ISC-DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server This is a release of the Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server (ISC dhcpd). In this release, support for the core DHCP protocol is provided. BOOTP support is also provided for backwards compatibility. Version 3, Beta 2 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features that are new since version 2.0: * DHCP Failover Protocol support * OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state. * Conditional behaviour * Storing arbitrary information on leases * Address pools with access control * Client classing * Address allocation restriction by class * Relay agent information option support * Dynamic DNS updates * Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol features. A fully-featured implementation of dynamic DNS updates is included in this release. There are no build dependencies with any BIND version. WWW: