PicMonger is an automated NNTP (Usenet News) client. In short, you point it at your news server, select a group, and it scans the available (and not previously scanned) posts for UUencoded or MIME base64-encoded binaries (e.g. a JPEG image). When a binary is found, it is automatically decoded back to its original form. If desired, PicMonger can also create thumbnail preview pages, viewable in any web browser. Features: * Intuitive GUI design * Automatic customizable HTML thumbnail preview page generation * Thumbnails maintain same aspect ratio as the original, within a size constraint specified by the user * Inter-session group memory (resumes scanning a newsgroup where you left off) * Inter-session options memory (remembers all of your customized settings) * GUI-based mangement of server and newsgroup lists * Fixes filenames to be ext2fs (Linux/Unix) friendly before they are written * Screens files and decodes only the file types you select * Easy installation (uses GNU autoconf/automake) * Error logging for easy troubleshooting (rarely an issue) * Distributed under the GNU GPL WWW: http://PicMonger.sourceforge.net/ [ This port is maintained by Donald Burr ]