gcombust is a GTK+ frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord. At this moment every release of gcombust isn't always very well tested; it would probably be wise to test it with the -dummy option at first to check that I haven't made any stupid errors. Also, it prints the command it's executing to stdout so you can look at it and maybe spot errors. There's no save option yet, but it respects cdrecord's CDR_SPEED, CDR_DEVICE and CDR_FIFOSIZE environment variables, so for now use them. I love to recieve feedback/comments/ideas/bugreports at: jmunsin@iki.fi (jmunsin@abo.fi) NOTE: If you decide to do a NLS translation of gcombust, it might be a good idea to mail me about it to make sure noone else is doing one for the same language. Flames to: /dev/null WWW: http://www.iki.fi/jmunsin/gcombust