#!/bin/sh if [ "x$2" != "xPOST-INSTALL" ]; then exit fi cat << xxENDxx ******************************************************************* You have just installed the $1 package Please set your NNTP server address or hostname in the file: xxENDxx echo "${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/nntp_server" echo "" cat << xxENDxx If desired, please set your domain name for From: addresses when posting in the file (default is to use your hostname): xxENDxx echo "${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/nntp_domain" echo "" cat << xxENDxx ******************************************************************* xxENDxx if [ ! -f ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/nntp_server ]; then cat << xxENDxx > ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/nntp_server # nntp_server: Configuration file for NN newsreader # # Set your NNTP server address or hostname in this file. # # If this file is left blank, NN will use the server set in the # NNTP_SERVER environment variable. # # news.myisp.com xxENDxx fi if [ ! -f ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/nntp_domain ]; then cat << xxENDxx > ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/nntp_domain # nntp_domain: Configuration file for NN newsreader # # Set the default domain name portion of user e-mail addresses as you # would like them to appear in the From: line of articles posted # with NN. # # For example, setting the name to foobar.com in this file will cause # the From: line for joeuser to look like something like this: # # From: joeuser@foobar.com (Joe User) # # If this file is left blank, NN will use the hostname of this # computer as the From: domain name. xxENDxx fi