rtx is a polyglot runtime manager (asdf rust clone). Features: * asdf-compatible - rtx is compatible with asdf plugins and .tool-versions files. It can be used as a drop-in replacement. * Polyglot - compatible with any language, so no more figuring out how nvm, nodenv, pyenv, etc work individually-just use 1 tool. * Fast - rtx is written in Rust and is very fast. 20x-200x faster than asdf. * No shims - shims cause problems, they break which, and add overhead. By default, rtx does not use them-however you can if you want to. * Fuzzy matching and aliases - It's enough to just say you want "v18" of node, or the "lts" version. rtx will figure out the right version without you needing to specify an exact version. * Arbitrary env vars - Set custom env vars when in a project directory like NODE_ENV=production or AWS_PROFILE=staging.