path: root/.github
diff options
authorBadlop <badlop@process-one.net>2022-04-25 10:49:36 +0200
committerBadlop <badlop@process-one.net>2022-05-02 13:25:01 +0200
commit8d15e973e24562ef894de355ead51909a9b94ceb (patch)
tree765633e26130a9de1b7d5769d27516024edaeede /.github
parentContainer: New Dockerfile, more simple than the one in ejabberd/ecs (diff)
Container: Copy ejabberdctl.template, it requires some customizations
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.github/container/ejabberdctl.template b/.github/container/ejabberdctl.template
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5b9ef36cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/container/ejabberdctl.template
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# define default configuration
+# define default environment variables
+[ -z "$SCRIPT" ] && SCRIPT=$0
+SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$SCRIPT")" && pwd -P)"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# check the proper system user is used
+case $(id -un) in
+ EXEC_CMD="as_current_user"
+ ;;
+ root)
+ if [ -n "$INSTALLUSER" ] ; then
+ EXEC_CMD="as_install_user"
+ else
+ EXEC_CMD="as_current_user"
+ echo "WARNING: It is not recommended to run ejabberd as root" >&2
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -n "$INSTALLUSER" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: This command can only be run by root or the user $INSTALLUSER" >&2
+ exit 7
+ else
+ EXEC_CMD="as_current_user"
+ fi
+ ;;
+# parse command line parameters
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -n|--node) ERLANG_NODE_ARG=$2; shift 2;;
+ -s|--spool) SPOOL_DIR=$2; shift 2;;
+ -l|--logs) LOGS_DIR=$2; shift 2;;
+ -f|--config) EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH=$2; shift 2;;
+ -c|--ctl-config) EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH=$2; shift 2;;
+ -d|--config-dir) CONFIG_DIR=$2; shift 2;;
+ -t|--no-timeout) NO_TIMEOUT="--no-timeout"; shift;;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+# define ejabberd variables if not already defined from the command line
+: "${CONFIG_DIR:="{{config_dir}}"}"
+: "${LOGS_DIR:="{{logs_dir}}"}"
+: "${SPOOL_DIR:="{{spool_dir}}"}"
+: "${EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH:="$CONFIG_DIR/ejabberd.yml"}"
+: "${EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH:="$CONFIG_DIR/ejabberdctl.cfg"}"
+# Allows passing extra Erlang command-line arguments in vm.args file
+: "${VMARGS:="$CONFIG_DIR/vm.args"}"
+# shellcheck source=ejabberdctl.cfg.example
+[ "$ERLANG_NODE" = "${ERLANG_NODE%.*}" ] && S="-s"
+: "${EJABBERD_LOG_PATH:="$LOGS_DIR/ejabberd.log"}"
+# define erl parameters
+if [ -n "$FIREWALL_WINDOW" ] ; then
+ ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -kernel inet_dist_listen_min ${FIREWALL_WINDOW%-*} inet_dist_listen_max ${FIREWALL_WINDOW#*-}"
+if [ -n "$INET_DIST_INTERFACE" ] ; then
+ INET_DIST_INTERFACE2=$("$ERL" -noshell -eval 'case inet:parse_address("'$INET_DIST_INTERFACE'") of {ok,IP} -> io:format("~p",[IP]); _ -> ok end.' -s erlang halt)
+ if [ -n "$INET_DIST_INTERFACE2" ] ; then
+ ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -kernel inet_dist_use_interface $INET_DIST_INTERFACE2"
+ fi
+# if vm.args file exists in config directory, pass it to Erlang VM
+[ -f "$VMARGS" ] && ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -args_file $VMARGS"
+ERL_CRASH_DUMP="$LOGS_DIR"/erl_crash_$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").dump
+# define ejabberd parameters
+$(sed '/^log_rotate_size/!d;s/:[ \t]*\([0-9]\{1,\}\).*/ \1/;s/:[ \t]*\(infinity\).*/ \1/;s/^/ /' "$EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH")\
+$(sed '/^log_rotate_count/!d;s/:[ \t]*\([0-9]*\).*/ \1/;s/^/ /' "$EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH")"
+# export global variables
+export ERL_INETRC
+export ERL_LIBS
+export SCRIPT_DIR
+# run command either directly or via su $INSTALLUSER
+ case $EXEC_CMD in
+ as_install_user) su -s /bin/sh -c '"$0" "$@"' "$INSTALLUSER" -- "$@" ;;
+ as_current_user) "$@" ;;
+ esac
+ NODE=$1; shift
+ exec_cmd "$ERL" ${S:--}name "$NODE" $ERLANG_OPTS "$@"
+ NODE=$1; shift
+ exec_cmd "$IEX" -${S:--}name "$NODE" --erl "$ERLANG_OPTS" "$@"
+# usage
+ if [ "$EJABBERD_BYPASS_WARNINGS" != "true" ] ; then
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo ""
+ echo "IMPORTANT: we will attempt to attach an INTERACTIVE shell"
+ echo "to an already running ejabberd node."
