PORTNAME= fselect DISTVERSION= 0.7.7 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= sysutils MAINTAINER= lcook@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Find files with SQL-like queries LICENSE= APACHE20 MIT LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT USES= cargo USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= jhspetersson CARGO_CRATES= adler-1.0.2 \ ahash-0.4.7 \ aho-corasick-0.7.18 \ ansi_term-0.12.1 \ atty-0.2.14 \ autocfg-1.0.1 \ base64-0.13.0 \ bitflags-1.2.1 \ bitreader-0.3.4 \ bitstream-io-1.2.0 \ block-buffer-0.9.0 \ block-padding-0.2.1 \ bstr-0.2.17 \ bytecount-0.6.2 \ byteorder-1.4.3 \ bzip2-0.4.3 \ bzip2-sys-0.1.11+1.0.8 \ cc-1.0.70 \ cfg-if-0.1.10 \ cfg-if-1.0.0 \ chrono-0.4.19 \ chrono-english-0.1.6 \ clipboard-win-4.2.1 \ cloudabi-0.0.3 \ cpufeatures-0.2.1 \ crc32fast-1.2.1 \ csv-1.1.6 \ csv-core-0.1.10 \ digest-0.9.0 \ directories-4.0.1 \ dirs-next-2.0.0 \ dirs-sys-0.3.6 \ dirs-sys-next-0.1.2 \ either-1.6.1 \ endian-type-0.1.2 \ env_logger-0.8.4 \ error-code-2.3.0 \ fallible_collections-0.3.1 \ fd-lock-3.0.0 \ fixedbitset-0.2.0 \ flate2-1.0.22 \ fnv-1.0.7 \ generic-array-0.14.4 \ getrandom-0.1.16 \ getrandom-0.2.3 \ hashbrown-0.9.1 \ hashbrown-0.11.2 \ hermit-abi-0.1.19 \ humansize-1.1.1 \ humantime-2.1.0 \ imagesize-0.9.0 \ indexmap-1.7.0 \ itertools-0.8.2 \ itoa-0.4.8 \ kamadak-exif-0.5.4 \ keccak-0.1.0 \ lazy_static-1.4.0 \ libc-0.2.103 \ lock_api-0.3.4 \ log-0.4.14 \ lscolors-0.8.0 \ matroska-0.7.0 \ memchr-1.0.2 \ memchr-2.4.1 \ memoffset-0.6.4 \ miniz_oxide-0.4.4 \ mp3-metadata-0.3.3 \ mp4parse-0.11.5 \ mutate_once-0.1.1 \ nibble_vec-0.1.0 \ nix-0.22.2 \ nom-3.2.1 \ num-integer-0.1.44 \ num-traits-0.2.14 \ opaque-debug-0.3.0 \ parking_lot-0.10.2 \ parking_lot_core-0.7.2 \ petgraph-0.5.1 \ phf-0.8.0 \ phf_generator-0.8.0 \ phf_macros-0.8.0 \ phf_shared-0.8.0 \ pkg-config-0.3.20 \ ppv-lite86-0.2.10 \ proc-macro-hack-0.5.19 \ proc-macro2-1.0.29 \ quote-1.0.10 \ radix_trie-0.2.1 \ rand-0.7.3 \ rand-0.8.4 \ rand_chacha-0.2.2 \ rand_chacha-0.3.1 \ rand_core-0.5.1 \ rand_core-0.6.3 \ rand_hc-0.2.0 \ rand_hc-0.3.1 \ rand_pcg-0.2.1 \ redox_syscall-0.1.57 \ redox_syscall-0.2.10 \ redox_users-0.4.0 \ regex-1.5.4 \ regex-automata-0.1.10 \ regex-syntax-0.6.25 \ rustyline-9.0.0 \ ryu-1.0.5 \ scanlex-0.1.4 \ scopeguard-1.1.0 \ serde-1.0.130 \ serde_derive-1.0.130 \ serde_json-1.0.68 \ sha-1-0.9.8 \ sha2-0.9.8 \ sha3-0.9.1 \ siphasher-0.3.7 \ smallvec-1.7.0 \ static_assertions-1.1.0 \ str-buf-1.0.5 \ svg-0.10.0 \ syn-1.0.80 \ termcolor-1.1.2 \ thiserror-1.0.29 \ thiserror-impl-1.0.29 \ time-0.1.43 \ toml-0.5.8 \ tree_magic-0.2.3 \ typenum-1.14.0 \ unicode-segmentation-1.8.0 \ unicode-width-0.1.9 \ unicode-xid-0.2.2 \ users-0.11.0 \ utf8parse-0.2.0 \ version_check-0.9.3 \ wana_kana-2.0.1 \ wasi-0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \ wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \ winapi-0.3.9 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.5 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ xattr-0.2.2 \ zip-0.5.13 CARGO_FEATURES= --no-default-features PLIST_FILES= bin/${PORTNAME} \ man/man1/${PORTNAME}.1.gz _DOCS= docs/usage.md README.md PORTDOCS= ${_DOCS:T} OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS USERS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= USERS USERS_DESC= Query with 'user' and 'group' fields USERS_VARS= CARGO_FEATURES+=users post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/docs/${PORTNAME}.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} cd ${WRKSRC} && ${INSTALL_DATA} ${_DOCS} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .include