# New ports collection makefile for: cvsup # Version required: 13.5 # Date created: 7 August 1996 # Whom: asami # # $Id: Makefile,v 1.10 1996/10/29 23:26:23 jdp Exp $ # DISTNAME= cvsup-13.5 CATEGORIES+= net MASTER_SITES= ftp://freefall.freebsd.org/pub/CVSup/ MAINTAINER= jdp@FreeBSD.org BUILD_DEPENDS= m3build:${PORTSDIR}/lang/modula-3 LIB_DEPENDS= m3\\.4\\.:${PORTSDIR}/lang/modula-3-lib # To build the client without GUI support: #MAKE_ENV= M3FLAGS=-DNOGUI # To link the programs statically: #MAKE_ENV= M3FLAGS=-DSTATIC # To link just the Modula-3 libraries statically: #MAKE_ENV= M3FLAGS=-DM3STATIC # If you combine these, use double quotes: #MAKE_ENV= M3FLAGS="-DNOGUI -DSTATIC" .include