = [{xmlcdata, Heading}]}, #xmlel{name = <<"style">>, children = [{xmlcdata, get_style_cdata()}]}]}, #xmlel{name = <<"body">>, children = [#xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"container">>}], children = get_container_children(Heading)}]}]}. get_container_children(Heading) -> [#xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"section">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"block">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"a">>, attrs = [{<<"href">>, <<"https://www.ejabberd.im">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"img">>, attrs = [{<<"height">>, <<"32">>}, {<<"src">>, get_image_src()}]}]}]}]}, #xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"white section">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"block">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, children = [{xmlcdata, Heading}]}, #xmlel{name = <<"p">>, children = [{xmlcdata, <<"An implementation of ">>}, #xmlel{name = <<"a">>, attrs = [{<<"href">>, <<"http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0206.html">>}], children = [{xmlcdata, <<"XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0206)">>}]}]}, #xmlel{name = <<"p">>, children = [{xmlcdata, <<"This web page is only informative. To " "use HTTP-Bind you need a Jabber/XMPP " "client that supports it.">>}]}]}]}, #xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"section">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"div">>, attrs = [{<<"class">>, <<"block">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"a">>, attrs = [{<<"href">>, <<"https://www.ejabberd.im">>}, {<<"title">>, <<"ejabberd XMPP server">>}], children = [{xmlcdata, <<"ejabberd">>}]}, {xmlcdata, <<" is maintained by ">>}, #xmlel{name = <<"a">>, attrs = [{<<"href">>, <<"https://www.process-one.net">>}, {<<"title">>, <<"ProcessOne - Leader in Instant Messaging and Push Solutions">>}], children = [{xmlcdata, <<"ProcessOne">>}]} ]}]} ]. get_style_cdata() -> case misc:read_css("bosh.css") of {ok, Data} -> Data; {error, _} -> <<>> end. get_image_src() -> case misc:read_img("bosh-logo.png") of {ok, Img} -> B64Img = base64:encode(Img), <<"data:image/png;base64,", B64Img/binary>>; {error, _} -> <<>> end.