#### #### NeoWebScript-specific Apache configuration lines #### (uncomment to activate) #### LoadModule neoscript_module libexec/apache/mod_neoscript.so #LoadModule neo_userdir_module libexec/apache/mod_neo_userdir.so #LoadModule log_neo_module libexec/apache/mod_log_neo.so #LoadModule tcl_auth_module libexec/apache/mod_auth_tcl.so ## Enable the NeoWebScript handler AddType text/html .nhtml .nws AddHandler neo-server-parsed .nhtml .nws ## Enable the NeoWebScript subst handler #AddType text/html .shtml #AddHandler neo-server-subst .shtml DirectoryIndex index.nhtml ## Enable these two lines if you want GD Image Generation support turned on. AddType image/png .gd AddHandler neo-generate-image .gd ## Comment this lines out to disable nws-common in VirtualHosts Alias /nws/ /usr/local/share/doc/neowebscript/ Alias /neowebscript/ /usr/local/share/doc/neowebscript/ Alias /nws-common/ /usr/local/share/doc/neowebscript/nws-common/ #### End of NeoWebScript configuration #### ########################################### Options Includes # Uncomment and modify this to change the default locations. # This is where the user-specific and system-wide database files # will be created. You'll need to create this directories # manually and set the apropriate permissions: #NeoWebDirConf parallelUserBase /var/db/neowebscript/users #NeoWebDirConf parallelSystemBase /var/db/neowebscript/system # To turn debugging on uncomment: #NeoWebDirConf debugging 1