# @(#) $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 2008/04/26 04:08:44 leres Exp $ (LBL) # New ports collection makefile for: lbl-cf # Date created: 24 Apr 2008 # Whom: leres@ee.lbl.gov # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= cf PORTVERSION= 1.2.1 CATEGORIES= sysutils MASTER_SITES= ftp://ee.lbl.gov/ \ http://www.tux.org//pub/net/ftp.ee.lbl.gov/ \ http://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/net/lbl/ \ http://www.ftpdir.hu/ftp.ee.lbl.gov/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= lbl- MAINTAINER= leres@ee.lbl.gov COMMENT= Unix time to formated time and date filter CONFLICTS= security/bro-1.* PLIST_FILES= bin/cf MAN1= cf.1 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes post-install: (cd ${WRKSRC} && make install-man) .include