path: root/src
diff options
authorJérôme Sautret <jerome.sautret@process-one.net>2007-06-27 11:05:14 +0000
committerJérôme Sautret <jerome.sautret@process-one.net>2007-06-27 11:05:14 +0000
commit2e00142b38216e7bcf2023350357e6f5caf5aa5e (patch)
tree58fd15d2b71a271833a3da4f9ee60d8b7edf559c /src
parentUnsafe working version of http file transfer (diff)
Cancel revision 798
SVN Revision: 799
Diffstat (limited to '')
12 files changed, 48 insertions, 425 deletions
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/Makefile.in b/src/mod_proxy65/Makefile.in
index 0cd3e0639..bb70ac5cb 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/Makefile.in
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# $Id$
-CC = @CC@
+CC = @CC@
EFLAGS = -I .. -pz ..
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ OBJS = \
$(OUTDIR)/mod_proxy65_service.beam \
$(OUTDIR)/mod_proxy65_sm.beam \
$(OUTDIR)/mod_proxy65_stream.beam \
- $(OUTDIR)/mod_proxy65_http.beam \
all: $(OBJS)
@@ -36,3 +35,4 @@ distclean: clean
etags *.erl
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/TODO b/src/mod_proxy65/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 7414ff8ca..000000000
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-HTTP transfer
-* stream POST to GET in real time, whithout storing the file
-* handle acl
-* get base URL from ejabberd_http config
-* add parameters:
- - store directory
- - URL of upload
-* virtual host handling
-* check security stuffs:
- - limit file size at upload time
- - acl
-* transfer socks5 -> HTTP
-* transfer HTTP -> socks5 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.erl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.erl
index dfa5b89cb..65719241e 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.erl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.erl
@@ -50,14 +50,8 @@ init([Host, Opts]) ->
[gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_sup),
transient, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]},
- HttpStreamSupervisor =
- {ejabberd_mod_proxy65_http_sup,
- {ejabberd_tmp_sup, start_link,
- [gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_http_sup),
- mod_proxy65_http]},
- transient, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]},
StreamManager =
{mod_proxy65_sm, {mod_proxy65_sm, start_link, [Host, Opts]},
transient, 5000, worker, [mod_proxy65_sm]},
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1},
- [StreamManager, StreamSupervisor, HttpStreamSupervisor, Service]}}.
+ [StreamManager, StreamSupervisor, Service]}}.
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.hrl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.hrl
index a26c04c4a..eeab6804d 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.hrl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.hrl
@@ -27,37 +27,20 @@
%% RFC 1928 replies
-define(SUCCESS, 0).
--define(SOCKS5_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, 2).
--define(SOCKS5_ERR_TTL_EXPIRED, 6).
+-define(ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, 2).
+-define(ERR_TTL_EXPIRED, 6).
%% RFC 1928 defined timeout.
-define(SOCKS5_REPLY_TIMEOUT, 10000).
--record(bytestream, {
- sha1, %% SHA1 key
- target, %% Target Pid
- initiator, %% Initiator Pid
- active = false, %% Activity flag
- jid_i, %% Initiator's JID
- jid_t, %% Target's JID (for http file transfert)
- file, %% store status of file (for http file transfert)
- myhost %% proxy's jid
- }).
-record(s5_request, {
rsv = 0,
-% For http transfer
--define(NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS, "http://oneteam.im/bs-proxy").
--define(DEFAULT_HTTP_BASE_PATH, "/proxy").
--define(DEFAULT_HTTP_UPLOAD_PATH, "/upload").
--define(DEFAULT_STORE_PATH, "/tmp").
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_http.erl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_http.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index f3d6abbea..000000000
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_http.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-%%% File : mod_proxy65_http
-%%% Author : Jérôme Sautret <jerome.sautret@process-one.net>
-%%% Purpose : HTTP bytestreams proxy for oneteam file transfert
-%%% Created : 28 may 2007
-%%% Id : $Id: mod_last.erl 370 2005-06-20 03:18:13Z alexey $
-%% gen_mod callbacks.