+ echo "If an ERROR is printed, it means the connection was not successful."
+ echo "You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it."
+ echo "Please be extremely cautious with your actions,"
+ echo "and exit immediately if you are not completely sure."
+ echo ""
+ echo "To detach this shell from ejabberd, press:"
+ echo " control+c, control+c"
+ echo ""
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "To bypass permanently this warning, add to ejabberdctl.cfg the line:"
+ echo "Press return to continue"
+ read -r _
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ if [ "$EJABBERD_BYPASS_WARNINGS" != "true" ] ; then
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo ""
+ echo "IMPORTANT: ejabberd is going to start in LIVE (interactive) mode."
+ echo "All log messages will be shown in the command shell."
+ echo "You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it."
+ echo "Please be extremely cautious with your actions,"
+ echo "and exit immediately if you are not completely sure."
+ echo ""
+ echo "To exit this LIVE mode and stop ejabberd, press:"
+ echo " q(). and press the Enter key"
+ echo ""
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "To bypass permanently this warning, add to ejabberdctl.cfg the line:"
+ echo "Press return to continue"
+ read -r _
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo "Commands to start an ejabberd node:"
+ echo " start Start in server mode"
+ echo " foreground Start in server mode (attached)"
+ echo " foreground-quiet Start in server mode (attached), show only critical messages"
+ echo " live Start in interactive mode, with Erlang shell"
+ echo " iexlive Start in interactive mode, with Elixir shell"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Commands to interact with a running ejabberd node:"
+ echo " debug Attach an interactive Erlang shell to a running node"
+ echo " iexdebug Attach an interactive Elixir shell to a running node"
+ echo " etop Attach to a running node and start Erlang Top"
+ echo " ping Send ping to the node, returns pong or pang"
+ echo " started|stopped Wait for the node to fully start|stop"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Optional parameters when starting an ejabberd node:"
+ echo " --config-dir dir Config ejabberd: $CONFIG_DIR"
+ echo " --config file Config ejabberd: $EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH"
+ echo " --ctl-config file Config ejabberdctl: $EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH"
+ echo " --logs dir Directory for logs: $LOGS_DIR"
+ echo " --spool dir Database spool dir: $SPOOL_DIR"
+ echo " --node nodename ejabberd node name: $ERLANG_NODE"
+ echo ""
+# dynamic node name helper
+ uuid=$(uuidgen 2>/dev/null)
+ random=$(awk 'BEGIN { srand(); print int(rand()*32768) }' /dev/null)
+ [ -z "$uuid" ] && [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid ] && uuid=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)
+ [ -z "$uuid" ] && uuid=$(printf "%X" "${random:-$$}$(date +%M%S)")
+ uuid=$(printf '%s' $uuid | sed 's/^\(...\).*$/\1/')
+ [ $# -eq 0 ] && echo "${uuid}-${ERLANG_NODE}"
+ [ $# -eq 1 ] && echo "${uuid}-${1}-${ERLANG_NODE}"
+ [ $# -eq 2 ] && echo "${uuid}-${1}@${2}"
+# stop epmd if there is no other running node
+ "$EPMD" -names 2>/dev/null | grep -q name || "$EPMD" -kill >/dev/null
+# make sure node not already running and node name unregistered
+# if all ok, ensure runtime directory exists and make it current directory
+ "$EPMD" -names 2>/dev/null | grep -q " ${ERLANG_NODE%@*} " && {
+ pgrep -f "$ERLANG_NODE" >/dev/null && {
+ echo "ERROR: The ejabberd node '$ERLANG_NODE' is already running."
