*** etc/web2ldap/web2ldapcnf/standalone.py.orig Sat Jul 22 02:26:12 2000 --- etc/web2ldap/web2ldapcnf/standalone.py Sat Jul 22 02:27:10 2000 *************** *** 13,22 **** error_log = '/var/log/web2ldap/error_log' # Where static documents reside ! document_root = '/usr/lib/web2ldap/htdocs/' # Path name of mime.types file ! mime_types = '/etc/mime.types' # Contact mail address of the server admin when running stand-alone server_admin = 'admin@web2ldap.de' --- 13,22 ---- error_log = '/var/log/web2ldap/error_log' # Where static documents reside ! document_root = '/usr/local/web2ldap/htdocs/' # Path name of mime.types file ! mime_types = '/usr/local/web2ldap/etc/mime.types' # Contact mail address of the server admin when running stand-alone server_admin = 'admin@web2ldap.de'