- start/2,
- stop/1
- ]).
-%% mod_proxy65 api
- activate/2
- ]).
-%% ejabberd_http callback.
- process/2
- ]).
-%%% gen_mod Callbacks
-start(_Host, _Opts) ->
- ok.
-stop(_Host) ->
- ok.
-activate({_IPid, _IJid}, {_TPid, _TJid}) ->
- ok.
-%%% ejabberd_http Callbacks
-% Receive File
-% XXX TODO: limit file size
-process(["upload"], #request{method='POST',
- content_type = "multipart/form-data;"++_Boundary = ContentType,
- data=Data} = _Request) ->
- io:format("POST~n", []),
- DataParts = ejabberd_http:parse_data(Data, ContentType),
- {SHA1, {Filename, FileContentType, FileContent}} = parse_upload_data(DataParts),
- case mnesia:dirty_read(bytestream, SHA1) of
- [#bytestream{jid_t = TargetJID, file = BaseURL, myhost = MyHost}] when is_list(BaseURL) ->
- Path = store_file(Filename, FileContent),
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:write(#bytestream{sha1 = SHA1,
- file = {path, Path},
- target = FileContentType})
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F),
- URL = BaseURL ++ "/" ++ filename:join(Path),
- send_activated(TargetJID, MyHost, SHA1, URL),
- Result = "ok",
- ejabberd_web:make_xhtml([{xmlcdata, Result}]);
- _Other ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Upload ~p not activated~n", [SHA1]),
- ejabberd_web:error(bad_request)
- end;
-process([_UID, _Filename] = Path, #request{method='GET'} = _Request) ->
- io:format("GET~n~p~n", [Path]),
- case mnesia:dirty_index_read(bytestream, {path, Path}, #bytestream.file) of
- [#bytestream{sha1=SHA1, target=ContentType}|_Tail] ->
- mnesia:dirty_delete({bytestream, SHA1}),
- serve_file(Path, ContentType);
- _ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Bad request, GET ~p~n", [Path]),
- ejabberd_web:error(bad_request)
- end.
-% store the data transfered in a file and return the URL of the file
-store_file(Filename, FileContent) ->
- HASH = sha:sha(FileContent),
- % TODO store dir from a parameter
- Path = ?DEFAULT_STORE_PATH ++ "/" ++ HASH ++ "/",
- io:format("Path ~p~n", [Path]),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Path),
- FilePath = Path ++ "/" ++ Filename,
- %io:format("FilePath ~p~n~p", [FilePath, FileContent]),
- ok = file:write_file(FilePath, list_to_binary(FileContent)),
- [HASH, Filename].
-% send the <activated> connexion to the target.
-send_activated(TargetJID, MyJID, SHA1, URL) ->
- IQ = #iq{type=set,
- sub_el=[{xmlelement, "activated",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS}, {"sidhash", SHA1}, {"url", URL}], []}]},
- ejabberd_router:route(jlib:string_to_jid(MyJID), TargetJID, jlib:iq_to_xml(IQ)).
-parse_upload_data(Data) ->
- parse_upload_data(Data, {undefined, undefined, undefined}).
-parse_upload_data([], Result) ->
- Result;
- content_type=ContentType, args=Args, data=Data} | Tail],
- Result) ->
- Result2 = case lists:keysearch("name", 1, Args) of
- {value, {"name", "SIDHASH"}} ->
- {remove_cr(Data), element(2, Result)};
- {value, {"name", "FILE"}} ->
- case lists:keysearch("filename", 1, Args) of
- {value, {"filename", Filename}} ->
- {element(1, Result), {Filename, ContentType, remove_cr(Data)}}
- end;
- _ ->
- Result
- end,
- parse_upload_data(Tail, Result2).