+ exit 4
+ }
+ pgrep beam >/dev/null && {
+ echo "ERROR: The ejabberd node '$ERLANG_NODE' is registered,"
+ echo " but no related beam process has been found."
+ echo "Shutdown all other erlang nodes, and call 'epmd -kill'."
+ exit 5
+ }
+ "$EPMD" -kill >/dev/null
+ }
+# allow sync calls
+ # args: status try delay
+ # return: 0 OK, 1 KO
+ timeout="$2"
+ status=4
+ while [ "$status" -ne "$1" ] ; do
+ sleep "$3"
+ timeout=$((timeout - 1))
+ if [ $timeout -eq 0 ] ; then
+ status="$1"
+ else
+ exec_erl "$(uid ctl)" -hidden -noinput -s ejabberd_ctl \
+ -extra "$ERLANG_NODE" $NO_TIMEOUT status > /dev/null
+ status="$?"
+ fi
+ done
+ [ $timeout -gt 0 ]
+# ensure we can change current directory to SPOOL_DIR
+[ -d "$SPOOL_DIR" ] || exec_cmd mkdir -p "$SPOOL_DIR"
+cd "$SPOOL_DIR" || {
+ echo "ERROR: can not access directory $SPOOL_DIR"
+ exit 6
+# main
+case $1 in
+ start)
+ check_start
+ exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS -detached
+ ;;
+ foreground)
+ check_start
+ exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS -noinput
+ ;;
+ foreground-quiet)
+ check_start
+ exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS -noinput -ejabberd quiet true
+ ;;
+ live)
+ livewarning
+ check_start
+ ;;
+ debug)
+ debugwarning
+ exec_erl "$(uid debug)" -hidden -remsh "$ERLANG_NODE"
+ ;;
+ etop)
+ exec_erl "$(uid top)" -hidden -node "$ERLANG_NODE" -s etop \
+ -s erlang halt -output text
+ ;;
+ iexdebug)
+ debugwarning
+ exec_iex "$(uid debug)" --remsh "$ERLANG_NODE"
+ ;;
+ iexlive)
+ livewarning
+ exec_iex "$ERLANG_NODE" --erl "$EJABBERD_OPTS" --app ejabberd
+ ;;
+ ping)
+ [ "$PEER" = "${PEER%.*}" ] && PS="-s"
+ exec_cmd "$ERL" ${PS:--}name "$(uid ping "$(hostname $PS)")" $ERLANG_OPTS \
+ -noinput -hidden -eval 'io:format("~p~n",[net_adm:ping('"'$PEER'"')])' \
+ -s erlang halt -output text
+ ;;
+ started)
+ wait_status 0 30 2 # wait 30x2s before timeout
+ ;;
+ stopped)
+ wait_status 3 30 2 && stop_epmd # wait 30x2s before timeout
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exec_erl "$(uid ctl)" -hidden -noinput -s ejabberd_ctl \
+ -extra "$ERLANG_NODE" $NO_TIMEOUT "$@"
+ result=$?
+ case $result in
+ 2|3) help;;
+ *) :;;
+ esac
+ exit $result
+ ;;