=== INFLEX INSTALLATION === (*) You need to download and install one of the antivirus programs supported by inflex. From inflex INSTALL: You can obtain F-Prot AntiVirus from http://www.gas.co.za ALTERNATIVELY YOU CAN INSTALL... Sophos AntiVirus: http://www.sophos.com NAI UVScan [McAfee] (Check "/usr/ports/security/vscan/"): http://www.mcafee.com (*) You now need to edit /usr/local/bin/inflex and set your antivirus program of choice, aswell as the email address of the administrator. (*) You'll need to create inflex's mqueue directory: /var/log/inflexmq (*) Kill sendmail, then start it up with inflex's sendmail config, i.e.: /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -C /usr/local/etc/inflex.cf (*) You're ready to roll - send some viruses through to check that it works. The inflex documentation is in "/usr/local/share/doc/inflex/".