This is a (hopefully complete, but possibly missing one or two small things) list of all the changes made by the FreeBSD port. All of these changes were either to make the package fit in better with the UNIX paradigm (the author states that the only reason slnr compiles on UNIX at all is to allow testing of getnews so many of the things slnr did/does are orientated towards a DOS environment), to fix typical porting problems, or to add some small functionality so that I would be able to use slnr for my purposes. Changed to look for ~/.slnrrc instead of slnr.ini (in the current directory) if compiled with -DUNIX. Allows C-r to cause a screen refresh in the main menu. Uses some more temporary filenames. Changed default editor and pager to suit FreeBSD. Changed to look for ~/.signature instead of sig.txt (in the current directory) if compiled with -DUNIX. Some stuff to allow all configureable options to be set via a compile-time default, the .slnrrc file, and the environment. Now ignores wether the TERM environment variable is set to `ansi' or not and depends solely upon the environment variable `ANSI' existing or not, `ANSI=y' in your ~/.slnrrc, and the compile-time default, in that order. Various porting snaffoos. Fixed a bug where articles of type `b', `B', or anything else that had the article length denoted only by a byte-offset, would be incorrectly parsed (couldn't find the end of the article). NOTE that the result is NOT entirely 8-bit clean as it is supposed to be, but it is better at least it works, now. Added option "Reply to all recipients" to keep the cc: line in the message. Added repfile option. NOTE repfile is relevant to the current directory. Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the REPLIES file to be appended to instead of overwritten if one had only email replies.