-% remove last trailling carriage return
-remove_cr(String) ->
- lists:reverse(remove_leading_cr(lists:reverse(String))).
-% remove fisrt leading inversed carriage return
-remove_leading_cr([$\n, $\r|String]) ->
- String;
-remove_leading_cr(String) ->
- String.
-serve_file(Path, ContentType) ->
- FileName = filename:join([?DEFAULT_STORE_PATH | Path]),
- case file:read_file(FileName) of
- {ok, FileContents} ->
- ?DEBUG("Delivering content.", []),
- {200,
- [{"Server", "ejabberd"},
- {"Content-type", ContentType},
- {"Content-disposition", "attachment; filename="++filename:basename(FileName)}],
- FileContents};
- {error, Error} ->
- ?DEBUG("Delivering error: ~p", [Error]),
- case Error of
- eacces -> {403, [], "Forbidden"};
- enoent -> {404, [], "Not found"};
- _Else -> {500, [], atom_to_list(Error)}
- end
- end.
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_lib.erl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_lib.erl
index 02d4ecbe8..09ee6b981 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_lib.erl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_lib.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ make_init_reply(Method) ->
[?VERSION_5, Method].
make_auth_reply(true) -> [1, ?SUCCESS];
-make_auth_reply(false) -> [1, ?SOCKS5_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED].
+make_auth_reply(false) -> [1, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED].
%% WARNING: According to SOCKS5 RFC, this reply is _incorrect_, but
%% Psi writes junk to the beginning of the file on correct reply.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ make_reply() ->
[?VERSION_5, ?SUCCESS, 0, 0, 0, 0].
make_error_reply(Request) ->
- make_error_reply(Request, ?SOCKS5_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED).
+ make_error_reply(Request, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED).
make_error_reply(#s5_request{rsv = RSV, sha1 = SHA1}, Reason) ->
[?VERSION_5, Reason, RSV, ?ATYP_DOMAINNAME, length(SHA1), SHA1, 0,0].
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_service.erl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_service.erl
index c590f22f7..f9f3bf12d 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_service.erl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_service.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
%% API.
@@ -35,8 +34,6 @@
- http_port,
- http_base_path,
@@ -87,14 +84,12 @@ handle_info(_Info, State) ->
%% disco#info request
-process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO} = IQ, #state{name=Name, http_port=HTTP_Port}) ->
- io:format("~p~n", [IQ]),
+process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, lang = Lang} = IQ, #state{name=Name}) ->
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el =
- [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}], iq_disco_info(Name, HTTP_Port)}]};
+ [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO}], iq_disco_info(Lang, Name)}]};
%% disco#items request
process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} = IQ, _) ->
- io:format("~p~n", [IQ]),
IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el =
[{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}], []}]};
@@ -106,7 +101,6 @@ process_iq(_, #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD, lang = Lang} = IQ, _) ->
%% bytestreams info request
process_iq(JID, #iq{type = get, sub_el = SubEl, xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS} = IQ,
#state{acl = ACL, stream_addr = StreamAddr, serverhost = ServerHost}) ->
- io:format("~p~n", [IQ]),
case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, ACL, JID) of
allow ->
StreamHostEl = [{xmlelement, "streamhost", StreamAddr, []}],
@@ -116,39 +110,9 @@ process_iq(JID, #iq{type = get, sub_el = SubEl, xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS} = IQ,
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN]}
-%% bytestream target fake connection (for later http connection)
-process_iq(TargetJID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = SubEl, xmlns = ?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS} = IQ,
- #state{acl = _ACL, myhost = MyHost,
- http_port=HTTP_Port, http_base_path=HTTP_Base_Path}) ->
- % XXX TODO: acl
- SID = xml:get_tag_attr_s("sid", SubEl),
- case catch jlib:string_to_jid(xml:get_tag_attr_s("jid", SubEl)) of
- InitiatorJID when is_record(InitiatorJID, jid), SID /= "",
