*** ../xperfmon++/Imakefile Wed Jul 27 22:29:29 1994 --- ./Imakefile Thu Apr 30 15:03:39 1998 *************** *** 17,31 **** SYS_MODULE= sgi_system #endif ! EXTRA_LIBRARIES = $(SUNFLAGS) $(MIPSFLAGS) $(SGIFLAGS) INSTPGMFLAGS = $(INSTKMEMFLAGS) ! LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XAWLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XMULIB) $(XLIB) INCLUDES = -I. -I$(TOOLKITSRC) -I$(TOP) -I$(TOP)/X11 ! # INCLUDES = -I. -I$(TOOLKITSRC) -I$(TOP) -I$(TOP)/X11 -I/usr/include/bsd ! CDEBUGFLAGS = -O ! SRCS = TimeChart.c StripChart.c misc.c $(SYS_MODULE).c xperfmon.c nfs.c ! OBJS = TimeChart.o StripChart.o misc.o $(SYS_MODULE).o xperfmon.o nfs.o ComplexProgramTarget(xperfmon++) --- 17,38 ---- SYS_MODULE= sgi_system #endif ! #if defined (FreeBSDArchitecture) ! FreeBSDFLAGS= -lkvm ! SYS_MODULE= freebsd_system ! CC= gcc ! EXTRA_DEFINES= -DHAVE_SYS_PARAM_H ! #endif ! ! EXTRA_LIBRARIES = $(SUNFLAGS) $(MIPSFLAGS) $(SGIFLAGS) $(FreeBSDFLAGS) INSTPGMFLAGS = $(INSTKMEMFLAGS) ! LOCAL_LIBRARIES = -lXaw -lXt -lXmu -lX11 INCLUDES = -I. -I$(TOOLKITSRC) -I$(TOP) -I$(TOP)/X11 ! # SRCS = TimeChart.c StripChart.c misc.c $(SYS_MODULE).c xperfmon.c nfs.c ! # OBJS = TimeChart.o StripChart.o misc.o $(SYS_MODULE).o xperfmon.o nfs.o ! SRCS = TimeChart.c StripChart.c misc.c $(SYS_MODULE).c xperfmon.c ! OBJS = TimeChart.o StripChart.o misc.o $(SYS_MODULE).o xperfmon.o ComplexProgramTarget(xperfmon++) *** ../xperfmon++/README Wed Jul 27 22:29:30 1994 --- ./README Thu Apr 30 15:03:39 1998 *************** *** 18,20 **** --- 18,58 ---- Research Center, rsmith@proteus.arc.nasa.gov. Imake will build for correct O/S if x11r5 is fully installed in all the right places. + + 3-15-95 Completely new port of systemdependent file (bsd_system.c) for FreeBSD-2.X + by Lars Köller @University of Rostock, Germany. + E-Mail: + + 8-16-95 Quick and dirty workaround of -geometry option bug. + But there are still some side effects when changing the geometry. + Fix memory leak in bsd_system.c + by Lars Köller @University of Rostock, Germany. + E-Mail: + + 30-10-95 Change 'Free Mem' graph to 'Free Swap' cause the FreeBSD memory system + tries to minimize the free unused amount of memory. + Include basic support for FreeBSD > 2.1. + Number of interrupts now independent from 'Update Intervall' + by Lars Köller @University of Rostock, Germany. + E-Mail: + + 11-12-95 Fix -geometry bug! Now there is only a MIN_WIDTH of 185 pixels, and the + MIN_HEIGTH is calculates dynamically depending on the number of active + graphs. FreeBSD-2.X only: + Change 'Free Swap' graph from absolut into percent values. + All graphs shoud be independent of the 'Update Intervall'. + Modify graph labels and add unit of each graph. + by Lars Köller @University of Rostock, Germany. + E-Mail: + + 5-4-96 Fix some event problems that consumes a lot of cpu power after resizing + (mwm) or restart of an window manager. Make xperfmon compile with + FreeBSD-current (2.2, changes in get_swapspace) + by Lars Köller @University of Rostock, Germany. + E-Mail: + + 4-30-98 Add System Load graph + Add CPU Nice and Interrupt graph + Compiles on FreeBSD-2.2.X and 3.X + by Lars Köller @University of Bielefeld, Germany. + E-Mail: Lars.Koeller@Uni-Bielefeld.DE *** ../xperfmon++/XPerfmon++.ad Wed Jul 27 22:29:32 