# m4.features # # This file is used to determine the default set of additional features # that will be incorporated into CAP. These features have been contributed # by many people throughout the network community. # # Necessary preamble - please don't alter define(`concat',$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9) define(`specialcflags',`') define(`aufsosflags',`') define(`simpleflags',`') define(`lwflags',`') # # To change the feature set, simply uncomment the wanted defines(). # The Configure file will then use the customised version. # For more details, refer to the file 'CAP60.README' # # + SHORT_NAMES adds short name support to AUFS for AppleShare PC. # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DSHORT_NAMES')) # # + NOCASEMATCH removes UNIX case sensitivity in AUFS (like Macs). # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DNOCASEMATCH')) # # + SIZESERVER adds a daemon per AUFS server process for volume size info. # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DSIZESERVER')) # # + LWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY provides printer security based on AUFS connection. # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DLWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY')) # # + HIDE_LWSEC_FILE increases security of LWSRV_AUFS_SECURITY flag file # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DHIDE_LWSEC_FILE')) # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DHIDE_LWSEC_FILE')) # # + LWSRV_LPR_LOG causes stdout/stderr lpr output to be included in lwsrv log define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DLWSRV_LPR_LOG')) # # + AUTHENTICATE turn on alternate AUFS/LWSRV authentication method # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DAUTHENTICATE')) # # + STAT_CACHE causes critical AUFS stat() calls to be cached. define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DSTAT_CACHE')) # # + TREL_TIMEOUT causes an extra TREL timeout listener to run to avoid timeouts # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DTREL_TIMEOUT')) # # + RUTGERS includes local modifications for Rutgers University # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DRUTGERS')) # # + MELBOURNE includes local modifications for Melbourne University # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DMELBOURNE')) # # + USE_HOST_ICON provides automatic aufs ICON selection on supported hosts # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DUSE_HOST_ICON')) # # + PERMISSIVE_USER_NAME allows AUFS users to have their real name in Chooser # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DPERMISSIVE_USER_NAME')) # # + ULTRIX_SECURITY adds ULTRIX enhanced security to aufs # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DULTRIX_SECURITY')) # # + DIGITAL_UNIX_SECURITY adds OSF/1 enhanced security to aufs # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDIGITAL_UNIX_SECURITY')) # # + USING_FDDI_NET adds support for FDDI networks (Digital UNIX/Ultrix only) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DUSING_FDDI_NET')) # # + USE_MAC_DATES maintains Mac Create/Modify dates on file copy # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DUSE_MAC_DATES')) # # + DEV_NIT specifies alternate NIT device name (default "/dev/nit") # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDEV_NIT=\"/dev/nit\"')) # # + APPLICATION_MANAGER control the use of designated applications # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DAPPLICATION_MANAGER')) # # + AUFS_README links readme file into new user's top level # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DAUFS_README')) # # + ULT42PFBUG unpatched ULTRIX 4.2 packet filter workaround (also need COPYALL) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DULT42PFBUG')) # # + AUFS_IDLE_TIMEOUT will disconnect idle AUFS sessions (-[i|I] period) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DAUFS_IDLE_TIMEOUT')) # # + REREAD_AFPVOLS kill -USR1 will make parent aufs re-read system vols file define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DREREAD_AFPVOLS')) # # + PASS_THRU pass through LWSRV jobs with no adobe preprocessing (for PCs) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DPASS_THRU')) # # + DONT_PARSE pass through LWSRV jobs with no adobe preprocessing at all # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDONT_PARSE')) # # + XDEV_RENAME allow files to be moved over cross device links # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DXDEV_RENAME')) # # + USR_FILE_TYPES user defined file suffix to creator/type/xlate mapping define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DUSR_FILE_TYPES')) # # + CREATE_AFPVOL create user .afpvols and 'mac' directories if non-existent define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DCREATE_AFPVOL=\"mac\"')) # # + CREAT_AFPVOL_NAM customize name for the volume (modifies CREATE_AFPVOL) # (CREAT_AFPVOL_NAM fmt string: %U user, %H host, %V vol, %D home eg: "%U@%H") # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DCREAT_AFPVOL_NAM="\"%U\""')) # # + ISO_TRANSLATE use Macintosh/ISO 8859 character translation on I/O # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DISO_TRANSLATE')) # # + ISO_FILENAMES extend ISO translation to filenames (assumes ISO_TRANSLATE) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DISO_FILENAMES')) # # + ISO_FILE_TRANS use ISO translation on unix/TEXT file contents # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DISO_FILE_TRANS')) # # + DENYREADWRITE implement AUFS read/write access and deny modes # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDENYREADWRITE')) # # + STEAL_PORTS extends DDP dynamic skts down