#!/bin/sh # # $FreeBSD$ # # PROVIDE: varnishlog # REQUIRE: DAEMON # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable varnishlog: # # varnishlog_enable="YES" # # Configuration variables and their default values: # # varnishlog_pidfile - full path to the PID file. # default: "/var/run/varnishlog.pid" # # varnishlog_file - full path to the log file. # default: "/var/log/varnish.log" # # varnishlog_flags - command line arguments. # default: "-D -P ${varnishlog_pidfile} -a -w ${varnishlog_file}" # # Add the following line to /etc/newsyslog.conf to rotate the log file # once a day: # # /var/log/varnish.log 640 7 * @T00 JB /var/run/varnishlog.pid # # See varnishlog(1) for a detailed overview of command-line options. # . /etc/rc.subr name="varnishlog" rcvar=`set_rcvar` command="%%PREFIX%%/bin/${name}" # read configuration and set defaults load_rc_config ${name} : ${varnishlog_enable:="NO"} : ${varnishlog_pidfile:="/var/run/${name}.pid"} : ${varnishlog_file:="/var/log/varnish.log"} : ${varnishlog_flags:="-P ${varnishlog_pidfile} -D -a -w ${varnishlog_file}"} pidfile=${varnishlog_pidfile} run_rc_command "$1"