PORTNAME= xnvme DISTVERSION= 0.7.3 CATEGORIES= sysutils MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/OpenMPDK/xNVMe/releases/download/v${DISTVERSION}/ MAINTAINER= k.torp@samsung.com COMMENT= Cross-platform libraries and tools for NVMe devices WWW= https://xnvme.io/ LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE NOT_FOR_ARCHS= armv7 i386 NOT_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= use of types with platform-specific length BROKEN_FreeBSD_12= no member named 'aio_iov' in 'struct aiocb' USES= meson USE_LDCONFIG= yes MESON_ARGS= -Dforce_completions=true \ -Dwith-libaio=disabled \ -Dwith-liburing=disabled \ -Dwith-libvfn=disabled \ -Dwith-spdk=false OPTIONS_DEFINE= EXAMPLES TESTS TOOLS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= TOOLS OPTIONS_SUB= yes EXAMPLES_DESC= Install the CLI example binaries TESTS_DESC= Install the CLI test binaries TOOLS_DESC= Install the CLI tool binaries EXAMPLES_MESON_TRUE= examples TESTS_MESON_TRUE= tests TOOLS_MESON_TRUE= tools .include