- length(SID) =< 128, TargetJID /= InitiatorJID ->
- Target = jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:jid_tolower(TargetJID)),
- Initiator = jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:jid_tolower(InitiatorJID)),
- SHA1 = sha:sha(SID ++ Initiator ++ Target),
- URL = "http://" ++ MyHost ++ ":"++HTTP_Port++ HTTP_Base_Path,
- case catch mod_proxy65_sm:register_stream(SHA1, TargetJID, URL, MyHost, self()) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el =
- [{xmlelement, "connected",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS}, {"jid", MyHost}], []}]};
- _Reason ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("process IQ set ~p:~n~p~n", [?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS, _Reason]),
- IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR]}
- end;
- _Reason ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("process IQ set ~p:~n~p~n", [?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS, _Reason]),
- IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST]}
- end;
%% bytestream activation request
process_iq(InitiatorJID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = SubEl, xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS} = IQ,
- #state{acl = ACL, serverhost = ServerHost, myhost = MyHost,
- http_port=HTTP_Port, http_base_path=HTTP_Base_Path}) ->
+ #state{acl = ACL, serverhost = ServerHost}) ->
case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, ACL, InitiatorJID) of
allow ->
ActivateEl = xml:get_path_s(SubEl, [{elem, "activate"}]),
@@ -159,21 +123,9 @@ process_iq(InitiatorJID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = SubEl, xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS
Target = jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:jid_tolower(TargetJID)),
Initiator = jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:jid_tolower(InitiatorJID)),
SHA1 = sha:sha(SID ++ Initiator ++ Target),
- {Module, Activated} =
- case xml:get_path_s(SubEl, [{elem, "x"}]) of
- {xmlelement, "x", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS}], _} ->
- {mod_proxy65_http,
- [{xmlelement, "activated",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BYTESTREAMS},
- {"url", "http://" ++ MyHost ++ ":"++HTTP_Port++
- HTTP_Base_Path ++ ?DEFAULT_HTTP_UPLOAD_PATH}], []}]};
- _ ->
- {mod_proxy65_sm, []}
- end,
- case mod_proxy65_sm:activate_stream(SHA1, InitiatorJID, TargetJID,
- ServerHost, Module) of
+ case mod_proxy65_sm:activate_stream(SHA1, InitiatorJID, TargetJID, ServerHost) of
ok ->
- IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = Activated};
+ IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = []};
false ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND]};
limit ->
@@ -183,8 +135,7 @@ process_iq(InitiatorJID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = SubEl, xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS
_ ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR]}
- _Reason ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("process IQ set ~p:~n~p~n", [?NS_BYTESTREAMS, _Reason]),
+ _ ->
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_BAD_REQUEST]}
deny ->
@@ -204,21 +155,15 @@ process_iq(_, _, _) ->
-define(FEATURE(Feat), {xmlelement,"feature",[{"var", Feat}],[]}).
-iq_disco_info(Name, HTTP_Port) ->
- HTTP_Bytestreams = case HTTP_Port of
- "0" ->
- [];
- _ ->
- end,
+iq_disco_info(Lang, Name) ->
[{xmlelement, "identity",
[{"category", "proxy"},
{"type", "bytestreams"},
- {"name", Name}], []},
+ {"name", translate:translate(Lang, Name)}], []},
iq_vcard(Lang) ->
[{xmlelement, "FN", [],
@@ -232,8 +177,6 @@ iq_vcard(Lang) ->
parse_options(ServerHost, Opts) ->
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt(host, Opts, "proxy." ++ ServerHost),
Port = gen_mod:get_opt(port, Opts, 7777),
- HTTP_Port = integer_to_list(gen_mod:get_opt(http_port, Opts, 0)),
- HTTP_Base_Path = gen_mod:get_opt(http_base_path, Opts, ?DEFAULT_HTTP_BASE_PATH),
ACL = gen_mod:get_opt(access, Opts, all),
Name = gen_mod:get_opt(name, Opts, "SOCKS5 Bytestreams"),
IP = case gen_mod:get_opt(ip, Opts, none) of
@@ -246,9 +189,7 @@ parse_options(ServerHost, Opts) ->
serverhost = ServerHost,
name = Name,
port = Port,
- http_port = HTTP_Port,
- http_base_path = HTTP_Base_Path,
- stream_addr = StreamAddr,
+ stream_addr = StreamAddr,
acl = ACL}}.