1994 --- ./XPerfmon++.ad Thu Aug 13 18:58:32 1998 *************** *** 4,27 **** ! commented out, the "NFS Server" graph background will be the application ! default color, unless some other resource file has specified it. ! *PerfChart.highAlarm: 99998 *perfChartIdle.lowWarn: 10 *perfChartIdle.lowAlarm: 5 ! *perfChartUser.highAlarm: 90 ! *perfChartUser.highWarn: 75 ! *perfChartSystem.highAlarm: 90 ! *perfChartSystem.highWarn: 75 ! *perfChartFree.lowWarn: 2000 ! *perfChartFree.lowAlarm: 1000 ! *perfChartDisk.highWarn: 25 ! *perfChartDisk.highAlarm: 50 ! *perfChartIntrpts.highWarn: 500 ! *perfChartIntrpts.highAlarm: 750 ! *perfChartInput.highWarn: 300 ! *perfChartInput.highAlarm: 500 ! *perfChartOutput.highWarn: 300 ! *perfChartOutput.highAlarm: 500 *perfChartCollision.highWarn: 20 *perfChartCollision.highAlarm: 50 ! *perfChartNFSClient.highWarn: 200 ! *perfChartNFSClient.highAlarm: 400 *font: 6x13 --- 4,50 ---- ! commented out, the "NFS Server" graph background will be the application ! default color, unless some other resource file has specified it. ! *PerfChart.highAlarm: 99998 + + ! Remember Load*100 is shown in the graph! + *perfChartLoad.highAlarm: 800 + *perfChartLoad.highWarn: 400 + + *perfChartUser.highAlarm: 95 + *perfChartUser.highWarn: 75 + + *perfChartNice.highAlarm: 75 + *perfChartNice.highWarn: 55 + + *perfChartSystem.highAlarm: 40 + *perfChartSystem.highWarn: 25 + + *perfChartInter.highAlarm: 40 + *perfChartInter.highWarn: 25 + *perfChartIdle.lowWarn: 10 *perfChartIdle.lowAlarm: 5 ! ! *perfChartSwap.lowWarn: 20 ! *perfChartSwap.lowAlarm: 10 ! ! *perfChartDisk.highWarn: 50 ! *perfChartDisk.highAlarm: 100 ! ! *perfChartIntrpts.highWarn: 400 ! *perfChartIntrpts.highAlarm: 600 ! ! *perfChartInput.highWarn: 500 ! *perfChartInput.highAlarm: 1000 ! ! *perfChartOutput.highWarn: 500 ! *perfChartOutput.highAlarm: 1000 ! *perfChartCollision.highWarn: 20 *perfChartCollision.highAlarm: 50 ! ! *perfChartNFSClient.highWarn: 100 ! *perfChartNFSClient.highAlarm: 200 ! ! *perfChartNFSServer.highWarn: 100 ! *perfChartNFSServer.highAlarm: 200 *font: 6x13 *** ../xperfmon++/xperfmon++.man Wed Jul 27 22:29:39 1994 --- ./xperfmon++.man Thu Apr 30 15:03:39 1998 *************** *** 85,101 **** default list. Specifying both "-" and "+" options will produce unpredictable results. .TP 26 .B \-usercpu | \+usercpu Graph percentage of \fIUser CPU Time\fP. .TP 26 .B \-systemcpu | \+systemcpu ! Graph \fISystem\fP CPU Percentage. .TP 26 .B \-idlecpu | \+idlecpu ! Graph \fIIdle\fP CPU Percentage. .TP 26 ! .B \-freemem | \+freemem ! Graph \fIFree Memory\fP. .TP 26 .B \-diskxfr | \+diskxfr Graph \fIDisk Transfers\fP per interval period. --- 85,110 ---- default list. Specifying both "-" and "+" options will produce unpredictable results. .TP 26 + .B \-sysload | \+sysload + Graph percentage of \fISystem Load\fP (avaraged over 1 minute). + .TP 26 .B \-usercpu | \+usercpu Graph percentage of \fIUser CPU Time\fP. .TP 26 + .B \-nicecpu | \+nicecpu + Graph percentage of \fINice CPU Time\fP. + .TP 26 .B \-systemcpu | \+systemcpu ! Graph percentage of \fISystem CPU Time\fP. ! .TP 26 ! .B \-intercpu | \+intercpu ! Graph percentage of \fIInterrupt CPU Time\fP. .TP 26 .B \-idlecpu | \+idlecpu ! Graph percentage of \fIIdle CPU Time\fP. .TP 26 ! .B \-free{mem/swap} | \+free{mem/swap} ! Graph \fIFree Memory/Swap (Operating system dependent, swap for FreeBSD in %)\fP. .TP 26 .B \-diskxfr | \+diskxfr Graph \fIDisk Transfers\fP per interval period. *************** *** 167,183 **** .PP Where "*" is one of the following: .TP 12 .B user Set \fIlimit\fP value for User CPU Percentage. .TP 12 .B sys Set \fIlimit\fP value for System CPU Percentage. .TP 12 .B idle Set \fIlimit\fP value for Idle CPU Percentage. .TP 12 ! .B mem ! Set \fIlimit\fP value for Free Memory. .TP 12 .B disk Set \fIlimit\fP value for Disk Transfers. --- 176,201 ---- .PP Where "*" is one of the following: .TP 12 + .B load + Set \fIlimit\fP value for Load Average (multiplied by 100!!!). + .TP 12 .B user Set \fIlimit\fP value for User CPU Percentage. .TP 12 + .B nice + Set \fIlimit\fP value for Nice CPU Percentage. + .TP 12 .B sys Set \fIlimit\fP value for System CPU Percentage. .TP 12 + .B inter + Set \fIlimit\fP value for Interrupt CPU Percentage. + .TP 12 .B idle Set \fIlimit\fP value for Idle CPU Percentage. .TP 12 ! .B mem/swap ! Set \fIlimit\fP value for Free Memory/Swap (OS dependent, swap for FreeBSD). .TP 12 .B disk Set \fIlimit\fP value for Disk Transfers. *************** *** 304,320 **** .PP Where "&" is one of the following (Note: \fICase\fP IS important): .TP 16 ! .B Idle ! Set Idle CPU Percentage resource. .TP 16 .B User Set User CPU Percentage resource. .TP 16 .B System Set System CPU Percentage resource. .TP 16 ! .B Free ! Set Free Memory resource. .TP 16 .B Disk Set Disk Transfer count resource. --- 322,347 ---- .PP Where "&" is one of the following (Note: \fICase\fP IS important): .TP 16 ! .B Load ! Set System Load resource. .TP 16 .B User Set User CPU Percentage resource. .TP 16 + .B Nice + Set Nice CPU Percentage resource. + .TP 16 .B System Set System CPU Percentage resource. .TP 16 ! .B Inter ! Set Interrupt CPU Percentage resource. ! .TP 16 ! .B Idle ! Set Idle CPU Percentage resource. ! .TP 16 ! .B Free/Swap ! Set Free Memory/Swap resource. .TP 16 .B Disk Set Disk Transfer count resource. *************** *** 394,398 **** --- 421,449 ---- out there would like to port this program to any other operating system or architecture I would be glad to incorporate the modifications into this master copy. Send me your changes via E-Mail at the above address. + .PP + .I xperfmon++ V1.2 for FreeBSD + was written by Lars Köller with a lot of helpful notes by Jörg Wunsch. + .PP + .I xperfmon++ V1.31 for FreeBSD + close some memory leaks, fix geometry (resize) bug, display free swap + without resizing of graph in percent. + .PP + .I xperfmon++ V1.33 for FreeBSD + contains some fixes due to event problems and compiles fine under + FreeBSD 2.2 (changes in get_swapspace). + Now the -geometry switch works well! + .PP + .I xperfmon++ V1.40 for FreeBSD + contains some fixes due to changes in the networking structs and + cleans up the FreeBSD version number #if's. Now it should compile fine + from FreeBSD 2.0 up to FreeBSD-3.0-current. + .PP + .I xperfmon++ V2.0 for FreeBSD 2.2.X and 3.0 + added System Load, Nice and Interrupt CPU graphs. + Should compile fine from FreeBSD 2.2 up to FreeBSD-3.0-current. + .PP + Please E-Mail any bugs or comments with the subject + "xperfmon++: ..." to Lars.Koeller@Uni-Bielefeld.DE. .PP Enjoy!