apsfilter is a magic printfilter, that allows you to print different document types "automagically" without having to convert them manually into something which is understood by your lineprinter. Apsfilter supports the following file and compression types: gzip, bzip, compress, freeze, pack, ASCII, BMP, Data (data,PCL,...), English, TeX DVI, FIG, GIF, Group 3 Fax, HTML, JPEG, Mail/News, PBM/PNM/PPM, PC Bitmap Data, PDF, Postscript(tm), raw, script (shell,..), Text, sunraster, tiff, roff (nroff, groff, troff). Example: lpr -C high:present:glossy ascii.gz test.gif picture.tiff docu.pdf Prerequisites: Filter programs, installed automatically by FreeBSD ports collection, Postscript Printer or Printer supported by ghostscript, Berkeley compatible line printer scheduler (lpd) or Line Printer Next Generation (LPRng) which is so to say the successor. SETUP installs you printer by creating suitable /etc/printcap entries for serial and parallel printers and customizes apsfilter for your system/printer. License Information: GNU GPL and so called "Postcard License". You have to write me a postcard if you use apsfilter. Request my snail mail address by writing mail to mailto:request-snailmail@klemm.gtn.com report comments and bugfixes to apsfilter-stable@apsfilter.org WWW: http://www.apsfilter.org/