%% Return the IP of the proxy host, or if not found, the ip of the xmpp domain
@@ -260,4 +201,4 @@ get_proxy_or_domainip(ServerHost, MyHost) ->
{ok, Addr} -> Addr;
{error, _} -> {127,0,0,1}
- end.
+ end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_sm.erl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_sm.erl
index 32e89fac4..7ddfd2c89 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_sm.erl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_sm.erl
@@ -24,14 +24,18 @@
- register_stream/5,
- activate_stream/5
+ activate_stream/4
-record(state, {max_connections}).
+-record(bytestream, {
+ sha1, %% SHA1 key
+ target, %% Target Pid
+ initiator, %% Initiator Pid
+ active = false, %% Activity flag
+ jid_i %% Initiator's JID
+ }).
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_sm).
@@ -51,7 +55,6 @@ start_link(Host, Opts) ->
init([Opts]) ->
mnesia:create_table(bytestream, [{ram_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, bytestream)}]),
- mnesia:add_table_index(bytestream, file),
mnesia:add_table_copy(bytestream, node(), ram_copies),
MaxConnections = gen_mod:get_opt(max_connections, Opts, infinity),
{ok, #state{max_connections=MaxConnections}}.
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ handle_call({activate, SHA1, IJid}, _From, State) ->
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read(bytestream, SHA1, write) of
[#bytestream{target = TPid, initiator = IPid} = ByteStream]
- when is_pid(TPid), is_pid(IPid) ->
+ when is_pid(TPid), is_pid(IPid) ->
ActiveFlag = ByteStream#bytestream.active,
ActiveFlag == false ->
@@ -106,20 +109,13 @@ handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
%%% transaction abort
%%% SHA1 = string()
-register_stream(SHA1) ->
- register_stream(SHA1, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined).
-register_stream(SHA1, JID, URL, MyHost, InitiatorPID) when is_list(SHA1) ->
- % PIDs are not used for http, we set it for compatibilty with plain socks5
+register_stream(SHA1) when is_list(SHA1) ->
StreamPid = self(),
F = fun() ->
case mnesia:read(bytestream, SHA1, write) of
[] ->
mnesia:write(#bytestream{sha1 = SHA1,
- target = StreamPid,
- initiator = InitiatorPID,
- jid_t = JID,
- file = URL,
- myhost = MyHost});
+ target = StreamPid});
[#bytestream{target = Pid,
initiator = undefined} = ByteStream]
when is_pid(Pid), Pid /= StreamPid ->
@@ -149,14 +145,14 @@ unregister_stream(SHA1) when is_list(SHA1) ->
%%% IJid = TJid = jid()
%%% Host = string()
-activate_stream(SHA1, IJid, TJid, Host, Module) when is_list(SHA1) ->
+activate_stream(SHA1, IJid, TJid, Host) when is_list(SHA1) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, {activate, SHA1, IJid}) of
{atomic, {ok, IPid, TPid}} ->
- Module:activate({IPid, IJid}, {TPid, TJid});
+ mod_proxy65_stream:activate({IPid, IJid}, {TPid, TJid});
{atomic, {limit, IPid, TPid}} ->
- Module:stop(IPid),
- Module:stop(TPid),
+ mod_proxy65_stream:stop(IPid),
+ mod_proxy65_stream:stop(TPid),
{atomic, conflict} ->
diff --git a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_stream.erl b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_stream.erl
index 88ad1eb29..1a1503384 100644
--- a/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_stream.erl
+++ b/src/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65_stream.erl
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ wait_for_request(Packet, #state{socket=Socket} = StateData) ->
{stop, normal, StateData}
#s5_request{cmd=udp} ->
- Err = mod_proxy65_lib:make_error_reply(Request, ?SOCKS5_ERR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED),
+ Err = mod_proxy65_lib:make_error_reply(Request, ?ERR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED),
gen_tcp:send(Socket, Err),
{stop, normal, StateData};
_ ->
diff --git a/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl b/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl
index fbc4a8118..baa7f861c 100644
--- a/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl
+++ b/src/web/ejabberd_http.erl
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
- url_encode/1,
- test/0, get_line/1, data/0,
- parse_data/2
- ]).
