# New ports collection makefile for: abntex # Date created: Tue Sep 17 22:08:35 BRT 2002 # Whom: Hammurabi Mendes # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= abntex PORTVERSION= 0.5 CATEGORIES= print MASTER_SITES= http://download.codigolivre.org.br/abntex/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= hmendes@brturbo.com COMMENT= Both classes and styles for both LaTex and bibtex for ABNT rules RUN_DEPENDS= latex:${PORTSDIR}/print/teTeX WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} NO_BUILD= yes do-install: # extract into staging area @cd ${WRKDIR} && ${TAR} -xf ${WRKSRC}/abntex-texmf-${PORTVERSION}.tar # prepare information about installation @cd ${WRKDIR} && ${FIND} texmf -type f > ${WRKDIR}/files && \ ${FIND} texmf -type d | ${SORT} > ${WRKDIR}/dirs # create dirs @for dir in `${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/dirs`; do \ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/$${dir} ; \ done # install files @for file in `${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/files`; do \ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/$${file} ${PREFIX}/share/$${file} ; \ done # inform tex about installation @${LOCALBASE}/bin/texhash .include