Welcome to Zope. The basic installation process for FreeBSD now has been done. To have a quick look, cd to your Zope base directory (see below) and start Zope with: ./start -w -f where is the port where to http-access Zope with your browser (try http://localhost:). It defaults to 80. is the same thing for ftp (upload) access, it defaults to 21. Obviously, you will have to specify these if you already use these ports. The user/password pair for access to the management screens has been preset to zopemaster/test, respectively. PLEASE NOTE that the above only is for a quick check only, BUT IT WILL LEAVE YOUR ZOPE PROCESS WIDE OPEN TO HACKING SINCE THERE'S NO SECURITY WHATSOEVER. Therefore, PLEASE do incorporate the suggested changes (see below) to your apache-SSL web server and only start Zope WITHOUT ANY open or . This can be done, also from the Zope base dir, by: ./start -w '' -f '' -m '' -p /Zope.cgi where is the (full) path to where Zope.cgi lives (see below). There now also should be a file in ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ (most probably /usr/local/etc/rc.d/) named zope.sh that does the startup for you after a reboot. Also, it might be a good idea now to change the password. You can do that with (again, in the Zope base directory): python zpasswd.py -u -p -e CLEARTEXT access The -e CLEARTEXT presently is *mandatory*, otherwise authentication through apache will not work. You will probably already have gone through Apache's ssl certificate generation process. If not, please do so now, if you don't already have a certificate. If only a few well known people will have access to your management screens, a self-signed one probably will suffice. Please refer to the Apache and the Apache-SSL documentation for further information. Use a sufficiently "long" key. Don't forget the https://... when trying to access the management pages. Apache will communicate with Zope through the so-called persistent cgi interface (aka pcgi). There's links to more information on the Zope web site at http://www.zope.org. Also, this is the best (and only) source of help end information on Zope itself. Zope is Copyrighted (C) by Digital Creations. All rights reserved. Please thouroughly read the license (see below) before employing Zope. Good business, Peter Cornelius. Please remember these files and directories: