# New ports collection makefile for: simplog # Date created: 19 April 2004, 21:40 +08:00 (CST) # Whom: Jose Liang # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= simplog PORTVERSION= 0.9 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= http://simplog.jose.idv.tw/download/ MAINTAINER= jose@jose.idv.tw COMMENT= A complete and powerful blogging tool DATADIR= ${PREFIX}/www/simplog NO_BUILD= yes WRKSRC?= ${WRKDIR}/simplog do-install: @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "===> Installing simplog" @${MKDIR} ${DATADIR} cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R adodb cache doc images install templates * \ ${DATADIR} post-install: @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "===> Congratulations" @${ECHO} "The installation of simplog is complete, please check\ README in ${DATADIR} first." @${ECHO} "For more informations, documentation is available at\ ${DATADIR}/doc/index.php." .include