into experimental range 64-128 # (WARNING!!: Requires uar.1.0.patch11 or uar.1.1.patch09 for use with UAR) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DSTEAL_PORTS')) # # + USESYSLOG sends PAPIF Information, Warning & Debug messages to syslog() # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DUSESYSLOG')) # # + NOCAPDOTPRINTERS uses /etc/lp/printers//comment instead of cap.printers # (Note: intended for use with Solaris 2.N only) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DNOCAPDOTPRINTERS')) # # # AUFS definable options (previously required editing m4.setup) # # + FIXED_DIRIDS compile server and AUFS code for fixed directory & file IDs # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DFIXED_DIRIDS')) # # + DISTRIB_PASSWDS use ~/.afppass for encrypted passwords (see CAP60.README) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDISTRIB_PASSWDS')) # # + AFP_DISTPW_PATH alternate directory for .afppass files (not in ~user) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DAFP_DISTPW_PATH=\"/etc/dp\"')) # # + AFP_DISTPW_MODE enforced .afppass mode (must be 0644 for NFS mounted dirs) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DAFP_DISTPW_MODE=0600')) # # + DEBUG_AFP_CMD write detailed AUFS AFP debugging info to -Z specified file # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDEBUG_AFP_CMD')) # # + PID_FILE write an aufs process-ID file define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DPID_FILE=\"/var/run/aufs.pid\"')) # # + CLOSE_LOG_SIG close and reopen the aufs log on signal -USR2 # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DCLOSE_LOG_SIG=SIGUSR2')) # # + LOG_WTMP add entry to the 'wtmp' file for each AUFS connection (not IRIX4) define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DLOG_WTMP')) # # + LOG_WTMP_FILE specify name of alternate wtmp file for LOG_WTMP feature define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DLOG_WTMP_FILE=\"/var/log/wtmp\"')) # # + ADMIN_GRP allows users in specified UNIX group to login as AUFS superuser # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DADMIN_GRP=\"macadm\"')) # # + NONLXLATE for aufs # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DNONLXLATE')) # # + FULL_NCS_SUPPORT (National Character Support) for aufs # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DFULL_NCS_SUPPORT')) # # + NCS_ALL_TEXT perform specified translation on any TEXT file # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DNCS_ALL_TEXT')) # # + GGTYPE="gid_t" (group ID type) for AUFS # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DGGTYPE="gid_t"')) # # + NOCHGRPEXEC don't exec chgrp, just use chown(2) 3rd arg. [Not for Sys V] # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DNOCHGRPEXEC')) # # + USEDIRSETGID set group ID bit on non-primary group dirs [SunOS/Sys V] # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DUSEDIRSETGID')) # # + NETWORKTRASH fix permissions on network trash stuff define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DNETWORKTRASH')) # # + SHADOW_PASSWD add support for shadow password files if supported # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DSHADOW_PASSWD')) # # + LOGIN_AUTH_PROG AUFS -L option specifies external authorization program # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DLOGIN_AUTH_PROG')) # # + USEQUOTA forces usage of ufs quotas [Solaris 2.x only] # note: check if you applied ufs quota patch: # 100833-xx for Solaris 2.1 # 101039-xx for Solaris 2.2 # define(`aufsosflags',concat(aufsosflags,` -DUSEQUOTA')) # # # LWSRV definable options (previously required editing m4.setup) # # + LPRARGS passes arguments on lwsrv command line directly to lpr # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DLPRARGS')) # # + DOCNAME adds document name as a part of job name to lpr # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DDOCNAME')) # # + LPRCMD redefine BSD lpr to use alternate path # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DLPRCMD=\"/usr/local/bin/lpr\"')) # # + TEMPFILE set alternative path for lwsrv spool files (default /tmp) # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DTEMPFILE=\"/usr/tmp/lwsrvXXXXXX\"')) # # + USELPRSYM add -s (symlink) option to lwsrv lpr call (not for OSF/1) # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DUSELPRSYM')) # # + USESYSVLP required for HP-UX (and probably other System V) spooling # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DUSESYSVLP')) # # + PAGECOUNT adds page count to job name (value is internal buffer size) # define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DPAGECOUNT=512')) # define(`simpleflags',concat(simpleflags,` -DPAGECOUNT=512')) # # + ADOBE_DSC2_CONFORMANT forces Adobe DSC2 conformance # define(`simpleflags',concat(simpleflags,` -DADOBE_DSC2_CONFORMANT')) # # + PROCSET_PATCH delete PatchPrep header for non-Apple LaserWriters # define(`simpleflags',concat(simpleflags,` -DPROCSET_PATCH')) # # + RUN_AS_USER run lpd job as Chooser Name if valid UNIX account (no authent) define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DRUN_AS_USER')) # # + USER_REQUIRED (requires RUN_AS_USER) refuse printing if Chsr name invalid define(`lwflags',concat(lwflags,` -DUSER_REQUIRED')) # # # PAPIF options # # + DUPLEXMODE tell suitably equipped printer to print on both sides of a page # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DDUPLEXMODE')) # # + TRANS3 add support for TranScript 3.0 'psdman' (instead of pstext) # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DTRANS3')) # # + PSJOBHEADER send PS header in file specified in env. variable "PSJOBHEADER" # define(`specialcflags',concat(specialcflags,` -DPSJOBHEADER')) # #