%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 4 Mar 2017 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_pkix). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). %% API -export([start_link/0, add_certfile/1, format_error/1, opt_type/1, get_certfile/1, route_registered/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("jid.hrl"). -record(state, {validate = true :: boolean(), certs = #{}}). -record(cert_state, {domains = [] :: [binary()]}). -type cert() :: #'OTPCertificate'{}. -type priv_key() :: public_key:private_key(). -type pub_key() :: #'RSAPublicKey'{} | {integer(), #'Dss-Parms'{}} | #'ECPoint'{}. -type bad_cert_reason() :: cert_expired | invalid_issuer | invalid_signature | name_not_permitted | missing_basic_constraint | invalid_key_usage | selfsigned_peer | unknown_sig_algo | unknown_ca | missing_priv_key. -type bad_cert() :: {bad_cert, bad_cert_reason()}. -type cert_error() :: not_cert | not_der | not_pem | encrypted. -export_type([cert_error/0]). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== -spec add_certfile(filename:filename()) -> ok | {error, cert_error() | file:posix()}. add_certfile(Path0) -> Path = case filename:pathtype(Path0) of relative -> {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), iolist_to_binary(filename:join(CWD, Path0)); _ -> iolist_to_binary(Path0) end, gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_certfile, Path}). route_registered(Route) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {route_registered, Route}). -spec format_error(cert_error() | file:posix()) -> string(). format_error(not_cert) -> "no PEM encoded certificates found"; format_error(not_pem) -> "failed to decode from PEM format"; format_error(not_der) -> "failed to decode from DER format"; format_error(encrypted) -> "encrypted certificate found in the chain"; format_error({bad_cert, cert_expired}) -> "certificate is no longer valid as its expiration date has passed"; format_error({bad_cert, invalid_issuer}) -> "certificate issuer name does not match the name of the " "issuer certificate in the chain"; format_error({bad_cert, invalid_signature}) -> "certificate was not signed by its issuer certificate in the chain"; format_error({bad_cert, name_not_permitted}) -> "invalid Subject Alternative Name extension"; format_error({bad_cert, missing_basic_constraint}) -> "certificate, required to have the basic constraints extension, " "does not have a basic constraints extension"; format_error({bad_cert, invalid_key_usage}) -> "certificate key is used in an invalid way according " "to the key-usage extension"; format_error({bad_cert, selfsigned_peer}) -> "self-signed certificate in the chain"; format_error({bad_cert, unknown_sig_algo}) -> "certificate is signed using unknown algorithm"; format_error({bad_cert, unknown_ca}) -> "certificate is signed by unknown CA"; format_error({bad_cert, missing_priv_key}) -> "no matching private key found for certificate in the chain"; format_error({bad_cert, Unknown}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Unknown])); format_error(Why) -> case file:format_error(Why) of "unknown POSIX error" -> atom_to_list(Why); Reason -> Reason end. -spec get_certfile(binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | error. get_certfile(Domain) -> case ejabberd_idna:domain_utf8_to_ascii(Domain) of false -> error; ASCIIDomain -> case ets:lookup(?MODULE, ASCIIDomain) of [] -> case binary:split(ASCIIDomain, <<".">>, [trim]) of [_, Host] -> case ets:lookup(?MODULE, <<"*.", Host/binary>>) of [{_, Path}|_] -> {ok, Path}; [] -> error end; _ -> error end; [{_, Path}|_] -> {ok, Path} end end. start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). opt_type(ca_path) -> fun(Path) -> iolist_to_binary(Path) end; opt_type(_) -> [ca_path]. %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public, bag]), ejabberd_hooks:add(route_registered, ?MODULE, route_registered, 50), Validate = case os:type() of {win32, _} -> false; _ -> true end, if Validate -> check_ca_dir(); true -> ok end, State = #state{validate = Validate}, {ok, add_certfiles(State)}. handle_call({add_certfile, Path}, _, State) -> {Result, NewState} = add_certfile(Path, State), {reply, Result, NewState}; handle_call({route_registered, Host}, _, State) -> NewState = add_certfiles(Host, State), case get_certfile(Host) of {ok, _} -> ok; error -> ?WARNING_MSG("No certificate found matching '~s': strictly " "configured clients or servers will reject " "connections with this host", [Host]) end, {reply, ok, NewState}; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected info: ~p", [_Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(route_registered, ?MODULE, route_registered, 50). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== add_certfiles(State) -> lists:foldl( fun(Host, AccState) -> add_certfiles(Host, AccState) end, State, ejabberd_config:get_myhosts()). add_certfiles(Host, State) -> lists:foldl( fun(Opt, AccState) -> case ejabberd_config:get_option({Opt, Host}) of undefined -> AccState; Path -> {_, NewAccState} = add_certfile(Path, AccState), NewAccState end end, State, [c2s_certfile, s2s_certfile, domain_certfile]). add_certfile(Path, State) -> case maps:get(Path, State#state.certs, undefined) of #cert_state{} -> {ok, State}; undefined -> case mk_cert_state(Path, State#state.validate) of {error, Reason} -> {{error, Reason}, State}; {ok, CertState} -> NewCerts = maps:put(Path, CertState, State#state.certs), lists:foreach( fun(Domain) -> ets:insert(?MODULE, {Domain, Path}) end, CertState#cert_state.domains), {ok, State#state{certs = NewCerts}} end end. mk_cert_state(Path, Validate) -> case check_certfile(Path, Validate) of {ok, Ds} -> {ok, #cert_state{domains = Ds}}; {invalid, Ds, {bad_cert, _} = Why} -> ?WARNING_MSG("certificate from ~s is invalid: ~s", [Path, format_error(Why)]), {ok, #cert_state{domains = Ds}}; {error, Why} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to read certificate from ~s: ~s", [Path, format_error(Why)]), Err end. -spec check_certfile(filename:filename(), boolean()) -> {ok, [binary()]} | {invalid, [binary()], bad_cert()} | {error, cert_error() | file:posix()}. check_certfile(Path, Validate) -> try {ok, Data} = file:read_file(Path), {ok, Certs, PrivKeys} = pem_decode(Data), CertPaths = get_cert_paths(Certs), Domains = get_domains(CertPaths), case match_cert_keys(CertPaths, PrivKeys) of {ok, _} -> case validate(CertPaths, Validate) of ok -> {ok, Domains}; {error, Why} -> {invalid, Domains, Why} end; {error, Why} -> {invalid, Domains, Why} end catch _:{badmatch, {error, _} = Err} -> Err end. -spec pem_decode(binary()) -> {ok, [cert()], [priv_key()]} | {error, cert_error()}. pem_decode(Data) -> try public_key:pem_decode(Data) of PemEntries -> case decode_certs(PemEntries) of {error, _} = Err -> Err; Objects -> case lists:partition( fun(#'OTPCertificate'{}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Objects) of {[], _} -> {error, not_cert}; {Certs, PrivKeys} -> {ok, Certs, PrivKeys} end end catch _:_ -> {error, not_pem} end. -spec decode_certs([public_key:pem_entry()]) -> {[cert()], [priv_key()]} | {error, not_der | encrypted}. decode_certs(PemEntries) -> try lists:foldr( fun(_, {error, _} = Err) -> Err; ({_, _, Flag}, _) when Flag /= not_encrypted -> {error, encrypted}; ({'Certificate', Der, _}, Acc) -> [public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Der, otp)|Acc]; ({'PrivateKeyInfo', Der, not_encrypted}, Acc) -> #'PrivateKeyInfo'{privateKeyAlgorithm = #'PrivateKeyInfo_privateKeyAlgorithm'{ algorithm = Algo}, privateKey = Key} = public_key:der_decode('PrivateKeyInfo', Der), case Algo of ?'rsaEncryption' -> [public_key:der_decode( 'RSAPrivateKey', iolist_to_binary(Key))|Acc]; ?'id-dsa' -> [public_key:der_decode( 'DSAPrivateKey', iolist_to_binary(Key))|Acc]; ?'id-ecPublicKey' -> [public_key:der_decode( 'ECPrivateKey', iolist_to_binary(Key))|Acc]; _ -> Acc end; ({Tag, Der, _}, Acc) when Tag == 'RSAPrivateKey'; Tag == 'DSAPrivateKey'; Tag == 'ECPrivateKey' -> [public_key:der_decode(Tag, Der)|Acc]; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, [], PemEntries) catch _:_ -> {error, not_der} end. -spec validate([{path, [cert()]}], boolean()) -> ok | {error, bad_cert()}. validate([{path, Path}|Paths], true) -> case validate_path(Path) of ok -> validate(Paths, true); Err -> Err end; validate(_, _) -> ok. -spec validate_path([cert()]) -> ok | {error, bad_cert()}. validate_path([Cert|_] = Certs) -> case find_local_issuer(Cert) of {ok, IssuerCert} -> try public_key:pkix_path_validation(IssuerCert, Certs, []) of {ok, _} -> ok; Err -> Err catch error:function_clause -> case erlang:get_stacktrace() of [{public_key, pkix_sign_types, _, _}|_] -> {error, {bad_cert, unknown_sig_algo}}; ST -> %% Bug in public_key application erlang:raise(error, function_clause, ST) end end; {error, _} = Err -> case public_key:pkix_is_self_signed(Cert) of true -> {error, {bad_cert, selfsigned_peer}}; false -> Err end end. -spec ca_dir() -> string(). ca_dir() -> ejabberd_config:get_option(ca_path, "/etc/ssl/certs"). -spec check_ca_dir() -> ok. check_ca_dir() -> case filelib:wildcard(filename:join(ca_dir(), "*.0")) of [] -> Hint = "configuring 'ca_path' option might help", case file:list_dir(ca_dir()) of {error, Why} -> ?WARNING_MSG("failed to read CA directory ~s: ~s; ~s", [ca_dir(), file:format_error(Why), Hint]); {ok, _} -> ?WARNING_MSG("CA directory ~s doesn't contain " "hashed certificate files; ~s", [ca_dir(), Hint]) end; _ -> ok end. -spec find_local_issuer(cert()) -> {ok, cert()} | {error, {bad_cert, unknown_ca}}. find_local_issuer(Cert) -> {ok, {_, IssuerID}} = public_key:pkix_issuer_id(Cert, self), Hash = public_key:short_name_hash(IssuerID), filelib:fold_files( ca_dir(), Hash ++ "\\.[0-9]+", false, fun(_, {ok, IssuerCert}) -> {ok, IssuerCert}; (CertFile, Acc) -> try {ok, Data} = file:read_file(CertFile), {ok, [IssuerCert|_], _} = pem_decode(Data), case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(Cert, IssuerCert) of true -> {ok, IssuerCert}; false -> Acc end catch _:{badmatch, {error, Why}} -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to read CA certificate from \"~s\": ~s", [CertFile, format_error(Why)]), Acc end end, {error, {bad_cert, unknown_ca}}). -spec match_cert_keys([{path, [cert()]}], [priv_key()]) -> {ok, [{cert(), priv_key()}]} | {error, {bad_cert, missing_priv_key}}. match_cert_keys(CertPaths, PrivKeys) -> KeyPairs = [{pubkey_from_privkey(PrivKey), PrivKey} || PrivKey <- PrivKeys], match_cert_keys(CertPaths, KeyPairs, []). -spec match_cert_keys([{path, [cert()]}], [{pub_key(), priv_key()}], [{cert(), priv_key()}]) -> {ok, [{cert(), priv_key()}]} | {error, {bad_cert, missing_priv_key}}. match_cert_keys([{path, Certs}|CertPaths], KeyPairs, Result) -> [Cert|_] = RevCerts = lists:reverse(Certs), PubKey = pubkey_from_cert(Cert), case lists:keyfind(PubKey, 1, KeyPairs) of false -> {error, {bad_cert, missing_priv_key}}; {_, PrivKey} -> match_cert_keys(CertPaths, KeyPairs, [{RevCerts, PrivKey}|Result]) end; match_cert_keys([], _, Result) -> {ok, Result}. -spec pubkey_from_cert(cert()) -> pub_key(). pubkey_from_cert(Cert) -> TBSCert = Cert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate, PubKeyInfo = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo, SubjPubKey = PubKeyInfo#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.subjectPublicKey, case PubKeyInfo#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.algorithm of #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{ algorithm = ?rsaEncryption} -> SubjPubKey; #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{ algorithm = ?'id-dsa', parameters = {params, DSSParams}} -> {SubjPubKey, DSSParams}; #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{ algorithm = ?'id-ecPublicKey'} -> SubjPubKey end. -spec pubkey_from_privkey(priv_key()) -> pub_key(). pubkey_from_privkey(#'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus = Modulus, publicExponent = Exp}) -> #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = Modulus, publicExponent = Exp}; pubkey_from_privkey(#'DSAPrivateKey'{p = P, q = Q, g = G, y = Y}) -> {Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p = P, q = Q, g = G}}; pubkey_from_privkey(#'ECPrivateKey'{publicKey = Key}) -> #'ECPoint'{point = Key}. -spec get_domains([{path, [cert()]}]) -> [binary()]. get_domains(CertPaths) -> lists:usort( lists:flatmap( fun({path, Certs}) -> Cert = lists:last(Certs), xmpp_stream_pkix:get_cert_domains(Cert) end, CertPaths)). -spec get_cert_paths([cert()]) -> [{path, [cert()]}]. get_cert_paths(Certs) -> G = digraph:new([acyclic]), lists:foreach( fun(Cert) -> digraph:add_vertex(G, Cert) end, Certs), lists:foreach( fun({Cert1, Cert2}) when Cert1 /= Cert2 -> case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(Cert1, Cert2) of true -> digraph:add_edge(G, Cert1, Cert2); false -> ok end; (_) -> ok end, [{Cert1, Cert2} || Cert1 <- Certs, Cert2 <- Certs]), Paths = lists:flatmap( fun(Cert) -> case digraph:in_degree(G, Cert) of 0 -> get_cert_path(G, [Cert]); _ -> [] end end, Certs), digraph:delete(G), Paths. get_cert_path(G, [Root|_] = Acc) -> case digraph:out_edges(G, Root) of [] -> [{path, Acc}]; Es -> lists:flatmap( fun(E) -> {_, _, V, _} = digraph:edge(G, E), get_cert_path(G, [V|Acc]) end, Es) end.