{erl_opts, [ debug_info ]}. {deps, [ ]}. {relx, [{release, {styx, "0.1.0"}, [styx, sasl]}, {mode, dev}, %% automatically picked up if the files %% exist but can be set manually, which %% is required if the names aren't exactly %% sys.config and vm.args {sys_config, "./config/sys.config"}, {vm_args, "./config/vm.args"} %% the .src form of the configuration files do %% not require setting RELX_REPLACE_OS_VARS %% {sys_config_src, "./config/sys.config.src"}, %% {vm_args_src, "./config/vm.args.src"} ]}. {profiles, [{prod, [{relx, [%% prod is the default mode when prod %% profile is used, so does not have %% to be explicitly included like this {mode, prod} %% use minimal mode to exclude ERTS %% {mode, minimal} ] }]}]}.