+ url_encode/1]).
@@ -33,7 +30,6 @@
- request_content_type,
request_lang = "en",
%% XXX bard: request handlers are configured in
%% ejabberd.cfg under the HTTP service. For example,
@@ -198,8 +194,6 @@ process_header(State, Data) ->
_ ->
- {ok, {http_header, _, 'Content-Type', _, ContentType}} ->
- State#state{request_content_type = ContentType};
{ok, {http_header, _, 'Accept-Language', _, Langs}} ->
State#state{request_lang = parse_lang(Langs)};
{ok, {http_header, _, _, _, _}} ->
@@ -308,7 +302,6 @@ process_request(#state{request_method = 'POST',
request_auth = Auth,
request_content_length = Len,
request_lang = Lang,
- request_content_type = ContentType,
sockmod = SockMod,
socket = Socket,
request_handlers = RequestHandlers} = State)
@@ -324,7 +317,7 @@ process_request(#state{request_method = 'POST',
case (catch url_decode_q_split(Path)) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
- {NPath, _Query} ->
+ {NPath, Query} ->
LPath = string:tokens(NPath, "/"),
LQuery = case (catch parse_urlencoded(Data)) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
@@ -336,7 +329,6 @@ process_request(#state{request_method = 'POST',
path = LPath,
q = LQuery,
auth = Auth,
- content_type = ContentType,
data = Data,
lang = Lang},
case process(RequestHandlers, Request) of
@@ -363,7 +355,7 @@ process_request(State) ->
recv_data(State, Len) ->
recv_data(State, Len, []).
-recv_data(_State, 0, Acc) ->
+recv_data(State, 0, Acc) ->
recv_data(State, Len, Acc) ->
case State#state.trail of
@@ -623,7 +615,7 @@ code_to_phrase(504) -> "Gateway Timeout";
code_to_phrase(505) -> "HTTP Version Not Supported".
-parse_auth(_Orig = "Basic " ++ Auth64) ->
+parse_auth(Orig = "Basic " ++ Auth64) ->
case decode_base64(Auth64) of
{error, _Err} ->
@@ -980,102 +972,3 @@ get_line("\r\n" ++ Tail, Cur) ->
get_line([H|T], Cur) ->
get_line(T, [H|Cur]).
-% return {Value, [{Arg, ArgValue}]}
-% example, for
-% String = "form-data; name=\"FILE\"; filename=\"TEST\""
-% return
-% {"form-data", [{"name", "FILE"}, {"filename", "TEST"}]}
-% XXX TODO: don't work if an arg value contains a semicolon ;
-parse_header(String) ->
- [Value | Args] = string:tokens(String, ";"),
- catch {string:strip(Value),
- lists:map(fun(Arg) ->
- [ArgName, ArgValue] = string:tokens(string:strip(Arg), "="),
- {string:strip(ArgName), string:strip(string:strip(ArgValue), both, $")}
- end, Args)}.
