w3-4.0 package is WWW browser package for emacs. Info path and elisp load path would be set as follows : Info path - ${PREFIX}/info load path - ${PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3 You may be happy by adding following lines to your .emacs file: (setq url-keep-history t) (setq url-be-asynchronous t) (setq w3-default-homepage "file://localhost/usr/share/doc/handbook/handbook.html") and copying .mosaic-hotlist-default file from ${PREFIX}/share/examples/w3 directory to your home directory. Setting above user environment would be only executed by ${PREFIX}/share/examples/w3/user-install on your home directory. If you have installed correctly, type "M-x w3". Enjoy! - Kiriyama Kazuhiko kiri@kiri.toba-cmt.ac.jp