-% return [#http_data]
-parse_data(Data, ContentType) ->
- case parse_header(ContentType) of
- {"multipart/form-data", Args} ->
- case lists:keysearch("boundary", 1, Args) of
- {value, {"boundary", Boundary}} ->
- parse_multipart_data(Data, "--"++Boundary);
- false ->
- {error, "no boundary for multipart/form-data Content-Type"}
- end;
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- {error, "malformed Content-Type"};
- _ ->
- [#http_data{content_type=ContentType, data=Data}]
- end.
-parse_multipart_data(Data, Boundary)->
- case catch parse_multipart_data([], Data, Boundary) of
- {'EXIT', _Reason} ->
- {error, "malformed multipart/form-data body"};
- List ->
- List
- end.
-parse_multipart_data(Acc, Tail, Boundary) ->
- BoundaryEnd = Boundary++"--\r\n",
- case get_line(Tail) of
- {incomplete, BoundaryEnd} ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
- {line, Boundary, Tail2} ->
- parse_multipart_headers([#http_data{data=[]} | Acc], Tail2, Boundary);
- {line, Line, Tail2} ->
- [#http_data{data=Data} = Cur | T] = Acc,
- parse_multipart_data([Cur#http_data{data=Data++Line++"\r\n"} | T], Tail2, Boundary);
- {lastline, Line, Tail2} ->
- [#http_data{data=Data} = Cur | T] = Acc,
- parse_multipart_data([Cur#http_data{data=Data++Line++"\r\n\r\n"} | T], Tail2, Boundary)
- end.
-parse_multipart_headers([#http_data{args=Args} = Cur | T], Tail, Boundary) ->
- case get_line(Tail) of
- {LineType, Line, Tail2} when Line /= Boundary ->
- NewCur = case Line of
- "Content-Type:"++Value ->
- {Header, NewArgs} = parse_header(Value),
- Cur#http_data{content_type=Header,
- args=Args++NewArgs};
- "Content-Disposition:"++Value ->
- {Header, NewArgs} = parse_header(Value),
- Cur#http_data{content_disposition=Header,
- args=Args++NewArgs};
- _ ->
- Cur
- end,
- case LineType of
- line ->
- parse_multipart_headers([NewCur | T], Tail2, Boundary);
- lastline ->
- parse_multipart_data([NewCur | T], Tail2, Boundary)
- end
- end.
-data() ->
- S="-----------------------------7148830871206398517200280906
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
-Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"SIDHASH\"
-Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"FILE\"; filename=\"TEST\"
-Content-Type: application/octet-stream
-lists:flatten(lists:map( fun($\n) ->
- "\r\n";
- (C) ->
- C
- end, S)).
-test() ->
-parse_data(data(), "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7148830871206398517200280906").
diff --git a/src/web/ejabberd_http.hrl b/src/web/ejabberd_http.hrl
index fa5f6135f..7f94c5e24 100644
--- a/src/web/ejabberd_http.hrl
+++ b/src/web/ejabberd_http.hrl
@@ -12,13 +12,6 @@
lang = "",
- content_type,
data = "",
--record(http_data, {content_type,
- content_disposition,
- args=[],
- data
- }).
diff --git a/src/web/ejabberd_web.erl b/src/web/ejabberd_web.erl
index d0e037d66..a1d6b6592 100644
--- a/src/web/ejabberd_web.erl
+++ b/src/web/ejabberd_web.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%%% File : ejabberd_web.erl
%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
-%%% Purpose :
+%%% Purpose :
%%% Created : 28 Feb 2004 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
%%% Id : $Id$
@@ -53,11 +53,7 @@ make_xhtml(Els) ->
{"name", Name},
{"value", Value}])).
-error(bad_request) ->
- {400, [], make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "400 Bad Request")])};
-error(not_allowed) ->
- {401, [], make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "401 Unauthorized")])};
error(not_found) ->
{404, [], make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "404 Not Found")])};
-error(internal) ->
- {500, [], make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "500 Internal Error")])}.
+error(not_allowed) ->
+ {401, [], make_xhtml([?XC("h1", "401 Unauthorized")])}.